2008-06-13 Friday NewsSeems Like Yesterday... Len Kanitz is retiring from the City of Mendota Heights after 36+ years. This Thursday at noon we held a retirement lunch for Len, who held the title of longest working employee. When Len was hired in 1972, the Public Works Maintenance Garage was in the basement of the old Fire Hall (which has since been demolished), and the price of gas was 55 cents a gallon. A full house wished Len the best in his retirement. F R I D A Y N E W S June 13, 2008 Another Great Parks Celebration! The Annual Parks Celebration was held this past Saturday, with events at Roger’s Lake, The Village at Mendota Heights, Mendakota Park, and Mendota Plaza. While the forecast put many of the activities in doubt, only the outdoor movie had to be called off. Friday night was a Skateboarding contest at Rogers Lake Park, where youth competed for a “golden ticket” to compete in the Midwest Melee event in August. Saturday morn- ing just over 200 people participated in the 3rd annual 5K run starting and ending at the Village. Our two time winner came in 2nd this year, to a “ringer” Sergeant Gerlach brought in from Maryland (who blazed a 17 minute race time). Approximately 1500 res- idents attended the parks celebration itself at Mendakota Park from 12-3, enjoying the usual full cadre of activities. The first ever Summer Blaze Dance at Mendota Plaza was a nice addition to the slate of activities. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the celebration such a success, especially Teresa Gangelhoff who coordinates the event. A list of sponsors has been attached. Foreclosure Update Attached for your information is Dakota County CDA’s latest update on foreclosures in the County. Mendota Height’s foreclosure rate is fairly low, but it is still a problem. We have received complaints from homeowners adjacent to foreclosed homes about a lack of maintenance (lawns left un-mowed). While city staff can identify the mortgage hold- ers, it is often extremely difficult to find who will be responsible for maintaining these foreclosed homes. Through communications with other communities, we have obtained a contact list for some common mortgage holders, which may prove useful. While the City does have a process to have a contractor mow the property and tack the bill onto property taxes, this resolution can take several weeks to follow due process. Concerned neighbors may decide to take matters into their own hands, mowing a front yard. Predictions are that the foreclosure situation will continue to worsen in 2008 through mid 2009, but start to get better by late 2009. Page 2 FRIDAY NEWS : JUNE 13, 2008 Dates to Remember in June MAC (Full Commission) 6/16/08 1:00 City Council Meeting 6/20/08 7:30 Planning Commission Meeting 6/24/08 7:30 Attachments Pre-Application Meeting Synopsis, Just the Facts, Pipeline, City Council Agenda, Parks Celebration Contribu- tors, MN SUN article “Dog social club hopes Mendota Heights will throw them a bone,” Southwest Review article “MH dog owners see potential in rink,” CDA Foreclosure Update Have a great weekend !!