2015-04-21 Council Packet CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA April 21, 2015 – 7:00 pm Mendota Heights City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Adopt Agenda 5. Consent Agenda a. Approval of April 7, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Acknowledgement of March 11, 2015 Airport Relations Commission Minutes c. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License – Beth Jacob Congregation, June 14, 2015 d. Authorize Purchase Order for Invasive Species Control – Valley Park e. Approval of 2015 Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal f. Personnel Action Items g. Approval of March 2015 Fire Synopsis h. Approval of March 2015 Building Activity Report i. Approval of March 2015 Treasurer’s Report j. Approval of Claims List k. Approval of Contractor List l. Authorize Purchase of City Hall Water Heater 6. Public Comments 7. Presentations a. Report from MHPOBA on Officer Patrick Fundraiser b. Discussion of Broadband Initiative 8. New and Unfinished Business a. Resolution 2015-29 Approve Plans, Advertisement for Bids for Victoria Road South Reconstruction 9. Community Announcements 10. Council Comments 11. Adjourn page 2 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other members present included Councilmembers Povolny, Petschel, and Norton. Councilmember Duggan was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Krebsbach presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Povolny moved adoption of the agenda. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilmember Povolny moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein. a. Approval of March 17, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Approval of March 24, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes c. Acknowledgement of March 10, 2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes d. Approval of Street Sweeping Contract e. Approval of Out of State Travel Request f. Approval of 2015 Par 3 Maintenance Contract April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 1 page 3 g. Approval of Resolution 2015-28 Plans/Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for 2015 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project h. Personnel Action Items i. Approval of Claims List j. Approval of Contractor List Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Leslie Pilgrim, resident of Mendota Heights, introduced an initiative to transform the corner of Marie Avenue and Dodd Road into a native wildflower demonstration garden. The demonstration garden would inspire other community members to plant more of these native plantings in their own yards. Ms. Pilgrim has been working with Public Works Director John Mazzitello. She estimates the cost to be approximately $6,000. Ms. Pilgrim has spoken with Great River Greening and they would be willing to be a fiscal agent so that contributions could be considered tax deductible and qualify for matching funds. The City would need to approve an agreement with Great River Greening so they could hold the funds in a designated account. Ms. Pilgrim would hold the fundraiser to raise the funds; if unsuccessful the initiative would stop. Mayor Krebsbach noted that that city staff could look into this agreement with Great River Greening. She expressed her appreciation to Ms. Pilgrim and encouraged her to continue to work with Public Works Director Mazzitello. Mayor Krebsbach also noted that she would like to see a non-profit Community Foundation organized in Mendota Heights. Mr. Jerry Mulvihill, a resident of Inver Grove Heights representing his father, Mr. Art Mulvihill, 1154 Orchard Place, came forward in regards to the street reconstruction completed in 2014. Mayor Krebsbach noted for the record that the City has received a letter from Mr. Art Mulvihill. Mr. Jerry Mulvihill explained that he is a registered engineer and has taken some photographs on Orchard Place. When his father built the home in 1965, the road was one and a half feet below his garage; now it is five feet lower than his garage. Mr. Mulvihill shared images of when the street was reconstructed. He did a survey shot from the back of the curb to his father's garage and it is approximately a 4% to 4.5% slope. From the city street to the garage, it is an 8.5% total slope. This makes it very difficult for his father, who is disabled, to get from the street up to the garage when getting the mail or newspaper. Mr. Jerry Mulvihill suggested the City modify the surmountable curb so it is not such a drastic incline to his father's property. April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 2 page 4 The City Council directed Public Works Director John Mazzitello to work with the homeowner and allow them to modify the curb at their expense. PRESENTATIONS A) RECOGNITION OF POLICE RESERVES Chief of Police Michael Aschenbrener explained that this is the City's opportunity to thank the Police Reserves who are truly volunteers and do a wide variety of projects. Police Sergeant Fleming gave the background and responsibilities of the Police Reserves. He explained that the President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals and groups that have achieved a certain standard — measured by the number of hours of service over a 12 -month period. Mayor Krebsbach and Chief Aschenbrener presented the following Presidential Volunteer Service Awards: Randy Pentel Presidential Gold 1036 hours Jim Knox Presidential Silver 415 hours Becky Pentel Presidential Silver 323 hours Jeff Parker Presidential Silver 274 hours Jerry Murphy Presidential Bronze 100 hours George Castillo Presidential Bronze 131 hours NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) RESOLUTION 2015-26, VARIANCE AT 2515 PILOT KNOB ROAD, PLANNING CASE 2015-05 Planner Nolan Wall explained that this applicant was seeking a variance from the side yard setback standard to construct a 2,373 square foot addition to the existing office/warehouse building at 2515 Pilot Knob Road. The subject parcel is 4.34 acres and is located in the southwest corner of Pilot Knob Road and Mendota Heights Road. The property is zoned industrial and guided industrial on the Comprehensive Plan. Planner Wall explained the site plan and the side yard setback requirements. The variance request is for approximately 19 feet for the side yard abutting Mendota Heights Road. The proposed addition does meet all other setbacks, lot coverage, and landscaping requirements for such a development in the industrial district. The proposed addition to the existing building is necessary to accommodate additional office space. Planner Wall explained the three standard thresholds that must be found when considering a variance request and how each of them are met in this application: The request is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and comprehensive plan and the applicant proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 3 page 5 The applicant establishes there are practical difficulties complying with the ordinance due to circumstances that are unique to the property which are not created by the applicant or based on economic considerations The request will not alter the essential character of the locality Staff recommended approval of this application. Councilmembers asked questions regarding the look of the exterior of the proposed addition and the nature of the business. Councilmember Povolny recused himself from voting on this application as he has done business with the applicant in the past. Councilmember Petschel moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2015-26 APPROVING A VARIANCE AT 2515 PILOT KNOB ROAD, based on the Findings of Fact and Conditions as stated in the resolution. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Povolny) Abstain: 1 B) RESOLUTION 2015-27, LOT SPLIT/WETLANDS PERMIT AT 747 WILLOW LANE, PLANNING CASE 2015-07 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the applicant, on behalf of the property owner, requested a lot split for the existing subject parcel at 747 Willow Lane and a wetlands permit for construction activity within a wetland or water resource related area. The subject parcel is approximately 1.21 acres, contains an existing single-family dwelling, is zoned R-1 Residential, and guided for low density residential in the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant intends to demolish the existing home and construct two new single- family dwellings on the newly created lots. Planner Wall shared an aerial view of the subject parcel and identified pertinent features of the site. The subdivision would create two lots in excess of the 15,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement for the R-1 zoning district; Parcel A would be 25,903 square feet and Parcel B would be 26,533 square feet; and both would have more than the required 100 foot frontage on Willow Lane required by zoning standards. As noted in the staff report, both newly created parcels would be compliant with the R-1 lot standards and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planner Wall shared an image outlining the proposed setbacks of the two new homes, which would be verified during the building permit review process. He explained that specific to the wetlands permit request and the 100 foot buffer area around Marie Creek; based on the proposed plans, construction of the new dwellings would require grading and vegetation removal within that buffer area, thereby April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 4 page 6 requiring a wetlands permit. According to the applicant, up to seven trees will be removed within the buffer area and associated grading will also disturb ground vegetation on both parcels. Staff walked the site with the applicant in order to determine the quality and expansiveness of that vegetation in relation to their request. Staff identified numerous dead or dying trees within the overgrown brush area and potentially those trees could be removed during administrative permitting procedures allowed in the wetlands permit section of the code. However, as part of their request and in order to be transparent about what they were going to do, they are going to be removing healthy vegetation within that area as well. A wetlands permit was needed to encompass all of the vegetation removal and grading. Vegetation will be replanted on both parcels within that disturbed area after construction. Staff also proposed a condition that a landscape plan be submitted for review. Adequate erosion control measures during construction are proposed and no disturbance will occur within that 25 -foot non -disturb buffer area. Staff recommended approval of the application. Councilmembers asked questions regarding the location of the proposed new buildings, confirmation that they are not creating a hardship requiring a variance request, the setback requirements, and the potentially obstructed view of the neighboring home. Councilmember Norton moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2015-27 WETLANDS PERMIT AT 747 WILLOW LANE based on the Findings of Fact and Conditions as stated in the resolution. