1984-08-28 Council minutesPage No. 209)77 August 28, 1984 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Special Meeting Held Tuesday, August 28,. 1984 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the special meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The following members were present: Mayor Lockwood, Council Members Blesener, Hartmann, Mertensotto and Witt. INDUSTRIAL REVENUE FINANCING Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Councilman Mertensotto moved the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 84 -52, "RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF THE HEARING," relating to a request from Ralph Linvill for $2,700,000 in finan- cing, the hearing to be conducted on September 18th. Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion. Councilman Mertensotto moved the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 84 -53, "RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DE- VELOPMENT PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICA- TION OF A NOTICE OF THE HEARING," relative to an app- lication from the Northland Company for $3,000,000 in industrial revenue financing, the hearing to be held on September 18th. Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion. Councilman Mertensotto moved the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 84 -54, "RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNI- CIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AUTHORIZING THE PUB - LICATION OF A NOTICE OF THE HEARING," relative to an application from the Northland Company for $2,000,000 in industrial revenue financing, the hearing to be conducted on September 18th. Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion. REVENUE SHARING Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 BUDGET SESSION ENGINEERING Page No. 2098 August 28, 1984 Councilwoman Witt moved that the Federal Revenue Sharing proposed use hearing and 1985 Budget hearing which had been scheduled for September 4th be re- scheduled to September 18th. Council woman Blesener seconded the motion. Administrator Frazell reviewed his comments which were included in the draft 1985 budget document. He stated that the budget is intended to serve as a work plan for staff, and he informed the Council that he had invited the department heads to include addition- al funding levels for new services. The police, fire and road and bridge departments did include the addi- tional service level. He stated that no significant change in the taxing level would be necessary and that only a 1/10th mill increase would be required. Mr. Frazell reviewed the departmental Add-Level A requests as follow: Police Department included an additional sergeant in 1985, recognizing that this could be deferred to 1986; Fire Department requested that 4 new firefighter positions be added; the Road and Bridge Department requested funding for street lighting. Mr. Frazell also stated that the Police Department budget reflects a full-time police cap- tain (rather than the prior years' budgeting for a 3/4 time Captain), and the Fire Department requests an allocation for contracted fire inspections as opposed to past practice of budgeting 1/4 of the Police Captain/Fire Marshall position. Mr. Frazell suggested that two additional items should be consid- ered: should the sewer sealing program be increased, and should contractor licensing be eliminated? Public Works Director Danielson reviewed the proposed Public Works and Engineering Capital Improvement Pro- jects for 1985-1990. It was the concensus of the Council that construction of Mendota Heights Road from Lexington to TH 55 be delayed to 1986, that Mendota Heights Road upgrading from Lexington to TH 149 be delayed to 1987, and that the Huber Drive/ Mendota Heights Road connection be deleted from the budget. Mr. Danielson reviewed the proposed street lighting capital improvement projects. Administrator Frazell stated that it is proposed that about 50 lights be installed, based on a program of 10 lights per year. It was the general concensus of the Council that the program should be tested in 1985, that staff should Page No. 21po August 28, 1984 Councilman Mertensotto pointed out that the Police budget did not document the need for an additional sergeant but did argue for an additional police patrolman Administrator Frazell stated that a greater need is anticipated because of the completion of the apart- ment complex. Chief Delmont stated that he would like to have an additional sergeant's position in 1985 but that he was hoping for a compromise which would result in an additional patrolman position in 1985. He stated that he is concerned about the supervision during night-time hours. He indicated that the current sergeant is very important in the crime prevention program and in administrative duties. He stated that while adequate coverage should be maintained on the street, he is also concerned that some of the department's effective- ness might be lost because of the lack of night-time supervision. It was the general concensus of the Council that an additional patrolman position should be looked at in six months. It was noted that other changes in the budget include an increase in the Chief's auto allowance to $120 per month along with an increase in conferences and schools to allow the Chief to attend the national conference. There was also some discussion about ambulance servicing, and Councilman Hartmann felt that the City should be developing some type of alternatives to the existing service. Administrator Frazell reviewed the five-year opera- ting capital budget and informed the Council that because of the projected cost for communications upgrading the budget does not include a computer system within the next five years. He indicated that a system which staff has researched would cost approximately $50,000. ANIMAL CONTROL There were no Council questions on the animal control budget. FIRE DEPARTMENT Assistant Fire Chiefs Lerbs and Maczko were present to discuss the proposed Fire Department budget for 1985. Assistant Chief Lerbs explained the need for four additional firefighters. Administrator Frazell stated that the only other major change proposed is that the Fire Marshall responsibilities be contracted rather than in-house. He stated that the proposed budget includes $8,000 to provide for approximately 8 hours of contracted time per week for inspections at industrial structures,etc. Administrator Frazell reviewed the proposed capitol budget which includes REVENUE COMMENTS ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPARTMENT Page No. 200 August 28, 1984 determine the 10 most primary intersections to be used in the test year, and that the Council will give approval on the style of lights to be used. The Council tentatively approved the proposal for NSP owned lights rather than City owned wood posts, with final Council determination to be based on aesthetic qualities of the NSP lights. It was also the concen- sus of the Council that the proposed lighting at the intersection of Mendota Heights Road and TH 13 remain in the 1985 program, financing to be through the Tax Increment District Fund and the Road and Bridge Department budget (add-level A). Treasurer Shaughnessy stated that the levy as proposed is well within the suggested levy limit, and could in fact be increased. Mr. Shaughnessy then re- viewed the various additional sources of