10 25 13 JTF1          The latest from the Mendota Heights Police Department SUPPORT STAFF Kim Henning Trista Miller Becky Pentel POLICE OFFICERS Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Willson Jeff Vonfeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming SCHOOL RESOURCE OFC. Jennifer Fordham INVESTIGATIONS Mario Reyes Chad Willson SERGEANTS Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen RESERVES Randy Pentel Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo CHAPLAINS Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick CHIEF Mike Aschenbrener OCTOBER 25, 2013 Submitted By: Investigator Chad Willson The DC MAAG team, commonly known as SWAT, is the group called out for high risk situa- tions including drug search warrants, arrest warrants and barricaded suspects. MAAG con- sists of four operators to serve as snipers. A professional sniper is a specially selected, trained and equipped team member who makes use of their skills, training & equipment to gain a position of advantage, providing real time information to the team to aid them in planning & executing a peaceful resolution to a critical incident. As a secondary function, the sniper provides lethal cover and protection to the team, innocent civilians, hostages and if necessary, can direct precision ϐire against designated authorized targets. For the sniper, there is extra sweat, dirt and satisfaction of doing a difϐicult job well. The position requires strength, stamina, self-discipline, intelligence, desire, dedication and a love for the craft. There is no glamour in being a sniper. If the job is done right, few people will even know they were there. The MAAG team is composed of Officers from the following Cities: Mendota Heights, Apple Valley, Dakota County Sheriff, Farmington, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Rosemount, South St Paul & West St Paul. 6‐2‐2: NIGHT TIME PARKING PROHIBITED No vehicle shall be parked on any public street between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM between November 1st and March 31st. 6‐2‐4: PARKING DURING SNOWFALL A. Parking Time Restricted: No person shall allow any vehicle to park or stand upon any street or road in the city for more than 30 minutes during the time intervening between a snowfall of 2 inches or more and the plowing or removal thereof. B. Nuisance Declared: Any vehicle stopped, parked, abandoned or otherwise unattended in violation of this section is hereby declared to be an obstruction of city streets and shall be declared to be a nuisance. C. Towing Of Vehicle: In the event any vehicle is stopped, parked, abandoned or otherwise left unattended in violation of the provisions of this section, any police ofϐicer of the city or the city public works superintendent is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed any such vehicle and to have such vehicle towed or otherwise removed to any public or private garage or parking area and stored in such garage or parking area until claimed by the owner as provided in subsection 6-2-11C of this title. (Ord. 219, 11-5-1985) D. Authority To Issue Citation: The city public works superintendent is authorized to issue citations for violations of this section. (Ord. 248, 12-15-1987) 2     Damage to Property Friday 0859 hours Officer John Larrive responded to the Mendota Heights Par 3 Golf Course on a report of vandalism to one green and a fairway. The individual (s) responsible for the damage used some sort of tool to dig up several holes in each area. This is the second occurrence in two months that this took place. No suspects. Damage to Property Friday 0926 hours Officer Scott Patrick was dispatched to a home in reference to damage to victims front picture window. It appeared the window was struck by a pellet which caused damage to both panes of the double pane window. The victim did a hear loud noise at 2230 hours that would be consistent with the damage. No suspects. Assault Saturday 0203 hours Officer Jeff VonFeldt responded to a local bar in response to an after the fact assault. He made contact with the victim who had noticeable cuts and scrapes to his face and head. The victim was randomly approached by a group of males who were yelling bias comments then proceeded to kick and punch him. Under investi- gation. Swindle Sunday 0207 hours Officer Mike Shepard took a report from a resident reporting he had been swindled by his contactor. The contractor had been prepaid for some HVAC work, but when it came to actually showing up for the work, all he received in return for his payment were excuses. Further research showed the contractor made it clear that not only was this homeowner getting swindled, but he also was probably not the only one. Case has been forwarded for review of charges and is under investigation, they are currently coordinating with other police departments where the crooked contractor has worked. DWI Sunday 1020 hours While on routine patrol, Officer Tanner Spicer observed a vehicle at a high rate of speed. He followed the vehicle and saw it swerve over the fog line and came very close to the concrete wall of the bridge. The vehicle was stopped and a strong alcohol smell came from the person who stated she had only drunk one drink and a beer. Spicer then administered SFST’s and she failed them all. The woman was arrested and transported to Dakota County Jail. Possess Drugs Sunday 0132 hours After clearing that, Officer Spicer stopped another vehicle for speed. When the window was rolled down, he realized there was more going on in the car than a lead foot. The driver nervously provided the necessary info. When asked about the marijuana, there was none left in the car, but he did hand over his pipe. Cita- tion was issued for Speed and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. 