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 C) ORDINANCE 475 AMEND CITY CODE TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3 CONCERNING PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, PLANNING CASE 2015-08; AND APPROVE THE SUMMARY PUBLICATION City Clerk Lorri Smith explained the proposed amendment to City Code Section 3.3 regulating peddlers, solicitors, and transient merchants. For the past few summers requests have come in for food trucks to be located at the businesses in Mendota Heights, mostly in the industrial zone. Currently, food trucks are not addressed in the code so staff is proposing to add them. Last year, staff administratively approved a few of the food trucks on a case-by-case basis. The new section would allow food trucks to be located on private property in the industrial zone of the City. It is proposed that the food truck would be registered with the City, providing their current State license and also a Certificate of Insurance. This would allow staff to give them a copy of the City's regulations. There would be no fee for registering with the City. April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 5 page 7 The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on March 24, 2015 on this proposed amendment and there were no public comments. In addition, after consulting with the City Attorney, staff is proposing to add an additional amendment to the ordinance, which would allow food trucks in non -industrial zones of the City. This would be for special events that occur only once per year. These food trucks would also need to register with the City. Councilmembers asked for clarification on why there would be no charge for registration, the additional edits from the Planning Commission [in red] and from Councilmember Duggan [in blue], and had City Attorney Tom Lehmann reviewed the changes. Mayor Krebsbach noted that she would like to have this postponed until a clean document can be presented. Councilmember Petschel disagreed saying that she was comfortable and happy with the way it is written, the Planning Commission has had a chance to weigh in, and legal counsel has examined their comments and is comfortable with them. The only thing she was uncomfortable with was the edits in blue. Mayor Krebsbach requested clarification on the edits made to the proposed ordinance. Planner Wall replied that at the March 2015 Planning Commission meeting, they held a public hearing specific to the amendment concerning food trucks. The draft ordinance before Council includes the Planning Commission's recommendations, which are in red. Those changes were also included with the Council's packets and have been reviewed by City Attorney Lehmann Mayor Krebsbach noted for the record that the changes in blue were suggested by Councilmember Duggan earlier today. Councilmember Petschel moved to adopt Ordinance 475 Amending Section 3-3 of the City Code Concerning Peddlers, Solicitors, Transient Merchants, and Food Trucks, and approve the summary publication, including only the amendments made by the Planning Commission. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Chief of Police Michael Aschenbrener made the following announcements: Saturday, April 11, 5:30 pm, at the Ramada Inn in Bloomington, the Mendota Heights Police Officer's Benevolent Association will be hosting a fundraising event. Tickets are $15 each. Funds raised will help sponsor the officers and the family of Officer Patrick on their trip to Washington DC during Police Memorial Week. An all -day basketball event will be held on Saturday, April 11 at Henry Sibley High School. All proceeds will be given to Officer Patrick's family. April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 6 page 8 Assistant to the City Administrator Tamara Schutta made the following announcements: Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 2 at Mendakota Park from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Document shredding will also be completed. Annual 5K Run/Walk is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, beginning and ending at The Village. I-94 will be closed this weekend in both directions, between I -35E and Highway 280. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Norton mentioned that St. Thomas Academy Auction is on April 17-18 with family night being on the 17tH Councilmember Petschel stated that within the last few weeks, an independent engineering firm [HNTB] has published the 2014 Airport Noise Contour, which includes the contour over the City of Mendota Heights. She was happy to inform the residents that parts of the contour are the same as last year, other parts have actually decreased in size, and the contour has been steadily shrinking. Mayor Krebsbach stated that she received a note from Henry Sibley Student Council about the success of their fundraising event in February. They raised over $30,000. ADJOURN Councilmember Petschel moved to adjourn. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Sandra Krebsbach Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith City Clerk April 7, 2015 Mendota Heights City Council Page 7 page 9 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES March 11, 2015 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Mendota Heights City Hall. The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, William Dunn, Gina Norling, Sally Lorberbaum, and Arvind Sharma Absent: Kevin Byrnes (excused), and Jim Neuharth (excused) Also present: Public Works Director/City Engineer John R. Mazzitello, City Administrator Mark McNeill, and Mendota Heights Resident Rose Agnew Chair Sloan called the meeting to order at 6:59 pm. Approval of Minutes Lorberbaum moved, and Dunn seconded that the minutes of the February 11, 2015 Airport Relations Commission meetings be approved with the following amendments: 1. Sloan comment about a misspelling prevalent throughout the minutes. 2. Mazzitello noted some corrections were already made based on comments received from Lorberbaum. All voted in favor. Unfinished and New Business McNeill introduced himself to the Commissioners followed by brief introductions and backgrounds from each of the Commissioner present. Staff support for the Commission was discussed. McNeill will serve as the primary staff liaison to the Commission, but Mazzitello will serve a support function and attend some Commission meeting as dictated by subject matter discussed. Mazzitello asked about the annual presentation of the Commission work plan to City Council. Due to Council schedules, the presentation was tentatively scheduled for the May 19th Council meeting. The annual televised meeting will take place later in the year, and should coincide with a scheduled speaker. Commission acknowledged the appointment of Dana Nelson as the new NOC Technical Advisor. Sloan and McNeill stated they would be attending the March 18t NOC meeting. Sloan reviewed commissioner statistical work assignments, and Lorberbaum acknowledged Commissioner Byrnes work on airport related news articles that saves the City $1000 per year. Sharma volunteered to attend MAC Board meetings. Norling reviewed the discussion form the February meeting regarding measured noise events, and that 2005 data (to be used as a baseline for comparison) was not available on the web page. Mazzitello stated that staff would look for ARC agenda packets from that year to try and find the data needed. Commission acknowledged the May 12, 2015 joint meeting with the City of Eagan to be hosted by Eagan. page 10 Reports on Areas of Focus Commission reviewed items of interest noting January departure statistics remained consistent with December's figures. Norling stated that there was a one month decline in noise events for January. Lorberbaum stated she would present her bi-monthly statistical review of complaints at the next meeting. Staff was asked to assist with her table and chart production. Sloan asked that Dana Nelson be scheduled as a guest speaker at a future meeting. Norling suggested that Nelson be scheduled in conjunction with the noise event data set review at a future meeting. Norling also volunteered to coordinate a tour of Lockheed Martin for the April meeting. Other future speakers discussed included Commander of the 133rd Airlift Wing, State Legislators, Dakota County Commissioner Egan, The Mendota Heights MAC and Met Council Representatives, and a Saint Paul Airport tour. Commissioner Comments None. Adjourn Norling made a motion to adjourn and Lorberbaum seconded at 7:55. All voted in favor. 