general fund revenues projected for 1985. There was discussion over permit fees. Administrator Frazell stated that staff has discussed the matter and determined that no deviation is allowed by the State on plan check fees, but that staff will continue to address the matter of permit fees. Administrator Frazell stated that the only real increase in the Administration budget is the cost for inclusion of a Council/staff leadership training workshop. Mayor Lockwood felt that such sessions are not necessary every year; Councilwoman Witt stated that there have been staff changes and if there are any changes in the Council a session would be impor- tant; Councilman Hartmann stated that if there are any changes in the Council, the session would be very worthwhile. Mayor Lockwood expressed his concern over the amount of money proposed to be expended on radio communica- tions. Police Chief Delmont reviewed the history of past radio purchases, the antiquated radio equipment being used at the West St. Paul Dispatching Center and the reception and transmission problems caused by the topography of several areas of the City. He advised that if West St. Paul funds its portion of the communications upgrade, the Mendota Heights communication system should be in good shape for many years. He indicated that the City has never had equipment capable of over-riding the terrain and expressed concern over officer safety. Administrator Frazell stated that no commitment is necessary this evening and that the communications study has not yet been received. ( ) CODE ENFORCEMENT ROAD AND BRIDGE PARKS DEPARTMENT Page No. 2101 Augusty 28, 1984 the proposed acquisition of a new pumper in 1986 and a rescue truck in 1989. It was the concensus of the Council that a false alarm ordinance is imperative and its preparation should be a priority. Administrator Frazell reviewed the proposed Code Enforcement budget, stating that it is maintenance level only but does include $3,000 for a hand-held radio and a share of the base station unit. Administrator Frazell stated that the Code Enforce- ment Officer has recommended elimination of the City's contractor licensing requirements. It was the concensus of the Council that the requirements should be retained. Public Works Super I'loumen:Tgas ptesent t�review the Public Works Department budget proposals. Mr. Ploumen reviewed the proposed Road and Bridge Department budget for 1985 and the five-year operating capital proposal. He stated that the 1985 budget proposal includes $25,000 in equipment certif- icate financing for radio replacement and $1,700 to acquire a rotary mower for the John Deere tractor, also proposed to be financed through equipment certificates,. Park Commission member Jim Stein was present to discuss the proposed Park Department budget. Mr. Stein stated that the budget proposes moving the park bond issue from the spring of 1985 to the spring of 1986 and using park fund monies in 1985 to build the trail system. He stated that at the joint Council/ Commission meeting it was the concensus to go ahead with a bond issue referendum in 1985 for trails and park acquisition but that meetings between City officials and the Wachtler family have resulted in a recommendation to delay the referendum. He stated that it is his concern that if the school or the Wachtler property becomes available the City will be caught without available funds to acquire the lands. He felt that from the standpoint of being prepared, it would be advisable to good ahead with preparation for a bond issue in 1985. He thought that perhaps the best way to accomplish the City's goal would be to get an option on the Wachtler property and then go ahead with a referendum. He stated that he will only agree to delaying the bond issue to 1986 if the Page No. 2102 August 28, 1984 Council commits itself to going ahead with the bike trail system construction in 1985. Mayor Lockwood stated that he would like to see the trail construction started and does not object to using special park fund monies. He also felt that it would be best to delay the bond issue referendum to 1986. Mr. Stein stated that he would like to see the Council go on record regarding bike trail construc- tion and would also like negotiations to begin with the Wachtler family. Councilwoman Blesener stated .that she feels negotiations with the School District should also begin. She stated that the City needs to get a handle on the issue and that there is no reason not to open discussions and try to get some kind of written commitment from both parties. Mayor Lockwood stated that a compromise might be to go back to the Wachtler family and advie.theTa of the, problems and find out if they are willing to commit to some kind of a program. It was the concensus of the Council that some bike trail construction should be completed in 1985 using special park fund financing and placed a priority on the section described in the capital improvement project sheet as Phase III over those proposed as Phases I and II. Public Works Superintendent Ploumen reviewed the -Prop osed operating budget and five-year capital request forms. He stated that it is proposed to purchase a new 3/4 ton four-wheel drive pick-up (with plow) to replace existing unit No. 501, at a gross cost of $16,000 in 1985, and also that $9,000 has been budgeted for replacement of 2 radios and one-third of the cost of a new base station. Administrator Frazell stated that the Park Commission wants to look at the option of joint recreation program with West St. Paul and Eagan rather than what the City currently does. UTILITY DEPARTMENT Administrator Frazell and Treasurer Shaughnessy reviewed the proposed Utility Department budget for 1985. The Council was informed that no change in sewer rates is proposed for 1985. With regard to the sealing program, it was the concensus that the $15,000 budgeted be left as is and that consideration be given to increasing the program after reductions in charges from the MWCC are known. It was also noted that $13,200 is proposed for replacement of ( OTHER FUNDS REVENUE SHARING ADJOURN Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 ATTEST: Page No. 210 August 28, 1984 radios and one-third of the cost of a new base station for the Public Works Department. Administrator Frazell and Treasurer Shaughnessy proposed budgets for the "other funds" included in the draft budget document. Administrator Frazell reviewed the proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing entitlements, stating that $7,000 of the entitlement for 1985 is proposed to be used for preparation of a City Hall study and that it is proposed that $29,050 be appropriated to a City Hall building reserve fund. Councilman Mertensotto stated that he would like to see a reduction in the mill levy for 1985. In response, Administrator Frazell stated that perhaps $7,000 can be allocated from the Revenue Sharing entitlement for the City Hall study and that the balance of the enti- tlement could be used for capital outlay purposes. It was the concensus of the Council that $7,000 in revenue sharing funding be used for a City Hall study in 1985. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Hartmann moved that the meeting be adjourned. Councilwoman Blesener seconded the motion. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:13 o'clock P.M. /a-g-eter. ,,fe.40-17,nzL Robert G. Lockwood Mayor K.3eV-44,;77) athleen M. Swanson City Clerk