Res 2008-63 GO Improv Bonds 2008AResolution 08-63 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF, ATMEETING OF THE CITY` COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MINNESOTA HELD: September.161 112008 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a mg-til r net Ling of` the City Catincil of the City of Mendota l-leisPubs Dakota .County, Minnesota was duly held at the 'CitvBall oil Wednesday . the purpose, in e ss e Sp-pteMber 16.2008.,W7­30 PiNl, for I pan" of�atlthorlzlng th i , uanc I and aw-ardina the sale of S1,290,000 General, Ob c,"ition. Improvement Bonds:, Series 220088. The following members were present: lack k . V tell . i, SmdraKrebsbach, Mary Jeanne Schneeman and Ultan Duggan, antt:7 , cI tile flollo-winv.\vere absent: John Huber Member Schneernarl introduced t1w, following rosolution and moved its adoption: SALE OF RESOL,UTION PROVIDING 'FOR THE ISSUANCE AND. ROVEMENT 53,200.000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMP' BQINOS' SERIES 1 20W A. lI1_.E__DG- I SPECIAL ASSESSMtNTS FOR THE SECURITY THEREOF AND EVVING: A TAX F011� 1PAY, MENIT THEBc.EOF A A. eCi: of:M,,�qdotaHeJghts t 1,clty"), has and ,declar-24 thqt it r5 nccc$sa:tv Gild ox.jidlierif ca issuC 200, �t�ds" 6r indi "idually, 6 at Obll.�,ptio-i.), fjvipro�telner.4 BoRds (the "Ben". L.1S.ci.C.s 'SA .,20(,0,)O C Aes 1iaptets �429 and 475. to Cmance the ond"'i ufthc City, mirstiailt to milynesota 'Statl cons trL1 Cti on,o f va -10 U Is, 1 r11pl,0VQM ents in the (71ty(thy and t R. t1w,linprovement s and all th cir caniponcnts have beeii ordered . priar to the date liereof, after a hearing theveon for wNeb.notic ie was the Improvements. or all their components by gerlekal nature, estimated post, and area. to be assessed .,4, and and Associates, Inc, in. Roseville C, WHEREAS.,� the City has retained: Ehlers a Minnesota C'Ehlers.',), as, its indopen , dcht Financial ad I Visor for the sale.. ofibe Bond's and is therefore auth orized tol sell' . themBonds by in accordance �.y-.ith Statutes, -Section 475'.60. Subdivision 24;x)) and proposals to,purefine the Boiids have been solicited by Ehlers; and, D_ WHEREAS, thy; proposals set forth an' Exhibit A attached h ereto were received by 9 representative of the Cavity at the offices of Ehlers, at I I M A.M., this same day pursuant to the sale details established for the Bonds ;, and 221-6282vi NOS ? J HER EFORE, BE IT R.8SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Meridotal Heigglits,Minnesota, as 1`611ows! I.. Acceptance of Offer. The proposal 6OVelIg Fargo Brok&,iRe Services. LLC mlinheqjx)jis Min DCst-,),ta'(thq Turcha.ser" I ).,.to purchase the; Bonds in acico rda lice W1 th the Terms of Proposaj,,at the raies . of interest hereinafter set forth, and to pay 'therefor flic'sum of S' ). 192.206.40, -plus interest I nterest accrued to settlement, is.heroby fbqnd, d6termw6di and declared to be the most favorable 'proposal received And ishereb Yaccepted, and the *Bonds ',are hereby awarded .to the Purchaser. The City Finance Dire.otoj- is directed 10 retain. the deposit of the Purchaserand to forthwith return to the unsuccessful bidder-, their good ffi4b checks or drafts:. 2. BotATerms.. (a) Title: Original Issue Dd . te, Denominations, Maturities. Term Bond option.. The Bond.s.shall betffled "General.ObJigation linprovement Bonds. Series 2008A", shall beclated October 8, 2008, as the date of original issue d N�l 1. be issued ffirtlivvith on or .after such date w0n . s .1 in fully registered. l'brin; The Bonds: shall be number6d froni.R- I upWa'rd: in thedenomination of S 5,000 each or in any lilt earal inUltii)]e thereof (:f a isimfle maturity (tlie:'Aufliomed 1-in the. years aril :aip-OLUIts, as fiollows; Dcnominatjoiis"). The Bonds shall m atim,.- on. February Year Amount Year Amount 20 101 S 105 0 0 200 154000 2011 1:50,000 2 Q -) 1 .1710000 20 1 -50!000. 2011 170,000 210.13 1 -5 5, 00 0: 2023 1.! 1:, {00 2 0 t 4 )}, 11V 2) 0 -2 4 1. 85.000 60,000 90,000 2-0 i 6 16 U00 2026 195s;000 1)017 .1 65.0()0: 2027 ' Oofloo 201 S 2028 210,000 2019 170,000 As may be requested by the Purcjjvser�, once or more term Bonds may be issued having mandatory sinkmg fund i-edemption an(� . I final maturity anIOLUAS COD J.'orming, to the fore' i 'going print i I pa]A.701iay,jpent schedule, and coiTespoi.idii.i(:):additions may be niade to the provi4ions ofthe appheable Bopd(s). (b) Book Entry Only System. The Dc,Lio.sito.ilyTi-u.st Coii.i.i)at.i,},.al limited r)utpose trust CODIPWIN, organized under the laws of the State of New York or any of its $U.ccessors or its successors to its functions liercunder (die "Depositorv") will act as securities depository for the Bonds., and to this i tid: (i ) The Bonds shall be initiall-v issued and, so long as they remain in b(.-),bk entry form only (the "Book. Entry 0ifly Period"), shall atall times Abe in the -form of a separate single fully�'registered Bond .for each maturity of the Bonds; and for purposes of colnpl }ring with this requirement under paragraphs S and l0 Authorized Denorninatio.lis for any Bcnld shall be deem ed to be limited during the Book. Entry., Only Period :to the outstanding princir at amount of that Bond. (ii) Upon illitial issuance. own ersh'ijl clfthe Bonds. shall be registered in a bond . register maint;lined by the Bond !Zegistrar (as hereinafter defined) in the i ?aftic of CEDE Co.; as the norni lee (it or any :nolninee of the existing or a successor;Deposltory, the "I�1017ilne4 }. (iii) Wit . l'i respect to the Bonds neitllcr the City, nor the 'Bond Registrar shall hate. any responsibility or.obligation to any broker, dealer; Dank; or ally . ther financial institution for which the Depository holds Bonds as securities depository! (the Participant") car the person for tvhich:a Participant tibids ati interest in th6 Bonds sllo�m on the bool:s'and r cords c >ftlle Pal lie ipallt (the "Beneficial C3��rner " }. Without limiting die immediately preceding 5C'•r ?te'llC 8, 17eltller the City, nor tll( Bondi Relgistr4r' shall have any such responsibility or obligation with respect to (A) the ac:e`uracy of the records of.the Depository, the pirtipeo ! }1 any Pilrticipaht with respeet to anly mytershii3 interest in the 1Bt711dS, or (B): the delive).-V t0 any Pal 11Cll3allt, any Owner or any athelr person, other than the Depository. of arty notice with respect to the Bonds, including any. notice of", redemption, or (C') the payment to ally Participant any Ben .ficfal'Owner or any other person, other than .tbe. Depository, of any amount ;Vitt respect to the prinolhal of or l�lenli nn, if, fny, cue interest on. Ott e Bclnds, or. (D }the consent given or other action talon by the Depository- as the Registered Holder of �xn-- Ronds (the "Holder" j: For Pur-{-tores taf' s curillc; tl:l Grote or consult. of any Flolder udder. this Resolution, tile, City, rn y, hots fi ver, rely upon an omnibus proxy under which the: Depcisi'tory asslg Its Gtanse'nting or vilt32r�? 1il.ts to whose aceotnits the Bonds: are credited oil the record dale idenfflied' ill a listii r; dt:tGlched to the bmnrbus {?l oxy. f Y 1` (1v' `1`h t.ity Miler ttl?::' Bond. l�epistrar may tleat.IiS acrd t. eem flge l..