Ord 6 Rules and Procedures of Village Council/ vl�
An ordinance establishizng Rules Goveri#ng Collauct and"if"acedur6 61' the.:,Village Council
tx of Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
The Villap a Heights do ordal-n aps-'-follows-40
ge Council of Mendot
Rule 1. The village council shall have regular sessions on the third. Monday of
7a7chmenth -a (8*, 00) o'clock P,14,,, and, if such Honday,shall fall. z on ,a holiday shall
have its reg-afar session on the next following day, and adjourned and special sessions
at arty other time the council may deem proper.
halltpreside at� cil. In the absence of'
Rale,g. The mayor s all meetings of- the council,
the mayor, the acting mayor shall preside. In the absence of both,tho trustees
shall elect one Of tlipir.num'ber.a.tempor.-try:ob-a-irman., The..acting mayor and ' tempura r
chairman i4hen ocat�pying the. place of the mayor shall have the same privileges as
other members.
Au le 3. At all meetings. of the. council, a .majority. of the council members elected
shall constitute a quorum to do business.,' but a minority may adjourn from day to day
and may co-ppel the Zttendance ofabsq,ntees, ,by .a.Fine not exceeding ten dollars for
each offense, unless a reasonable excuse be offered.
_Rule 4. At the hour appointed, for meeting, the members shall be called to order by
the mayor, and In his absence ,by , the acting ,3yvQr, and in the absence of both, by
the clerk. The clerk shall call the roll, note the absentees and announce whether
a quorum be present. In the absence of the clerk the mayor shall appoint a'secretary
pro tem, Upon the appearance of a eiiiorum the council shall proceed to business which
shall be conducted in the following ordero.
1. Call to order.
2. Roll Call
3, lbading of .the minutes of the last correction be offered,
shall stand approved.
4. Presentation of petition, memorials, and remonstrances.
5. lReports of standing conxtittees.
6, Reports of special committees.
7. Reporta of officials.
8. Noticed, o4d communications.
0, Introduction of ordinances.
10. Presentation of claims,
ll,. Unfinished business.
12, Special order ob business.
13. Motions and resolutions.
24—e5. The mayor shall preserve order and decorum anO shall decide questions Of
order subject to an appeal to the council. The mayor make motions, second motions,
or neak on any question provided, hoi-lever, that in order to do so, 'Upon demand of
any one council member, he shall. vacate the chair and design—ate a trustee to preside
of the council.
temporarily. The mayor shall,be"entitled to vote like other members
Rgle 6. 8very member, previous to his speaking, shall axise and address the chairman
and shall not proceed until I -be has been recognized by the chair. He shall indulge
ii% a , atter under debate.
,personalities and shall confine his remarks to the n
No member shall speak more than twice on any question, nor more than -five
MD-Us each time without unanimous consent of the council.
A member called to order iumeate
CUly suspend Us remarks until the
Ru le 8
point be order is decided by the chair.
• D�jo • vilvery motion except to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, commit, lay on the table,
or 'for the previous question, shall be reduced to writing, if the chair or a-zW member
reauires its when made and seconded, it shall be stated by the chairman or being written
shag kbe madO by the clerk, and may be withdrawn before decision or amendment, or
any disposition thereof has beeA made, or a vote taken thereon.
Rale 10. All resolutions shall be in writing.
lhxlo -1-1. Mhen a question is under debate no motion shall be entertained, unless to
adjourn, to lay on the table, to act on the -previous question, to postpone, to commit,
or to amend, which several motions, shall have -orecedonce in -the order in which they are
named, and- the first throe Shall be doCijded:,wIthGnt debate.
Rule 12. Any nuestion shall be divided at the request of any member when the same will
admit thereof.
Rule 13. 1-411!en a question 1.9 put by the chair, every member present shall vote tLAless
'i'-orspocial reasons the council shall excuse him; but If interested he shall not vote.
In doubtful cases the chair may direct, or any member call for a division, The yeas
and nays shall be called mon a reqUoition' of the chair or any member, in which case
the names of the members voting are required to be recorded in the minutes.
Rule 14. All qiestio`ns shall be put in the order in which they are moved, except In
case of privileged questions.
Rule 15. The previous question she�ll be put in these vrords: "Shall the main questionz
.n 1q, be - 1)
0 ut? 11 It shall be admitted. on demand of any two members, and until decided
shall preclude all anendments and debate of the main que-otion..
al All committee s in , eluding standing committees shall be appointed by the chair,
"loss expressly ordered by the council.
ju.loM The standing, comT#ttees shall consist of three members appointed by the mayor
annually and the first person named on the coTmaittee shall be chairman thereof a The
number and nature of the ding committees will be decided by vote of the council.
