1973-03-06 Council minutesL)
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March 6, 1973
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, March 6, 1973
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the Village
Council, Village of Mendota Heights was held at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Village
Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The following
members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmen Lockwood, Wahl, Gutzmer and
APPROVE Councilman Wahl moved approval of the minutes of the
MINUTES February 20 meeting.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Huber acknowledged receipt of a petition objecting to
proposed Marie Avenue improvements;-a list of persons
objecting to the proposed MarieAvenue improvements; letters
from John J. Nafus, Sonja Roubik, and the Robert Maher
family objecting to the proposed improvements.
PARKS AND Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Joseph Stefani was
RECREATION present to request that the Village Appraiser be authorized to
negotiate for the purchase of 2.9 acres of property owned by
Will Wachtler and adjoining the Interstate Park. The property
consists of two small parcels, one parcel equaling .6 acres
and the other parcel consisting of 2.3 acres. Mr. Stefani
stated that in December, 1971 these parcels were appraised
at $4,500 per acre.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mr. Will Wachtler stated that when the Village asked for
additional land for sewer it was agreed that no more land
would be acquired from the Wachtler family. Mayor Huber
stated that if there is any legal document prelude such
acquisition it will be brought out during acquisition
negotiations .
Councilman Losleben moved that negotiations be authorized
for 2.9 acres of land owned by Will Wachtler and adjacent
to the Interstate Park.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Mr. Joseph Stefani invited the Village Council to a joint
tour of the park system on Saturday, March 24. He stated that
he will send a notice of this tour to the Councilmen. He also
requested that the Council meet with the Park Commis sion at
7:00 B.M. on April 3 to go over the park sites in detail regarding
park development plans.
Village Attorney Winthrop stated that he has an earnest money
contract from the Marie Investment Company for a parcel of
property known as Parcel No. 26009-Alb:. adjoining the
Interstate Park and consisting of 9.8 acres. The purchase
price for the property is $42,200 with the Village assuming
the assessments and taxes on the property in the amount of
$6,200, making the total purchase price of $48,400. He stated
that the Appraiser recommends the purchase.
Councilman Losleben moved that the earnest money contract be
accepted and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign
Mayor Huber seconded the motion.
The Council acknowledged receipt of a notice of a Legislative
Action Conference from the League of Minnesota Municipalities.
Village Administrator Johnson stated that the conference will be
held at the St. Paul Arts and Sciences Center on the
afternoon and evening of March 14.
The Council also acknowledged receipt of a...letter from the
N.S.P. Electric Rate Study Committee informing the Village
Council of a meeting to be held on March 15 at 7:30 P.M.
at the Brooklyn Center Civic Center. The purpose of the
meeting is to present two documents to municipal governing
bodies and administrative personnel -- one document is a
proposed uniform electric franchise and the other document
is a proposed joint agreement among the communities which
adopt the franchise (the franchise would permit all communities
which adopt the franchise to act jointly in regulating N.S.P.
rates in accordance with the terms of the franchise).
Village Administrator Johnson presented to the Council a
tabulation of the Village's tax levy.
Mayor Huber stated that several letters had been received in
opposition to the proposed Marie Avenue improvements from
Dodd Road to Delaware Avenue, and that there are several
persons in the audience who are interested in receiving more
information. He stated that the Council is studying all the
letters and that they are now considering constructing the
section from Dodd Road to Victoria before completing this
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March 6, 1973
Councilman Lockwood stated that he and the Village Administrator
had met with the Minnesota Highway Department and that the
Highway Department officials stated that if the Village decides
to construct Marie Avenue from Dodd Road to Delaware on anything
less than a 44 foot driving surface they would reject the use
of State Aid funds. He also stated that the Highway Department
people pointed out that Mendota Heights is just one community
out of 94 that qualify for State Aid funds and that they feel
that what is good for one community is good for other
Village Administrator Johnson stated that the Highway Department
engineer brought out the design map for the bridge which showed
that the bridge was designed for a 44 foot driving surface when
the Village committed itself to the State Aid improvements and
that the bridge cost about $180,000.
Councilman Lockwood stated that there are really no traffic
density studies available on the State Aid roads and that the
Highway Department people indicated that the Village will soon
have to bear the cost of such studies.
Mayor Huber stated that the petition from the residents on
Marie Avenue raised several questions which must be answered and
that the Council intends to study and answer all the questions.
He stated that the Highway Department feels that the other
section should be completed first and that the Council must
answer that question to the Highway Department.
