2007-01-12 Friday News The Friday News January 12, 2007 ANNUAL PARTY SET Mark your calendars for Friday, February 16th. Councilmember Mary Jeanne Schneeman has reserved the Pool and Yacht Club for that date beginning at 4:30 p.m. for the City’s Annual Staff and Commission Holiday Get-Together. LEMAY SHORES Jake and I were invited to the Met Council this week, where we were informed by their Staff that they intended to approve the Cities’ request for a Comprehensive Plan change from Cemetery to Residential for the LeMay Shores project. The Met Council approval will be subject to the Developer agreeing to five conditions, all of which they were already planning on doing. This staff recommendation goes to the Met Council’s Community Development Committee on February 5th and on February 14th to the Full Commission. Assuming that the recommendation is accepted by both of these bodies, Hoffman Homes, the Developer will be free to submit their application for approval of their PUD. TWIN CITIES TRENDS Bill Morris of Decision Resource was the speaker at a luncheon that Jake Sedlacek attended Thursday. Mr. Morris presented the latest findings on public opinion in the Twin Cities. The most important local issue that survey respondents listed was property taxes, far ahead of items such as environment, schools, city council, etc. Decision Resources then asked respondents to name the single most important levy to impose control over – 39% selected county, 26% selected schools, 14% selected cities (the remaining 21% couldn’t decide). Especially relevant to us, Mr. Morris stated that while this election showed a strong bent towards controlling property taxes, three park/open space referendums passed. His thoughts were that citizens of all age groups are concerned about the rate at which our communities are developing, that open parks and open space are tangible items and that heritage played a significant role in voter’s decisions. Across the Twin Cities, Municipal government is viewed favorably, with 81% of respondents feeling that their city government was either “good,” or “excellent.” NEXT WEEK Monday of next week is Martin Luther King Day and the City’s offices will be closed. I will be gone all of next week so please call Jake with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Jim Danielson City Administrator Attachments: Just the Facts, City Council Meeting Agenda, Pre-Application Meeting Synopsis, Letter from City of Eagan, South-West Review Article “MH citizens to help monitor lakes” and Lilydale condo project raises concerns” and Friday Fax .