2 page 11 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55 651.452.1850 phone 1 651452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: Lorri Smith, City Clerk SUBJECT: Approval of Temporary On -Sale Liquor License BACKGROUND Pursuant to City Code, no organization shall sell or give away liquor without first having received a license. Temporary on -sale liquor licenses shall be granted only to clubs or charitable, religious or nonprofit organizations. The licenses are subject to final approval by the Director of Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement. Beth Jacob Congregation, located at 1179 Victoria Curve, is planning to hold an event on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at the Congregation during the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have requested a temporary on -sale liquor license to allow for the sale of alcohol. Security will be present during the event. Weather permitting, there will also be outdoor music between the hours of 4:00 and 8:30 p.m. A completed application has been received, along with the license fee and a certificate of insurance for liquor liability. It should be noted that temporary on -sale liquor licenses have been issued in the past to charitable, nonprofit and religious organizations within the city with no incidents or negative reports. BUDGET IMPACT N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends the City Council approve a temporary on -sale liquor license for Beth Jacob Congregation for June 14, 2015, subject to final approval of the Director of Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement. iv& mCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 12 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.9940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: Ryan Ruzek, PE, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize Purchase Order for the Removal/Control of Invasive Plants in Valley Park BACKGROUND In 2002, the City funded (with the support of a fifty -percent matching grant from the Metro Greenways Planning Grant Minnesota DNR) development of a Natural Resources Management Plan for the city. One of three focus areas in the plan was Valley Park where communities of invasive plants were identified and management recommendations were presented. In addition to buckthorn, other invasive species identified are: black locust, Siberian elm, garlic mustard, burdock, sweet clover, thistle, Amur Maple, spotted knapweed, and more. Great River Greening began invasive species removal in 2009 in Valley Park. Mature plants have been cut and cleared from infested park areas and follow-up treatment is required to keep the species under control. Spraying of newly emerging one or two year old plants has proven to be very effective. BUDGET IMPACT City Council has annually included funding in city budgets for `Control of Invasive Plants' in City Parks. The funding amount in the 2015 City Budget in the Parks Maintenance Budget for this effort is $16,000.00. Great River Greening has prepared a work/control/task/cost estimate to address the invasive plants and has prioritized where their efforts should be concentrated. Their proposal for Valley Park consists of $10,000.00 for garlic mustard control and buckthorn control. RECOMMENDATION If the City Council wishes to control invasive plant species in Valley Park, authorize the City Administrator to issue a `not -to -exceed' Purchase Order in the amount of $10,000.00 to Great River Greening to begin immediately on invasive plant removals and control. m CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 13 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone A 651.452.9940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director SUBJECT: 2015 Workers compensation insurance BACKGROUND On May 1, 2015 our workers compensation insurance renews. The base premium for this year is $203,685. This represents a 36.4% increase over last year's premium of $149,285. This increase is based on the high claim history we have been experiencing. Below are the amounts and number of claims that we have had for the last 5 renewal periods. 10/11 $ 32,441.40 7 claims 11/12 $520,242.83* 4 claims 12/13 $374,480.13** 10 claims 13/14 $123,412.29*** 14 claims 14/15 $972,967.22**** 10 claims *This period includes a reserve of $235,191.95 that has not actually been paid out. ** This period includes a reserve of $273,800.17 that has not actually been paid out. *** This period includes reserves of $19,284.12 that have not actually been paid out. ****This period includes reserves of $890,058.98 that have not actually been paid out. Also included with the workers compensation information, is the renewal for the accident plan for volunteers. We have purchased this policy in the past. This provides limited "no-fault" benefits for volunteers injured while working for the city (the firefighters are covered under the city's worker's comp and not this volunteer plan). Volunteers receive limited death, disability and impairment benefits. The base premium is $554. This policy would be covering people volunteering at events such as spring clean up, parks celebration, fishing derby, etc. page 14 BUDGET IMPACT There is $149,300 in the 2015 budget for workers compensation costs. The amount budgeted is short of the base premium amount by approximately $36,500. There is an insurance reserve amount ($212,762) designated in fund balance. I recommend that we reduce this amount by $36,500 to cover the amount of premium not budgeted. The 2016 budget will need to have the workers compensation insurance amounts increased to cover the increased premium. The accident plan for the volunteers would be covered under the property/casualty line item. There are sufficient funds to cover the $554 annual premium. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the council pass a motion accepting the regular premium option for the workers compensation renewal with a base premium of $203,685 and the accident plan for city volunteers premium of $554. These policies are effective Mayl, 2015 — May 1, 2016. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 15 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Tamara Schutta, Assistant to the City Administrator/HR Coordinator SUBJECT: Personnel Action Items Item 1: Recognize Sergeant Brian Convery Service The City would like to thank Sergeant Brian Convery for his contribution and 19 1/2 years of service to the City of Mendota Heights. As you are all aware, Sergeant Convery has been on an extended leave of absence for a work related injury and will not be returning to the position. City staff has been in contact with Sergeant Convery throughout this process and he is aware that the city council will be terminating his employment with the City of Mendota Heights. Sergeant Convery's last day with the city will be Thursday, April 30, 2015. Sergeant Convery was always the go to person when a project required public interaction. He had the ability for communicating and working with the public. He had the ability to listen, educate and share while being fair and firm. Over his time at MHPD he served in patrol, investigations, as the crime prevention officer before becoming a Sergeant. He did yearly programs at the schools and worked hard on the Dakota County Traffic Safety Grant. Sergeant Brian Convery has been instrumental in providing first-rate level of service to the residents of Mendota Heights. We have a deep appreciation of Brian's work and he will definitely be missed. Staff is recommending the city council terminate employment with Sergeant Brian Convery effective April 30, 2015. Item 2: Authorize Appointment of Police Officer Staff continues with the recruitment process to fill Police Officer vacancies. We currently have three positions to fill. November 2014, we posted a position announcement for a lateral, seeking candidates with two plus years of experience. The position was advertised with a starting salary range of $4,978 - $5,383 per month. We are happy to report that we have completed a thorough background investigation on Police Officer Candidate Steven Hilyar. Mr. Hilyar has also completed his psychological evaluation and physical examination. page 16 It is our pleasure to recommend the appointment of Steven Hilyar as a Police Officer for the City of Mendota Heights. Mr. Hilyar has over 14 years of experience in the field of Law Enforcement. He served as Deputy Marshal for the Town of Red River, NM. He also served as a Police Officer for the City of Woodbury, Minnesota. His duties included crime scene technician, investigator, family group conferencing facilitator for restorative justice and a NASCRO certified advanced level school resource officer. Mr. Hilyar earned an Associates' degree in law enforcement from Century College. Thorough out the interview process, Mr. Hilyar demonstrated a high level of professionalism. Mr. Hilyar will be a great addition to the Mendota Heights Police Department. City staff recommends that city council approve the appointment of Steven Hilyar as a Police Officer. Starting salary will be $4,978 per month. This is step two of the 2014-2015 Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Labor Agreement. Mr. Steven Hilyar will be formally introduced to the city council at the May 5, 2015 meeting. Item 3: Authorize Appointment of Maintenance I At a recent meeting, the city council authorized staff to begin the recruitment process to fill the Maintenance I position. A total of 29 applications were received for the position. Public Works Superintendent Terry Blum, Street Lead George Noack, Parks Lead John Boland and Utility Lead Rich Burrows and I have interviewed 20 candidates. We then narrowed the number down to four candidates that were brought back for more in-depth interview. Public Works Director/City Engineer John Mazzitello, Public Works Superintendent Terry Blum, Street Lead George Noack and I conducted the final interviews. John Ambrose and Tim Oster also provided each candidate a tour of the Public Works Facility. A conditional job offer has been made contingent upon receipt of results of a background check, pre-employment physical, drug test and City Council approval. It is our pleasure to recommend the appointment of Ryan Crouley as a Maintenance I employee for the City of Mendota Heights. Mr. Crouley has experience with concrete repair and replacement, asphalt patching, crack filling, street sign repairs, tree trimming and snow plowing. Mr. Crouley will be a great addition to the Mendota Heights Public Works Department. City staff recommends that city council approve the appointment of Ryan Crouley as a Maintenance I employee. Date of employment will be based upon final results of his background check, physical examination and drug test. The Maintenance I position wage is $19.05 per hour based on the 2014 — 2015 Teamsters Labor Agreement. BUDGET IMPACT As noted above. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mendota Heights City Council approves the action requested above these three items. page 17 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: Apri121, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Dave Dreelan, Assistant Fire Chief SUBJECT: March 2015 Monthly Fire Synopsis Fire Calls The department responded to 18 calls for the month. The majority of calls were classified as false alarms or as good intent calls. Five of the calls were residential in nature, of the other calls three were commercial responses. In addition, we responded to four EMS calls, one dumpster fire, two grass fires, one utility check, and two mutual aid calls. Monthly Department Training The squad training for the month focused on maintaining our proficiency in drafting operations. Drafting is the pumping procedure that the fire service uses when there are no fire hydrants available. Water is hauled in by the tanker truck to the scene of a fire. All firefighters had an opportunity to practice the setting up of the drafting operation and operating the department's 2,000 gallon tanker. Monthly Squad Training The squad training for the month was single engine operations. The drill is designed to reinforce all the tactical skills and operation needs that a crew of five firefighters on one engine would have to address should they arrive on a working fire and no other fire apparatus is expected to arrive for several minutes. This is a hands-on drill where the crews lay a supply line from the hydrant, position the apparatus for fire attack, and advance the attack line into a structure. MENDOTA HEIGHTS FIRE DEPARTMENT MARCH 2015 MONTHLY REPORT FIRE CALLS NO. 15035 - 15052 NUMBER OF CALLS: 18 page 18 FIRE ALARMS DISPATCHED: NUMBER ACTUAL FIRES Structure - MH Commercial Structure - MH Residential Structure - Contract Areas Vehicle - MH Vehicle - Contract Areas Grass/Brush/No Value MH Grass/Brush/No Value Contract MEDICAL Assist Extrication HAZARDOUS SITUATION Spills/Leaks Arcing/Shorting Chemical Power Line Down FALSE ALARM Residential Malfunction Commercial Malfunction Unintentional - Commercial Unintentional - Residential Criminal GOOD INTENT Smoke Scare Steam Mistaken for Smoke Other MUTUAL AID TOTAL CALLS 1 1 3 2 2 1 6 2 18 STRUCTURE CONTENTS MISC. TOTAL MONTHLY FIRE LOSSES $0 $0 TOTALS TO DATE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FIRE LOSS TOTALS MENDOTA HEIGHTS ALL FIRES, ALL AREAS (MONTH) $0 MEND. HTS. ONLY STRUCT/CONTENTS MEND. HTS. ONLY MISCELLANEOUS MEND. HTS. TOTAL LOSS TO DATE $0 $0 $0 $0 LOCATION OF FIRE ALARMS: MENDOTA HEIGHTS 15 MENDOTA SUNFISH LAKE 1 LI LYDALE OTHER 2 TOTAL 18 TO DATE 44 0 3 1 4 52 LAST YEAR 52 2 3 3 61 BILLING FOR SERVICES AGENCY THIS MONTH TO DATE MN/DOT MILW. RR CNR RR OTHERS: TOTALS: $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WORK PERFORMED HOURS TO DATE FIRE CALLS 289 921.5 MEETINGS 43 105 DRILLS 161.5 448 WEEKLY CLEAN-UP 33 107 SPECIAL ACTIVITY 182 581.5 ADMINISTATIVE 0 0 FIRE MARSHAL LAST YEAR 1314.5 114 482.5 109.5 1349.25 0 97 60 TOTALS 708.5 2260 dumpster fire 3429.8 FIRE MARSHAL'S TIME FOR MONTH INSPECTIONS INVESTIGATIONS RE -INSPECTION MEETINGS ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL PROJECTS TOTAL 24 7 8 17 24 80 REMARKS: SEE OTHER SIDE FOR SYNOPSIS 4/9/2015 Mendota Heights Building Activity Report Milkg r,ejka, Building Official March 1, 2015 thru March 31, 2015 January 1, 2015 thru March 31, 2015 January 1, 2014 thru March 31, 2014 January 1, 2013 thru March 31, 2013 Building Permit No. Valuation $ 24,546.86 Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Sub Total Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation 88 Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected SFD 2 $ 690,000.00 $7,806.98 SFD 2 $ 690,000.00 $7,806.98 SFD 1 $ 650,000.00 $6,116.69 SFD 0 $ - $ - APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $ - Townhouse 0 $ - $0.00 Townhouse 0 $ - $0.00 Townhouse 0 $ - $0.00 Townhouse 0 $ - $ - Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $ - Misc 35 $ 1,039,183.37 $ 12,151.51 Misc 90 $ 2,276,912.68 $ 32,424.17 Misc 70 $ 946,824.50 $ 17,506.93 Misc 60 $ 818,904.00 $ 14,995.90 Commercial 5 $ 317,969.00 $4,588.37 Commercial 12 $ 1,154,177.00 $15,939.83 Commercial 9 $ 1,873,684.00 $21,098.36 Commercial 28 $ 3,299,070.00 $ 27,850.38 Sub Total 42 $ 2,047,152.37 $ 24,546.86 Sub Total 104 $ 4,121,089.68 $ 56,170.98 Sub Total 80 $ 3,470,508.50 $ 44,721.98 Sub Total 88 $ 4,117,974.00 $ 42,846.28 Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Plumbing 19 $1,490.00 Plumbing 54 $4,099.21 Plumbing 31 $2,298.20 Plumbing 41 $ 1,694.00 Water 2 $20.00 Water 2 $20.00 Water 1 $10.00 Water 0 $ - Sewer 1 $75.00 Sewer 1 $75.00 Sewer 1 $25.00 Sewer 0 $ - Mechanical 25 $2,399.83 Mechanical 80 $6,640.38 Mechanical 53 $3,298.40 Mechanical 68 $ 7,097.00 Sub Total 47 $ 3,984.83 Sub Total 137 $ 10,834.59 Sub Total 86 $5,631.60 Sub Total 109 $ 8,791.00 License No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Contractor 37 $1,850.00 Contractor 213 $10,650.00 Contractor 184 $9,200.00 Contractor 218 $ 10,900.00 Total 126 $ Z047,152.37 $ 30,381.69 Total 454 $ 4,121,089.68 $ 77,655.57 Total 350 $ 3,470,508.50 $ 59,553.58 Total 415 $ 4,117,974.00 $ 62,537.28 NOTE: All fee amounts exclude SAC, WAC and State Surcharge. Amounts shown will reflect only permit, plan review fee and valuation totals CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 2015 American Bank Checking Account .0296 Savings Account .02Y6 Collateral 'Bonds Gov't. Guar. Investments BALANCE COLLATERAL $231.323.04 $640.45 $ $250.000.00 Cost PV Saving Cert 1/26/ 5 @0.15% Cherokee $13.952.59 $13.952.59 FHLB 2.00% 12/30/19 $500,000.00 $501`280.00 FHLB 2.00% 12/30/19 $750.000.00 $751.920.00 FHLB 1.00% 1/30/20 $500.008.00 $501.010.00 FHLK0C1.00962/27/2U $760.000.O0 $749.737.50 FHLB 1.00% 2/27/20 $250.000.00 $240.445.00 FHLB 3.O096O4/O1/2O $750.000.00 $750.225.00 GE/ apital Financial Inc 2.05% 11/4/16 $245.000.00 $240,162.55 American Express Cent Bank 2.05% 12/1/16 $245.000.00 $249.238.50 GE Capital Retail Bank 2.00% 7/6/18 $200.000.00 $202.318.00 Sallie Mae Bank 2.O5O9611/2O/18 $245.000.00 $247.572.50 BMW Bank 2.00% 12/11/18 $245.000.00 $247.094.75 World's Foremost Bank 2.009608/13/19 $300.000.00 $200.418.00 Cit Bank 2.15Y611/13/1S $245.000.00 $243.51040 Goldman Sachs Bank 2.2O%12/17/10 $100.000.00 $100.845.00 Fidelity Institutional Government Portfolio (Piper) $1.872.011.75 $1.872.011.75 Gov'LSecurities Fund 2896Sold G/4 $433.187.00 $ MMkt Fd (WF) $892.557.55 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 3/31M5 Funds Available 1/1/2015 Rates Money Market March Bank 0.02Y6 5 Yr. Tr. 1.37% 1OYr. Tr. 1.94% $8.668.672.38 $12.023.99113 page 20 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 21 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director'\ SUBJECT: Claims List Summary BACKGROUND Significant Claims Metro Council Environmental Services — SAC & Sewer Charges MN Department of Labor & Industry — Surcharges Xcel Energy — Utilities A to Z Home Inspection — March Inspections Buetow 2 Architects — Fire Station Study CDW-G — Computer Software & Licensing Emergency Apparatus Maintenance — Fire Truck Repair NDC4 Cable Commission — 2014 Webstreaming Yale Mechanical — HVAC Repairs Fire Hall $ 109,210.08 $ 3,062.86 $ 15,940.94 $ 6,662.50 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,224.15 $ 6,980.03 $ 7,062.00 $ 2,983.94 Manual Checks Total $ 175,157.14 System Checks Total $ 76,208.53 Total for the list of claims for the April 21, 2015 city council meeting $ 251,365.67 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the list of claims for April 21, 2015. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List MANUAL CHECKS 04/15/15 MAN Account Comments DEPT Descr page 22 04/16/15 11:24 AM Page 1 Amount Search. Name B C A - BTS E 01-4306-020-20 BACKGROUND CHECK - PD Search Name BCA - BTS Search Name DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER E 01-4220-080-80 MARCH 2015 ABSTRACT/TORRENS FEES Search Name DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER Search Name ICMA RE I IREMENT 457 G 01-2072 04/10/2015 PAYROLL Search Name ICMA RETIREMENT 457 Search Name MENDOTA HEIGHTS GENERAL ACCT. G 01-1021 REPLENISH PETTY CASH Search Name MENDOTA HEIGHTS GENERAL ACCT. Search Name METRO COUNCIL ENVIRONMENT SVC R 15-3320 FEB 2015 SAC CHARGES E 15-4449-060-60 APRIL 2015 SEWER SERVICE Search Name METRO COUNCIL ENVIRONMENT SVC Search Name MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY G 01-2010 4TH QTR 2014 SURCHARGES Search Name MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Search Name MN STATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSN E 01-4400-030-30 CONF. REGISTRATION - FIRE Search Name MN STATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSN Search Name NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION G 01-2072 04/10/2015 PAYROLL Search Name NATIONWIDE RE 11REMENT SOLUTION Search Name SAND CREEK GROUP E 01-4137-110-10 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Search Name SAND CREEK GROUP Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT E 01-4131-020-20 E 01-4131-110-10 E 01-4131-070-70 E 01-4131-050-50 E 05-4131-105-15 G 01-2071 Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION APRIL 2015 CONTRIBUTION Search Name SW/WC SERVICE COOPERATIVES E 01-4131-020-20 G 01-2071 E 05-4131-105-15 G 01-2071 E 01-4131-110-10 G 01-2074 E 05-4131-105-15 E 01-4131-110-10 MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM. MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM Police Planning Utility Enterprise Fire Administration Police Administration Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Engineering Enterpris Police Engineering Enterpris Administration Engineering Enterpris Administration $34.75 $34.75 $184.00 $184.00 $1,255.92 $1,255.92 $479.10 $479.10 $12,415.00 $96,795.08 $109,210.08 $3,062.86 $3,062.86 $875.00 $875.