�c:rjol ii.C?, Y tO be the absolute c1Nvner ot•'t110 Bond" f :'Or the l'f'urp.o` e Cif 'i#';'mellt ilf .iii €l premium. I f zany, and interest on the Bolds, for the purpose. >of giving notices of redemption and other matters m'ith respect to the Bvnd.s, for the purpose cat obtaining �3riy' consent ± }r- other action to be taken by Holders ('or the purpose of;'.registering tratlsfers wIith respect to. such Bonds; and for all purpose whatsoever. The Bond Registrar, as; paying agent hereunder. shal l pay all. principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds only to the Holder or thee lloiders of the Bonds as shown on the bond register; alid . all sticll paylnomts :shall be valid tend effective to fully satisfy and discharge the City obligations with respect to the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum oi` sums so paid. {V) L?tac?n delivery by the Depository to the Bttlid Registrar d«rrittcn notice; to the effect that the Depository has determined to substitute it nety NomiIlee in place of the existing l4oininee, and Subject to the transfer provisions )n paragraph 10 hereof j r•efer•ences to the Non ince hereunder shall refer to such new Nominee, (vi) $o :long its any Bond is registel-ed in the name of a:; Nominee, all lnayments tihjitlr tespect tc7 tho principal of .and prerrrium if, any, and interest on such Bond and all n()tic c s vNtith respect to such Fond shall, be made and (,,,itiJen, respectively; by the„ Bond. .Registrar or it;r; as the c tsc rila:y bc; tc� the Depository as provided in the Letter- of llet)resentatiozrs to the Depository required by the Depository as a: cunditiic:nl to its acting; as book -entry Depository for the Bonds (said Letter- of Representations; together with any replacement talereofor amendment or substitute thereto, including :auy standard- procedures: or policies referenced therein or' applicable: thereto) respecting tIle procedures, and other matters relating to the Depository's role as book -entry Depositpry for the Bonds, cone ctivelyhereinafter referr•ed'to as the "Letter of"Rcpr'esOntaticizs "1: (vii) All uansfcr-s of beneficial ownership interests in each Bond issued in book -bntry f.)rni shall be. limited in principal amount to Authorized Denominations and Shall be effected ley procedures by the Depository with the .Participants for recording and transf er-r-ing,the o-kviiership of-beneficial interests in such Bonds. (vi ij In connection with ally -notice or other communication to be provided to the Holders pursu�rrlt, to this Resolution by the C;'ity cat• Bond Registrar with respect to any consent or I othcr:ac<tion to betaken by Holders, the Depository shall consider the date .of receipt of notice reyuesting such consent or other action as the record date for such consent or other action; provided, that t;lle City or the Bond Registrar play establish a. special record elate for stroll consent e:)r c.)ther ctiora. The City or the Bond Registrar shall to tli. ee extc;nt possible, gir,e the Depository notic.e of "such special record elate not less than 1:5 calendar days iii advance e of such special is ;eeord date to the e..tcnt 1.rossible- (i %) zn y successor Bond PX islra.r in its written a£,£.%t: ptiltl£.e o if its duti s under tints Retiolution and airy payrrl�� i re rr{ ,- 'i3c)nd i'��jltii 'riE cigt'(Cr1�� ill, shall agree to tali. ilt?1' actiolls.rroCt .7ary iron -1 trifle to time'tc:r. cortnply with the :.requirements of the Letter Of ReprLesentations. (X) In the oagQ of a pa rtial'pr epayrnl.n of a �iE'nd, vh ijo1'dl(r, Ill <li %, in, lieu of urrenderirlg the Bonds ft)r a Bond of a lesser denomination as piro.'id d in Paragraph hereof, make a notatie:)n: of'the reduction in principal amount ern the panel provided on tiro Bind stating the. amount so re�cleeme£i. (c) 1'erinination of Book...-Entry Only System. Discontinuance orf a particular Depository's services anti ternliiration of the book entry oii.ly system may be effected as follows: (i) The Depository may detel -mine to discontinue providing its servlces with respect to tire. Bonds at any time by giviIng Britten notice to the City and discharging: its responsibilities with respee;t thereto under applicable law, The City ma y terimnate the services of the Depositol,y with respect to the Bond if it detemaines, that the Depositoi,y is no longer able to carry out its functions as securities depository or the continuation of the system of book-entry y transfers through'the. Depository is not in the lest interests of the City or the Beneficial Ov"'ner s. (i:) Upon termination of the services of the Depository as provided in the Precedipg paragraph., and if no si.tibs(itutq securities depository is \,vij,jin g to undea akc the functions of the . : Di positoi-y hereunder can be found whidli. in the opinion ofthe city, is 6 and able, to assume such functions upon reasol iable or ctistomary ter ins or if City determines,thatit is iii .the best interests of the City or the Bene ficial Owners of the Bond that the .13en6ficlatOmners be able to obtain certificates for the Bonds, the Bonds shall no lonoter be registe r ed as being registered in the bond register in the Heine: Heine: of the Nominee, I . )ut rnay be fe(Tisteredin w I 1.1atever name or names the Holder of the Bond.,,-, Shall desi( m ate at accordance w I that time, in. accordith paragh I I hereof. To the extent that t:` . . rap ere c; -d n e with the Beneficial Owners are designated as the transfereeby:fficHoldets, in a coi a 6 1 paragraph 10 hereof, the Bonds,;will 'be delivered to thQ Befteficial Owners. (iii) Nothing in this.subparagrapb (d) shall line Or restrict, the "Provi Sion s of paragraPh t hereo-f.. d) Let!ei` of Re The provisions in the Letter of Representations are hc6rp6rafcdh -cf-c made a part of the resolution, and if and to the extent anY iercin b� ,, j suell the other provisioiis of this resolutic n, the provisions, in the 'proNdsions are illconsisfe.nt:w t I etter of Representations slIall control.. s to ame 0 -p shall provide fund Pe ImprOveftlents. Tlie'tW pui j)se. The Bon,OS cost of the liilnrovem ents, NvIii ch shall , includezIl coststnurnei-02d in Minnesota Statutes; f th Bonds. Work- oll the Section 475.6.5, isgsdinated to bQ A least equal to the amount o e I t y co ve ri ants that,. il SIWII proceed with due diligence to (�0111jActio t , The Ci -ovemer d'o al I i u, fill 11 s:and perfbrm all acts reclOited:6fit 'to assuir- that �vork or the Impi r0 i1p], tion and that: any cuid l perllvlts and qLldies, required proceeds with due diligeno,C' W clo, e I under. law Ryr the IMPI-Ovc1nentS, are obtained. 41. Interest. The Bonds shall bear interes,t payable se"'alainnually on Febmary I and --ust 1, 2000 r 11, a a y ir) en i ate" -nencing Au August I cllf�-"Qll Ve,31 ((��16 tj 11.111tero-,st N corm 1. 1 i respecdjvk� Calculated on. the ba-sis ofa 33610-day: year oft- cl.ve "30-day months, at the re maturity years as follows: annilill set forth opposito t] Interest interest Fear' Rate Year Rate 2010 3. 25 °; 2020 4. 0 OXo 2 . 0 1 ll 3.25% 2021 4.20%, 201 1 2 3.25% 2022 4.20( < ,)Oil 3.25IX 2023 4,30% 2014 3.25°,'b 20.24 4.130%) l 3-501/4 2025 4.35% 2016 3.50% 2026 4. _3 5% 2017 4,00% 2027 4.45 ° %n 2018 4.00"• 2028 4A5% 2019 4,00% 5. optional Redeirtution. All Bolds inaturing in the year -0117 thri7u�h h 2029, both inclusive, shall be sttl�ject toredemllti(�n arld p�epa }mz�alt at the option of the City oil 1=ehl'uary 1, 20I6, and on any date thereafter at a price of par plus accrued iliterest. Redemption may be in whole or in hart of the Bonds subject to',prepayment. If redemption is in Bart, those Bonds remairitlg unpaid licll ha<<e the latest rriaturity date shall be prepaid first, and if'only part of the Bt }nds having a common maturity date are called fk)r prepayn ent, the specific Bonds to be prepaid shall be chosen by Iot by the Bond R.egisftar_ .Bonds or portions thereof Balled for redemption shall be due and payable on the redemption date, and iliteresl thereon shall cease to a.cetue from and after the redemption date. 