1957-10-22 Minutes of Mendota Heights Village Council.i
The adjourned meeting of the Village Counoil,Village of Mendota Heights, was held
at the Village Hall on Tuesday, October 22,1957 at 8:00 P,M..The roll being called,
the following members were presenti Trustees Horning,Krammer and Sweney. Members
absent: Mayor Edman. Trustee Horning presided over the meeting as acting Mayor.
Upon motion of Trustee Sweney,seconded byTrustee Krammer,it was resolved that the
minutes of the previous meeting be acoepted as presented. Ayes: -4; Nays: -0,
Richard Purcell,member of the Friendly Hills Water Committee, appeared before the
Council and requested a clarification as to the number of signers the Council wanted
on the petition from the Water Committee in regard to the $7.50 per month flat rate.
It was unanamously agreed by the Council that 60% of the residents sign the petition.
f,4 T` pPnli �, Lion f Trustee Horning,seconded by Trustee Krammer, it was resolved that
Mr. F.a.►58 Fox Plaoe,be appointed as a member of the Mendota Heights Plann-
ing Commission to fill the vacancy created by the recent resignation of Mr. Wayne
Bollmeier. Ayess -4; Nays : -0.
Upon motion of Trustee Krammer,secanded by Trustee Sweney, it was resolved that .
the Stinson's Plumbing and Heating they
change over of the 'tpt' traps
Re- arrangement by no later than December 1,1957. Ayes: -4; Nays : -0.
Upon motion of Trustee Sweney,seconded by Trustee Krammer, it was resolved that
Dr. Westover,1950 South Victoria Road,replace Dr. Sprafka as a member of the Mendota
Heights Board of Health. Dr. Sprafka resigned because of ill health.Ayest -4; Nays: -0.
Mr. T.O. Curley requested that the roads in the Curley Valley View Addition be
Accepted as Village Roads.Aotion on this request was deferred until the November 18,
1957 meeting when a report from the Village Enginoer,Mr. Ed Kishel will be available
to the Village Council.
It was decided by the Village Council that all wishingltoe use
elthe(Villag e i)
can, if they so desire, pay an annual fee for the t
A petition, from residents on Fremont Avenuo,requesting that Fremont Avenue be
blacktopped,was received by the Council. Upon motion of Trustee Krammer,seeonded by
Clerk Stary, it was resolved that the hearing date for the proposed blacktopping of
Fremont Avenue be set for November 19,1957.A1l work to be done on an assessment basis
and not to exceed 63.50 per front foot. Ayess -4; Nayss -0.
Upon motion of Trustee Swaney, seconded by Trustee Krammer, it was resolved that
the three ordinances presented to the Council by Trustee Sweney be studied and acted
upon at the next Council meeting. Ayes: -4; Nays : -0,
Upon motion of Trustee Sweney,seconded by Clerk Stary, it was resolved that Ernest
H. Rolf,600 Valley Lane, be issued a building permit to erect a garage three(3) feet
from the side yard lot line of his property. Ayes : -4; Nays : -0.
Upon motion of Trustee Krammer, seconded by Clerk Stary, it was resolved that the
following hardship case lots be acoeptod•in the Tilsen Highland Heights Addition;
Lot Block Plat- Street Front feet Square feet
11 1 1 L .lac Lane 871 16,700
12 1 1 n tt 90' 19,850
17 1 1 st tt 1004 12,000
21 1 1 Vicki Lane 90' 10,350
14 3 3 James Road 95' 22,600
18 3 3 James Court 65' 20,350
The above listed lots aro accepted provided that the soil tests in each case are
adequate and all other parts of our ordinance are met.
The following two(2) lots were disapproved as building sites; Lots 13 and 14,
Block 1, Plat 1, on Lilac Lane. It was felt that the area of each of these two lets
was too small and that no hardship really exists. Ayest -4; Nays : -0.
Upon motion of Trustee Krammer,soconded by Clerk Stary, it was resolved that an
application for a reduction of the assessed value of Lot 4, Block 5 in the Gardenr4
ville Re- arrangement by Anthony Trinka be denied. Ayes : -4; Nays : -O.
The Treasurers report was received and accepted by the Council as presented.
Upon motion of Trustee Krammer, seconded by Trustee Sweney, it was resolved that
the meeting be adjourned. Ayes:-4; Nays : -0.
A.W. Horning
Attest: Frank Stary
, Acting Mayor
Village Clerk