1977-02-16 Council minutesPage 791
February 16, 1977
Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting
Held Wednesday, February 16, 1977
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the adjourned meeting of the City Council,
City of Mendota Heights was held at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall, 750 South
Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M. The following
members were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilmen Losleben, Schaberg and Wahl.
Councilman Mertensotto had notified the Council that he would be late, and arrived
at 8:30 P.M.
MUNICIPAL MATTERS Mayor Lockwood noted that the City Council would discuss the
OF CONCERN municipal matters of concern in numerical order as presented
on the lists entitled Policy Matters and Projects. He
indicated that no action would be taken, however, an attempt
would be made to gather a concensus on the relative importance
of the items after a thorough discussion during the evening.
He then asked Administrator Johnson to explain the policy
matters list.
1.) Goals and Objectives. Administrator Johnson advised the
City Council members that the establishment of a general
direction would be desireable. He indicated that after
discussing the various concerns this evening, possibly the
objectives and goals of the Council would be more clearly
defined. There was no action or f011ow -up. 2.) Street
Lights. Councilman Wahl indicated that no street light policy
was necessary. Other expressions indicated that lights should
be paid for by the neighborhoods. There appeared to be no
concensus and no follow-up. 3.) Establish Dutch Elm Disease
Subsidy Formula. After some discussion, the Council members
indicated satisfaction with the formula as proposed by
John Neska in January. Subsidy shall be a payment for a
maximum of 70 inches of removed trees at $1.50 per inch.
Application shall be made to the State of Minnesota for a
subsidy match. 4.) Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Lockwood
advised the Council generally on the need for rezoning and other
plan elements such as agricultural uses, future use of the
former Lilly property, and the need for a five-year capital
improvement program. After a considerable amount of discussion,
the staff was directed to contact the National Science for Youth
Foundation personnel to find out about their future plans.
Mrs. Betty Bayless, representing the League of Women Voters,
offered to provide a summary of the recent Land Planning Act.
5.) Wetlands Ordinance. This was described by Administrator
Johnson showing a map of the W-Districts. Concensus was to
proceed as required by the adopted ordinance. 6.) Park
Contribution Formula. After some discussion, it was the
concensus that a contribution of $500 per lot was to be
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considered a minimum, with the contribution increasing for
larger than standard lots. 7.) Assessment Deferments. After
some discussion on the matter of deferred assessments (both
sewer and water deferments and current street and storm sewer
deferments) it was the concensus that staff should prepare a
written policy for future consideration. 8.) Housing Policy.
Mayor Lockwood indicated some concern on this matter. Further
discussion revealed no concensus. 9.) Gas and Electric
Franchises. Administrator Johnson advised that these two
franchise-drafts were prepared and that they would be submitted
for future consideration if it was deemed adviseable. Concensus
indicated a desire for future consideration. 11.) Surface
Drainage Policy. Very short discussion, no concensus.
12.) Municipal Liquor. A number of questions were raised --
staff is to get a legal opinion on the current status.
On project matters, the following discussion ensued. 1.) Public
Works Garage. A considerable amount of discussion on this matter
followed. Councilman Wahl indicated his dissatisfaction on
removing the Public Works facility from the Civic Center site.
It was agreed that if a bond issue was to be suggested, total
unanimity was necessary amongst Council members. Mayor Lockwood
asked that Councilman Wahl spend additional time on the matter
and that the item should be listed on the March 1 agenda for
further discussion and action. Mayor Lockwood called on
Mr. John Hartmann to advise the Council about the Municipal
Facilities Committee conclusions. 2.) Construction Projects.
It was noted that the TH 110 frontage road, the Ivy Falls
Addition, and the Mayfield Heights street and storm sewer project.
were all underway and need no further discussions. On the Emerso:
overlay between Dodd and Delaware, staff is to submit a further
feasibility report including proposed assessment scheme.
Concerning Londin Road, Councilman Schaberg questioned the need
for this, especially the City initiating any action. 3.) North
End/West St. Paul Storm Sewer Discussion. After a short
discussion, it was agreed that arrangements should be made for
the two Mayors and Administrators to discuss this matter.
Councilman Losleben was excused from the meeting at 10:30 P.M.
4.) Rogers Lake Level Raising. Very little discussion, no
concensus. 5.) Trail and Pedway System. Some discussion,
awaiting further word from Planning Consultant Dahlgren on
the feasibility of an application for Federal funds. 6.) Park
Improvements. It was noted that the local Lions members and
Jaycees were interested in implementing improvements in addition
to current considerations by the West St. Paul Kiwanis. As a
result, the need for such current improvements should be relayed
to the Lions, Kiwanis, and Jaycees. 7.) Elevated Water Tank.
After a considerable amount of discussion concerning the need or
lack of need for an elevated water tank, staff is to submit a
feasibility report indicating a financing plan involving both
the elevated water tank and a public works garage. 8.) Termin-
ation of Friendly Hills Water Franchise. Very little discussion,
no concensus.
Councilman Schaberg was excused from the meeting at 10:50 P.M.
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9.) Infiltration/Inflow Study. There was some discussion on
this matter, but with very little idea of the method in which
to proceed. Staff is to submit some proposals. 10.) Major
Equipment. Some discussion ensued on the need for additional
fire equipment, street sweeper and other Public Works
equipment. It was agreed that some form of a quick response
vehicle for the Fire Department was highly desireable. Very
little discussion ensued on the street sweeper or aerial fire
equipment. There was general concensus that additional
equipment was needed for both the implementation of the diseased
tree program and performance of needed public works maintenance.
As a result, staff is to submit the proposed financing scheme
for a roller, compressor and jack-hammer and a pick-up truck.
Mayor Lockwood thanked the members of the audience for their
civic concern and especially John Hartmann and Betty Bayless
for their contributions.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilman Mertensotto moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councilman Wahl seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 12:07 o'clock A.M.
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Robert G. Lockwood