'To ef:fcct a partial al redcniption of Bonds having a common maturity date, the Build RefYSStJ "c17" I)I'lol' 10 f?1Vii1� nQtiCC t;)f redf>mPtion s;lall assign to each Bond having a conlnlon ill aturiiy bate a clistirlctn -c nuiniier fc}r Bath S, 100 of tile principal amount of Such Bond. The Bond Registrar shall. then select.bl- lot, uskig such method of selection as it Shall.detin1 17it7pe�' In its discretio i, from the numbers so assigned to such Bonds. as nlan,y numbers as at $5.000 for each. number., shall equal the principal amount Of tile Bonds to be redeeia�(d. TIYt Bends to be redeemed shall be the Bonds to which we1e assigned nurnbds so selected provided, however . that Dilly so t1� uch of the principal amount of each Bond of a d* nozillriatiozi of mole illari $5,000 shall tie redeemed as shall equal $5.000 for each number assi.cped to it aii:cl so selected. if a Bond is to be redeenlecl oily in hart, it shall be surrendered to the Bond. Rcgistrai (Lyitll, if the City of Bond.Reaist -ar so:regtiires a \N!ritten iiistruil�.er1t of transfer irl foriii satis factory to the 11 :itv alid Bc:)r d t (gi:5trardoily executed.iiy the" dei'thctcofor the lloldcr's att�lixley duly tltzthor`i.z.ed in l�, ?rit:ing) and the City shall execute (1f niec essary) arld the Bond Reg,rstrar shall autlrent.icate: and deliver to. the Ilolder. Without 4c.ryic;e charge, a new Bone or Binds ha: ilea the ry carne stated iiiat�.trity' and interest late and �f aTIV is ii%11I- }rIZeEr .[�CnC1t11lnatlo21 t)i' Denominations, as requests (f by tile 1lcil(Icr,'ii1 ag n"c ate piirle ipal ai1)ount etfu l to l ryci iii t x(h<inpc f'or the triiecletrr,ccI l�riiit<?r of the principal of the B +�n1cl so surrender {; 1�e ?�rci Rt;s�i�,ti ar. Bc)nd �l "rtr:�t ��rr it�csi`Coil�czrtitit)rR; ii, l�t3sf;� Itrt, ��1rnl�est>ta, is upx�c)irltr (:l fir tit as bond TEx�r�rial' crud transfer agent 'with respect to tliC Bonds �tlry ri741nCt Registrar"), and sllall do So unless and lentil a auccwss& Bo,:io Registrar is dtuly ripl)oiritict1, Al pr11'suant to ally contract the L ity and Bond !iegi ;tray :sh.811 execute WIliCl1.,IS CC }n'srstelit hGi "el'i %rtlrt: The Bond Registrar sllal,I aISU Sf eve as payttlg agent Unless .and until a sUcceSsOr paying age nt ts. duly appointed. Principal and interest on the Bonds shall be paid to fli registered holders {oi' record .holders) Of the Bonds in tllc manner set forth III the f:brrn of Bond and parapral5lt I' of this resolution.. 7. Ferrel of Bond. The Bonds, 'together with the Bond Regisirarts: Certificate Of Authentication the fora of Assignment and the registration infornnatuln thereon, shall be in substantially the f0llowin<� norm: UNFTED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MIN NIESC)A DAKOTA COU ITT "Y CITY OF I .ENDOTA HEIGHTS R-• 5 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEIAENT BOND, SERIES 2008A: INTEREST MATURITY' DATE O RATE DATE ORIGINAL ISSUE C`USII' u -, FEBIRU A.RY 1; _ October 5,, 2008 R.EGISTERI D 0NVNER. CEDE Vic, CO, PRINCIPAL AIA UN7 71jE.(:;ITY OF l�!I.ENDOTA. HEIGHTS Dakota Ct untv., Minncsota (tl e "Issuer ":f cez-ti 1_es thr]t tt is indebted grid far` value; rc.ceitred proiiiises t.,) pay to the: rel isiered oi�Jn: r specified a1)ove, or registered assigns. uzilc ss culled for earlier redemption:, in the Inatiner hereinafter m foi �h the principal amount specified, above, on the maturity datd zspecifi d ab( e; and to pay interest thereon'senlia.11nualk, on Feb uary''1 an.d Au "ust I of each year (each an: "Interest:. F'ayrnc'nt Dt]tc °"} t nnlzlZei�t ink A��t;ust t 2,Q09, at tl o rate: !�� r a,)nutrr apt{ ified above (calculated t�1i,,.hc ba rs iii "tz 6fl�rla r caa of yvelve '0 -tlay znozzt115'j txntaI the princip, sum is atCl i?l' has bger€ sr •idea fai . hi-S fszzrrd �;�rll'1 cal r, "I1G 7 f �t .i'rs`zlil tll'c etz0 1'. ? �rtt interest 1. : yirie rt Dabu tC, v,hiclz interes-t bas, bl en par Ci2, ]f rIC? rntLre4t lids ?�Mt1 i1 1CI, 1 --'r6m the Batt, of GOf" TI le 17IIilcii3 3l of and prchirffib '? f aby,. oA this Bond:81-cl.pa able uppri l:resehtation al-id suticz >tler hereof' al. the',I1rz]zc tlj�I r,fftite c.z l�c�n {1 l.'raSt Serve -ces C"orj.)oratic)z1,'xti IRc)bct:;Il� i�l.IiliteSL)'t t itlS: tiv:iiru 1 CgfSti rs „j acting as pay =:rt !. c3irtrlt £}t ar'ryj 4(?F' agent duly = ppolI11 , by the Issuer, interest are this Bond will be paid on. 0961, Interest 1'0 %mer)t ate hM. checlt or dT a% rzzailt d tc.r tllc I3ersti]I in � hose name: this Bond is r6gistc.red (the'' "Holdt r" t)r "Be ndholder ") c> i the registration books of "t!]c lss.tic] maintained by the Bon Re- lair and at the a ddress appearing thereon at the close . of bLisrness orl tl?c lrftet;ilth dad: of the calendar month nest 6ceding such Interest Paviiient Date (the "Regular FR:ec.c ?rd Datt. "). Any interest not s timely paid shall c t ase to be pay`a'IIIe to Mlle person who is the Holdt z hereof as of the 'Regular Record Date .and slir]ll he payable to the pers{ ).n r�7��ho is the_ Holderl,erecrf'at the close of busii.lc ss on a date (tire "Special Record Date'.) fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever money, becomes avaflal Ie fc)rpavnleilf of the defaulted interest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall be ive:ri tc.) Bondhold rs not less than ten days, prior to the Sliecial Rue ord Date: The p incipal cif anti n premium, if any and interest on this Bond are payable in 1a«-ful oney'oi'the United States of An erica. Optional Redeni gion. All Bonds of t.liis issue (thc "Bonds ") ]mitiaring in the years 2017 through 2029, both inclusive, are subject to redemption and prepayment.at the cptron of the Issuer on February I, 2016, and on any date; thereafter at a price of"par OuS aec-ue d interest. Redeitlption ma }y be in whole or in part of the Bonds subject t:o prepayment.:If`redt nipiit�n is; r) r �, heart, those Bonds remaining unpaid which have the latest maturity date shall be prepaid first; and if onIN part offtile Bands having a :Conlni(in inatUrity date ai'e called fC31' prepayment, t11C: Specific Bonds to be Prepaid :shall be chosen by lot by the Bond Registrar. Bonds or portions thereof called for redemption shall tie due and Payable on the redemption date, and interest thereon shall cease:to accrue from and ;:after the redemption date. Mailed notice: of iederllption shall be given to the paying went and to each affected Holder of the Bonds at least thii -tv (30) days prior to the date fixed far redemption. Selection of Bonds for R.edemption.• Pai-tial_Redemption. To effect a partial recleniption. of ands having a corl"non maturity date,. the Bond Registrar shall' assig�l to each Bond having g a coninion rr aturity date a distinctive number for each $5,000'of the principal amount ofsuch Bored The Bond Registrar shall tli.en select by lot, using such n•tethod of selection as it shall dee in, pro per in its discretion, ftorn the nuinbers assigned to the Bonds, as inanynwilbers as, at $15,000: for each nuinl,er, shall equal the principal amount of Bonds to:be redeemed. The Bonds to be redeemed s1u6ll be tile, 13oilds t.o which wei c as;s.igned nuzxil)ci's sc> selected; provided, I�ot�revcr; tliat.only:so much. of the principal aniount of each. Bond of a denomination oi'more than $5,000 shall be redeernecl as shall equal. n:5,000 for each number assigned to it and so selected. If a Bond is to be redeen-ted only in part, it shall be surrendered, to the bond Rcoistrar (with, if the Issuer or Bond Registrar so x cgwri , a written instrunaeili of transfer in form: satisfactory to the Issuer laid Band Registrar- duly executed by the Holder thereof or the Holder'.5 attorney duly; authorized in writi.11g) ai d_.the Issuer shall execute fifnecessary) and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate and eleliver :to the Holder of the Bond,;'A,iAbout ser -vice charge., a new Bond or Bonds having the same stated maturity and izitei•est rate and of an Authorized Denoi-nination or Denominations, as requested by the Holder, in aggi cgat:e principal a:illotint equal to and n exc cadge for the unredOemed portion i:�f the }�rirrt:ip I of the B nid so sur- Cildei ssutiiici: Puri!L)s. Gcin;riil QLJLsg tia . This Bond is one ():Can issue. in the total principal arnount of S3,200,000. 