Mr. John Barber asked if there will be another hearing on the
proposed improvements and Mayor Huber answered that the residents
will be notified when the subject comes up for consideration again
ORDINANCE Continued from February 20. Village Attorney Winthrop
REGULATING distributed to the Council revised copies of a proposed ordinance
PARKING OF regulating the parking of motor vehicles and explained the
Mayor Huber moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 108, "AN
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
VOLUNTEER FIRE Village Administrator Johnson stated that revisions, in
DEPARTMENT accordance with Council direction on January 16, 1973, had been
ORDINANCE made in the proposed Volunteer Fire Department ordinance. He
briefly explained the revisions.
Mayor Huber moved the adoption of Ordinance Number 109,
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Councilman Lockwood seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
VARIANCE FOR Village Administrator Johnson stated that Sheehy Construction
SIGN HEIGHT-- Company has requested a variance for sign height-so that
SHEEHY they can relocate the present Mendota Plaza sign from its
CONSTRUCTION present location to within about 80 feet from the
COMPANY highway right-of-way. The present height of the sign is 35 feet
and Sheehy Company is requesting a variance which would allow
a height of 45 feet. Mr. Johnson stated that the actual height
of the proposed sign would be several inches below its present
height (based on mean sea level). Mr. Johnson referred the
Council to a planning report submitted by Village Planner
Jim Ruone.
Councilman Losleben stated that he feels that matters of this
nature should be referred to the Planning Commission.
Councilman Wahl shared this opinion.
Mayor Huber stated that technically such matters should come
before the Village Council and the Council would then refer
such matters to the Planning Commission if they see fit to do
Mayor Huber moved that a ten foot variance in sign height be
granted to the Sheehy Construction Company with the stipulation
that the height of the sign must be reduced to 35 feet if the
sign must be moved back to its original location at such time
as the Highway Department needs additional right-of-way for
T.H. 110 and T.H. 49.
Councilman Lockwood seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
SPECIAL Councilman Gutzmer moved adoption of Resolution Number 73-18,
cash contributions for parks and playgrounds shall be held
(under the provisions of Ordinance No. 2 as amended) and
that such funds shall only be used for acquisition, development
and debt retirement in connection with land previously
acquired for parks and recreation.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
PUBLIC Mr. John Lappakko requested that something be done to
Cheri Lane to make it more passable during the present
improvement construction.
ROGERS LAKE Village Attorney Winthrop stated that he had just received
LEVEL CONTROL a notice of Order and Findings of Fact on the hearing on
Rogers Lake. He stated that in summary, the Department
of Natural Resources has found that the ordinary high
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March 6, 1973
water level is 872.2 feet and has provided that the Village
may establish a level up to but not to exceed 873.0 feet,
provided that the Village acquires any rights from parties
whose property could be affected by water levels above 872.2.
Village Administrator Johnson asked if there is an appeal time
during which someone could appeal the determination of the
ordinary high water level at 872.2 or the level of 873.0.
Village Attorney Winthrop stated that he was not completely sure
what the appeal time is and stated that he would like to have
time to do some researching into the matter.
Mayor Huber asked Mr. Winthrop to look into the legal aspects
of the Order.
There was considerable discussion about setting a date for a
public hearing on Rogers Lake level control and it was decided
that the matter of setting a hearing date should be postponed
until the next regular meeting.
Village Administrator Johnson stated that two bids were
received on a 1973 Squad Car. One bid was from Fury Motors,
the other bid was from Southview Chevrolet. Mr. Johnson
stated that the lowest bid exceeds by about $400 the amount
budgeted for a leased squad car for 1973, however there is no
longer any alternative to purchasing a car. Mr. Johnson
recommended that the low bid submitted by Fury Motors, Inc. of
South St. Paul in the amount of $2,798.00 (with the 1972
squad car as trade-in) be accepted.
Councilman Lockwood moved that Fury Motors, Inc. be awarded
the bid for a 1973 model station wagon (squad car) in the
amount of $2,798.00.
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
SPECIAL POLICE Village Administrator Johnson stated that the State annually
FUND appropriates $4,800 for police activities. He further stated
EXPENDITURES that no determination has been made on how to expend the
monies and proposed that a half-time secretarial position
in the Police Department be created. He recommended that
such a position be created on the basis of twenty hours
per week, the salary to be paid from the Special Police Fund.
Mayor Huber moved that the Village Administrator be authorized
to hire a part-time clerk to work within the Police
Department and to be paid from the Special Police Funds.
Councilman Gutzmer stated that he would like to have the
matter tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Losleben
Mayor Huber withdrew his motion and tabled the matter until
the next regular meeting.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Village Administrator Johnson recommended that the Mayor
and Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to sign an Agreement with
the City of West St. Paul which would provide for the
answering of all fire emergency calls through the West St. Paul
Communication Center, and if a call is an emergency, the
dispatcher will trigger the existing ringing system. The
Mayor and Manager of West St. Paul have signed the agreement
wherein such service will be provided for $50.00 per month.
Mr. Johnson further stated that the changing of the telephone
number could be done in the middle of May.