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,307.69 $334.62 $257.69 $257.69 $438.46 $2,889.16 $5,485.31 $13,758.00 -$73.00 -$1,452.00 $146.00 $2,904.00 $1,313.00 $2,556.00 $4,908.00 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List MANUAL CHECKS 04/15/15 MAN Comments DEPT Descr page 23 04/16U511:24AN Page 2 Amount E 01-4131-050-50 E 01-4131-070-70 G 01-2071 MAY 2015HEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 F-IEALTH INS. PREMIUM MAY 2015 HEALTH INS. PREMIUM Search Name SW/WC SERVICE COOPERATIVES Search Name U. S. BANK E 01-4435-200-70 E 01-4400-020-20 E 01-4400-020-20 E 01-4490-080-80 E 01-4435-200-70 E 01-4435-200-70 E 01-4400-020-20 Search Name U. S. BANK RECREATIONAL PROGRAM SUPPLIES TRAINING - PD REGISTRATION - PD MEETING SUPPLIES FIELD TRIPS DEPOS1T SNOWSHOES - RECREATIONAL PROGRAM REGISTRATION - PD Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL G 01-2070 04/10/2015 PAYROLL Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL Search Name US POSTAL SERVICE E 15-4318-060-60 G 01-1210 Search Name US POSTAL SERVICE Search Name XCEL ENERGY E 01-4212-310-70 E 01-4211-310-50 E 01-4211-310-70 E 01-4211-315-30 E 01-4211-320-70 E 01-4211-420-50 E 08-4211-000-00 E 15-4211'310'60 E 15-4211-400-60 E 01-4212-310-50 E 01-4212-315-30 E 01-4212-320-70 [U8-q21Z-UU0-0U E 15-4212-310-60 E 15-4212-400-60 E 01-4211-300-50 E 28-4211-000-00 Search Name XCEL ENERGY 1ST QTR 2015 UTILITY BRING POSTAGE REPLENISH POSTAGE METER FEB 2015 GASUTILMB FEB 2015 EL. UTILrDES FEB 2015 EL. UTILITIES FEB ZO15EL. UTILMES FEB 2015 EL. UTILITIES FEB 2015 EL. UTILITIES FEB 2015 EL. UTILITIES FEB 2015 EL. UTILITIES FEB 2O15EL. UTILME5 FEB 2015 GAS UTIL1TIES FEB 2015 GAS UTILITIES FEB 2015 GAS UTILITIES FEB 2015 GAS UTILITIES FEB 2015 GAS UTILITIES FEB 2015 GAS UTILITIES FEB 2015 EL. UTIL11/ES FEB 2015 EL. UTILMES Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreatio Police Police Planning Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Police Utility Enterprise $4,287.00 $1,313.00 $3,693.00 $33,353.00 $162.00 $30.00 $355.00 $50.30 $150.00 $119.57 $485.00 $1,351.87 $49.00 $49.00 $2,091.31 Parks & Recreatio$910.71 Road & Bridges $331.85 Parks & Recreation $331.85 Fire $747.84 Parks & Recreation $1,294.55 Road & Bridges $205.01 Spec Fds $2,053.01 Utility Enterprise $331.86 Utility Enterprise $783.45 Road & Bridges $910.74 Fire $1,020.61 Parks & Recreation $133.07 Spec Fds $1,924.27 Utility Enterprise $910J6 Utility Enterprise $194.66 Road & Bridges $1,761.52 Spec Fds $1,194.55 $15,940.94 $175,157.14 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY page 24 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 1 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name 4 PAWS ANIMAL CONTROL LLC E 01-4225-800-90 MARCH 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL G 01-2035 MARCH 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL Search Name 4 PAWS ANIMAL CONTROL LLC Animal Control $454.63 -$20.63 $434.00 Search Name A TO Z HOME INSPECTION, LLC E 01-4231-040-40 MARCH 2015 INSPECTIONS Code Enforcement/In $6,662.50 Search Name A TO Z HOME INSPECTION, LLC $6,662.50 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. E 08-4335-000-00 APR 2015 ELEVATOR CONTRACT - CITY HALL Spec Fds $153.00 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. $153.00 Search Name AMERICAN FLAGPOLE & FLAG CO. E 08-4335-000-00 US FLAGS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $106.90 Search Name AMERICAN FLAGPOLE & FLAG CO. $106.90 Search Name AMERIPRIDE SERVICES E 15-4335-310-60 E 08-4335-000-00 E 01-4335-310-50 E 01-4335-310-70 Search Name AMERIPRIDE SERVICES MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE MAT SERVICE - CITY HALL MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE Utility Enterprise Spec Fds Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation $28.10 $249.35 $28.11 $28.10 $333.66 Search Name ANCOM COMM INC E 01-4305-030-30 PAGER BATTERIES - FIRE DEPT Fire $95.00 E 01-4330-450-30 PAGER REPAIR - FIRE DEPT Fire $95.00 E 01-4330-450-30 PAGER REPAIR - FIRE DEPT Fire $95.00 Search Name ANCOM COMM INC $285.00 Search Name APACHE GROUP E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS Parks & Recreation $238.30 Search Name APACHE GROUP $238.30 Search Name BCA -CJI S E 01-4223-020-20 1ST QTR 2014 CJDN CHARGES Police $720.00 Search Name BCA -CJIS $720.00 Search Name BENDLIN FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. E 01-4305-030-30 OPERATING SUPPLIES - FIRE DEPT Fire $26.16 Search Name BENDLIN FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. $26.16 Search Name BLUE TARP FINANCIAL E 45-4330-490-45 EQUIPMENT - PAR3 Golf Course $491.61 G 45-2035 EQUIPMENT - PAR3 -$31.62 Search Name BLUE TARP FINANCIAL Search Name BUETOW 2 ARCHITECTS, INC. E 01-4220-030-30 FIRE STATION STUDY Fire $3,500.00 Search Name BUETOW 2 ARCHITECTS, INC. $3,500.00 Search Name BURROWS, RICHARD E 15-4415-060-60 APRIL 2015 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Utility Enterprise $41.40 E 15-4415-060-60 MARCH 2015 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Utility Enterprise $41.40 Search Name BURROWS, RICHARD $82.80 $459.99 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY page 25 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 2 Account - Comments . DEPT Descr Amount Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP E 01-4220-110-10 04/07/15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Administration $112.40 Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP $112.40 Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC E 01-4301-114-14 IT SOFTWARE Info Tech $673.80 E 01-4301-114-14 SOFTWARE & LICENSING Info Tech $2,550.35 Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC $3,224.15 Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY E 01-4330-215-70 IRRIGATION REPAIR PARTS Parks & Recreation Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY Search Name COMCAST E 45-4210-045-45 APRIL 2015 SERVICE - PAR3 Golf Course Search Name COMCAST Search Name CRABTREE COMPANIES, INC. E 01-4400-114-14 TRAINING - IT Info Tech Search Name CRABTREE COMPANIES, INC. Search Name CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC E 01-4305-220-20 D.A.R.E. SUPPLIES E 01-4305-220-20 D.A.R.E. SUPPLIES Search Name CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC Search Name CROSS NURSERIES INC E 01-4330-215-70 SHRUBS &TREES Police Police $299.22 $299.22 $206.09 $206.09 $525.00 $525.00 $1,203.07 $270.83 $1,473.90 Parks & Recreation $816.50 Search Name CROSS NURSERIES INC $816.50 Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER E 01-4275-030-30 MARCH 2015 DCC FEE Fire $612.00 E 01-4275-020-20 MARCH 2015 DCC FEE Police $17,515.00 Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER $18,127.00 Search Name DREELAN, DAVE E 01-4300-030-30 Search Name DREELAN, DAVE Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS WRITING SOFTWARE Fire $120.00 $120.00 E 01-4481-110-10 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Administration $525.00 E 05-4220-120-15 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Engineering Enterpris $150.00 E 01-4220-120-20 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Police $150.00 E 01-4220-120-80 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Planning $150.00 E 01-4220-120-10 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Administration $225.00 E 01-4221-120-10 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES - COUNCIL MTGS Administration $400.00 E 01-4220-120-40 MAR 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Code Enforcement/In $225.00 Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS $1,825.00 Search Name EMERGENCY APPARATUS MTNC E 01-4330-460-30 EQUIPMENT REPAIR - FIRE DEPT Fire $6,980.03 Search Name EMERGENCY APPARATUS MTNC $6,980.03 Search Name EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS E 01-4330-460-30 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - FIRE DEPT Fire $24.68 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr page 26 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 3 Amount Search Name EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS Search Name FLEETPRIDE E 01-4330-490-70 E 01-4330-490-50 Search Name FLEETPRIDE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Search Name FRONTIER AG & TURF E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Search Name FRONTIER AG & TURF Search Name GOPHER STATE ONE CALL E 01-4210-040-40 MARCH 2015 SERVICE Search Name GOPHER STATE, ONE CALL Search Name GRAINGER E 08-4335-000-00 E 01-4330-490-70 E 08-4335-000-00 Search Name GRAINGER BLDG MAINT. PARTS - CITY HALL EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS BLDG REPAIR PARTS - CITY HALL Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. E 01-4222-120-20 MARCH 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. Search Name HANCO CORPORATION E 01-4330-490-70 Search Name HANCO CORPORATION Search Name HOSE INC E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name HOSE INC Search Name IAF C E 01-4404-030-30 Search Name IAF C EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - SEWER 2015 MEMBERSHIP - J. MACZKO Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS E 05-4300-105-15 E 08-4335-000-00 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-020-20 E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES - CITY HALL OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - PD OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Search Name INTERNATIONAL OFFICE TECHNLGY E 01-4300-110-10 TONER - FINANCE E 15-4300-060-60 TONER - UB Search Name INTERNATIONAL OFFICE TECHNLGY Search Name INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM G 45-2035 BATTERY - PAR3 E 45-4330-490-45 BATTERY - PAR3 Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation $24.68 $3.98 $6.75 $10.73 $396.22 $396.22 Code Enforcement/In $150.80 Spec Fds Parks & Recreation Spec Fds Police Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Fire Engineering Enterpris Spec Fds Administration Administration Administration Police Administration Administration Utility Enterprise $150.80 $47.76 $38.52 $14.82 $101.10 $5,891.00 $5,891.00 $272.60 $272.60 $302.60 $302.60 $234.00 $234.00 $17.14 $9.10 $8.68 $20.07 $65.33 $8.80 $28.21 $157.33 $241.98 $120.99 $362.97 -$3.16 Golf Course $49.11 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr page 27 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 4 Amount Search Name INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM Search Name INVER GROVE FORD E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name INVER GROVE FORD EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - SEWER Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT E 01-4490-020-20 MARCH 2015 SHREDDING E 01-4490-110-10 MARCH 2015 SHREDDING Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. E 01-4335-310-50 E 15-4335-310-60 E 01-4335-310-70 E 01-4335-315-30 APRIL 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE APRIL 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE APRIL 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE APRIL 2015 SERVICE - FIRE HALL Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. Search Name JIM MURR PLUMBING, INC. R 01-3254 PERMIT REFUND - DUPL. CHARGE R 01-3315 PERMIT REFUND - DUPL. CHARGE Search Name JIM MURR PLUMBING, INC. Search Name LEXISNEXIS E 01-4223-020-20 MARCH 2015 SERVICE Search Name LEXISNEXIS Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY E 45-4330-490-45 E 01-4330-490-70 E 01-4330-490-70 G 45-2035 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PAR3 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Search Name MARTIN-MCALLISTER E 01-4306-020-20 Search Name MARTIN-MCALLISTER Search Name MAZZITELLO, JOHN E 05-4415-105-15 E 05-4490-105-15 Search Name MAZZITELLO, JOHN Search Name MELLOR, JOAN & JIM G 15-1150 Search Name MELLOR, JOAN & JIM Search Name MENARDS E 01-4305-070-70 E 08-4335-000-00 E 08-4335-000-00 E 45-4335-045-45 G 45-2035 E 45-4335-045-45 PERSONNEL ASSESSMENTS - PD Utility Enterprise Police Administration Road & Bridges Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Fire Police Golf Course Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Police MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - J. MAZZITELLO Engineering Enterpris CONDAC MEL 11NG Engineering Enterpris REFUND - SEWER ACCT CREDIT BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES - CITY HALL CLEANING SUPPLIES - CITY HALL BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 Parks & Recreation Spec Fds Spec Fds Golf Course Golf Course $45.95 $40.40 $40.40 $37.63 $12.54 $50.17 $66.67 $66.66 $66.67 $200.00 $400.00 $75.00 $1.20 $76.20 $56.25 $56.25 -$34.77 -$332.12 $174.64 $2.24 $345.97 $155.96 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 $98.90 $133.00 $231.90 $19.62 $19.62 $26.47 $10.31 $28.78 $18.97 -$1.22 $52.84 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr page 28 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 5 Amount G 45-2035 E 01-4305-050-50 E 15-4305-060-60 E 45-4335-045-45 G 45-2035 Search Name MENARDS Search Name METRO CASH REGISTER BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 SHOP SUPPLIES BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 BLDG REPAIR SUPPLIES - PAR3 E 45-4305-045-45 SUPPLIES - PAR3 Search Name METRO CASH REGISTER Search Name METRO JANITORIAL SUPPLY INC E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Search Name METRO JANITORIAL SUPPLY INC Search Name METRO SALES E 15-4330-490-60 E 01-4330-440-20 E 01-4330-490-70 E 01-4330-490-50 E 01-4330-030-30 Search Name METRO SALES QUARTERLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - PW QUARTERLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - PW QUARTERLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - PW QUARTERLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - PW QUARTERLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - FIRE DE Search Name MIDWAY SEWER SERVICE CO. E 01-4335-315-30 PLUMBING REPAIR - FIRE HALL Search Name MIDWAY SEWER SERVICE CO. Search Name MIKES SHOE REPAIR INC E 01-4305-155-30 GEAR REPAIR - FIRE DEPT Search Name MIKES SHOE REPAIR INC Search Name MINNESOTA SHERIFFS ASSOC E 01-4400-020-20 TRAINING - T. MILLER E 01-4400-020-20 TRAINING - K. HENNING Search Name MINNESOTA SHERIFFS ASSOC Search Name MITCHELL1 E 01-4300-070-70 APRIL 2015 SERVICE Search Name MITCHELL1 Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 G 01-2075 APRIL 2015 UNION DUES Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 Search Name MUNICI-PALS E 01-4400-020-20 E 01-4400-110-10 E 05-4400-105-15 E 15-4400-060-60 Search Name MUNICI-PALS WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS Search Name NDC4 CABLE COMMISSION E 23-4490-000-00 2014 WEB STREAMING Road & Bridges Utility Enterprise Golf Course Golf Course Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Police Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Fire Fire Fire Police Police Parks & Recreation Police Administration Engineering Enterpris Utility Enterprise -$3.40 $26.47 $42.88 $20.26 -$1.30 $221.06 $52.33 $52.33 $32.99 $32.98 $32.98 $98.95 $31.28 $283.70 $31.28 $31.28 $65.00 $442.54 $97.00 $97.00 $20.00 $20.00 $70.00 $70.00 $140.00 $169.00 $169.00 $572.00 $572.00 $180.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $360.00 Spec Fds $7,062.00 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY page 29 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 6 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name NDC4 CABLE COMMISSION $7,062.00 Search Name NELLUM PARTNERSHIP G 15-1150 REFUND - SEWER ACCT CREDIT $34.68 Search Name NELLUM PARTNERSHIP $34.68 Search Name NII 11 SANITATION INC E 45-4280-045-45 RECYCLING - PAR3 Golf Course $19.19 Search Name Ni I 11 SANITATION INC $19.19 Search Name NORTHWEST FILTER SUPPLY, INC. E 01-4335-310-50 BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES - PW E 01-4335-310-70 BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES - PW E 15-4335-310-60 BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES - PW Search Name NORTHWEST FILTER SUPPLY, INC. Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise $13.63 $13.63 $13.62 $40.88 Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL G 45-2035 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PAR3 -$0.29 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $19.98 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges $20.33 E 45-4330-490-45 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PAR3 Golf Course $4.47 E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Utility Enterprise $36.31 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Parks & Recreation $36.32 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges $36.32 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Parks & Recreation $20.32 Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL $173.76 Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO E 01-4200-610-50 CYLINDER RENT - PW Road & Bridges $29.97 E 01-4200-610-70 CYLINDER RENT - PW Parks & Recreation $29.97 E 15-4200-610-60 CYLINDER RENT - PW Utility Enterprise $29.96 E 01-4305-030-30 CYLINDER RENT - FIRE DEPT Fire $110.70 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges $27.39 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Parks & Recreation $27.39 Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO $255.38 Search Name PARK SUPPLY, INC. E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $16.68 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $9.73 Search Name PARK SUPPLY, INC. $26.41 Search Name POOLE, NANCY R 01-3305 FIELD TRIP REFUND $20.00 Search Name POOLE, NANCY $20.00 Search Name PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LLC E 01-4330-440-20 RADAR CERTIFICATIONS - PD Police $282.00 Search Name PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, LLC $282.00 Search Name RUPP, ANDERSON, SQUIRES & WALD E 01-4220-120-10 JAN -FEB 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Administration $414.95 E 01-4220-120-20 JAN -FEB 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Police $348.00 E 01-4220-120-50 JAN -FEB 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Road & Bridges $261.00 Search Name RUPP, ANDERSON, SQUIRES & WALD $1,023.95 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr page 30 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 7 Amount Search Name SAM S CLUB E 45-4310-210-45 E 45-4490-045-45 E 01-4490-070-70 E 01-4490-020-20 E 45-4335-045-45 E 01-4435-200-70 E 15-4305-060-60 E 01-4305-070-70 E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4490-110-10 Search Name SAM S CLUB CONCESSIONS - PAR3 ANNUAL FEE ANNUAL FEE ANNUAL FEE CLEAING SUPPLIES - PAR3 SENIOR PROGRAMS SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES - PW OPERATING SUPPLIES - PW OPERATING SUPPLIES - PW ANNUAL FEE Search Name SECURITY RESPONSE SERVICES INC E 45-4335-045-45 SECURITY MONITORING - PAR3 Search Name SECURITY RESPONSE SERVICES INC Search Name SNAP ON TOOLS E 01-4330-490-70 Search Name SNAP ON TOOLS Search Name SPRWS E 08-4425-000-00 E 01-4425-315-30 E 01-4425-310-70 E 01-4425-310-50 E 15-4425-310-60 E 45-4425-045-45 Search Name SPRWS EQUIPMENT PARTS/TOOLS MAR 2015 SERVICE - CITY HALL MAR 2015 SERVICE - FIRE HALL MAR 2015 SERVICE - PW MAR 2015 SERVICE - PW MAR 2015 SERVICE - PW 1ST QTR 2015 SERVICE - PAR3 Search Name ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS E 01-4306-050-50 EMPLOYMENT AD - MAINT. I Search Name ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS Search Name STEVEKEN, LISA R 01-3305 Search Name STEVEKEN, LISA FIELD TRIP REFUND Search Name STREICHERS E 01-4410-020-20 UNIFORM - J. LARRIVE Search Name STREICHERS Search Name THE PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD E 01-4490-020-20 PHOTOGRAPHS - PD Search Name THE PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD Search Name TWIN CITIES OCCUPATIONAL HLTH E 01-4220-050-50 TES 11NG - PW E 01-4306-020-20 PRE -EMP. MEDICAL TESTS - PD Search Name TWIN CITIES OCCUPATIONAL HLTH Search Name U P 5 E 01-4318-050-50 SHIPPING CHARGES - PW Golf Course Golf Course Parks & Recreation Police Golf Course Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Administration Golf Course Parks & Recreation Spec Fds Fire Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Utility Enterprise Golf Course Road & Bridges Police Police Road & Bridges Police $253.58 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $75.11 $54.13 $82.15 $82.16 $82.16 $45.00 $809.29 $93.04 $93.04 $18.00 $18.00 $72.67 $79.31 $16.73 $16.73 $16.72 $22.07 $224.23 $540.00 $540.00 $20.00 $20.00 $221.96 $221.96 $85.00 $85.00 $80.00 $1,471.00 $1,551.00 Road & Bridges $41.05 Search Name U P S $41.05 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 04/21/15 PAY page 31 04/16/15 11:23 AM Page 8 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name UNIFORMS UNLIMITED E 01-4305-024-20 UNIFORMS - J. PARKER Police $48.49 E 01-4410-020-20 EQUIPMENT - J. VONFELDT Police $135.50 E 01-4410-020-20 EQUIPMENT - B. LAMBERT Police $142.97 Search Name UNIFORMS UNLIMITED $326.96 Search Name VERSATILE VEHICLES E 45-4200-610-45 Search Name VERSATILE VEHICLES Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT E 01-4280-310-50 E 01-4280-310-70 E 15-4280-310-60 E 08-4280-000-00 Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT Search Name YALE MECHANICAL E 01-4335-315-30 Search Name YALE MECHANICAL APRIL 2015 CART RENTAL - PAR3 MARCH 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE MARCH 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE MARCH 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE MARCH 2015 SERVICE - CITY HALL HVAC REPAIRS - FIRE HALL Search Name ZAHL-PETROLEUM MAINT. CO. E 01-4330-490-50 FUEL PUMP REPAIR PARTS E 01-4330-490-70 FUEL PUMP REPAIR PARTS Search Name ZAHL-PETROLEUM MAINT. CO. Golf Course $600.00 Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Spec Fds $600.00 $109.39 $109.38 $109.38 $175.49 $503.64 Fire $2,983.94 Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation $2,983.94 $18.61 $18.60 $37.21 $76,208.53 page 32 2015 Licensing List for City Council Type Contractor Name Gas Piping HVAC Bredahl Plumbing, Inc Perfect Climate, Inc Hidden Acres Heating & Cooling, Inc Jim Murr Plumbing Perfect Climate, Inc Thursday, April 16, 2015 Page 1 of 1 111111111.h- mCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1950 phone 1651.452.9940 fax www.mendota•hei g hts.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: Terry Sullivan, Facility Manager SUBJECT: Authorize Purchase Order for Replacement and Installation of City Hall Water Heater BACKGROUND On Friday, April 17th, the main commercial water heater at City Hall failed. It is no longer accurately regulating water temperature, and the scaling and calcification inside the appliance is such that it is no longer functioning in a dependable and accurate manner. Typical life span of a commercial water heater is 10-15 years. The current water heater is 28 years old, and is in need of replacement. Staff has collected quotes from several vendors, and has analyzed acquiring a new appliance ourselves and hiring out the installation. These quotes are as follows: Contractor Parts and Installation: Yale Mechanical - Vito Mechanical Contractors - Cool Air Mechanical - $6,450.00 $6,718.00 $6,992.00 City Parts: Granger - $4,367.00 Contractor Installation - $1,100.00 City Purchase/Contractor Installation Total - $-5,467.00 The savings realized by purchasing the appliance and hiring a contractor to install is from not having to pay sales tax or a contractor mark-up on the purchase. Staff is recommending the City purchase a new appliance directly and hire a contractor to install it. BUDGET IMPACT The costs of this replacement and installation are proposed to be paid for out of the City Hall fund, Building Maintenance line item. There are sufficient funds in the 2015 budget to cover the replacement and installation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council approve the replacement of the water heater at City Hall, and authorize staff to execute a purchase order to acquire a replacement appliance and have it installed. This action requires a simple majority vote. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS To: Mayor and City Council From: Mark McNeill, City Administrator Subject: Broadband Presentation Date: April 21, 2015 page 33 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com Comment: Introduction: At its meeting of April 21st, the City Council will hear a presentation on efforts being undertaken to provide broadband fiber optic service to the cities of Dakota County. Background: Over the past few years, there has been discussion about the feasibility of supplying a high- speed broadband cable network to Dakota County cities. Most recently, in 2013 the Dakota County CDA agreed to facilitate the study on behalf of Dakota County and its cities. Lisa Alfson of the CDA, and former Burnsville City Manager Craig Ebeling have been staffing the effort. Through their leadership, and with oversight from the Dakota County City/County Managers' group, a Request for Proposals was issued, which ultimately resulted in a report from the Design Nine group regarding the provision of Broadband to the various cities in the County. The report addresses two elements—a Commercial Network (C -Net), which would provide fiber capacity at the wholesale level to users, and an Institutional Network (I -Net) which would allow cities to connect all of their governmental needs through this sort of network. The study group is currently working on a Joint Powers Agreement, which would further identify costs and responsibilities. page 34 Mr. Ebeling and Ms. Alfson are in the process of making initial presentations to the City Councils of the County to provide background, and answer questions. They are scheduled to appear before the Mendota Heights City Council on April 21St to make their introductory presentation. If there is Council interest, a more in-depth presentation will be made at a later time. Please refer to the attachment for more background information. Budget Impact: The ultimate costs of providing a comprehensive Broadband system county -wide will be a major investment, and will not be known until much more study is made. Some of the other cities in the County have varying amounts of fiber already in place; Mendota Heights has none. The bill for the initial study by the Design Nine group was $121,566.53. The cost is to be split into thirds, with Dakota County, the DCCDA, and the cities each paying one-third. The cities' share would be divided proportionally, based on population. We have received the bill for Mendota Heights' share in the amount of $1182.63. If the Council is interested in proceeding with Broadband, that bill could be paid from the Cable Television Franchise Fees which the City receives annually. Recommendation: Broadband is an important tool in the 21st century. The City can use it to reduce operating costs for connecting its existing facilities more efficiently, and also to help the commercial entities in Mendota Heights to be more competitive in a global market. It may be one of the resources which might help our industrial area fill vacant space and retain existing business. For that reason, I recommend full consideration by the Council, and authorize payment of the initial bill which has been received. Action Required: The Council should hear the presentation, and give direction as to whether to schedule a more comprehensive presentation. It should also authorize payment of the Design Nine bill in the amount of $1182.63 for its share of the Broadband study, to be funded from Franchise Fees. page 35 February 13, 2015 To: Mayor Manager Group From: City County Managers Group — Craig Ebeling and Lisa Alfson Subject: Dark Fiber — Broadband Study Update Introduction There is a long history of discussions on the possibility of broadband network collaboration in the county. Among other venues, the concept was considered in the second round of HiPP initiatives. As a result of that process the HiPP Dark Fiber Subcommittee was formed. That subcommittee worked throughout 2011 and 2012. In their final report to the HiPP Steering Committee they formulated a list of policy questions that they felt would need to be addressed to move further efforts along. We have a copy of their team meeting minutes and final report if anyone is interested. But one thought was central in the work of their group: "We have accomplished some things but we are bumping up against techn/co/ondlexzo/ questions that we can'tanswer. We need a group to work more on this and this group needs to have access to technical and legal experts." The HIPP Steering Committee accepted the subcommittee final report and in -turn s&ected the unty Managers group to be the group to work on implementation. This group worked on the concept in 2013 and determined to seek proposals from consultants to address policy and technical issues. Cost and staffing of the effort was an issue. The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) stepped forward and agreed to be the study - implementing agency on behalf of Dakota County and its cities. The CDA funded one-third of the costs, the County funded one-third, and the CDA facilitated agreements with the cities to fund the remaining one-third based upon population. Additionally they dedicated time from their in-house staff and also contracted with Craig Ebeling to assist. In the fall of 2013 an RFP process was initiated which resulted in a contract with Design Nine of Blacksburg, Virginia. Design Nine began its work in April of 2014 and completed the work in November. The final draft of that report has been pored over by the C -C Managers Group and has been shared with the staff people of each city and the county. The report is quite technical