1976-02-23 Council minutesPage 636
February 23, 1976
Minutes of the Special Meeting
Held Monday, February 23, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the special meeting of the City Council,
City of Mendota Heights, was held at the Somerset Heights Elementary School,
1355 Dodd Road, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The following
members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmen Lockwood, Losleben and Wahl.
Councilman Gutzmer had notified the Council that he would be absent due to illness.
FEASIBILITY HEARING Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a hearing on
NORTHEAST AREA proposed street, curb and gutter and drainage improvements
IMPROVEMENTS and sanitary sewer and watermain extension to serve property
not currently served. Mayor Huber stated that the proposed
improvement was Council initiated. He pointed out that the
purpose of the hearing is for the Council to hear citizen
responses on the proposal. He stated that anyone wishing to
make written comments may submit their comments to the City
offices or leave their name and comments on a list to be
provided by the City Clerk after the meeting. Mayor Huber
turned the meeting over to City Administrator Johnson for
a brief history and presentation of the proposed project.
Administrator Johnson stated that a notice of hearing had been
published in the official City newspaper and copies of the
notice had been mailed to the owners of all property within
the proposed project area Mr. Johnson stated that the Council
initiated the project because of the number of complaints
from residents of the northeast area regarding the street
conditions, drainage problems, lack of street maintenance
and other unsatisfactory conditions. He stated that the
proposal mainly consists of two major facets: storm sewer
construction and street and curb and gutter improvements.
He listed the estimated costs as follows: storm sewer --
$0.06 per square foot (approximately $36,000 of the total
storm sewer cost is attributable to public property and will
be carried on general obligation taxes), for a total cost
of approximately $187,000; Ivy Falls Creek improvements
which will not be assessable under the project, is estimated
to cost $100,000; 30-foot bituminous streets and concrete curb
and gutters, $25.00 estimated per front foot, for an estimated
total cost of $285,000; watermain and sanitary sewer
improvements to serve properties for which requests have been
made, estimated to total $9,000 (including services); for a
total estimated project cost of $581,000. If the project is
ordered in, street assessments could be spread over a ten-year
period at 7% interest on the unpaid balance; storm sewer, sewer,
and water assessments could be spread over a 19 year period at
7% interest on the unpaid balance. Mr. Johnson also pointed
out that the Council is considering an ordinance which would
allow deferments of assessments for senior citizens.
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Mayor Huber asked for questions and comments from the audience.
He stated that the Council would not make a decision on the
project at the hearing but indicated that a decision would
most probably be made at a regular meeting in March.
Mr. Frank F. Knodle, 548 W. Butler Avenue, stated that many of
the residents of the project area are senior citizens and
cannot afford the proposed improvements. He stated that he
and the people he represents oppose the project.
Mr. Don Gerard, 574 W. Butler, submitted a petition in
opposition to the project.
Mr. W.P. Shaughnessy, 562 Winston Court, stated that this
is the third proposal for improvements in the area and asked
if the Council initiation was unanimous. He also objected to
the thirty foot street width proposed and the drainage
Mr. Arnold Gautschi, 606 Valley Lane, stated that he moved into
the area because of the semi-rural quality and objects to
the improvements as well as objecting to the assessment burden
on the senior citizens.
Mr. William Gydesen, 561 Winston Court, stated that he is in
favor of the street improvements but opposed to the total project
as presented and asked for a compromise: streets narrower than
30 feet and without curb and gutters, and a smaller capacity
storm sewer system.
Mr. James Bayer, 1038 View Lane, objected to the inclusion
of curb and gutters and storm sewers, stating that the area
involved, the property valuations are the lowest in the City
and the homeowners cannot afford the proposed improvements.
Mrs. Frank ARth, 1021 Chippewa, asked about assessment
policy and objected to the proposed improvements.
Mr. William Stock, 1063 Chippewa, asked about how his property
(abutting John Street) would be assessed and also pointed out
that West St. Paul drainage is a large cause of the surface
water problem.
Mr. Mike Kluznik , 1057 Chippewa, objected to the proposed
improvements and also objected to any construction of John
Street stating that he feels the intersection would cause a
safety hazard.
Mr. Peter Solberg, 1062-Chippewa, stated that the proposal is
too elaborate and unnecessary.
Mr. John Murphy, 547 Winston Court, asked several questions and
suggested reconsideration of the storm sewer proposal.
Mrs. Sandy Cich, 592 Spring Street, asked why a cul-de-sac is
proposed for Spring Street.
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Mr. Herbert Didion, 1045 Delaware Avenue, stated that he
objects to the estimated cost, not to the proposed project.
Mr. Ron Naegle, 565 Winston Court, stated that he feels
widening the streets to 30 feet would create a safety hazard
for children.
Mrs. Gerard, 574 W. Butler, asked if the Council will notify
the residents when the matter is going to be decided.
Mr. Adkins, 554 Junction Lane, asked why the Council waited
so long to do something about the drainage problem and stated
that he has had problems with surface water for years.
There were no further questions or comments from the audience.
Mayor Huber again stated that anyone wishing to make written
comments should submit them to the City offices. He also
urged representatives of the area to keep in contact with the
City staff so the residents will be informed of a meeting
date when a decision will be made.
There being no further business or comments to come before the
Council, Mayor Huber moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilman Lockwood seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:06 o'clock P.M.
41,44.4 ,
Donald L. Huber