1956-06-18 Minutes of Mendota Heights Village CouncilREGULAR MEETING JUNE 16; S5R The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Village Council was held at tee Village 1i all Aisne le,A956,, at SOO p.m.. The reli being ealled the following CGunci:. members were presents Trustees Horning;, Sweney, and grammar, and Clerk Staryp Mayor Edman presided ever than Meeting.. Upon motion e3` Trustee Krannner,, Wended by Trustee Newlin resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting bo waived. Ayes tee; Nays t•0. A petitibn,,oppusing the proposed curbing et the West side of Delaware Avenue, was presented to the Council and 9d placed on file.. Thi8t petition will be considered at the Curbing hearing on June 25,,1 , A petition from people living a d jacsnt to 6 dump on Highway *85, eb j'edttAinge to said dumpy was presented to the v3.11��ar����giOrdi�eanaep and notify that' bathe is owner of said dump that he is 5 to discontinue dumping operations in said dump* A petition, from residents in the area of Chippewa Avenue was p eeented to the Council. This petition stated that the signers were inefavor onof The lngrdered Chippewa Avenue.. Due to the inadegUaey of purpose of the petition, the petition returned to the originators and have than rephrase the petition,. A petition to vacate Eureka Outlet* was presented to the Counoile On motion of Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trusteed Swaney, resoled that asa;dNpetition be referred to the Planning Comnissifn four estudy On motion of Trustee Krammerm seoonded by Trustee 3 big, pe resolved t fee that xr�gard the letter fg*ub Ntsprthweet heating Engineers,. Wetting 419 h � i to the new eehe,l jwaa referred to Trustee Horning tor Study and recommendation.. Ayes:- Nays t.0* Trustee Sweney„ resolved that the On motion of Trustee Horning,, seconded by preliminary plat of Culligan guar be returned to the originators due Or a fact that the material is not in proper forsm as required by the Land Ayes :»5p; Nays:••0,, seconded by Trustee Krammar� resolved that the On motion of Trashes iiArning� preliminary replat of Friendly Hi1Ts be approved as reoomtaended by the Planning Commission on June 16,1956. Ayes :.•4r Neyst.O. Trustee Sweney declined to vote. � The sohool road awes$ letter from Sohoor Distr t ; Su p arintenaant Paul Steffinson was referred to Emil Kraemer for further study,, On motion of Trustee xorbei'seconded w3thbtho reservation ethatethevroaommendrztio preliminary plat of Highway -11.19 approved ftthe Planning Commission be followed as outlined in their June 16,1956 letter.. Ayes:s5; Nays:00. On motion of Trustee Sweney, seconded by Trustee Horning, reset d that ea public hearing for the extension of for July 16,19560 at 8 :00 p.m.. Ayes : -5; Nays: -0, motion of Mayor Edman, seconded by Trustee Sweney, resolved that the Council accept the surrender of license id fret the Lookout Tavern and refund the license fee. Ayes :* S; Nays :.0. resolved that the On motion of Trustee Kramer), seconded by Trustee Horning, )unauthorized claims presented e Horning, the C seconded paid. that the On oration of Trustee Horning, oot Council grant Friendly Hills Inc. a permit to install a water supply system m sub-5; j Nays to complying with the recommendations of Bettenburg, Townsend and Stolte. On motion of Trustee Krammer, seconded by Trustee a Sweney, re y, resolved Bettenburg, Townsend and Stolte be authorized to draw up g systems. Ayes: -5; Nays : -0. On motion of Trustee Sweney, seconded by Trustee Horning, resolved that Tilsens application for,a,„sign bedenied because it is too large. Ayes: -5; Nays -O, On mot4n.off IuIayar Edman, seconded by Clerk Starr, resolved that the road supervisor be authorized to spend 6200.00 to properly mark the River Road on an emergency bass., .Ayes: -5; Nays : -O; On motion of Mayor Edman, seconded by Trustee Sweney,, resolved that the 2Ta es# eran'tjng nf'4 `hse�' l&ckense to the .river Road Club be tabled indefinitely.Ay Y REGULAR MEETING jUNE18„11)56, PAGE 2, On motion of Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Sweney„ resolved that John Phillips of 1845 Hunter Lane be appointed to the Planning Commison to fill the vacancy left by the resignation Of James Gegharty. Ayest-5; Nayst.-0. On motion of Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Sweney, resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.m., until June 25, 1956, when it will reconvene ( ) at 8:00 p.m.. Ayest.5; Nays:-0. ROBERT EDMAIT , MAYOR ATTEST* FRANK START, VILLAGE CLERK CkAt-4,,,..