2004-11-26 Friday NewsThe Friday News November 26, 2004 HOLIDAY PARTY DATE CHANGED It was announced in the September 23, 2004 Friday News that Councilmember Schneeman had made reservations at the Pool and Yacht Club for a Holiday Party to be held on December 6th. The party will need to be postponed until after the New Year. It will be held on January 14, 2005. Mark your calendars! SHORT WEEK AT CITY HALL This week was a short-week, as City Hall was closed Thursday for Thanksgiving. Some employees took time off on Wednesday for travel and others took Friday off for an extended weekend. Friday was back to business as usual, but staff was at a minimum (I think a few took the day off to go shopping). I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission had a busy meeting this week with seven cases to review, but they finished their work, and all seven cases are going forward to the City Council at their next meeting on December 7th. BUDGET TO BE FINALED For a number of reasons this year’s property taxes are up (for most cities). For the last two years there have been state mandates and reductions that caused city spending to be; reduced after approval (2003), or to be held low (2004). In 2004 there was actually a slight reduction in the city’s budget in order to be within the state’s requirements. To accomplish this, there were budget items that had to be delayed or eliminated, such as street seal coating. This year is also the first year for the levy of the school district’s referendum, and finally the state is phasing out limited market values. This phase out impacts older homes, causing many to have valuation increases of up to 15% this year. The City Council adopted a preliminary budget in September, that budget can be reduced before it is finally adopted in December. It is our goal to keep the city’s tax rate at the same level as the 2004 level, which, except for Sun Fish Lake, continues to be the lowest in Dakota County. Respectfully Submitted, Jim Danielson City Administrator Attachments: Pipeline, Just the Facts, Twincities.com (Pioneer Press) Article “Will 2020 airport plan fly”, Villager Article “Moose Country owner hopes to add luster to Diamond Jim’s” and AMM News, Planning Commission Pre-Application Synopsis, Star Tribune Article “Suburbs Now Awash In Fees”.