1988-04-19 Council minutes■
Page No. 2319
April 19, 1988
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, April 19, 1988
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City
Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at City
Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The
following members were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Cummins,
Hartmann, Blesener and Witt.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Former Administrator, Orvil Johnson, was present to
request Council to proclaim May 4th as Cities Day. Mr.
Johnson stated that he has been working with
Councilmember Witt and former Mayor Lockwood in an
attempt to put together as Cities Day celebration
proposed to be held at the new city hall site. Mr.
Johnson described what Cities Day is and that its
purpose this year is to celebrate the 75th anniversary
of the League of Minnesota Cities. He indicated that
the League has selected Mendota Heights as the lead City
for Cities Day and described the program that will be
Councilmember Hartmann moved adoption of Resolution No.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Blesener moved adoption of the revised
agenda for the meeting. With the addition of item i1/2,
City Hall Change Order.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the minutes of
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1, Blesener
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the April 5th pre- council meeting with corrections.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Cummins moved approval of the Minutes of
the April 5th meeting.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1, Blesener
Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the Minutes of
the April 12th Board of Review meeting.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the consent
calendar, along with authorization for execution of all
necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the Fire Department monthly
report for March.
b. Approval of partial payment No. 5 to the Joseph
Company, Inc. in the amount of $116,713.20 for City Hall
c. Acknowledgement of the Minutes of
and Recreation Commission meeting.
d. Acknowledgement of the Treasurers
the March 8th Park
Monthly report for
e. Acknowledgement of a status report on 1987 -1989
Target Issues.
f. Approval of a change in the site plan for 727 Spring
Creek Circle authorizing location of the home 40 feet
from the wetlands area.
g. Acknowledgement of a response from Dakota County
regarding a traffic study relating to stop signs at
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Victoria Road and Marie Avenue, along with direction to
the Public Works Director to respond to Dakota County
that the City Council believes there are conditions and
considerations over and above the normal warrants for
stop signs at this intersection.
h. Approval of an increase in the mileage reimbursement
from 21 cents per mile to 22.5 cents per mile.
i. Acknowledgement of a letter from Bill Owens
expressing appreciation to Mike Maczko and Terry Blum on
behalf of Mend-Eagan Athletic Association and its hockey
j. Approval to hire six summer workers for the public
works department.
k. Approval of the List of
April 19, 1988 and attached
1. Approval of the List of
and totalling $221,043.56.
Contractor Licenses dated
Claims dated April 19, 1988
Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion.
Mr. Wayne Schwanz, 591 Hiawatha Avenue was present to
request the vacation of the Eugenia Street right-of-way
and alleys in his area. Mayor Mertensotto stated that
residents can petition the City Council to hold a public
hearing on vacations or that the Council can initiate
proceedings on its own. Council directed that staff
look into the matter to determine whether there is a
need for retaining the public street right-of-way and
alley right-of-way.
Mr. Ken Petchel, 645 Quail Ridge Circle, was present to
ask that Council adopt regulations to require dog owners
to be responsible for the cleanup of animal wastes in
neighborhood parks.
City Treasurer, Larry Shaughnessy, as the City's
representative to the MASAC, showed the audience a
combined map designating air corridors and noise impacts
on the communities of Mendota Heights and Eagan. He
then explained the position of the City Council relative
to air traffic corridors and other aircraft noise
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Mayor Mertensotto asked for questions and comments from
the audience.
Mr. Dave Bjorklund, 635 Quail Ridge Circle, asked why
there is no attempt on the airport's part to fly five to
six miles out from the runways before initiating turns
and why the aircraft are not staying within the 15
degree corridor.
Mr. Joe Maher, 1872 Summit Lane, asked what the time
table is for initiating changes. He asked when the
Metropolitan Airport Commission will give its
recommendations to the FAA and what will happen if the
FAA doesn't cooperate.
Mr. Jerry Frank, 2317 Nashua Lane, stated that he
believes the City Council has taken a strong position on
the issue and that the five degree turn off runway 11 R
does not only make sense, it also adds to the safety
factor. He stated that he would like to see the City
consider taking an all or nothing position on the matter
in its discussions with the City of Eagan.
He stated that in his opinion there is a big difference
between a 10 and a 15 degree separation on runway 11L
and that the City should hold fast to its position.
Mr. Gaylen Funk asked whether Council understand the
implications of its proposal on the Rogers Road area.
He stated that if the planes are not allowed to make the
quick turns they currently do, the impact of air noise
over his area will be significantly greater.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that 65 percent of the
owners in the Furlong area have indicated that they
would be interested in selling there homes if they could
get true value for them. He also stated that there are
five homeowners in the Rogers Road area who would also
like to sell because the air traffic noise is so
significant. He informed the audience that the Council
has selected an appraiser and is trying to address the
issue of buying out those particular properties.
Mrs. Rita Joseph, Walsh Lane, stated that until recently
the air traffic noise over her area was not a problem,
but that last year the noise was unbelievable and that
at times it feels as though the planes are going to take
the top of her house off.