00. all of like elate: 0:1Eoi'ig nal issue and tenor, e ept as to n inber., maturity' interesi rate; denCltnination and re<dempt on pr.ivi1lege issued pursuant to and in Tull coDfornm -y with the C.onstittition and lmkls ()f thti ry ar. o : u�y t c cl op� the City Co neiI c> the Issuer oil September 16, 2008 (the "Resolu ion "). for the Purpose of providing i lc�ilcy tci finatiee the construction of varlous in proverricnts within file jurisdiction of the Issuer. This Bond is payable out of the General Obligation Improvement 13(}rlds, Series 2008A Fund of tlie'ISSUU This: Band COnstitl.itCS a general obligatRxi of the Issuer; and to Provide moneys, for the prompt and full payment of its, pi-in.cipal; premium. if any and interest when the same became due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer have been and are hereby irrevocably Pledged. Denominations. Exchan .Ye: Resolution. The Bonds lire issuable solely in fully registered fc >iii� in Authorized Denominations (as defined in the Resolution' and are exchangeable for fully registered Bonds of other Authorizcd Denominations in equal aggregate principal amc >uilis at fife principal office of the Bond Reg iStiai but only in tile planner and subject to the limitations provided in. the Resolution -. R6e§ enee is hereby made to the Resolution fora. description of the I ia'lits and duties of the Bon Registrar. C;c:>pies of?tile Resolution are on File in the principal office of the Bond Registrar. Transfer. °l'his Bond is transferable by the Holder in person or by the 1- lolder's attorney duly aullorized in l ritirtg at the }�rincip�il c ?Rice of the Bond Registrar upon presentation and: surrender hereof to t:lie Bond Registlar,'al.l subject to: the terms and conditions provided in the F..e.s()ILjtion and to reason able rep, lations of tile; Issuer contained in anv i)gree'r11E ilt with: the B()ild Registrar. Thercupoll tllc; kSUer•. shall e&e cCute and the ;Bond. Reoistrar shall authenticate and deliver; in exchange for this Bond, one or more ne \v fully regrstel ed Bonds in, the name of the transferee (but not registered in blank onto "bearer" or similar d�signationj; pf an Authozr red Oenornination or Denominations. in.. aggregate principal amount equal to the principal amount. o ' this Bond, of the sarlle i.naturity and hearing iz Crest at the same rate. Fees upon Trgisfesr or Loss. The Bond Registrar may require: payl.tent of a sum sufficient to cover any tai:: or other governmental charge payable in connection with the transfer or of this Bond and any legal or unusual casts regarding transfers au lost B»1cis; Treatment of Revistered _owners, The Issuer and Bond Registrar. #slay treat the Person'irn VOIose name this Bond is: registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving paYn'Wntas here:iii j)r()vided (except as c)tlierwise:lirovided herein with respect to the Record Datej and fi r all c)ther purposes, whether or not this Bond shall be overdue, and nt:itller~ t17c Issuer nor fire F'ozltl Regist °ar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. Aiitherlticat ozr. Tliis F3 l d shall' not'he alid: or become e)bligat()ry fc)r ritly prrz<i)os6 or be c.rrtitled to any security unless the Certificate o Authentication hereon: shall have been executed' by the Bond Registrar. C uali fed I' , L czlr t E I�lizatio . iris Bond has becrz desi!4ntitPd by the lssui t as a "quali tax-exempt : I 1% l s, or Section 2655 � 3 j(.)) of the i d t:lig ztr(r" lot' I zr P) lzitel':tzal R � � t z �:e Code ?f' 1986. as amlended. IT IS 1IEREBY CERTIFIED AND RI ( 11 11) that atl ciass, r ondi'tions a:n(1 things c, r x t� r l rceluiitt by 2:])e c�rl8�lzutri.;n sn(l e)1'ti,� . tote o #`, "' I ,1 Ais �t el t,c 3r,rc ti lair }�r7 ri arEe t(.) i,.� p(I.r ornred._prectede:nt to and in the issuance, ofthis 1-3, nd,; have been doni , havehaj : }pe:ncd and have been per fornic:d, in regular and duc fmr); trzl�,e and planner as requr.L•e d by %Iag= and the tAhis Bond tog etll r Nvitli all other dell s oftlre Issuer outstandin~:.� on the date, of 61i irtal issue hereof and the date of I its issuance and delivers-. to the original purchaser,. dohs not exxceed ally constitutional or statutory limitation Of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Mendota 1-leights; Dakota C(?uzYty, .l�Iizxilesota, by its City Council has caused this Band to be executed on its behalf by the facsimile signatures of its Mayor and Clerk,. the corporate seat of tile. tssue3 �h "avirlt been_ intentionally�onlrtt�d as permitted by la�v, Date of Regs-i.stration, BONI)REOISTRAR'S CERTIFIC, ATt 0• A.UTHENITICATION This Bond is. one of the B6nds describedia the Resolution mentioned Within. BOND TRUST SE -VICES CORTORATIONn Roseville, mitill.c.sota Bond Registrar 8v — Aittlimized Si,(;nataltre Regist.rable by: BOND TRUST ShRvlcr'-S: CORPOR.A.TION Payable at: BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION CITY 0F:N4ENDQ'FA HEICHFISI-I DAKOTA COUNTY; II`( IN`LSO'F js/ Facsihid jo /s/Tacsi-mil.e Clerk ABBREVIATIONS The . when used in the inscription On file face of this Bond, shall be construed as I though they were written out in full according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN CUM - as tennnts . in common TEN I ENT - as tenants by the entireties,; a JT TEN as � joint tenants right of survivorship. and not as tenants in commoT i, UTMA - ... as custodian for (Cust) Q4inor) ulider the Uniforni,prans.-fdrs..to: Minors Act. (State) Additional. abbreviations s m ay alsa be.Used. tj.l(,)ugh:no,t in the above list. ASSI I GNIMENT For value, received. the undersigned hbrbby §61h., assigns and transfers : unto the within, Bond Tn�,l -er the duet, hereby irrevockly Wllstitutc:and appoint attorney to tran..,if w ofsubl.;fitution in the rtion fbr the regili§t of Bon d oft ,the books: 1UT I I P TO po el Premises. . ................... . Tassignor's sif4ilature to this assignnent in ust t - bit csl 01101 w t I ihin Bond in e�,Cry the iianle a-,:, it a he co of the wi I pp C, i's up c 11 1' artiCL)181', �vjtlhout alter0,6c K) n or ahv, cl ail , , . 1 9 Signature GLiarantco& _. .v........ ,$,gilature(s) inust be gg-Liaranteed by a national bank, or trust company or by a brokerage firm r ativ otl igible Guarantor having a nleinbcr.�liip 41:cnje, of the.ni�ajorsto& exchanges o Institution" as del:hled:in 17 CFR 240,17 Ad-] 5(a)(2), The Bond Registrar v,,111 not c1gect,1jj-.,ansfdt Of this 136nd -unless the information conc&rninc-tho transferee requested below is prOvided. Name and Address: (Include inforination for all joint owners ifthe Bond held by joint account.) P`I� -PAYMENT SCHEDULE Phis Bond has been prepaid r ;1 Fait on the date($) a d i;t tale amount(s) as fo lla �rsi 4UTHOTZIZ.ED SIGNATURE DA`I`S AMOUNT OF HOLDER / / \ Bonds (r H`r. of ° ' ""~~~~^"~~~r ,;hall be executed �^ ^ on. behalf ` 'the Cityby the sigrnatures of the N o: an provided, however, that theseal r quest of the.purchaser. forther that bothof such signatures rna ted (or, at the .0 be prin . pl I iotocopied) faesuililes and the corporate seal may be oinitted on the Bonds as permitted by law, in the event of disability or resignation or other absence Ofeither officer, the Bonds inav be si ed by the:nialrua or facsimile signaiure of an officer who may -act on belialf of the absent oi disabled officer. In case either the Officer AN/hosesignature or facsimile of Whose signaturesball ap . pe , ar on the Bonds shall cease. to be-such: of)".1cer before the delivery of the Bonds, the signature Or faesimile. shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient Iorzll purposes. the:sarne as, if the oflicer *had remained in oil-lee until delivery. The City nlav eleato deliver, in lieu of printeddefinitive bonds, one or more typeNvritten temporary- bonds in substantially the form set forth above,. with s rnav I be necessary to reflectmore than one maturity in a sin0e teniporar bond. 'Such temporary bonds may be executed with photo Clerk, Such telliporarybonds sball. uppriAheprinting of the definitive bonds and the execution tl I iereofl- be exchanged therefor aid canceled. 9. AuthgijLicqtjon No Bon( . Isl iall be valid or obligatory jjI'(.val)y.purl.)ose or be entitled to any I Security -or benefit;under this.resolution unless aCertificate of Authentication oil the Bond. substantiall'Y :ill the forni hereinabove set i7olill, shall have been.