1982-04-20 Council minutesPage No. 1637
April 2Q,. 1982
Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held
Tuesday, April 20,1982
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council,
City of Mendota.Heights was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 750
South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following
members were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilmembers Hartmann, Mertensotto
and Witt. Councilman Losleben had notified the Council that he would be out
of town.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Lockwood moved approval of the minutes of the
April 6th meeting.
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Hartmann moved approval of the consent calendar
as submitted and recommended for approval as part of the
regular agenda, along with authorization for execution of all
necessary documents contained therein.
1. Approval of the List of Claims dated April 20, 1982,
and totalling $ 50,888.97.
2. Approval of the List of Licenses, granting licenses to:
Southview Design & Const. Co. General Contractor
Ken Anderson Const. General Contractor
Welter & Blaylock, Inc. Excavating
AR-Jay Excavating, Inc. Excavating
Romy Concrete, Inc. Concrete License
3. Approval of the.issuance of an off-sale 3.2 non-intox-
icating malt beverage license to Country Club Markets, Inc.
4. Adoption of Resolution No. 82-38, "RESOLUTION DIRECTING
5. Approval of the Fire Department and Treasurer's monthly
reports for March.
6. Approval of the permanent appointment of Guy Kullander
as Engineering Aide III, effective on May 19th.
7. Approval of the permanent appointment of Mrs. Diane
Ward as Engineering Secretary, effective on May 10th.
8. Acknowledgement of the minutes of the April 12th Planning
Commission meeting, the March 9th Park and Recreation
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Commission meeting and the April 7th Northern Dakota
County Cable Communication Commission.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
BID OPENING, Financial Advisor Shaughnessy opened bids received for the
IMPROVEMENT BONDS issuance of $1,400,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds and
$1,350,000 Permanent Improvement Bonds. The following
bids were receivedfor the temporary issue:
First National Bank of St. Paul bid 9.23%
Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood bid 9.43%
Banc Northwest bid 9.14% interest
The following bids were received for the permanent issue:
First National Bank of St. Paul bid 10.45%
Piper Jaffrey & Hopwood bid 10-47%
Banc Northwest bid 10.24%
Dain, Bosworth bid 10.29% interest.
MISCELLANEOUS Mr. William Sheehy, of Sheehy Properties, and Mr. Pat Maglich
of MGM Liquors, were present to request Council adoption of
provisions to allow the issuance of an off -sale liquor
license to MGM Liquors to operate a facility in the Mendota
Plaza Shopping Center. Mr. Sheehy advised the Council that
his firm proposed.major renovation of the shopping center,
including screening of the roof top ventilation.system and
trash areas, replacement of ceiling tiles, removal of outdated
signs, changing the metal facade of the front ofithe structure,
painting of the structue and painting and patching on the
rear of the facility.
Mr. Sheehy stated that the MGM operation in the center
would promote interest by new retail clients and will
be a catalyst for his firm to make improvements.to the
center. He advised that MGM is interested in leasing
12,000 square feet adjacent to Snyders, and that approx-
imately 5,000 square feet of space will then be available
for other retail enterprises. The Council suggested, and
discussed with Mr. Sheehy, the desireability for a hard-
ware store in the center. Councilman Mertensotto suggested
that parking spaces be provided at the rear of the facility
to.encourage greater access at the south entrance to the
Mr. Maglich reviewed the history of the MGM operation for
the Council, advising that they currently operate 18
retail stores and provide high quality service and
selection. He asked the Council to enact a private off-
sale liquor Ordinance and to,consider MGM as a license
Mayor Lockwood advised Mr..Maglich and Mr. Sheehy that no
action can be taken immediately by the Council and that any
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action on the.,matter would.be..at least,two.to.three months
into.the future. He also.asked Mr.'Sheehy how he would
react to interest by the Wilder Foundation in using a
portion of the Sheehy property for a senior citizen facility.
Mr. Sheehy advised that his firm would be very favorable
to an elderly housing facility on the approximate 3.6
acres of land available south of the shopping center.
HEARING, CASE NO. Mayor Lockwood opened the meeting for the purpose of a
82-04, TOUSIGNANT pbulic hearing on an application from Robert Tousignant for
a wetlands permit and conditional use permit to fill land
located northeast of the future intersection of I-35E and
Mr. Tousignant and his representatives, Jerry Buesing and
Mary Eggum from Buesing Brothers Trucking and Keith Wehrman
from Wehrman Associates, Inc., were present for the dis-
cussion. Mr. Eggum advised the Council that he and the
other representatives have met with representatives of St.
Thomas Academy and Visitation Convent and other owners of
all property within 350 feet of the site to explain the
proposed filling operation. Mr. Wehrman explained the
existing and proposed contours, site lines and wetlands
area. He advised that the drainageway which currently
exists on the site will be left as is. Mr. Wehrman reviewed
a plan for the proposed grading along with the original drain-
age plan and an alternate plan to respond to staff concerns.
