Res 2007-126 Amending Pay Schedule for 3% Annual AdjustmentCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 07 -126 RESOLUTION AMENDING PAY CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR NON - ORGANIZED EMPLOYEES TO REFLECT A 3.0 PERCENT ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT FOR 2008 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 87 -67, the City Council has adopted a grade -and -step pay system for non - organized City employees that meets the requirements of MSA 471.991, the Pay Equity Act; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to annually review the pay matrix that is a part of that system for adjustment in recognition of increases in cost of living; and WHEREAS, based on salary trends in the metropolitan area suburbs, and budgeted funds available, a 3.0% adjustment in the matrix for 2008 is reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that the Grade and Step Pay Matrix attached hereto as Appendix A, is hereby adopted as Appendix A of Resolution No. 87 -67, adopted by the City Council on July 7, 1987. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 18th day of December, 2007. ATTEST: K—atfileen M. Swanson City Clerk l J CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS XH yor. CITY OFMENDOTAHEIGHTS EMPLOYEE POSITION PLACEMENT AND PAY CLASSIFICATION PLAN �- RESOLUTION NO. Op ( } umxoE A B C Custodian 29,081 30,535 32.062 33,665 35,348 z 29,810 31,30 32,866 34,508 36,235 o 30,555 32.083 33,687 35.371 37.140 4 31,319 32,777 34,298 35,900 37.581 n 32.102 3o.07 35,392 37162 39020 62,259 6 32,903 34,549 36,276 38,090 39,994 7 33,727 35,414 37,184 39,044 40,996 8 34,571 36,299 38,114 40,020 42,021 9 35,133 36,775 38,499 40,421 42,209 10 36,012 37,813 37,813 37,813 37,813 72,245 11 36,912 38,758 40,696 42,730 44,867 12 PW Sec, Police Sec, Util. Billing Sec. 37,664 39,433 41,291 43,239 45,286 13 38,606 40,537 42,564 44,692 46,926 14 Sr Sec 39,447 41,306 43,257 45,306 47,462 15 Rec Programmer 40,434 42,455 44,578 46,807 49,147 16 41,445 43,517 45,693 47,978 50,377 17 42,481 44,605 46,836 49,177 51,636 18 43,543 45,720 48,006 50,407 52,927 19 Civil Engineer 1, Acct 44,168 46,377 48,696 51,131 53,687 20 45,273 47,536 49,913 52,409 55,029 / 46,404 48,724 51.160 53,718 56,404 22 xdmin Asst 47,e64 49,943 0,440 55,062 57.815 zo 48.755 51.193 53.752 56,440 59.262 24 Operations &Pnoj.C000d. 43.973 52.471 55.085 57.849 60.742 25 Sr. En Tech, Code Ef 51,221 777 -7,77 53,782 56,471 59,295 62,259 uO City Clerk 52,50 55,126 57,883 60J77 63,815 2' Sergeant 53.014 56,505 59,330 82,297 85,412 zn Civil EnQr||.|TCoordinator 55.160 57.918 80.815 83.854 67.047 29 Assistant m City Administrator 56.539 58.366 62.334 65.451 68.723 30 Police Chief, PW Director 57,952 60,850 63892 67,087 70,441 31 59,401 62,371 65,490 68,764 72,202 32 60,886 63,931 67,127 70,484 74,008 33 City Administrator 62,408 65,528 68,804 72,245 75,857 34 Sergeant 63930 67,127 70,483 74,007 77,707 35 Sergeant 65148 68,405 71,826 75,417 79,188 36 Sergeant, Pub. Wks. Sup 66366 69,685 73,169 76,827 80,669 37 City Clerk 67,208 70,567 74,095 77,800 0,690 38 Sergeant 68193 71,603 75.183 0.942 82,889 39 Finance Director 70,811 74.141 77,848 81.741 85.828 40 72,375 75,994 79,793 83,783 87,972 41 Police Chief, PW Director 74,185 77,894 81,789 85,878 90,172 42 77,940 81,837 85,929 90,225 94,737 79,889 83,883 88,077 92,481 97,105 City Administrator 81,886 85,980 90,279 94,793 99,533