1986-10-07 Council minutesPage No. i
October 7, 1986
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, October 7, 1986
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of
the City Council, City of Mendota Heights was held at 7:30 o'clock
P.M. at City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, MN.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:37 o'clock P.M.
The following members were present: Mayor Lockwood,
Councilmembers Blesener, Cummins, Hartmann, and Witt.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Cummins moved adoption of the
agenda for the meeting including additional
information contained in the add -on agenda.
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
APPROVAL OF Minutes of the July 15 and August 5 meetings
MINUTES had been submitted for approval. After
discussion, the Council concensus was to hold
over minute approval to the next meeting.
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the
consent calendar as submitted and recommended
for approval as part of the regular agenda,
along with authorization for execution of all
necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the September 23
Planning Commission minutes.
b. Approval of the Planning Commission meeting
time change from 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
c. Approval of Copperfield I - Change Order
d. Approval of Change Order #1 for North End
e. Approval of a request from R. Wahl for up
to $250 to be used in conjunction with the
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October 7, 1986
Halloween bonfire.
f. Acknowledgement of the August Fire Dept.
g. Acknowledgement of a memo from Treasurer
Shaughnessy regarding investment practices.
h. Acknowledgement of the September Code
Enforcement report.
i. Acknowledgement of a letter from the
Community Action Council.
Acknowledgement of a letter from the Dakota
County State Bank.
k. Approval of a utility easement for the
North End streets.
1. Adoption of Resolution No. 86 -81,
m. Adoption of Resolution No. 86 -82,
n. Approval of the List of Claims dated
October 7, 1986, and totalling $200,561.18.
o. Approval of the list of contractor licenses
dated October 7, 1986, and attached hereto.
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
HEARING, VAN HOVEN Mayor Lockwood opened the meeting for the
ALLEY VACATION purpose of a public hearing to consider a.
request from Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Van Hoven,
693 - 2nd Avenue, to vacate an alley which is
located in Block 8, T.T. Smith's Subdivision
(now Block 1, Kallin Re- arrangement).
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
• Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 86-25,
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October 7, 1986
Mayor Lockwood asked for questions
from the audience. There being no
comments, Councilmember Witt moved
public hearing at 7:50 P.M.
Councilmember Cummins seconded the
and comments
questions or
to close the
Councilmember Witt moved the adoption of
Resolution No. 86-83, "RESOLUTION APPROVING
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order for
the purpose of a public hearing on an
application from Mr. Terrence Dobie for a
wetlands permit and the subdivision of land
located west of Victoria and south of Marie
Avenue, adjacent to the Rolling Green plat.
Mr. Dobie was present to explain his proposal,
noting that there will be 13 lots with two
existing homes which will remain in place. He
noted there is no standing water anywhere on
the property and he will do no filling •or
grading within 100 feet of any wetlands.
Grading will be constructed with a silt fence
and he proposes large, tree-covered lots. He
noted the elevation rises from 886 feet to 891
feet along extended Stratford Road.
Mr. Dobie showed two proposed drawings, one
with two cul-de-sacs and the other showing
Stratford Road extended southeasterly to
Victoria. The proposed cul-de-sac would be
about 950 feet in length. He also showed
several different drawings with various cul-de-
sac locations. Mr. Dobie's plan, as proposed
with a through street, is the least destructive
to the existing terrain, and he would propose
to retain a barrier at Stratford Road until the
utility work is started to keep construction
truck traffic from going through the area.
Councilmember Witt noted the Planning
Commission's concern over the shape of Lot 1,
Block 1, and Mr. Dobie stated he is trying to
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October 7, 1986
negotiate with Mr. Fee for additional property
to re- configure the lot shape. Mr. Dobie noted
that he can live with a proposed one year
moratorium on the sale of Lot 1, Block 1 as per
the Planning Commission's recommendation.
Mayor Lockwood asked for questions or comments
from the audience.
Mr. Dean Flackey, 987 Stratford Road, stated
that the neighbors don't mind the development,
but their concern is regarding a proposed
through street. He felt the street maintenance
of a cul -de -sac was not a big concern and felt
that public safety from the police standpoint
also was not a major concern. He expressed
concern for the safety of the neighborhood
children who often play in the cul -de -sac.
Mr. Ed Maehren, 986 Stratford Road, stated that
a through street would expedite traffic much
easier, but the safety of the cul -de -sac is
more important, so he favored the cul -de -sac
Mrs. Mary Roszak, 988 Stratford Road, stated
she personally prefers the cul -de -sac and felt
that the safety of the neighborhood offsets any
dollar consideration in front of the Council.
She noted that she had contacted State agencies
and received a report showing the relative
safety of cul -de -sacs versus through streets.
She also felt that there would be a higher
value of cul -de -sac lots as opposed to through
street lots. She presented a copy of the April
18, 1978 Council minutes which referred to
Stratford Road as being a cul -de -sac, in the
Rolling Green plat.