D,11_el8. It shall be the .duty of the committees to act prom V
pt and faithfully In all
matters referred to them, and to make their reports at the next meeting of the council.
1hle 19, After an ordinance shall have passed, a complete and a:dcurate cqpy as amended
7 1=1 be made by , the clerk and shall be signed by the mayor ,or in his absence by the
acting mayor, and deposited with the clerk, who shall attest, seal, number, file and
record or place the same permanently in the ordinance book. Entry of to
the Go, , mpl e
ordinance ac; amended difectly into the ordinance, book and original signatures and
seal thereon shall be compliance with this section. The affidavit of publication
shall be permanently inserted in the ordinance book after each ordinance.
1kitle 20. Petitions and other papers addressed to the council shall be readX by the
clork upon presentation of the same to the council.
Rule 21, No person, other than the mayor and other members of the council shall be
7d'-mittea within the bar of the council, except village officers. No -,)erson other
than a' member shall address the council except with the consent of the members present
or by a vote of a majority of the members present.
....... .. .
Rule 22, All sess3 Ons of a council shall be public,
ag 23
e . The marshal (chief of police) shall attend meetin gs of the council when
re quo 9t -e d to do so by the mayor and preserve,order in th e room.
Sul: or ril suspended by consent of a
These rules, or any of them may be temp a y
majhYlby of all councilmen, and shall not be repealed, altered, or amended, unless
by concurrence of a majority of the whole council, and upon notice given at some
preceding meeting.
4 these -d in
hall be governe
Rule 25o In all pointo neat. covered by tl rules the councils
its procedure. by Robert. Rules of Order,,
Imo, The foregoing rules are adopted to facilitate the transaction of -council
-unctions, -y sho emitted to defeat or hinder the plainly
business and f The culd not be pez
ex-pressed Intent -mid deAre of the council. Informal compliance and substantial
performance shall be sufficient under the foregoing rules in the absence of objection
seas6nabty taken. Objection Is hereby declared not to have been seasonably taken as to
procedural matters provided for herein if a council member present at a* meeting fails
to object during the meeting and requests compliance with these rules, aiid such
objection* shall not be seasonably taken by an absent member later than the next
regmlar meeting after the proceedings to which objection Is made.
Rule 27. The council may at any time by a majority vote of those present, adjourtl
front time to time to a specific date and hour whether or not a quorm is present.
Rule 28. Special meetings may,be called by the mayor or any two members In writing, ci ,aayypr:ior to tile time specified for such meeting.
filed with the clerk at leasi7i�"^
The clerk shall mail a notice at least rW"�`daz,-�,before the meeting* to all members .of
the time and. place of the meeting and its purpose, if the purpose be stated in the
call filed with him, The clerk shall:: prepare and file in, hiq office an affidavit
'Ing mailing of su,64_ao . t1b6131, ln�! thd. tahiibk he I re i prescribed.. , .' '
by him. shol; .
Special meetings may be held without an thout notice when, all members are present d
take part In the meeting or consent in writing to he-ft,
4 such special meeting without
other notice. Such written consent shall be filed with the clerk prior ' to +,he
commencement of' such meeting. Any special meeting attended by all members sltall be a
regular meeting for the transaction of aby business that may come before it.
R.ale29. Manner of voting. Votes of the members on any business coming before the
council may be by voice vote, standing vote, or in such other manner of voting as
may signify the intention of the members, provided, however, that upon request of any
one member of the council such vote shall be ta.1cen b: r secret written ballot.
AV affirmative car r-negatuive vote by a member -shall be entered in the minutes at
his request. Aye and n-V- shall be taken Mann an, motion at the request of one member
and the results entered, in the n►ber shall vote in such case unless
the council by majority vote shall excuse a member from voting.
me e Ung -b. Th63r-Shall be sig 64
t - - ' 1 0
bMinutes f thshalty 'the the clerko, and shall constitute an official record of the council proceedings*
'Up subsequent i� , !eeting of the council, the mayor shh_ll,
on ap-,.roval of the minutes a st
sign the minutes. lks(;k of such mayor's signature or council appro val shall not
invalidate such minutes as official records.
In the event the clerk shall fail or decline to amend or change his minutes,
upon formal request, at the time they are submitted for approval, the council may
- 4 = ` ~|
_ shall ..
amending motion by motion carried by majority vote amend the minutes.
become a, -oart of the minutes, c!:141 Oe subsequent meeting,
. \