The Council informed the audience that it is very
important, especially within the next month, that the
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property owners affected by aircraft noise contact the
Metropolitan Airports Commission when they have a
complaint over the noise issue.
Mr. Jim Stubbs , 784 Lower Colonial Drive, asked what
area would the Council anticipate will have increased
air noise problems because of the new highland pattern.
Mr. Lyonel Greenberg, 746 Pontiac, asked whether the
Council can get the message to all of the residents
about the MAC telephone number to contact on complaints.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that anyone wishing to do so
should write to Mr. Hal Greenwood, Chairman of the
Metropolitan Airports Commission, explaining the
problems and expressing their complaints.
The Council answered questions from the audience and
discussed the position the City should take with regard
to the aircraft flight corridor. It was the consensus
of Council that staff be directed to prepare a
resolution incorporating the following positions.
On simultaneous take -offs, all flights departing 11L
must maintain a runway heading until the end of the
runway. Runway 11R maintain runway heading until middle
marker. FAA should install marker on 11L;
All planes will maintain assigned heading until they are
4 miles from the end of the runway or achieve 3000 feet
above ground;
On simultaneous departures, requiring 15 degree
separation, planes departing 11L should be given a
heading no more than 10 degrees north of extended CL and
those departing runway 11R no further South than 5
degrees from extended runway CL;
Once departing planes achieve 15 degree separation they
must maintain the same heading for four miles or 3000
feet above ground;
On non- simultaneious departures, there will be no turns
from the runway centerline on runway 11L;
Request that the FAA install a localizer on the east
side of the Minnesota River for runway 11L;
Oppose the Highland Park departures unless that
departures are on runway centerline for a distance of
four miles or 3,000 feet above the ground level;
Procedure and compliance should be monitored by MAC with
some annual reports to communities on effectiveness and
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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procedure adopted should be subject to annual
Councilmember Cummins moved approval of an abatement for
Frank and Doris Muehlegger for parcel number 27-03500-
020-01, reducing the assessed value to $2,840 for 1985,
1986 and 1987.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
The Council acknowledged and discussed a letter from
Foto Mark, Inc. requesting approval of a permit to
construct a storage room addition onto their existing
facility. Discussion on the matter had been continued
from the last meeting.
Mayor Mertensotto informed representatives of Foto Mark
that one of Council's concerns in regard to the
requested addition was over disposal of chemicals. He
stated that under no circumstances does the City want
those chemicals dumped into the City's sewer system.
Mr. Phillip Litchfield, representative of Foto Mark,
stated that the company has been operating its facility
since 1974 and doubled its building size. He informed
Council that his firm is an industrial printing company
which has a containment facility, and that it is the
containment facility to which they wish to add 900
square feet so that they can separate the storage of
flammable liquids. Mr. Jim VanWinkel, also
representative of Foto Mark, stated that the hazardous
wastes generated go through a still that recycles and
reuses the paint and that the material which is not
reusable is transported to a hazardous waste facility in
Wisconsin. He stated that his firm is licensed by the
County and is inspected regularly by the State and the
County. Mr. VanWinkel stated that no new chemicals or
solvents will be generated as a result of the expansion,
and that the facility is only being expanded to control
the existing waste materials.
After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved to approve
the issuance of the building permit for a 900 square
foot addition to the Foto Mark building as requested.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Council acknowledged a letter from Garold Murphy,
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representative of Somerset Country Club, requesting that
Council consider a resolution allowing the fish and nd
wildlife department to roundup geese in Mendota Heights.
Mr. Murphy, present for the discussion, explained the
problems that Somerset Country Club is experiencing and
the need for control of the goose population.
Dr. Jim Cooper, Fish and Wild Life Service, was also
present for the discussion. Dr. Cooper explained that
in order to do any goose control, permits must be issued
by the State and Federal agencies. He explained the
role of his service in the control of the goose
population and informed Council on the population growth
over the past fifteen years, population which was at
1,000 in 1973 and now exceeds 18,000 in the Metropolitan
area. Dr. Cooper explained the capture and remove
program for the Council recommending that removal occur
every three years to keep the population in check. He
stated that he is requesting Council's approval for the
removal at the Country Club at the cost to Somerset,
however he also explained that his service is locked in
for this year's program and could not commence removal
this year. Mr. Murphy stated that the Country Club is
requesting Council's approval to get on the University
of Minnesota's list so that hopefully there can be a
roundup next year. Dr. Cooper and Mr. Murphy then
answered questions from the Council and the audience.
After discussion, Councilmember Blesener moved to allow
a three year roundup of geese within the confines of the
Somerset Country Club under the University of Minnesota
Fish and Wildlife Services Capture and Removal Program
at no cost to the City and on the basis that an annual
report be made to Council.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
The Council requested Mr. Murphy to provide the City
with the description of the procedures the Wildlife
service intends to follow in terms of the number of
geese and locations from which they will have to remove
the geese from before starting the program.
CORNICK WATERMAIN The Council acknowledged a report and recommendation
from the public works director relative to the
installation of a watermain from Lexington Avenue
southwest along TH 13 to service the Mike Cornick
residence at 1176 Sibley Memorial Highway.