Mayor Lockwood noted that according to the
April, 1978 minutes, the cul -de -sac should be
on part of Mr. Thomas Fee's lot.
There being no further questions or comments
from the audience, Councilmember Cummins moved
to close the public hearing at 9:16 P.M.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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October 7, 1986
Councilmember Blesener moved to deny approval
of the subdivision as presented and suggested a
plan showing two cul-de-sacs with a trail
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 2, Lockwood, Cummins
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Cummins asked Mr. Dobie if he
could come back in two weeks with a new drawing
for Council consideration in order the expedite
the matter. Mr. Dobie replied that he could
have a new drawing but asked what the Council
would like to see.
Councilmember Witt moved to reconsider the
previous motion to deny approval of the
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Councilmember Cummins moved to table the
question to the October 21 meeting.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmembers Witt, Blesener, and Hartmann
were asked to meet with Planner Dahlgren and
Mr. Dobie on October 13, at 4:00 P.M. to try to
come up with a solution to the proposed
subdivision proposal.
Mayor Lockwood, in response to a gentleman in
the audience, noted that the action would be
open for more discussion on October 21. Mayor
Lockwood also noted that Mr. Dobie had paid
$350 for a conditional use permit in
connection with his application, and that since
a conditional use permit was not required, the
$350 should be refunded to Mr. Dobie.
CASE NO. 86-16, Mr. Michael Halley and his architect Mr. Jerry
HALLEY, SUB- Sunde, were present to show a revised plan
DIVISION dated October 7, 1986, noting that the name of
the proposed plat had been changed from Ivy
Park to Park Place. Mr. Sunde noted that there
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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October 7, 1986
are 49 lots in the plat and that all of the
lots are in excess of the 100 foot minimum lot
frontages. He anticipates higher priced homes
would be constructed on the westerly portion of
the plat, away from Wachtler. He noted that
homes 75 -80 feet wide could be constructed on
any of the lots, and showed pictures of some of
the homes that Halley had built in other metro
Councilmember Cummins expressed concern that
the homes would be too large for the lots,
since the home prices would range from about
$250,000 and up. He felt there would not be
enough side yard area and the homes would look
too crowded on the lots.
The preliminary plat had been approved at the
September 16 Council meeting but no action wast
taken on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment,
changing the designation from Park to Low
Density Residential.
Mayor Lockwood moved adoption of Resolution No.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ", changing the designation
of this property from Park to Low Density
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
It was noted that the City Council did approve
the re- configured plat dated October 7, 1986.
CASE NO. 86 -30, Mr. Roger Quick, 1281 Dodd Road, was present to
QUICK, VARIANCE request approval of a side yard variance to
allow construction of an attached two car
garage on Lot 2, Block 2, Olriksen Addition.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 86 -32,
Councilmember'Cummins moved approval of a 5
foot, 3 inch side yard variance as requested.
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
Since there was no representative present,
Councilmember Cummins moved to table this
matter until requested by the applicant to be
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 86-33,
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 86-34,
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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October 7, 1986
placed back on the agenda.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Mr. Donald Brainerd, 1705 South Victoria, was
present to request a 21 foot, 2 inch front yard
setback variance to allow construction of an
attached two car garage to the front of his
home. It was noted that all of the homes along
Victoria are set back in excess of the required
30 foot front yard setback, with the average
established setback of three of the homes being
51 feet 2 inches. Mr Brainerd's garage
addition would still be within the City's
minimum 30 foot front yard setback, but in
excess of 21 feet in front of his neighbors.
Mr. Brainerd had received written approval from
two of his adjacent neighbors for his proposal.
Councilmember Blesener expressed concern over
setting a precedent for such a large variance.
Councilmember Cummins stated he would be more
comfortable with a 10 foot variance, rather
than a 21 foot, 2 inch variance.
Councilmember Cummins moved to table action on
the variance to allow the applicant to
re-configure a plan that would require less of
a variance.
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
Mr. Patrick
approval of
variance to
6, Block 1,
Hinderscheid was present to request
a 3,000 square foot lot area
allow construction of a home on Lot
Kirchner's Addition (547 John
Councilmember Cummins moved approval of a 3,000
square foot lot area variance as requested.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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October 7, 1986
Mr. Dale Glowa, from United Properties, was
present to request approval of a monument sign
permit to allow installation of a monument at
the intersection of TH 55 and Mendota Heights
Road at a 40 foot setback from the property
line. Staff had noted that the monument permit
met all zoning ordinance requirements.
monument sign
Business Park.
Cummins moved approval of a
permit for Mendota Heights
Hartmann seconded the motion.
The Council acknowledged receipt of a memo from
Public Works Director Danielson, recommending
that the City purchase right-of-way from Mrs.
Luella Smith, 1035 Chippewa Avenue, for $7,500,
in connection with the North End Street
construction project.
Councilmember Hartmann moved that the City
purchase Mrs. Smith's right-of-way for $7,500
with the condition that the City grant needed
variances for her lot setback and area, and
that the City request the County to re-appraise
her lot, based on the new lot configuration
after the City's taking.