- Councilman Gutzmer moved that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer
be authorized to sign the Agreement with West St. Paul
providing for the answering of fire calls.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
STUDENT Village Administrator Johnson stated that in December the
INTERN Council authorized hiring a half-time administrative intern
from January 15 to May 15, but that the position did not
materialize. He further stated that an opportunity has arisen
to have a full-time student intern from St. Cloud work for
12 weeks for $30.00 per week beginning in the end of March
and he recommended that the contract with the Urban Corps
for the intern's services be signed.
Councilman Gutzmer moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign
the contract with the Urban Corps.
Councilman Lockwood seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
MISSISSIPPI Village Attorney Winthrop recommended that the Village
RIVER Council authorize signing over to the Metropolitan Sewer
CROSSING Board the Village's permit to cross over the Mississippi River.
Councilman Lockwood moved that the Mayor be authorized to
sign over to the Metropolitan Sewer Board the Village's
permit to cross over the Mississippi River.
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
INVESTMENTS Village Clerk-Treasurer Radabaugh stated that he would like
to invest in two time-savings certificates of $100,000 each
for six months at 6% interest -- the investments are $100,000
for the interceptor sewer and $100,000 being the Consolidated
Improvement Fund. The investments are to be made with the
Mid-America State Bank.
Councilman Gutzmer moved that the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized
to invest in two time-savings certificates of $100,000 each with
the Mid-America State Bank for six months at 6% interest.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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March 6, 1973
MARIE Councilman Lockwood stated that the charge has been made that
AVENUE the Planning Commission never investigated the use of Marie
Avenue as a State Aid street, however, this was thoroughly
investigated at the time the roadway was suggested as
a State Aid street. The residents had also questioned whether
what was valid twenty years ago is still valid and
Councilman Lockwood stated that after discussing the matter with
the State Aid people they feel that because of the original
estimates on traffic they do not have any interest to accept
anything less than 44 feet in width for an MSA street.
Councilman Lockwood further stated that if he were a resident
on this section of Marie Avenue two things would bother him --
the burden of the existing assessments and the fact that the
residents do not wish to have the street improved to the point
that it would become similar to Marie Avenue between Delaware
and Charlton in West St. Paul. He stated that if the Marie
Avenue project were built as proposed and the people were
assessed $15 per foot, their total assessments at that point
would have reached approximately $36 per foot. He further
pointed out that perhaps the residents would have a reduced
objection to theproject if it were delayed, giving them a
little more time to pay for the previous assessments. He
stated that the Village must remain aware of its commitment
to the State and the Federal Bureau of Roads. He stated that
he feels it would be difficult to justify thetype of street
that is being proposed for construction in the near future,
and that he would suggest that the Council consider the
possibility of honoring the commitment to the State by doing
the section from Dodd Road to Victoria first. By doing this
the residents on the east section of Marie Avenue will have
a chance to pay off some of their present obligations and
the traffic on the west section will determine what type of
street will be necessary for the east section.
Councilman Wahl stated that he does not feel that the residents
on Marie Avenue from Dodd to Delaware should have to bear the
burden of the assessments from the project since Marie Avenue
is a State Aid road and since it is primarily used by all
residents of the Village. Councilman Lockwood answered that
the assessments are based on benefits received and that whether
the resi dents feel that it is or is not a benefit, the State
law recognizes an improvement as a benefit, and that the
$15.00 would not pay for the entire benefit received.
Councilman Losleben stated that there are several questions
unanswered, the 80 foot easement, the width of the street,
and the cost. He further stated that perhaps if the west
section is done first, the questions inherent to the east
section will have been answered.
Mr. Robert Maher stated that the residents are 100% opposed
to the acquisition of additional right-of-way and that there
are some things to which they are opposed that are not
negotiable .
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Time of Adjournment: 10:50 o'clock P.M.
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Mayor Huber stated that more answers are necessary prior
to final consideration of the matter and that he would like
to have some reaction from the residents on the proposal to
do the west section of Marie first.
Mayor Huber moved the Council to adopt the following
RESOLVED, that the claims submitted to the Village Council for
payment, a summary of which is set forth on the list attached
hereto and identified as List of Claims submitted for payment,
March 6, 1973, having been audited by the Village Council,
be and are hereby allowed and the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer
of the Village of Mendota Heights are hereby authorized and
directed to issue Village checks in payment of said claims.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Councilman Wahl moved approval of the list of licenses, granting
licenses to:
Tillges Realty, Inc.
Ronald J. Pierre, Inc.
Rudy J. Lenz, Inc.
Wayne Construction Co.
North Star Plumbing & Htg.
General Contractor License
General Contractor License
Masonry Contractor License
Masonry Contractor License
Plumbing License
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilman Wahl moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
Donald L. Huber