�duly execute.d by in a, �ertilficates: of Authentication on di-I"Terent Litboriz'd r6pi-eseritative of the Bond Rq�istrar., CC le Sal )c pe�rsoq The Bond Recristi �I lie Bonds need not be signed by tl -ar shall. authenticate onithc Bond. and, bv insertine as tile date of regis: afion In the space provided-the date on wliioh th I e I Bond is authenticated, except'illat for purposes-ofdclivering tile original Bonds to the Purohaser, the B . ond Registrar shall Hiscrt �isa date of registration the da-te jSSLIC, �kdiich date is October 8, 2008. 1-1he Cerfificate of Authentication SO 0'KYCCUtCd,OJ1 C,"ICIJ Bond shall be, cbncklsive (.."vidence dla!-It haS been authcaticated aml delivered under this r(­solutioll. prill oipal IS office o-Fthe Bond ReGistrar a bond reoister in vvhich. subject,to such reasonable rcaulatioris is. the Bond in ay presC'JiL be' tile Bond Registrar shall provide for themg.i,stration of Bonds -rd as herel Il Stirrender for transfer ofaily Bond at the principal office. ofthe Bond Registrar, I he Cityshall execute (if necessary). and the Bond Registrar shalt authenticate, insert. the date of tj i.egiaration (as provided in paragraph 9) of, and deliver, 1 le nalne of the de8io-tiacd. transferee ol t sf-crees, one or more new Bonds of any Authorized Denomination oi ran like aggregate j-.)rincipal amount, having the same stated maturity a a e by the transf -or;. provided.. how ever, that no Bond may be regi stered in blalik 01. 1 n t1le name of nbearer" or snri,ilar designation. At the optlon. of the Holder, Bonds may be exchanoed Authorized Denomination or Deomnioaboos of oUko. ag,(;regate principal onn«Vnt and stated maturity, upon ` Surrender 0f the Bonds tohe exchanged uL tile pl-iocipal office of the Bond Registrar, Wli.00cvnc / ) �_. any Bonds are :set surrendered for exchange., the City shall execute (if necessary), and the Bond R:egtstrar shall authentic aic, insett:tlte date of registration of, and deliver the Bonds Wliieh the Holder making the exchange is entitled to receive. 11 B(inds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer provided for:in this resolution slxall be promptly canceler) by the Bond Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directucl by the City. All Bonds deliverecI in exchange 'for or upon traiisfe r of Bonds shall be valid general. obligations of the City evidencing the same debt, and 'entitled to the sartle bcnefits under this: resolution, as the Bonds t:uri•endered for such exchange or transfer:. Every ;Bond presented or surrendered 1 :.br rt ansfer or exchange shall be duly endorsed Or be accompanied , ccompanied by a written instrument of transfer. in forms satisfactory to .tlie Bond Registrar, duly executed by the Holder thereof or his, her or its attorney duly autla�tri cc) in witting._ The Bond Registrar may require laayment c)f a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection �Mitli the tiansi:er or exchange of any Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and lost Bonds. Transfers shall also be subject tc� reasr�n, . Ie re;7ulalions of the City eciirtained i3t. any agreement with the Bond Registrar, including regulations which peim.it the Bond Rgj;istrar to close its transfer books bet ,veen record dates, and payment dates. The. finance Director is hereby authorized to 'iicge)titate �rr�d e.� e,Giate the terms of said: agreement. y f' € lieu t 3':1,12 G,t)1` 7'l�st rIU SI `�: ' -r all th< r ty i'tSt accrued, ` tn iJf n a t „1G lair t' tilt �. n lr t1 `rrioe Each t�ctnd tlCltiFrCll } t t Rzcrtits J t.tra Transfer or , ,t :ionts to int -in(-.] untaaid and to accrue which ',Vc r e carried by such other Bond. f Interest ,�?akt2tziit I�vc.c�rd Date, Interest oil, arty bond shall be p� aid on eaell ?nt .t c, t I'rain'F�crit DP t(.--- 111,,Che t of dt f.,la2 mined tee the: p rson in vdl)+)se name tlie::.11o11 is rcg~ste;a'efl (the "HCtldca ").r,:;i� the is Iistzat,oi; bar t�s cif the C;tt1 Iraittt�tratatc:4:1' }� t)ic. Iaetnd R� �Yrsti,z�r and at the address appearing thcrcon at the C.10-se O, f bcrsiriess on the fifteenth (l `tlr) day c)t: t.tti calendar month next preceding, reels lnte est Payinent Date (the "Regular Record Deate ") any such interest not. so timely paid shall cease to be I)ayable to the per., �v17o is the Holder thereof as of tile Regular Record ,Date. a.nd shall be payallie to the Berson mIio is the Holder thereof at the close of Ilusiness oii a date (tile "Special Record Date ") fixed by the bond Ii. gistraa w,heneve :r money becoitics avai table fc�r payment o'ithe defauIt.ed iaite est, Notice of'the S pecial Record .Date: shall be gi%en by the Monti Registrar to the Holders not less than ten 00) da- s prior to the Special Record Date. 1: I`reatn�ciat: of' Registered Owner. J'lie City. and Bond Registrar may treat the person in whose.name any Bond is registered as the owner of such Bond for the purpose of. receiviriv }�ayn�ent .of pritaci }gal t�f and pren2iuiti, if any; and interest (subject to the p�►yrneiit provisions in. paragraph 1? above) oil, such Bond and for all otlier purposes whatsoeve whether or not such Bond shall he overdue,: and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice to the c»itrary. 1 . Delis ery: .r�nlication of Proceeds, T1 1e Bonds whet? so prepared and e ecuted shall be delivered by the EI.nance Director to the Purchaser upon receipt of-the purchase price, and the Purchaser shall not be obliged to sere to the proper application thereof la: Fund and Accounts. There is hereby created .a specitll Rind to be designated the "General Obligation lnlprovement Bonds. Series 2008A Fund" (the "l� Elnd ") to be adn i.nlstered and maintained by the Finance Director as a bookkeeping ac:eount separate and apart from all ether furlds.maintai:ned in tine official financial records of the City. "1 "he Fund sl-4111 be maumined ill the rhanner herein specified until all of.'the Bonds and the interest thereon have been :fully paid. There shall be. il-raintained in the mid two. (2) separate accounts, io be designated the iCOl7structloli_%c.couilt" and ' "Debt Service Account," respectiv'e'ly. (a) Construction. Account. To. the Construction Account there shall be credited the P roceeds ofth:e sale of the Bonds;,less any accrued interest received thereon, plus any:special assessments levied with respect. t(") tile Ina prav =!ements: and collected prior to completion of the improvements and payment, of�the costs. thereof. From the Construction Account there;sllall be bard all costsilnd expenses of making the Improvements listed in paragraph 16; including the cost: of any construction cO).tracis heretofore let and all other` costs incurred and to be int 4rl.ed of'' the kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65! Moneys in the Construction Account shall be used fc)r no other purpose except as otherwise ivied by levy: pre vided that the proceeds of tile; Bonds play also be used to tale extent :necessary to pay interest oil the Bonds clue prior to the anticipated d ate 'of � {?r�7rnencerTleut of the collection U) takes or special assessi-nents herelll: levied 'or GO? ?enanted it-s be levied, a.Ild provided further that if upon completion of the l:rr113I`Ui'enleilis file €'e, :Sl.uil rerriain any unexpended balance in the Construction Aecoulit, the' balance (other than any spe{ 'al assessments) shall be. transferred by the Council to the Debt Sert- ice Account. or till fund (.-sf any other innprov e'ne'lt I'listitutcd pursuant to lt`tinnewot. a Statu.tes, C.haprter 429 , ,rind pre)` ided f;.