1957-10-07 Minutes of Mendota Heights Village Council04,9- Minutes of the Meeting of the Village of Mendota Heights A special meeting of the Mendota Heights Village' Council was held at the Village Hall on Monday,October 7,1957 at 8:00 p,m.. The roll being called, the following members were present: Mayor Edman, Trustees Sweney,Krammer and Horning. Member absent: Clerk Stary. Upon motion made by !1ayor Edman„ seconded by Trustee Horning, and carried unanimously, Trustee Sweney was namedaoting Clerk for this meeting. Upon motion of Trustee Horningoseconded by Trustee Krammer„ the following resolution was adopted,by a vote of 4.0; Pursuant to due oall and notice thereof, a epeoial meeting of the Village Counoil of the Village of Mendota Heights was held at tha Village Hall in said Village on October 7,1957 at 8:00 p.m.. The following members of the Counoil were present: Mayor Edman„ Trustees Horning, Krammer and Sweney, and the following member was absent: Clerk Stary. Trustee Horning introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO VOTERS OF THE QUESTION OF ISSUING ,'85,000 GWERAL OBLIGATION PARK AND PLAY GROUND BONDS OF THE VILLAGE. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of mendota Height's,Minnesota„ as follows: 1. This Council has investigated the facts and does hereby find, determine and declare that is necessary and expedient for the general welfare of the Village that the Village aoquire properties to be used for park and playgroung purposes. 2. The Village Council does hereby find, determine and declare that it is necessary and expedient to borrow money and issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed 685,000 for the purpose of acquiring rents for park and play ground purpose. 3. The question of authorizing the issuance of such bonds for said purposes shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Village at an election to be held in said Village on November 5,1957, which question shall be in substatially the following form: " SHALL THE VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS,YINNESOTA, BORROW YONEY AND ISSUE ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN AN AYOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $851000, THE PROCEEDS TO BE USED TO PAY FOR THE ACQUESITION OF LANDS FOR PARK AND PLAY GROUND PURPOSES?" 4. The Village Clerk is directed to cause ten days posted and one weekts published notice to be given in the manner presribed by law. 5. The vote shall be taken and the results ascertained and declared and certified as in the case of annual Village elections. The following are named to be judges in said election: First District; Second District Third M.strict _ Page two The judges of the respective Districts shall in each instance appoint a qualified voter to act as Clerk of the said election. 5. The notice of such election shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL VILLAGE ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in and for the Village of Mendota Heights ,Minnesota on Tuesday, November 5,1957 between the hours of 7 :00 o'clock A.M. and 13:00 o'clock P.M. at which the following question will be submitted to the voters: Shall the Village of Mendota Heights , Minnesota, borrow money and issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed 485,000, the proceeds to be used to pay for the acquisition of lands for park and play ground purposes? 6. The polling planes for said election will be as follows: First Disriot Somerset School Second District Village lull Third District Mendota heights School Dated October 7,1957 BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Frank Stary Village Clerk 7, The Village Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause ballots to be presented for use in said election in substantially the following form: OFFICIAL BOYD BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTIOr VILLAGE OF J ENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINFE30TA NOVEMBER $,1957 Shall the Village of Mendota Heights,Minnesota borrow money and issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $'85,.000, the proceeds to be used to pay for the acquisition of lands for park and play round purposes? YES NO LJ Instructions to voters: Voters desiring to vote in favor of said proposition make a c,rossmark "x" in the square opposite the word "yes ". Voters desiring to vote against the proposition make a crossmark "x" in the square opposite the word "No ". The motion for the adoption of said resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Krammer and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Edman, Trustees Horning,Krammer and Sweney,and the following voted against the same r None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A resolution from the Friendly Hills Civic Association in connection with their negotiations for the aogisition of the Mendota Water Company was submitted to the Council for study and possible action.Upon motion of Trust TrustWWKnded by Trustee Kra:nmer,the requests embodied in this resolution were approved in principle. Page Three Upon motion by Mayor Edman,seconded by Trustee Krammer, it was resolved that that not less than three nor more than