1974-11-19 Council minutesPage 450
November 19, 1974
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held on November 19, 1974
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City
Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the
City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The following
members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmen Lockwood, Losleben, Gutzmer
and Wahl.
County Assessor O'Toole was present to request approval of
several tax abatements.
Councilman Wahl moved that abatements be granted to the
Alice R. Booth, for Parcel No.
assessed value from 21,600 to
Harry Johnson, for Parcel No.
assessed value from 21,800 to
27-22450-030-02, reducing
21,400 for taxes payable in 1974.
27-22450-040-02, reducing
21,320 for taxes payable in 1974.
William F. Mazzitello, for Parcel No. 27-22450-050-02, reducing
assessed value from 22,800 to 20,200 for taxes payable in 1974.
Tom H. Garrett, Jr., for Parcel No. 27-22450-080-02, reducing
assessed value from 25,720 to 21,720 for taxes payable in 1974.
Harry Sarbach, for Parcel No. 27-22450-090-02, reducing
assessed value from 25,040 to 20,240 for taxes payable in 1974.
Bernard S. Kegan, for Parcel No. 27-22450-110-02, reducing
assessed value from 23,960 to 22,280 for taxes payable in 1974.
Del R. Stamy, for Parcel No. 27-22450-140-02, reducing assessed
value from 17,440 to 16,760 for taxes payable in 1974.
Robert A. Siegel, for Parcel No. 27-22450-150-02, reducing
assessed value from 18,880 to 18,160 for taxes payable in 1974.
Marion E. Elmore and Virginia, Parcel No. 27-22450-160-02,
reducing assessed value from 17,440 to 16,360 for taxes
payable in 1974.
Herbert A. Gerber, for Parcel No. 27-22450-190-02, reducing
assessed value from 18,520 to 18,080 for taxes payable in 1974.
Burtis J. Mears, for Parcel No. 72-22450-200-02, reducing
assessed value from 17,480 to 16,760 for taxes payable in 1974.
William E. Mears, for Parcel No. 27-22450-210-02, reducing
assessed value from 17,280 to 16,360 for taxes payable in 1974.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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November 19, 1974
Knute D. Park, for Parcel No. 27-22450-220-02, reducing
assessed value from 17,180 to 16,560 for taxes payable in 1974.
Leon V. Asbury, for Parcel No. 27-22450-230-02, reducing
assessed value from 17,480 to 16,760 for taxes payable in 1974.
Leonard J. Keyes, for Parcel No. 27-22450-250-02, reducing
assessed value from 20,140 to 19,940 for taxes payable in 1974.
Bernard Mogol, for Parcel No. 27-22450-260-02, reducing
assessed value from 18,560 to 18,080 for taxes payable in 1974.
Herbert D. Bement, et al, for Parcel No. 27-22450-270-02,
reducing assessed value from 19,280 to 18,640 for taxes
payable in 1974.
Patricia Millington, for Parcel No. 27-22450-290-02,
reducing assessed value from 19,280 to 18,640 for taxes
payable in 1974.
William L. Brummond, for Parcel No. 27-22450-290-02, reducing
assessed value from 18,560 to 17,880 for taxes payable in 1974.
Edward Berg, for Parcel No. 72-22450-300-02, reducing assessed
value from 18,560 to 17,920 for taxes payable in 1974.
Jeanette M. Wier, for Parcel No. 28761, reducing assessed
value from 28,520 to 27,040 for taxes payable in 1974.
Alois T. Wagnar, for Parcel No. 26313-B, reducing assessed
value from 7,840 to 7,000 for taxes payable in 1974.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Mayor Huber opened. the meeting for the purpose of a hearing on
proposed sanitary sewer (and associated street restoration)
improvements to serve the Bachelor Avenue area. Mayor Huber
turned the meeting over to the City Administrator for a
brief history and description of the proposed improvements.
Administrator Johnson stated that the proposed project was
initiated by a petition received on May 10. He noted
that hearing notices had been mailed, to all abutting property
owners and had been published in the West St. Paul Sun. He
stated that four schemes for servicing the area had been
prepared as part of the feasibility study and a fifth plan
has been prepared since the receipt of the study.
Administrator Johnson and the City Engineer explained the five
proposals for the audience, including the engineering details,
service area and estimated cost.
Mayor Huber asked for questions and comments from the audience.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Page. 452
November 19, 1974
Mr. John Fahey, 1709 Lansford Lane, stated his opposition
to Scheme 1 and that he favors Scheme 5. He also asked about
the possibility of street and water improvements in
conjunction with Scheme 5.
Mr. Alois Manthe, 1715 Lansford Lane, stated that he
favors Scheme 5, the other schemes would be too costly.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Slowinski, 806 Bachelor, opposed any
proposal except Scheme 5.
Mrs. Anthoy Strauss, 717 Stanwich; asked about additional
cost figures for street and water improvements.
Dr. C. N. McCloud and David McCloud ooposed all proposals
except Scheme 5, and firmly opposes Schemes 3 and 4.
Mr. Anthony Strauss, 717 Stanwich, stated that Scheme 5
is the best scheme because it would eliminate a temporary-type
insulated sewer.
Mr. John Jantzen, 1722 Lansford Lane, expressed his opposition
to all schemes except Scheme 5.