€rthe:r that zany peci Il assCssn'lents creditcor to tll(. {1ri rtI'4r4{r{3il Acc('uht shall only t)e applied tC v'ards pa rnent o F the costs of d h e l ill 1)1.0 illents upon acloption o a resolution-by the Clio that thy ilpphcatlosl: Ckr C trr• e special. s esrnie- rLts for r. suell tmrvose Will not Cause fire City' to no follge -r be Ell C'oinj)lit.Inco, 1ti itl.i Iv4inriesota S4,itule: ,, Sec"-tion 47 7 I 'Sul'-xilivision 1. i c>t cr >cc o�rrcpriatvd and pledged to. Te e and there shall be credited to, the Debt Service Account: (i) all coliectiops ofspecial assessment,; herein cov-ena nted.to be levied -with respect to tile Improvements and either initially credited to the Construction Account and not already spent as pesrmitte(I abov e.and required to pay I any principal ail(] interest due on the Bonds or collected subsequent, to file coil,pleti{lrl of the; hnprovc:rnerlts and payment of the costs thereof; (ii) airy accrued interest.recei ved upon delivery of the Bonds; ,(iii) anycoliectioils of all taxes herein or hereafter levied for the payment elf the bonds and. interest thereon, (iv,) All funds remaining in the Construction account after completion of the Improvements and payment of the casts thereof -, not so transferred to tile. account, of another improvement: (v) all investment earnings ctrl funds held in the Debt Service Account; and (vi) any and rill other moneys tuhich are properly available and are appropriated by the :gov:erning body ofthe City to the'Debt Service Account The Debt Service Account. shall be used sUlely. to pay the. grin :ilaai and interest:and any premiums for redenlpti {)n of'ihc Bcrlicis and any other Oeneral obliption bonds of the City hereafter issued by the City and made payable 1:-oiri said account as provided by Imm. No portion of the proceeds of the Bonds shrill' be used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding inV stments car to re}�lace fullers whicl were used directly car indirectly to acquire higher yielding inv.estmcnts, except (1) fora reasonable tenlporary period until such proceeds are needed for th purpose for which the Botids were issued and (2) in addition to the above in an axno Tint not greater than the lesser of five percent (,5 ) Improvement Collection Desigmatio ADIOLUlt _Ley3._,Years year Avenue 5712,913 2008-2026 2009-2027 Ever 009-2018: g rectos 122,779 r) -1 Callahan 186,0()0 2008-12026 2009-2027 At the-flnle the assessments are in -fact le,,ded the City CoLincil shall,, based on th,cAllell current. e§t I fillated co Ilections of theassQssn.ibnt,'.;, makeamy ad-justrnents.i6 any taxes required to I e le-,,,i I c -dcr to assure that the City continues: to be in compliance with M.innesota. Statutes, Section. 475,61, Sqbdivi sion 1. r&ide.money -or pa3 11 17.: Tax: . y, CoNigrage Test., To p sf ti ent of the, principal and L interest on the �Bonds . I I there is her6bylevied upon alitof.thetaxabl.6 proj)&r.ty in the .City R dit&t annual ad valbrem 1-aN i,;�.,,hicli shall be spread Minn the tax roils and Collected with and as part of encra . I proper cars a d in. the amounts: as ft.)Ilows: other ar ty taxes In the City for the y ji. Year of Tax Year of Tax Mato ri ty Year of Tax Lcyti Collection. Amount Year collection Amount 1 2008 200 2018 20. 219 20,09 6 a 2019 20ZO 2010 2011 2, 0 '021 2011 20 Ji —02 1 2022 0 12 13 2t92? , 201:1 , _'2'O 14, 2 2), 3 202n �2O i 4, 2 , 20'214 ? 0�.'; 20115 2) o 1 27 02 5 X0_2 2) 0 1, 6 2_'O 17 2026 _Q_ 2017 20:1.8; See attached levy schedifle The tax levies are such that if collected in full :they, tm4ether with Ostil-nated collections of hel7ei 11 for tile payinent ofthe Bonds, \vi,ll specialassessi andotherreventies, pledged amount needed to ineet NOwn due; the principal produceat least live porceilt, (.5%) in excess,c),f the , 'File tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as an� and,interest. payments on the Bonds.. of th e Bonds are:out I s . tanding and unpaid. provided I I hat thetity reserves. the right and p6'wd to educe the, levies in the n.u0nner and to thd extent .perml tied bY Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.6.1, Subdivision 3. 18. ae -aph, &�tsancq. When all Bonds lave 1-.)-condischarged as provided in this pa adl all pledges, covenants: *and other rights granted by this resolution to tlie:registered holders of the Bonds shall. to the extent permitted by law, cease. Tile City nla-v discharge its obligations With respect to any I Bonds which are dLIC on any date by irrevocably depositing Nv.itli the Bond Registrar on or before that date a SLITII Sufficient Ifim- the pavill.ent thereof in full; or if any Bond Tax Levy Calc6fation, Farb.. ,ity.:of MeridotaHolghts, Minnesbta $3,200,000 Oe'neral Oblicta ti6h.li-n'orbv.��riiefit, Bonds, Series 2008A .Da I ted. Paley: 101812008. (1) l")rojected spec! 1 81 *assessment revenue .based. on 571'2,913 assessed at 6.00%:(Avenues Improvem✓nts). (2) Projected special assessment . revenue based on $122,779 assessed at 6,00% (Evergreens Improvements), (3): Projected special assessment revenue based on assessed at 6.00% (Callahan Improvements}: (4) Casliflow and ieVY na6ds s.hould be reviewed annually to account for prepaid and/or delinquent assessments. E �,J L E R S Z ti ASSO,CIATES IN:C (1) (2) .(13) (4) Levy Collect Ray Total P & I Less- Less* Less: Net Year 'Y ear Year x P 9 1 105% Spec Assrnts: Spec Assrnts Spec'Assmts Levv . 2,008 2009, 2010 270,536.86 2841063.70 80,296.52 19,644,64 20,949,47 163:173:07 2ooq 1 201. : 0, 2011 272,577.50 286,206.38. 78,045;21, 1�8:907,97 20,362.11 168,891.09 2010 1 1 2012 267,702.50 281,087,63 75,791911 19,774.74 167,34171.69 2011 /: 2012 / 20,13 2C-7i82-7.50 .281 t218.88 542.60 17,434,62 19,187,VI 171,054.28 20 , 12 1 2 1 013 1 :2014 262,790-00 71,291.30 16,697.c-,4 1 169,340.126 2,013 1 1 1 201:4 . 1 / 2()15 202,752.50 275;890.13 69104Q.00 151�961 2.7 181*0. 12M 172,876,23 2014 f �2015 i 2016 1 257;152,50 . 1 1 2i6 'wo,13 66,788.69; :15 1 -,2-24M 17,425.26 1701,571.:57 2015; 1 2016 / 2017 2b6,552.50 269,380,13: 64537.39: 14,487,92 16.,837..89 1 16.92 201& 1 2017 . . 1 1 V2018 . , 1 , 24. 952,5 . 0 262;450,13 4 62,2 . 86.08. 13,7 . 51.25 161250.53 17011. 62.27 2W�t 1 2018 2019 ?48,352.50. 260177013 607034J8: 13,0114.5.7 15.663116 172057.61 201 , 8 2019 1: 2020: 241;552.10 . 1 1 253.( 3 , 30.13 I 15,075.79 180,1770186 2010- 2020 /. 201.1 1 ' 246,490J3. 234,752.50: 1 1. :� 55,532.17 14,488..42 176469.63 2020 1 2021 1 21022 227,612,50 238'R93.18 53,280.87 '11901.05: 171,311.21' 2 1 021 1 2022 1 2,023 225,472.50: 1 2 . 36,746A3 51,029,513 13,313.66: 172,402.88. 2b� . 2 2 02z'� 2624 227 190.50. 2.3,91344 88 48,77826 -42,72.0.32: :1 10 1177,S49.3 2023 1 2024 2025 ': 236,242.'13 224,992.50 12,1 8 EO,5: 177,5M22 'j 02A I 2025 1 2026 2?1,727 SO 232,81,3,88, 7_025 t MCI / 2027 �45.bo, 229;151 25 2- 1 4.2,02435 .10,964.21 202.5 4" 2027 1 2028 219!345.00 230i312.25 39,77104 1 sb1i ct.2,37 otals 4,657,844.36 4,890,736,58 1,140,660.80 163 296:07 297j600.00 3,289,179,71 (1) l")rojected spec! 1 81 *assessment revenue .based. on 571'2,913 assessed at 6.00%:(Avenues Improvem✓nts). (2) Projected special assessment . revenue based on $122,779 assessed at 6,00% (Evergreens Improvements), (3): Projected special assessment revenue based on assessed at 6.00% (Callahan Improvements}: (4) Casliflow and ieVY na6ds s.hould be reviewed annually to account for prepaid and/or delinquent assessments. E �,J L E R S Z ti ASSO,CIATES IN:C should: not be paid �xhen due, it:iiaay nevertheless be discharged by depositing with the Bond Registrar a stem sufficient for the:`paytnent thereof in full with interest accri.ied to' the date of such deposit. The C;'ity may also discharge its obligations vvith respect to any prepayable Bonds called for rcdcinlatioia on and date when they are prepayable according to their terms, by depositing r� +ith the Boml, Registrar on or before that date a sum su ff'icieiat for the paynxent thereof full;. provided that .notice of `redemption thereof has +been club given. The City nay also at any tim.0 discharge. iis: obligations with respect to any Bonds. subject to the provisions of law n.ow or lcreaftcr authorizing and regulating such acii {gin by depositing irrevocabI }? in escrow-, a suitable banki ag institution qualified by as ata escrotNy- agent for this-purpose, cash or securities described in Minnesota Statutes; Section 47.5.67, Subdivision Vbearing interest piiyable at such times and at such rates and maturing on such dates as shall be required. avithout regard to sale andlor teilwestment, to pay all amounts to become due, thereon to inatur t:y or, if notice of redemption as herein required has been duly provided fear. to such earlier redemption. date. 19. Reimburscment Bond Regulations. The provisions of this p�rragtaltla are itat:etided to establish and'larca�J:icic ft:n- the C it�''s compliance: a ith United States. Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 -2 (the "Reimbursement ltiegulations ") applicable to, the 'Teimbursement. Proceeds" of the Bonds., being: those portions thereof which wilt be used by the City to reimburse itself for any expenditure vvbich the City paid oi= °will have paid prior to the Closing Datc (a " Reianbut 'semetit.Expetiditure "). The City hereby certifies a,ndilor eovenants as follows (.a). Nlot. later thin 60 .days iafter the date of payment of a Reitiibut.semenf lixlrc nclitui c, fl.-j E•,1 (or l }i 1 son elesivt "Ic wd io do so oil beh llf oftht 0" "' rliz,S treci�e E,t willt. hiavd riiad'e a `; ritie:a declaration U'1 the City's icia:i intept (a "Declaration' t NVI -Beth cffect<vch, (a1 States the City's re €tsonable itxpecaatio.tr to reinil ur'se itself 16t the paynl`:Iit of the. Reimbursement Expenditure out of thle prtt)t,eeds of-'a. 4uifsCllliiti'17t}i3t3r' +'tcf ;ti.) !y' E:, u �g,e':t rip-1 irl {1 ft11'lit_t }r t _S,.;il ?:tE Sl t)'tll 11 1 lc3pczty. Ilrojc i tot pro�u. iii n to which th Declaration relates a?a�1 fo wili la the Retjithursemetit xpenditure is paid, cu identifies a specific fi.rnd car account t.fthe City and the general functional purpose thereof f-om which the Reimbuiseme;nt Expenditut;c was to be pa id (collec,tivelythe. "Pt o�jcc;t " }; and (iii) states .the 111MMIuiil princilial ain(yunt of debt expected ter be issued.by the'C;ity for the purpose of financing the PrUject_ provided, lien =.lever, that no such} De laration shall tnecessarila hav'ebeen made -�A-ith respect to: (i) "preliminary expenditures`' 4br the Project, dcf ned iia the Reiibbursoment Regulations to include engineei ng or architect zral. surveying and soil testing expenses and similar pref'aiory costs; which in the aggre;at.c dc� not'exceed 20`t�o of the: "issue price" uf'the Bpards,.and (i.i) a de m.inhnis anioui t of Reinabursenaeni .Expeiaditures not in excess of the. lesser of 5100,000 or 5 °1/o of the proceeds of the Bonds. (b� Each Reimbursement Expenditure is a capital expenditut`e or a cost. of issuance of i:la:e I3E�ncls i ?r airy of the other t�I)cs of expenditures described itt Section 1.150 - 2(d)(;) of'tlic I eiiiibui`sc:inetit Regulations. (c) Tlie'reirnbursement allocation" described in the Reirnbursemei for it: Regulations eadiReirnbursement Expenditufe_shall and. will. be made Jbrth%vith (,.but not, 71 pri:or -to) the issuance of the Bonds and in all event,, Within the P e�riod, ending on the date which is the later of three years after payment of the 1),eimbursellient Expenditure or one year after the date on w1iieh the PJ .roject to which the , Reirnbursenlent Expenditure relates. is -rust placed in servrjce (d) Each suchirei mbursem entt a] I peation °.vill be:rnadeiii a writing that. qvidence& the. Cit.v's use of Bond proceeds to rpimbqrso.tlie Reimburseibent Expenditare'and, if niade vvithin 3tI days after the Bonds are issued,. shA be treated as itade on the day the 136ndS are.. issued. -or ovenant.s in Pj:Qvddi�d, ljo.Nvever. that the City may take. action contrary to any of the f. egolng q, (j: -ect that this paragraph upon. receipt of all; opinion of its Bond Counsel fi.n. the Bonds statin., in eff Such I action will notfiripair the tax-exeml-A, status. of the Bonds. 20. Gencrat Obligation Pledge. For the pro-rapt and fill] payment oftliep,rineipal and in teresfon filel3onds, as the same respectivelybedorne:dije; the fill] fbith,:credit and taxing povv'ers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. If the balance in the Debt Service Account is :ever I in sm, ffici entto pay all piIncival mid interest then due On the ',Bonds and any other bonds paydbI d tli& fronin, the d,eficileftey'sh'all be. promptly paid out of any other flunds -e' of the City which are available fior such and such other fund§lrnay be. i . inibm -scd tvith or \,yqtIjout: interest. fiom flic Debt Service Account when a sufficient balan.celis: :available there.in, 2.1, Continrjnj�M I)isclosure. Y s p ed.t6 the Bonds. The .City hereby. by the ,SecLjr1tie',§,. and Exchange ("on-imission (the to thie:Seuurifios Exchaniw I I (­ I _ I lk Act of I 9�4, ai,4 an), tided, an'd a ('.7ont-inuing Disclosure Undertaking (ilie'../Inderia ing herciflafTer d'escrfl bed to: (i) Provide or cause to be provided tci each national] }, recognized brunicipal securities inform.,ation repository ("NRMSIR!') and to the appropriate state information, depositary ("SID"); if any, for the State. of M I innesota, in each case as deslg�nated by the (,olilmission in acoordance with thol-R-tile- certain annual financial Injibrination and operating data in accordance �vjtli the Lindertaking. I'lie City reserves the right to modify from time to tinle the terms.oftlie Undertaking as provided therein. (ii) Provide or cause to be provided, in a thriely rnaliner, to (1) each NRAIISIR or to the munteipa] securities Rulemak ing Board ("MS.R8") and (ii) the-81D., notice of the occurrence of certain niatelial events with respect to the Bonds in accordance witli the Undertaking. (iii) Provide or cause to be provided, in a timely manner. to (i) each NIRMSIR onto the MSRB and (ii) the SID, notice of a Flilure by the Issuer to p.rovide the annual financial infornlation with respect to the IssUel, described in the Undertaking. (iv }: The City agrees that Its ecivenal is pursuaait to the Rule setforth;iil this paragraph and in the Undertaking is intended to be for the beriefit of the holders of the Bonds nand sli all be enforceable on behalf of. such holders. providers that the right to enforce the provisions of these covenants shall be linniterd to a right to obtain specific enforcement the City's obligations under the covenants. (b) The Mayor and Cleric of the City, or any otllei- officer of the City authorzed to act ii1 t1lei:r 1�laee (t11e: "Officers") are hereby authorized: grid directed to execute on behalf"of" the City the I.jhdertak.ii g in substantially the form presented to the C'i'ty Council, subject to such iilodif cations thereofor additions thereto as are (i} c:o ,isistent with the requirein ilts under the Rule, (ii) required by the purchaser of'the Bonds and.(iii) acceptable to the Officers. 22 Certificate of Reuistration and Tax. Lem!. The Clc21d is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this rest >lutiOil wi th tlii County Auditor of T.sakottt Counter, Nrinnesota,. together N?iitl1 such other infortridtion as the County Auditor shall rINuiI`e, and tU obtaU1 II, *0iu the County Auditor the certificate that the Bonds have been entered in the County Auditor's Bond Register, and tbatItbe, tax levy required by Jaw has been rnade. 03. Records and Cerli#ic;ates. The o`f`ficers of the City are hereby authorized. and rllxocfGCl.to prepare amid furnish tti;tlle Purchaser ; allcl: to tlae attorneys approving tlie`lcgafty- of the issuance of the Bonds, uerti Pied copies of all proceedings acid reu)rds of the City= ri lasing to the Bonds and to th6 financial conditioli arid; affairs of the City; ind such other affidavits, ceilificates and infibrinat on as are required to sl�7: =v� the facts relatina, to the legitflity andl marketability cif tfrt Bonds as the sa111e appear from the books zinc] records under their custod ° aiid.writroI or as. otherwise knci: 4i'ia to, then1, and .111 SUC11 Codified Copies,. certificates anel 2atffi ae'?is imcj'U'.Uinw i,my heI'{;tC1fC ?"