five judges of election be appointed for eaeh polling place for the November 5th election, by the Village Clerk, at a salary of 41.00 per hour. Ayess-4; Nays:-0. Upon motion of Trustee Krammer,seconded by Trustee Sweney, it was resolved that Mr, H.E, Palmer, retiring Dakota County Engineer, be tendered a vote of thanks from this Council for his cooperation in Village engineering work. Ayes-4; Nays1-0. H.E. Palmer, Dakota County Engineer, then presented two resolutions for consideration by the Council,in connection with designation of County and State aid roads within the Village. Upon motion of Trustee Krammer,seconded by Trustee 6weney„ and carried unanamously, ( ')The fobiowing resolutions were adopteds --"71. WHEREAS the County Board of Dakota County did adopt Resolution No. 17 on septembor 10th,1957 revoking all designations of State Aid Roads in Dakota County previously made and in effect as of said date,and WHEREAS the County Board of Dakota County did also adopt ..esolution No.18 on said September 10th,1957,1ocating,establishing,designating and numbering the new County State-Aid Highway system in Dakota Coulity, and WHEREAS said resolution locates and establishes certain County State-Aid Highways within the corporate limits of the Village of Mendota Heights to wit: County State Aid Highway No.19- Farmington- Mendota Road-north from the SW corner of Section 35-Twp.28 N.-Rge 23 W. to apoint approximately 680'north of the SW corner of Section 27-Twp4. 28 N.-Rge.23 W.,thenoe •east through the SW SW i of said Section 27 to the junction with T.H. 55. County State Aid Highway No.26- Delaware Avenue-north along the east Village limits from the southeast corner of Section 36-Twp.28 N.-Rge.23 W. to the junction with T.H. 49(Dodd Road). County State Aid Highway No. 30-Lilydale point on T.H. 13 which is approximate of Section 23-Twp.28 N.- Rge.23 W. to imately 2,050' north and 625' east of Road-northeasterly and northerly from a ly 1,200' north and 150' east of the center the east Village limits at a point approx- the center of said Section 23. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of Mendota Heights that the above mentioned resolutions adopted by the Dakota County Board on September 10th, 1957,copies of said resolutions No. 17 and No.18 being attached hereto and made parts hereof,revoking all previous designations of State Aid Roads in or along the limits of said Village and thereafter locating and establishing the new County State-Aid Highways listed above, are in all things approved. Resolution No. 2. WHEREAS the County Board of liakota County did adopt Resolution No. 17 A on Sept- embor 10th,1957 revoking all designations of County Aid Roads in Dakota County previously made and in effect as of datd date , and, WHEREAS the County Board of Dakota (Jounty did also adopt Resolution No.19 on said September 10th,1957, locating,establishing,designating and numbering the new County Road system in Dakota County, and ( WHEREAS said resolution locates and establishes certain County Roads within the corporate limits of the Village of Mendota Heights to wits County Road No, 4-Lexington Avenue-north from the south village limits at or near the SW corner of Section 35-Twp, 28 N.-Rge. 23 W. to the junction with T.H. 13 at a pointapproXimately 1,830' north of the SW corner of Section 23-Twp.28 N.-Rge 23 W” County Road No.11- Viotoria Avenue- north from T.H. 100 at a point at or near the center of Section 26-Twp. 28 N.- Rge.23 W. to the junction with T.H. 13 at a poiLit approximately 850' north of the center of Section 23-Twp.28 N.-Rge.23 W. Page four County Road No012- Wagon Wheel Trail- easterly from a point on Dakota County Road No.4(Lexington Avenue) which is approximately 550' south of the NW corner of Section )35-Twp.28N, -Rge. 23W. along Prospect Avenue and Glendale Avenue to the junction with T.H. 49 at a point approximately 820' south of the NE corner of said Section 35, County Road No.36• Delaware Avenue. south from a poi,,nt on Arnepolis atreet(T.H..3) along the city limits to a junction with T,H.49(Dodd Road). County Road,Np.38- Waohtler Avenue and Wentworth Avenue- south from the junotion of T .H.... 13and .V aohtlor. Avenue to ,+tr"entworth Avenue., thence east -a_long Wentworth': Avenue to the city limits at the junotion with Delaware Avonue.,(Dakota 'Coui ty State Aid Highway No. 36), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village- of, Mendota Heights that the above mentioned resolutions adopted by the Dakota County Bosrd on September 10th,1957, copies of said resolutions No. 17A and No. 19 being attached hereto and made pare hereof, revoking all previous designations of County Aid Roads in or along the limits of said village and thereafter locating and establishing the new ..aunty Roads listed above, are in all things approved. the Upon 'motion by Trustee Xrammer,seeonded bye Mayor Eedmd the was resolved that the Tripp Construction Company, Mantorville, ML b p ai Marie Avenue construction projeot,as recommended by Mr. Palmer, Ayes:- 4;Nays: -0. Upon motion by Mayor Edman,seconded by Trustee Horning,the meeting was adjourned. Ayees -4; Nayss -0. F. Robert Edman AttestsFrank Stary e , Mayor PI 4:4 , Village Clerk