and lengthy — over 140 pages, with a separate appendix of even more technical information. We have made several attempts at reducing its bulk and highlighting the policy issues and have prepared a couple different summary documents. We are attaching a one-page version for your review. Of course if you have not seen the full version and would like to, we certainly can make that available to you. There is also a twenty page summary document that is available. Craig will be covering the major findings of the report with you at your February 20 meeting. The core recommendation of the report 15 that the county and its cities form a jint powrs agreement (WA) agency, the purpose of which would be to create a shared institutional 1|Page page 36 network (1 -Net) using existing and supplemental publicly owned facilities for the operational usage of all members and to possibly utilize that I -Net to provide open -access, wholesale services to Internet service providers (ISP) and possibly to large companies on a wholesale basis (C -Net). The purpose of the C -Net is to aid economic development by the furtherance of high capacity, reasonably priced broadband services. The C -C Managers Group began discussions on what potential items may need be addressed in a JPA on Thursday, February 12. The group has formulated a list of issues to resolve and will continue to work its way through them. Of course along the way, they will continue to update the Mayor Manager Group and your own individual staff members will no doubt be updating you as well. Craig and Lisa are available to appear before your Councils if you think that would be worthwhile. The goal of all of this is to have a draft JPA available for consideration by all potential members later this year. Attachment: One -Page Report Summary 2Page page 37 Dakota County Broadband Report Summary Dakota County public institution, resident, and business needs for broadband will increase rapidly. Dakota County needs modern next generation broadband to deliver high quality services and compete globally. The CDA on behalf of the Dakota County Managers Group hired Design Nine to complete a study addressing the following key concepts: • Institutional Network (I -Net) — Link existing publicly owned network assets to provide better and more cost effective service for governmental operations. • Commercial Network (C -Net) — Use excess capacity of the I -Net to enhance economic development. Report Recommendations 1. Invest in an enhanced 1 -Net. Benefits of an enhanced 1 -Net would inctude: a. More efficient operation and utilization of existing assets b. Improved management and inventory of network assets c. Better planning and implementation of future network additions (the current ad hoc approach to brokering individual JPAs is unsustainable) d. Streamlined ability to broker asset and cost sharing agreements e. Increased opportunities for shared procurement of network services 2. Create a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to operate the 1 -Net (and the C -Net if it follows) a. Complete a comprehensive inventory of all existing and planned publicly owned network assets b. Analyze all existing JPAs to understand restrictions on the use of the assets c. Create pre -approved operating procedures for the 1 -Net d. Connect the disparate systems (County and city owned fiber networks) by completing the "gaps" project. This could be done in two phases for a total estimated cost of $3.4 million. 3. An enhanced I -Net is recommended to better and more cost effectively manage the I -Net for governmental purposes, irrespective of whether a C -Net foliows. The report also strongly rocononnendytheestob|iuhnnentoFtheC-Netayavvho|esa|e-openacoess-nnu|tiyervicesyytenn,us|ng the excess capacity of the 1 -Net. Under this model, the C -Net would ]QI compete with private providers. It would make network assets available to private providers on an equal basis, decreasing their costs and increasing competition. The result would be faster, cheaper service for businesses and residents. Benefits of the C -Net would include: a. Better position Dakota County to be economically competitive in the global marketplace b. Make it more likely that private providers would invest in the last mile to make Fiber to the Home/Premise a reatity for Dakota County residents and businesses c. Revenue generated could be used to reimburse public investment am: rD ®. 171 ram3top z rD 0 • • 0 0_ fD pueqpeoas page 38 Dra 3 0 m CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 39 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone r 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota•hei g hts.com DATE: April 21, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: Ryan Ruzek, PE, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids on the Victoria Road South Reconstruction BACKGROUND Council ordered the Victoria Road South Reconstruction at their November 19, 2013 meeting, and conducted a listening session on November 18, 2014. Staff was directed to prepare plans and specifications for this street reconstruction project. This project includes reconstructing Victoria Road from Marie Avenue to Lexington Avenue and also includes an alternate bid for the upper city hall parking lot. Plans and specifications are available in the Engineering Department. Street Reconstruction Victoria Road requires a 10 -ton street design meeting MDOT's Municipal State Aid (MSA) standards. For a 20 -year design life, the soils report recommends a street section consisting of a minimum 4" bituminous pavement surface over a 10" aggregate base. The horizontal alignment of Victoria Road will shift to the East approximately 4'-6'. The proposed street widths vary from 28 feet to 34 feet wide from face of curb to face of curb, which is generally 0 feet to 6 feet wider than the existing streets due to the addition of parking, and concrete curb and gutter. Storm sewer improvements will consist of adding catch basins and storm sewer pipe and connecting to the existing storm sewer system. St. Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) has recommended replacing eight hydrants on Victoria Road. City Hall — Upper Parking lot Mendota Heights City Hall was constructed with extremely flat grades and almost no storm sewer to collect and convey surface water to the pond behind city hall. Currently the surface water drains over the pavement causing a substantially reduced pavement life span and icing problems in the winter. Sidewalks have also settled and are beginning to pose a public safety issue. Staff is proposing to solicit bids for reconstruction which can be evaluated at the bid award meeting. These bids would be solicited as a wholly separate Alternate to the primary bid for Victoria Road South. The City is not obligated to move forward with the parking lot Alternate by soliciting bids. A decision on the parking lot Alternate can be made at the time of Bid Award at the May 19th City Council meeting. page 40 Project Schedule The Engineering staff has substantially completed the plans and specifications for this project. The next step is to advertise for bids. A proposed schedule for the remainder of this project is shown below: Item: Date: Open Bids May 14, 2015 Award Contract May 19, 2015 Begin Construction June 2015 Complete Construction Fall 2015 Assessment Hearing October 2015 Final Wear Course of Bituminous Pavement Fall 2015 BUDGET IMPACT The total estimated opinion of probable cost for the Victoria Road South Reconstruction is $1,670,851.05. The Upper City Hall Parking lot is estimated at $164,923.80, not including indirect costs for legal, engineering, administration, and finance. The Victoria Road South Reconstruction Project is proposed to be financed by special assessments, municipal bonds, and utility funds. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the final plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids. If city council wishes to implement the staff recommendations, it should pass a motion adopting A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE VICTORIA ROAD SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (PROJECT #201308a). This action requires a simple majority vote. page 41 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015-29 A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE VICTORIA ROAD SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (PROJECT #201308a) WHEREAS, the City Engineer reported that the proposed improvements to Victoria Road from Marie Avenue to Lexington; and construction thereof were feasible, desirable, necessary, and cost effective, and further reported on the proposed costs of said improvements and construction thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore directed the City Engineer to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council has directed the City Engineer to solicit bids for the reconstruction of the upper city hall parking lot; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for said improvements and have presented such plans and specifications to the City Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; by the Mendota Heights City Council as follows: 1. That the plans and specifications for said improvements be and they are hereby in all respects approved by the City. 2. That the Clerk with the aid and assistance of the City Engineer be and is hereby, authorized and directed to advertise for bids for said improvements all in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes, such as bids to be received at the City Hall of the City of Mendota Heights by 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 14, 2015, and at which time they will be publicly opened in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall by the City Engineer, will then be tabulated, and will then be considered by the City Council at its next regular Council meeting. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this twenty first day of April 2015. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST Lorri Smith, City Clerk