Councilmember Biesener seconded the motion.
The Council reviewed a memo from Public Works
Director Danielson, wherein Mr. Danielson
recommended that staff work with Mr. Frank
Stelter, 644 Brookside Lane, to acquire an
easement for Brookside Lane, and to reimburse
Mr. Stelter for $661 in assessments that he had
paid for the Ivy Creek drainage project six
years ago.
After discussion, Councilmember Blesener moved
that staff should work with Mr. Stelter to
acquire the Brookside Lane easement and to
return with his assessment correction once the
easement is signed.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Page No. 7
October 7, 1986
Dr. John DuBois, radio consultant, was present
to give a brief background of the police and
fire radio study he had been working on since
1984, between West St. Paul and Mendota
Heights. He noted that over the years, fire
department members were invited to five
meetings, but that no one from the department
ever showed up. He also noted that West St.
Paul had awarded the radio bids at their
Council meeting of October 6 and that they are
$15,000 over bid, but are going to cut back
$15,000 worth of items in other areas.
Dr.DuBois noted that nothing had been cut from
the Mendota Heights radio system. Dr. DuBois
noted his reasons for recommending the NEC
pagers for the fire department and Fire Chief
John Maczko gave his reasons and concerns for
wishing to order Motorola Monitor II pagers for
the department, even though they would be
$6,500 over budget, in addition to the entire
package being over budget.
Dr. DuBois stated the price of the NEC Mark 2M
pagers he recommends is $321 per pager,
compared to $495 for the Motorola Monitor II
After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved
to approve an expenditure of $23,400 from
equipment certificates, to complete
implementation of the radio system as
recommended by Dr. DuBois, and also to increase
the City's shared cost for the West St. Paul
Dispatch Center to an amount not to exceed
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
Mayor Lockwood moved the appointment of Klayton
Eckles as alternate member to the Gun Club Lake
Water Management Organization, as recommended
by Public Works Director Danielson.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Page No. /0
October 7, 1986
Mr. Patrick Moran, 508 Dodge Lane, requested
installation of a street light at the
intersection of Dodge Lane and Delaware Avenue.
Mayor Lockwood moved that a street light be
installed at the intersection of Dodge Lane and
Delaware Avenue.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
After further discussion about the future
street lighting policy, Mayor Lockwood withdrew
his motion.
request after
Cummins moved to reconsider this
a street lighting policy is in
Witt seconded the motion.
The Council discussed a memo from City
Administrator Frazell recommending a land use
workshop be scheduled for late November,
between the Council, Planning Commission, City
Planner and City Attorney.
It was the concensus of the Council that the
workshop date be set for Wednesday, November
12, 1986, probably from about 7:00 to 11:00
Based on a recommendation from Public Works
Director Danielson, Mayor Lockwood moved to
hire Mr. Charles Whelan on a part-time basis
for the Engineering department, at a starting
wage of $8.50 per hour, beginning October 9,
Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion.
Ms. Sally Warring, Director of Community
Education for District #197, requested a City
representative to the District Advisory
Mayor Lockwood indicated his willingness to be
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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October ,7, 1986
the City's representative on the District
Advisory Council.
Based on a recommendation from Public Works
Superintendent Tom Olund, Councilmember Cummins
moved approval of truck specifications for a
33,000 GVW single axle dump truck, with bids
being taken until 2:00 P.M., October 23, 1986.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Hartmann asked if the City has
had an interim response from Mn/DOT regarding
the TH 13/Victoria problem.
Councilmember Witt expressed concern over the
number of loads of fill being placed on the
southwest corner of Marie and Delaware.
MISCELLANEOUS City Administrator Frazell asked whether the
City Hall architect need be present for the
City Hall meeting discussion in November. The
Council concensus was that the architect need
not be present, but that the Chair of the
Citizens Committee should be present.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before
the Council, Councilmember Hartmann moved that
the meeting be adjourned.
Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:33 o'clock P.M.
A 44'1'1) Oe 144
Mary inn DeLaRosa
Depu y Clerk
keyt-tht—A cLuL
Robert G. Lockwood
Excavating License
Hubbell Excavating
General Contractor's Licenses
Monty Girard Homes
Castle Building and Remodeling, Inc.
Granada Home Builders, Inc.
Olympic Pools, Inc.
Homemaster Builders, Inc.
Duane J. Builders, Inc.
Dan Dircks Construction
First Landmark Builders
Creative Shelters, Inc.
Olsen Fire Protection, Inc.
Heating and Air Conditioning License
Judkins Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
Dronen's Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
Fence Installation License
Jack Newberry
Masonry License
Stafki's Concrete, Inc.
Eckert and Son Masonry, Inc.
Metro Masonry, Inc.
Warren Saksa's Masonry
Mrozik Construction, Inc.
Simon Brothers Cement Company
Plastering/Stucco License
Berg Drywall, Inc.