2013-11-13 ARC minutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES November 13, 2013 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, Jim Neuharth, Sally Lorberbaum, William Dunn, Gina Norling, Kevin Byrnes and Paul Portz Absent: None Also present: MAC Commissioner James Hamilton, City Administrator Justin Miller, and Inver Grove Heights representatives Ron Seelof, Ken Johnson, Will Eggington, and Jenelle Teppen Approval of Minutes Neuharth made a motion, seconded by Lorberbaum, to approve the October 9th minutes as submitted - all voted in favor. Introductions Due to the number of guests in attendance, introductions were made. Guest Speaker – MAC Commissioner James Hamilton James Hamilton introduced himself as the new governor’s appointee as the Mendota Heights area Metropolitan Airport Commission representative. He shared his background and his willingness to do whatever he could for the benefit of Mendota Heights. Chair Sloan suggested that for the benefit of our guests that the commission deviate from the regular agenda and have each member share his or her area of focus. The commission then reviewed the data collection/charts, and heard presentations on recent MAC and NOC meetings. Lorberbaum suggested that Hamilton be sent the monthly ARC packets, and Miller agreed to include him in the distribution lists. Future Meetings/Guest Speakers The commission proceeded to discuss ideas for speakers/meetings for 2014. Ideas submitted were area legislators, FAA and MAC reps, and a potential site visit to the MSP flight control tower. Lorberbaum made a motion, seconded by Dunn, to cancel the December commission meeting and all voted in favor. It was decided that the January meeting would focus on the commission’s annual workplan. Adjourn Neuharth made a motion, seconded by Lorberbaum, that the meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.