1985-04-30 Council minutesPage No. 2247
April 30, 1985
Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting
Held Tuesday, April 30, 1985
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the workshop meeting of the City
Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at City
Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:39 P.M. The following members
were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilmembers Blesener, Cummins, Hartmann, and
Witt. Also present were Planning Commission members Kruse, Burke, Frank, Henning,
McMonigal, Morson, and Stefani. Also present were Administrator Frazell and Planner
ADOPTION OF Councilman Hartmann moved adoption of the agenda for the meeting.
AGENDA Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
MENDOTA As the representatives from Mn/DOT, District 9, were present,
INTERCHANGE Mayor Lockwood suggested that the agenda be reversed to take
up this issue first.
Mr. Dick Elasky and Mr. Earl VanBerkom, project manager for
the Mendota Interchange were present.
Mr. Elasky began by giving the group a quick rundown on the
progress of the construction on the interstate system in Dakota
Mr. VanBerkom then gave a presentation on the Mendota interchange
project. He indicated that the purpose of the project is to
split up the current intersection of Highways 13, 55 and 110, and
to get these key intersections in different places. He said
that the roadways would be urban expressways, with signalized
intersections, rather than limited access freeways. This was
due to the fact that traffic volumes are expected to drop with
the opening of the interstate systems in Dakota County. He
said that there would be signals at the intersections of 13 and
55, 13 and 110, and 110 and Lexington, in addition to the existing
signal at 55 and Mendota Heights Road. He indicated that it was
also likely that signalization would be needed at TH 13 and Pilot
Knob Road at some time in the future.
Mr. VanBerkom said that any kind of interchange of 55 with Acacia
Blvd. would be difficult, since the plan envisions the highway
at this point tapering down to single lanes where it leads into
TH 110. He also indicated that the curvature and grade approaching
this intersection could make it dangerous.
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In general, the bid time letting for the stages of the project
were Highway 110- March of 1988; Highway 55 - January, 1989;
and the TH 13 and City of Mendota connection - January, 1990.
Dick Elasky indicated that most of the funding for the project
will come from federal sources, and that the timelines given
are fairly well set.
City Planner Howard Dahlgren said that he thought more attention
should be given to the TH110 access road by the Gould property,
where it intersects with Lexington Avenue. Mr. VanBerkom said
that that could be looked at in the detail design stage.
There was then a general discussion about the TH55/Acacia Blvd.
intersection. Councilmember Witt questioned the need for a
bridge from Acacia over to the access road on the east side.
Planner Dahlgren said that a "T" intersection at this location
would have much less traffic than at the TH110/13 intersection,
and that he felt that this connection was important to the quality
and intensity of development that the City could expect in this
Mr. VanBerkom responded that the bridge was put in because it was
necessary that a County road be connected somewhere near its
northerly terminus. Mr. Elasky responded that the curvature and
grade changes in the area would make it dangerous to have a "T"
intersection directly with TH 55.
It was agreed that the City staff and Planner should come up with
some traffic projections for development in the area so that the
City Council could consider taking an official position on whether
it wanted to request a "T" intersection with TH55.
City Planner Howard Dahlgren gave a very brief overview of the
substantative changes in the Housing Plan. He indicated that
the plan stipulates that the City's goal will be the development
of 45 low and moderate income housing units and 30 modest cost
housing units by 1990. Mr. Dahlgren said this is approximately
25% of the City's projected increase in housing, which is a
fairly substantial proportion.
Planner Dahlgren also pointed out the implementation steps as
being the allowance for a 25% density credit in multi-family units,
and 15% in single family residential, as well as the option to
forego immediate construction of a garage. He pointed out the
Lexington Heights apartment project as one where the City had
given a 25% density bonus and had created approximately 45 low
and moderate income units.
Mr. Dahlgren said that he thought because of the market forces,
most developers in Mendota Heights will continue to develop
large and expensive homes, and it may not be realistic to think
that the goals would ever be achieved. However, he said it was
possible that one or two major projects could achieve the goals.
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Planner Dahlgren also pointed out that even with the density
bonuses, the allowable densities in Mendota Heights are still
substantially less than the standard minimums in most other
There was some discussion about when and if garage construction
would be required. It was agreed that the language in the
chapter should be amended to stipulate that each developer's
agreement will address this issue.
Planning Commission Chairperson Kruse pointed out the certificate
of occupancy program proposed if housing conditions become a
community concern. It was generally agreed that while certificates
of occupancy are a good idea, they can be difficult to enforce.
There was agreement that the language stating that it could be
invoked if it becomes a community concern was an acceptable way to
approach it.
Planner Dahlgren was then directed to make several minor wording
changes, and to prepare the final draft for consideration and
formal adoption by the City Council at an upcoming meeting.
CONDOR CORP. City Administrator Frazell said that this issue was on the
APARTMENT PROPOS- agenda tonight simply to inform Council and Planning Commission
AL of an upcoming project.
City Planner Dahlgren reported that Condor Corporation, developers
of the Lexington Heights apartments, had been in to talk with
staff about a proposal for a rather sizeable apartment project
south of Mendota Heights Road and north of 494. Planner Dahlgren
indicated that the land in question had been left at low and
rural residential designation on the City's future land use plan
in 1979, since it was not even certain, at that time, that the 494
freeway would be built. He said that with construction of 494,
it might not be as practical to plan to build single family homes
in that area.
Planner Dahlgren indicated that the Condor proposal was for a
rather low density apartment complex, approximately eight units
per acre, but that that would be a significant change in density
standards from the existing land use designation and zoning.
City Administrator Frazell reiterated that no action was necessary
on this item this evening, but that it is a very real project,
and the Planning Commission and Council can expect to see it in
the future.
I-494/DELAWARE The. Council and Commission briefly reviewed a letter from Inver
INTERCHANGE Grove Heights seeking an initial reaction to the thought of
having an interchange with 494 and Delaware Avenue.
Planner Dahlgren said that an interchange had not been planned
there originally because of the large lot zoning in the area,
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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and the feeling that the interchange was not needed and would not
be consistent with land development patterns in the area.
It was the concensus of the Council and Commission that the
conditions that had led to the original decision had not changed,
and that there didn't appear to be any reason to change that
decision at this time.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Hartmann moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion.
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:07 o'clock P.M.
Kevin D. Frazell
City Administrator
Robert G. Lockwood