�.'. flil`I71`i1C:fI, :Isall b;. t1C(:5137:;C{ ri',11 {�.ie:l�'.itlEi;I$ C�fttl� t '_t jJ i?�. t� til.�'�iiC%t5 2'C,C1tC!I tii.l "C:..I21,M 7 N iat,b i, t Yoh G Il t as t£1 � � sL; 4o hosed :Proemis and 1171 t)royern ntts. The: City 1)1(.:� I IT2 hRr b-.' covenants no! to use tc proceeds of '110 .i o as iie ln..l US—Or tO t IUSC 0V 17( r1T1F't' test I ?? t( 11e tisG (.1. (st' t(.i 11tt ';` into wlw; def:L'i "i "CCt f � ?i'I ?1L'ilt aF f'r! ?2£'CFTtC,t'It fC1r t1lE C(7St C7f t11C bripi-Ovements. in smeh a Banner: as to cause the BoF & to be "private, iictiv ity bonds" - within the nicanina of Sections 10"') and 141 thrciu�(rh 150 of the Code. 25: Ta, -Cxezn a fates cif "tlze Bonds i;el ate. The. City shall. comply with i-equirenlents.iiec,essary under the Code t6 establish ,ind ina titain tiie exclusion f (.) II Bross. income. Under Section 103 of the_ Code of the Inieresi on the Bonds, including without h 11lt<atlon (1 } i'egU1re211ei1tS rUl,clttil4� to temporary periods ftw investments, t?) limitations: on amounts invested at a }yield aircateir than the yield on the Bonds, and (3} the rebate of excess invostme> t earnings to the United States if the Bonds (together with other obligations reasonably expected to be issued and outstanding;at one time in this calendar year) exceed the small iss e exception a n6unt of $5;(. }OO;Cft For purposes of qualifying f6r the exception to the federal arbitrage rebate requirements tier governmental units issuing $5.000,000 or`less 6fbonds, the C:'ity hereby finds,, determines and declares that (1) the Bonds are issued by a governmental unit 1�lith general taxing powers; (?} Iio Bc�ilci is i} `(iris ate activity 1�o21c1, (3) ninety -five; percent (95 %) or more: of the not proceeds of the Bonds are to be used fbr local governmental activities of the City (or, of a 0oveInmental unit th lurlsdiction of NvIiich is eIiti_rely kvitliin the jurisdiction. o tlae CltV ), and (4) � 1 the aggregate face arnountof all tax exempt bonds (other than private activity, bonds) issued by the City (and': all subordinate entities thereof, and all eatitie� treated as one issuer Nvitl the City) during: the calendar year in which the Bonds ar-e isstied and outstanding at c)nc; tulle is not reasonably expected to exceed $5,000,0( }0. all within; the it c nillg,c)1 Sei Lion 148(fi)(4 )(0) of the. Cody:. 26. D4.si- Tnation. of Oualitied Tax- Exernjjt Oblii-atiorrs: In order to qualify: the Bonds IS ' Cllli3l]12f C!'tdX -[ Xl'nil ?t obligations" lrllt11111 .t13C I138iti111]] of Section '265(b)( ) of the Code.. the City.lierebv n-iakes the following factual st >ate;iii,ents and rel3reseotation,s: (a) tl3e :Bonds are issued after August 7, 1.98.6 (b)' the Bonds are not „private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 of the Code: (L) the C"iiyfhereby designates the'Bonds as. "qualified tax - exempt o ligations" for• purposes of` Section 2650)(3) of the Code. (d) the reasonably anticipated amount oftax -e- e ilpt obligations (other: than private activity bonds treating qualified 501 (c)(3)) bonds' as not being private activity Bonds) which: will: be issued by the City (and all en titres treated as on issuer witli the City, andal I subordinate: t iltit:ie s Whose obligaiiJ�ns are treated as issusvd' l)y the City) during this calendar year -200 will n6t ekeeed $10,0000(); 4:nd (e) not more than ,S.10 000, 00 (�f oblrgat i)ns issued by the City duriiag this calendar Year 2(tOn lia ,e been do ;igi�,tc:€1 for pui °1)�y s of The 265(b)(3), of the'Code, `l"he C:'ity shall use it, best 'efforts: to c €:itr31)ly w th any federal l)rkedural: requirements which f -'ay' apply Iil €)rd r o effecluate the desiojiiat,ion. miade bV this 1)€�ra�ti "rl131'i. 27, Sevt_rabi1ity. If -any pi(:)vis )'n of this, shall beheld, Ti) 1:74': 1£)1 "all(:l'o 1131€ 1314,J1.�.at'lr: for citi, r`i:'.�a`+oi3; i;ltc, II1Z +'tilititi.y't.:3r €atiui °t C1iC( (1i31tity % +t stl(:l "1' �t CtiE)Ll;. paragraph € r,provj.-slod shall not affect an1v of the provisions o.P his resuluti€ ll. 28 Payment of Issuance ExUeris. ,.. The City auth.oriz e$ the Purchaser to orivard the anlouit# ofiBond proceeds allocable 1C1 the payirirern 011 issuance expenses :'to l_I.S.'Trust 0,mrippy N.A., Greenwich, Connecticut, on the closing date for further distribution as directed by the C ity5 financial advisor-. Ehlers. 29. Head_it3 s. I :cad ilgs in this resolution are included for convenience of reference oInly and are not a`(dirt hereof, and shall nol limit or define the meaning of any provis:ot3 hereof. The: Inotion, I�br the ado tionbfithe, fore jig,r soluti iv as duly s aded byineniber �p I goi e ion\, � I eco Yjt M and, afiter a full.disctissioD thereof and upon, a vote being taken: thercon, tbe. following Voted in favorthereof.-: Vitell), KID sbach. Schneenian aiid' pub am and the.17ollowing-voted ag6inst.the sarne- none,-, Wheretipon the resolutioti was declai'cd duly passed and adopted.. STATE OF MINNEso,rA cOUNITTY Or� , DAKO'T'A CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS L the ujidersianed- being the duly qualified andactin& Clerk of the City of.'Mendota Heialits A\Onnsota, DO HEREBY CERTIPAY that I have compared the attached abdiffireg(jing: extract :of milibLes with the origffial thercol'on file in my office; and that the same is a full. true pad comlAete transcri t. of i t f p mmu es o ,tincetiagy of the City C6un6l, duly called Neciandlieldon the date therein indicaied, insofar as such ininutes relate to authorizing th.e issuance ofand amlarding the sale of S3.200.000 Genenil Obligation 1-niprovement , Builds, Scrids 2000 NVITNESS mv hnd tbis; da-vof .2008. �. I -ZL. , Clerk ... 2. 2 S ' 1 21) BID TABULATION $3,200,'000 General OblWatid: Improvem,ent,13onds, S I etbes 2009A 9 n CITY0.F MENDOT . A:H I EIGHM MINNESOTA SALE:. September 16, 2006 AWA.RDx WELLS FARGO BROKERAGE SERVICES,.LLC RATING: Moody'slnVestors Service, inc.."AaZ" BBI* 4.54% NET TRUE NAME OF8113DER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTE . REST (February 1), YIELD COST RATE WELLS FARGO BROKERAGE; SERVICES, LLC 2010 3250;/0 2.100% $3J92'206.40 : 51..;465,637.96 4J 476% Minneapolis,% Minnesota 2011 . �250% 2.4506/. C I RbNIN 8 CO., INC. _JN ... �2012 3,250%, 2.650% Minneapolis Minnesota 2012 3250% 2.850% 2014 3.250% 3.04b% �2015 31500% 3-1:50% 2016 3.600% 33600% 2017 4:.Ooo., 16 3,550 %0. 2016 4.0 - 00% 3.750% ,2019 4.000% 3.900% 2020 4.000 % 4.000°14 20,21 ' 4200% 4.200% 2622* 4.206%, 420% 2023 4.300% 4.:300% %2024 *t 4300% 4.300% 2026— 4,350% 4.360% 2027" 4.450% 4-4500/c, 2028`"* 4,450% 4,450% F$340.000 Term Bond due 2022 with mandatory redemption in 2.021 x-"$360,000 Term. Bond due 2021 with iTi.an'datorv.i-ede.ii.i.i)ti.on in 21023 '**$385,000 Term Bond due 2026 with: mandatory redemption in 2025 ** **$41bjOOO Term bond due 2028 with mandatory redemption in 2027 v "v" ....................... lve P, E H 1A ever p I eribs 2008A 19 nO espia., QF Pjo..O.�R .......... NORTHLANO'.8'EU BF-MAk,01. 8EGURITIES 111,04 RPE * R Jj�FFRAY, :RATE ftW FERfI YO�Lb 201:0 Z. 26b6% PRIPe" IN t IMRe$ l ERESI 2012 -3 2013 31.000.li 2014 SJ%h/ 20. G.26:15 6 16 3 5 2017 1-75 6% z .'A 01". b**' 49. 00% ,2020. 4,000% 202` 4.16bIX, 2'023 44 .3 775, W 2*01-24 4. 30 0 P/6; 2b.25, 4,56 #1 %: 2026 4,500%. 207 4.7a0% 2028: 4;70061 201:0 TREE_ PRIPe" IN t IMRe$ l ERESI QOst. :RATE 2013 31.000.li of 20. 2017 3; 8 0 06A. 2019* 4,1.00% ,2020. 4.1-00% i264 4.37,15% 2'023 44 .3 775, W 2*01-24 2b.25, 4,56 #1 %: 2026 4,500%. 0 4; 5600/p 2128 4-.$0Q% Page 3 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 16th day of September, 2008. ATTEST: By Z��7 &. k( kdthleen M. Swanson, City Clerk M Ultan 4 2 7... 94' -1b, TREE_ PRIPe" IN t IMRe$ l ERESI QOst. :RATE 42664"A' Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 16th day of September, 2008. ATTEST: By Z��7 &. k( kdthleen M. Swanson, City Clerk M Ultan 4 2 7... 94' -1b,