He stated that approximately 370,000 cubic yards of fill
would be placed on the site. The process would.involve
scraping and stockpiling the good topsoil, excavating any
unstable material, placing of the fill and replacing the
Public Works Director Danielson explained the drainage
proposals and recommended that the alternate.design be
required as part of the permit approvals rather than being
delayed until the property develops.
In.response to a question from the Council, Mr. Eggum
advised that access to and from the site during the
filling and grading process will be from 1-494 right-of-
way so that traffic will not be disrupted on Mendota Heights
Road. He also advised that the applicants will bear all
responsibility for the clean-up of any fill material
which might spill onto Mendota Heights Road and for any
damage to the road surface in the event that Mendota
Heights Road is necessary for access at times during the
filling. '
Mayor Lockwood asked for questions and comments from the
audience. There being no questions or comments, Mayor
Lockwood moved that the hearing be closed at 8:58 P.M.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
HEARING, CASE NO. Mayor Lockwood opened the meeting for the purpose of a
82-05, BUESING --public hearing on an application from Buesing Brothers
BROTHERS TRUCKING/ Trucking, for a conditional use permit and wetlands permit
RESURRECTI ON for the filling of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Medallion
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Industrial Park and Lots 29 through 35 and 37 through 42
of Auditor's Subdivision No. 34
Mr. Charles,Tierney, representing the Catholic Cemeteries,
and Mr. Mary Eggunj Mr. Keith Wehrman and Mr. Jerry
Buesing, representing Buesing Brothers Trucking, were
present for the discussion.
Mr. Eggum advised the Council that the applicants have
conducted an informal meeting with the owners of all
property located within 350 feet of the proposed filling
site. He stated that the approximately 53 acre site
consists of the southwest corner of the Resurrection
Cemetery property and two lots in the Medallion Industrial
Mr. Wehrman reviewed the grading and drainage plans for
the project. He advised that the topsoil•.:,will be stripped
and stockpiled, filling will be accomplished, and the topsoil
will be replaced. He stated that the cemetery property will
then be seeded with alfalfa, rye grass and timothy for haying
purposes and to keep the land in presentable condition. He
advised that the wetlands for which the permit is necessary
is a 40 foot deep ravine on the cemetery property. It is
planned that the ravine be filled and replaced with a holding
pond which will have a controlled outlet to LeMay Lake and
which is designed for a 100 year storm and then doubled.
Mr. Wehrman stated that the applicant proposes to place
approximately 900,000 cubic yards of fill on the site
and that trees will be planted around the site to give
site protection between the site and private properties
around the area. He stated that if the permits are
approved, construction should be completed by the fall of
1983. In response to a question from Councilwoman Witt, Mr.
Eggum advised that site access will be across Lexington.
Avenue and possibly across TH 55 and that Medallion Drive
might be necessary for access to a portion of.the site.
He stated that the contractor will take whatever precautions
are necessary to protect Medallion Drive and will give the
City a bond to cover any damages.
Mayor Lockwood asked for assurance that the grading and
filling will not affect any aquifer recharge area or sub-
terranian drainage systems. Councilman Mertensotto was.
concerned over the lack of outlet from LeMay Lake and over
future potential flooding damage to surrounding property.
He suggested that staff should analyze existing and future
drainage in the entire quadrant.
Mr. Wehrman stated that the contractor has bent over.back-
wards preparing the drainage plan because of past problems
with Lake Augusta and assured the Council that the plan is
considerably better than the current situation.
Mayor Lockwood asked for questions and comments from the
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There being no questions or comments, Councilwoman Witt
moved that the hearing be closed at 9:50 P.M.
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Councilman Mertensotto moved the adoption of Resolution
ing Brothers Trucking, Inc., entering into a developers
agreement with the City, agreeing to meet all of the pro-
visions set forth in a memo from the Public Works
Director dated April 6, 1982.
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
The Council directed the Public Works Director to review and
report on Mn/DOT plans, the Buesing Brothers plan for the
Resurrection Cemetery property and existing drainage
characteristics in the LeMay Lake and Lake Augusta area for
review by the Council on May 4th. Mr. Eggum and Mr. Buesing
advised the Council that the developers will enter into a
developers agreement incorporating any and all recommendations
which may be made by the Public Works Director as the result
of his study.
Mayor Lockwood moved to grant a conditional use permit and
wetlands permit to.Buesing Brothers,Inc., and Resurrection
Cemetery conditioned upon the applicant being willing to
accept any and all engineering changes determined prudent
by the City's staff and Mn/DOT, such changes to be approved
by the City Council.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
MISCELLANEOUS Park and Recreation Commission Chairman Bayless updated the
Council on the status of the City's LAWCON application and
his discussions with the School Board.
ELDERLY HOUSING The Council acknowledged and discussed a letter from the
Wilder Foundation expressing interest in sponsoring,
constructing and managing an elderly housing facility in
the City. The Council also acknowledged a memo from the
City Administrator giving a history of a similar housing
application filed by Wilder in 1980. Administrator Johnson
advised the Council that he will meet with Mr. Manning, of
the Foundation, and the Metropolitan Council to discuss
the matter further.