3     Accident Sunday 1647 hours This gent evidently decided it was time for some remodeling at a local service station. Officer Rosse had just signed on for duty when he and Officer Lambert were called to a gas station on report of an accident. The were staring at a car, that had driven right into the front window of the store, taking out the pop and coffee area (but the donut area was safe). The driver was OK, but he was having some difficulty, as Officer Lam- bert had to assist the driver on procedures to turn off the car. An attendant working in the gas station lucki- ly sustained minor injuries and he was cleared by HealthEast. Bystanders who witnessed the accident stated that the car never slowed, somehow missing the gas pumps, and clipped a car as it headed into the store. I think we all feel it was a blessing that those who were there during and prior to the incident were not severe- ly harmed or killed. A driver evaluation was completed for the driver and sent on to the Suspicious Person Monday 0830 hours Caller reported a suspicious man on the trail near the school. Officer John Larrive responded to the call and spoke with the reporting party who had followed the man home. There was no answer at the house. The next day Officer Larrive made contact at approximately the same time as he had been observed and learned the man walks his dog every day on the same route. No problems; clear. Theft of Bicycle Monday 2249 hours Homeowner called in an after-the-fact theft report of a bicycle. The reporting party stated their son had rid- den the bike to a friend’s house before going to dinner with the family and upon returning from dinner, the bike was gone. No suspects or witnesses; inactive. Burglary Tuesday 0952 hours Local restaurant called to report they had been broken into overnight and the safe was missing. Officer Lar- rive arrived and began processing the scene. A short time later Investigator Mario Reyes arrived and contin- ued the process. The case is open. Theft Tuesday 1045 hours Sergeant Neil Garlock spoke with the victim of a theft at MHPD. The victim reported two of her rings had gone missing from her home. She had hoped they were simply misplaced, but extensive searching with no luck caused her to report them stolen. Case under investigation. Door to Door Sales Tuesday 1242 hours Caller reported to Sgt Garlock that a salesman came to the door and became belligerent when the homeown- er asked to see their permit. Last spotted heading on to Park Place in a gold Ford Focus. UTL. Fraud Wednesday 1427 hours Caller reported that she had sent $1,000 in bail money to an unknown police station. Sergeant Neil Garlock spoke with the victim and her children about potential to recover the $1,000 she had wired. While on scene the thief called back trying to get more cash. He quickly hung up on Sergeant Garlock. 4     A parent from St. Thomas Academy Dropped off a thank you note for Sgt Neil Garlock and Mario Reyes for their help with the 5k race at the school last Saturday. The 1st Annual 5k was a huge success all the money raised goes to support the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation. Congratulations St Thomas & Visitation for supporting such a worthy cause! Please send us your positive feedback on our staff to: pdrecords@ mendota-heights.com Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps boost the morale of our staff. Have a Safe Week! 10/18 ‐ 10/25 2013 YTD Calls for Service Citations Warnings Police Reports Response Time Average Check out the MH Crime Map! Click below to search your neighborhood: http://mendota.prophoenix.com/CS/CrimeMapping.aspx If you are a Mendota Heights resident and you are going out of town or on vacation, you can notify MHPD of your outing and we will be more than happy to keep a watchful eye on your home while you are away. The House Check Request online form is available on our website; we have similar forms in the MHPD lobby and we will take your info over the phone. MHPD offers monthly Car Seat Safety Checks. To schedule an appointment, call 651.452.1366 to contact Ofϐicer Jennifer Fordham. MHPD has a Medication Disposal Box in the lobby of the PD where Dakota County residents can safely and anonymously dispose of their prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication. 5