Mayor Huber asked that anyone having objections to the
proposed project submit a letter to the Council or sign
a list provided by the City Clerk.
There being no further questions or comments from the
audience, Mayor Huber moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
The Hearing was closed at 9:04 o'clock P.M.
Administrator Johnson stated that citizen reaction seemed
to indicate a desire for street and water improvements,
and suggested that the Council consider additional study
on these improvements.
Councilman Losleben moved that the City Engineer be directed
to expand the portion of the feasibility study relating to
Scheme 5, including street and water improvement details.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Councilman Lockwood moved the approval of the minutes of the
November 7 Election Canvassing Board.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
The Council acknowledged receipt of the Fire Department
monthly report for October, 1974 and the Park and Recreation
Commission minutes for October 23.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
1974 LEVY
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
. Page 453
November .19, 1974
Mr. John Klein, Project Director for the Urban Council on
Mobility, was present to request permission to erect a
twelve by twenty-five foot porta-panel mobile sign on
property owned by Gould, Inc. at the southeast corner of
TH 13 and TH 55. He explained that the sign would
"advertise" important meeting dates related to highway
construction and that the sign would be used at this location
intermittently until June of 1975. Mr. Klein outlined the
goals and membership of his group.
Mayor Huber asked if the City officials will be provided with
information on the number and location of respondents to the.
sign and Mr. Klein stated that such information would be
Councilman Losleben moved that a variance be granted to allow
the use of a 12 by 25 foot mobile sign at the requested
location intermittently through June of 1975, contingent.
upon proper permission from the property owners.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Mayor Huber moved the adoption of Resolution Number 74-99,
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
After a brief discussion, Councilman Gutzmer moved that the
total fire department complement be established at thirty
men, excluding the Fire Chief, Assistant Chief and Inspector.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Councilman Losleben moved that Thomas Olund and Peter Kovacs
be appointed to the Volunteer Fire Department.
Councilman Lockwood seconded the motion.
Administrator Johnson noted for the Council that the
Association of Metropolitan Municipalities will hold a general
membership meeting on December 12. He urged meeting
participation by the Council members and stated that additional
information will be provided in the near future.
Administrator Johnson distributed to the Council copies of
an interim Space Study prepared by the City Planner and
suggested that the Council members consider the study at
a future meeting.
Page 454
November 19, 1974.
It was the Council concensus that the matter should be
placed on the agenda for the special meeting to be held
on December 9.
The Council members acknowledged receipt of a Northern Dakota
County Chamber of Commerce newsletter regarding a general
membership meeting to be held on Thursday, November 21.
ASSESSMENT SPLIT Administrator Johnson stated that information has been
received from the County Assessor, requesting authority
for an assessment split for property owned by Carmen Tuminelly
and Harvey Bream in the Eagle Ridge Development. He pointed out
that several months ago the developers had presented plans for
development of the area to the Planning Commission and.
City Council. He stated that the County Assessor's request
indicates that the developers plan to divide the parcel into
three parcels. Mr. Johnson asked that the Council formally
refuse to split the assessments on the property.
It was the concensus of the Council that if there is a basis
for denial, the assessment split request should be refused.
MISCELLANEOUS Councilman Wahl gave the Council a brief report on the
Halloween Bonfire.
Councilman Losleben again requested that an ordinance be
drafted to control balcony barbecues. Administrator Johnson
was directed to request a copy of the proposed City of
West St. Paul ordinance regulating this activity.
MC GOUGH PROPERTY After a brief discussion, the Council referred Planning
Commission Case No. 74-18, McGough subdivision, back to
the Planning Commission for additional information on street
considerations for this area.
PROPERTY City Attorney Winthrop stated that in August of 1974 the
ACQUISITION Council approved the purchase of seven acres of the
Dehrer/Rahn property on Marie Avenue and recommended that
the Council adopt a resolution approving the purchase. The
purchase price would be $12,600 subject to payment of taxes
and assessments by the owners.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Huber moved the adoption of Resolution Number 74-101,
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Councilman Wahl moved the adoption of Resolution No. 74-100,
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
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November 19, 1974
SEWER RENTAL The Council acknowledged receipt of a memo from the
ADJUSTMENT Public Works Inspector, regarding a request from Gould, Inc.
to adjust their quarterly sewer bill to reflect a charge
similar to the third quarter charge last year. Mr. Pearson
pointed out that the raise in the bill was apparently the
result of a leak in a two-inch underground pipe. He
recommended'that the bill be reduced by $713.00.
Mayor Huber moved that the third quarter sewer, rental for
Gould, Inc. be reduced to $1,094.
Councilman Losleben seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
LICENSES Councilman Wahl moved the approval of the list of licenses,
granting licenses to:
Scherff Excavating Excavating License
Merle's Construction Co. General Contractor License
Dennis Golla Masonry License
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
LIST OF CLAIMS Councilman Lockwood moved the adoption of the following
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
RESOLVED that the claims submitted to the City Council for
payment, a summary of which is set forth on the list attached
hereto and identified as List of Claims submitted for payment,
November 19, 1974, having been audited by the City Council,
be and are hereby allowed and the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer
are hereby authorized and directed to issue City checks in
payment of said claims.
Councilman Gutzmer seconded the motion.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilman Wahl moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Mayor Huber seconded the motion.
Donald L. Huber, Mayor
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