1973-01-23 Council minutesPage 161
January 23,1973
Minutes of the Special Meeting
Held Tuesday, January 23, 1973
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the special meeting
of the Village Council, Village of Mendota Heights, was held
at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Somerset Elementary School,
1355 Dodd Road, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
The following members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmen
Lockwood, Gutzmer, Losleben and Wahl.
Mayor Huber pointed out that the purpose
of the meeting is to conduct a hearing
on the proposed blacktopping of streets
in the area known as the Somerset View
Addition. He stated that the hearing was
brought about by a petition received from
people in the area who are interested in
obtaining cost figures for street
improvement. He further stated that the
Village Engineer has prepared several
reports outlining proposals for street
improvements for the area. He indicated
that the Village Administrator will
explain the most economic proposal and that
after the explanation, the Council will
hear comments and questions from the
audience. He requested that all comments
or questions be o f a general nature and
that anyone having questions about specific
'pieces of property discuss the questions
with the Council after the hearing. He
stated that anyone wishing to submit written
objections may do so during the coming week
and that no decision on the project will
be made at this meeting -- the matter will
be brought before the Council for a
decision in approximately two weeks.
Mayor Huber turned the meeting over to
Village Administrator Johnson for an
explanation of the proposed improvements.
Mr. Johnson gave a brief histbry of the
proposed project and stated that street
improvements consisting of grading,
stabilization and bituminous surfacing are
proposed for Beebe Avenue between Dodd and
Delaware, Mears Avenue between Dodd and
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Delaware, Staples Avenue between Dodd and
Delaware, Coleshire Lane between Dodd and
Dorset, Somerset Road between Coleshire Lane
and Mears, Dorset between Coleshire and
Burr Oak and Hingham Circle between Emerson
and Mears. He further stated that the
proposal is for more or less conventionally
built streets of 18 to 22 foot width,
depending on existing conditions -- there
will be ndrmaI residential base construc-
tion plus a two—inch machine—laid asphaltic
concrete surface. Some streets will
possibly be tilted to alleviate the drain-
age problems, but no other revision of
existing drainage facilities is included
in the project.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that normally when
streets are constructed there is as little
disruption of existing driveways as possible;
however, the Council is considering including
an optional feature in the contract which
would provide a bid price for driveway
Village Administrator Johnson stated that
if the project is ordered in soon,
construction could boginn in May or June
with completion in the fall. The estimated
cost of the project is $128,000 or $12.00
to $13.00 per assessible foot.
Mayor Huber ,asked the audience for questions
or comments
0r. Harold Latham, 12I1 Delaware Avenue,
asked why Emerson Avenue was excluded
from the proposed project. Mayor Huber
explained that it was excluded in an attempt
to keep the project costs at a more econ-
omical price and because it is hoped that
Emerson will, at some point, qualify as
a State Aid Street.
0r. Ralph Johnson, 1280 Dodd Road, asked
why Somerset from Colebhire to Emerson was
excluded. Mayor Huber answered that this
was excluded because it carries very little
traffic and because of the economic
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An unidentified resident asked if culverts
will be required of those residents who
don't have them at present. Mayor Huber
answered that culverts are not part of the
project because the inclusion of culverts
would raise the cost of the project back to
the original $29f00 per foot estimate.
Orra Wakefield, 5 Hingham Circle, asked
whose responsibility it is to keep the
culverts open -- and stated that part of
the drainage problem exists because the
culverts are not kept open. Mayor Huber
responded that the Village maintains the
culverts which cross the roads but that
the Village does not maintain driveway
Donald Clauson, 10 Beebe Avenue, referring
to a letter from the Village Administrator
which was sent to all of the residents
as an explanation of the proposed improv-
ement project, asked why a cost figure of
$77,000 was listed on one page while the
proposed cost figure of $128,000 was listed
on another page. Village Administrator
Johnson stated that the $77,000 figure was
included in the letter to indicate what the
cost would be for the lowest grade, poorest
type of construction -- the cost would be
approximately $7.50 per foot -- as opposed
to the proposed $128,000 figure which would
enable the construction of streets that are
as structurally sound as any other resident-
ial street being build in the Village at
this time.
Mrs. Carolyn Lillo, 551 Emerson Avenue,
asked if there is any protection against
reassessment for those people who own
double frontage lots. She wondered if those
residents would be reassessed for frontage
at the other end of their lots if at some
future date construction is proposed
for those streets excluded from this pro-
posed project. Mayor Huber replied that
assessments would only be made for construc-
tion on streets on which the residence fronts.
In the case of Emerson Avenue, if Emerson
is designated as a State Aid Street at
some time in the future and is improved
through State Aid funds there would only
be nominal assessments. Village Adminis-
trator Johnson stated that the Council would
-be reluctant to assess any double facing
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lots for the cost of construction on
both streets.
Dr. James Henry, 13 Dorset Road, stated that
the streets have adequately served the
residents for the past 25 years and
requested that a poll be taken of the
Robert Edman, 2 Dorset Road, asked if the
Council will proceed with the project even
if the majority of the residents are
against it. Mayor Huber replied that the
question will be answered when the Council
votes on.tho issue.
Elroy Isaacson, 573 Emerson Avenue, asked
why sodding was included in the project.
Village Administrator Johnson stated that
in order to do proper excavation with a front
end loader, there must be a minimum of
six inches of work space between the edge
of the mat and the excavating area -- after
the construction is completed if sod is not
installed there will be a six—inch strip
of mud along the streets. If the contrac-
tor puts black dirt along the base it is
likely that the edge of the street would
be a water—way during rainy periods and
water would get under the base of the street.
Harold Latham replied that the ruts in the
streets are caused by school buses and asked
why something could not be done about the
school bus routing.
Councilman Lockwood stated that garbage
and fuel oil trucks are a similar problem
but that little if anything can be done
about this type of problem. He stated that
the Council must keep an open mind on this
proposed project: this area is no diff-
erent from other areas of the Village where
street improvements are needed and the
burden for such improvements must be borne
at some time. He pointed out that this'
project was petitioned for because of the
drainage problems and because some people
are tired of the poor street conditions.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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He stated that in fairness to those people
who want something better in terms of drain-
age and good streets, something must be done--
nothing can be done about the drainage
because of ec omomics, but perhaps with this
proposed project, these people will at least
have streets equal to streets in other
residential areas.
Mrs. Jo Lockwood, 2 Hingham Circle, stated that
she has not heard any comments in favor of the
project up to this point and okked that those
in favor of the project express their reasons.
Arthur Miller, 1 Dorset Road, stated that he
would like to have a real estate appraiser
state whether this improvement would add to
house values. He also asked whether this
area is one of the last to petition for street
Mayor Huber listed the streets in the Village
which had been improved.
Richard B'orklund, 1260 Dodd Road, stated that
he is definitely in favor of the project. He
further stated that people must realize
that if this project is delayed for five years
or more the total cost will be much greater;
the residents of this area deserve good streets
- now. He also commented that the construction
will enhance and benefit all of the property
included in the project.
Mrs. Arthur Miller, 1 Dorset Road, stated
that it would be illogical to let the streets
remain in their present condition and that
if the project is delayed much longer the cost
will become even greater.
Mayor Huber stated that anyone opposing the
proposed project may sign his name and address
on a list which will be supplied by the Clerk—
Treasurer after the hearing.
There being no further discussion or comments,
Councilman Lockwood moved that the meeting be
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Time of adjournment: 9:40 P.M.
Donald L. Huber, Mayor