Councilmember Hartmann moved adoption of Resolution No.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
I -35E Noise Wall
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Cummins was excused from the meeting at
10:00 o'clock P.M.
Mr. Virgil McQuay was present to request that Council
support his request to MnDot for construction of a noise
wall by his home located at I -35E and TH 110. Mr.
McQuay, 976 Kay Avenue, submitted a petition from 20 of
his neighbors requesting noise wall construction.
After brief discussion, Councilmember Blesener moved
adoption of Resolution No. 88 -20;, "RESOLUTION REQUESTING
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Cummins returned to the meeting at 10:05
o'clock P.M.
The Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works
Director Danielson relative to request for proposals
from park landscapers.
Councilmember Blesener moved to authorize staff solicit
proposals from landscape architects for preparation of a
master plan for park landscaping.
Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion.
Councilmember Hartmann moved that the referendum
canvassing board be conducted on May 4th at 12:30
o'clock P.M.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Councilmember Hartmann moved adoption of Resolution No.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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11) ."
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
Mr. Paul Springler asked Council whether there has been
any proposal for apartment development on the Perkegwin
The Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works
Director Danielson relative to the need for a catch
basin for drainage in the City Hall parking lot.
Councilmember Blesener stated that it is difficult for
her to be convinced that a grading change for the
parking lot will cost $5,396. Architect Bob Pierce,
present for the discussion, stated that he is still
investigating costs and would like to take another look
at it. He stated that he can't believe that there is
that much grading work required and asked that Council
table the matter for the time being.
The Council acknowledged a report from City
Administrator Frazell regarding a proposed change order
for cedar shakes for a new city hall.
City Hall Architect Pierce stated that last Tuesday it
was brought to his attention by the City Hall sub-
committee that there was some confusion as to what the
Architects had specified for roofing materials for the
new city hall. He stated that he consciously specified
cedar shingles rather than cedar shakes, and explained
the difference between the two materials.
Councilmember Hartmann stated that the Council
specifically directed the Architects to look at two
buildings, the Strub building on Highway 13 and another
off of Bush Lake Road, which the Council felt were good
examples of what City Hall should look like. He pointed
out that both of the structures have cedar shaked roofs,
and that it is a real surprise to him that the City
structure is proposed to have shingles and not shakes.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that the entire Council is
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Mr. Pierce stated that he consciously specified cedar
shingles because he believes shingles are more
appropriate in what he is trying to achieve in
appearance to the building. He stated that he believed
that shingles would be a much better solution because it
would give a trimmer less bulkier appearance than would
the shakes.
Councilmember Cummins stated that he is a very unhappy
client, that he thinks the brick ugly, and now the roof
is not as it was suppose to be. He stated that the City
Council does not want a sleek municipal building and
could not understand how the Architects could possibly
misconstrued cedar shakes as shingles.
The entire Council agreed with Councilmember Cummins
that all discussion was that there would be cedar
Mr. Pierce stated the he believes the texture is the
correct approach and that to change to cedar shakes
would increase the contract by $4,800. He stated that
he could find other ways to spend the $4,800 that would
enhance the building more.
Councilmember Blesener stated that perhaps the City
received an exceptional shingle bid last fall, and that
she feels very strongly that the City should not have to
pay the $800 penalty for a problem it had no part in
Mr. Pierce stated that he will absorb $800 for goodwill,
but that he still feels cedar shakes would be a bad
After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved to
authorize a change order in the city hall contract to
allow an additional $3,876 expenditure for cedar shakes.
Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion.
It was the consensus that Paster Enterprises and the
Planning Commission should be notified that the Council
will anticipate major changes in the shopping center as
part of consideration of conditional use permit for a
liquor store.
Councilmember Cummins pointed out that Bent Tree Lane is
still not completed and asked that staff look into the
matter and be sure that it gets completed soon. He also
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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asked that staff look into the preparation of an
ordinance prohibiting boats and floating devises in the
Copperfield ponds.
Councilmember Cummins asked whether the City could do
anything about the faulty incinerator at the Mendota
School and then directed staff to send a letter
informing the school district that the City is aware of
the problem.
There being no further business to come before the
Council, Councilmember Hartmann moved that the meeting
be adjourned.
Councilmember Witt seconded the motion.
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:49 o'clock P.M.
K thleen M. Swanson
ity Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto
ON APRIL 19, 1988
Concrete Licenses:
Hollenback & Nelson, Inc.
M & N Construction Specialists
Northland Concrete Construction Company
Excavating Licenses:
Bruhn Excavating'
Carlson Sewer Company, Inc.
Don Wayne Excavating
James Peters Excavating
Keystone Excavating
Todora Plumbing
General Contractor Licenses:
Conway Construction, Inc.
Dev. Con., Inc.
Kraus Anderson Construction Company
Twin City Storm Sash
Quality Exteriors
Heating & Air Conditioning Licenses:
BSC Mechanical Contractors
United Sheet Metal