Metropolitan Council representative.Kathy Ridder, present
for the discussion, stated that she believes the Metro
Council would be more amenable to such an application now
than it was two years. She asked to be kept informed
on the City's progress on the matter.
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SURFACE WATER The Council members discussed the matter of the Metropolitan
MANAGEMENT PUBLIC Council conducting a public hearing on its.Surface Water
BEARING Management Plan. Administrator Johnson advised the City
Council that the new Surface Water Management Act, Chapter
509, Laws of 1982, is an entirely different approach than
the previously published Surface Water Management Plan. He
stated that since Chapter 509 is a legislative mandate, I
it seems incongruous that other approaches would be seriously
discussed at this time.
The City Council directed the Administrator to prepare a
response to the Metropolitan Council, indicating that the
City position supports the provisions of Chapter 509. Also,
only those portions of the Metropolitan Council's Surface
Water Management Plan that reflect facts and research should
be used in formulating local drainage planning.
MISCELLANEOUS Mayor Lockwood was excused at 10:30 P.M.
OPTICOM Fire Marshal Gene Lange was present to discuss his memo
recommending the purchase of five Opticom emitters for
the Fire Department. It was noted that the $17,735 cost
estimate for the emitters and intersection equipment and
TH 55/Mendota Heights Road and TH 149/110 is approximately
$10,000 less than was approved in the 1982 CIP budget.
Councilman Hartmann moved to authorize an equipment cer-
tificate expenditure of a maximum of $17,735 for opticom
system equipment in accordance with the Fire Marshal's memo.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
FIRE STATION Fire Chief Noack and Fire Marshal Lange were present to
discuss a proposed site and layout for a new fire station.
Captain Lange advised the Council that approximately 25
architectural proposals have been received as the result of
a premature notice in the Construction Bulletin. He also
pointed out that the Mn/DOT maintenance facility bids were
approximately 25% under estimate. He urged the Council to take
some positive action in view of the favorable trend in construc-
tion costs. He proposed that the facility be located on a
3'-2 acre site south of the Werneke property on Dodd Road
currently owned by Perkegwin Investments.
Mr..Sherman Winthrop, a member of Perkegwin Investments,
asked the Council to consider purchasing a portion of the
Werneke property and move the site further north, keeping
the fire facility on the northern portion of the site.
It was the general concensus ofithe Council that the
central fire facility should be located on or in:.close
proximity to the Werneke property. Staff was directed
to pursue study of the site, meet with Perkegwin Invest-
ment and come back to the Council on May 4th for site
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BID AWARD After confirmation of the bids received for permanent and
temporary bonds, Councilwoman Witt moved the adoption
FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF", awarding the bid to Banc North-
west for a net interest rate of 9.144%.
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Councilman Hartmann moved the adoption of Resolution No. 82-40,
THEREOF", awarding the bid to Banc Northwest for a net
interest rate of 10.247%.
Councilwoman Witt seconded: the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
MISCELLANEOUS The Council acknowledged receipt of a zoning notice of
intent from the Dakota County Social Services Department
for licensing of 2167 Fox Place for the placement of a
maximum of 10 children in day care. The Council directed
the City Administrator to research the matter.
PERSONNEL Administrator Johnson introduced Dennis Delmont to
the Council and recommended his appointment as Chief
of Police for an annual salary of $32,880. He advised
the Council that Councilman Losleben had been contacted
and approves the appointment and that Mayor Lockwood
was a member of the selection committee.
On the recommendation of the City Administrator,
Councilman Hartmann moved to appoint Dennis Delmont
as Police Chief, effective May 17th, at the 1982 annual
rate of $32,880.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
MISCELLANEOUS The Council acknowledged receipt of the "Citizens League
News", Tax Study, dated March 30th.
PARK DONATION On the recommendation of the City Clerk, Councilwoman
INTEREST Witt moved the adoption of Resolution No. 82-42,
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
MISCELLANEOUS The City Clerk reported on the status of preparation of
draft ordinances on on-sale liquor and manufactured housing.
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FLOOD HAZARD The Council acknowledged a letter from the DNR regarding
the City's flood hazard potential. The Council concurred
in the DNR finding that the City should be considered
non-flood and should be assigned a Zone "C" insurance
rating classification.
PILOT KNOB ROAD Public Works Director Danielson advised the Council that
UPGRADING bids have been accepted by the County for the upgrading of
Pilot Knob Road from Northland Drive to Mendota Heights
Road. He recommended that the Council approve the low bid
of $192,242.49 submitted by McNamara Vivant Contracting.
Councilwoman Witt moved the adoption of Resolution No. 82-43,
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
MN/DOT AGREEMENT On the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Council -
woman Witt moved the adoption of Resolution No. 82-44,
ROAD TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 110", in conjunction with the
construction of I-35E, and authorization for execution
of the agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk.
Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilman Hartmann moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:52 o'clock P.M.
/Kathleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Acting Mayor