2013-04-09 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes
April 9, 2013
The March meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
Chair Levine called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:32 p.m. The
following commissioners were present: Chair Stephanie Levine, Commissioners Mary McGrory-
Ussett, Joel Paper, David Miller and Pat Hinderscheid. Excused absent: Commissioners Ira Kipp
and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren and Assistant
to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek.
Approval of Minutes of March 12, 2013
Commissioner McGrory-Ussett made a motion to approve minutes of the March 12, 2013
meeting; commissioner Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes 5: Nays 0
Discussion on Victoria Highlands Ball Field
Joe Juliette, a volunteer with the Mendota Heights Athletic Association presented a plan to
convert the field at Victoria Highlands Park to a baseball-only facility. Mr. Juliette explained
that Mertensotto Field is the only facility exclusively for baseball in the community, and that
MHAA is looking for a place for 11 and 12 year old travelling baseball teams to play. MHAA
would like to make improvements to the field in two phases. The first phase would include
expanding the infield, adding a pitching mound, installing an outfield fence and replacing the
existing backstop. The second phase of the project would include adding irrigated turf to the
infield and constructing batting cages.
Currently, 11 and 12 year old teams utilize a temporary pitching mound at Hagstrom-King Park.
MHAA would like to utilize Victoria Highlands Field this year, but has yet to raise funds for the
Mr. Juliette answered several questions from parks and recreation commissioners regarding field
demand, quotes for work, timelines and funding sources.
Sloan Wallgren provided staff input that exclusive baseball use would not hurt other current
users. Based upon field use requests from recent years, this appears to be the trend.
The commission expressed concern that this request was not submitted on a proper timeline, and
needed to be weighed against other parks and facilities needs which are a part of the capital
improvement plan. The commission voiced support for the intended use, and requested further
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information before entertaining any discussion on potential city contribution to funding of the
Commissioner McGrory-Ussett made a motion supporting use of Victoria Highlands Field for
baseball use contingent on the city and MHAA reaching an agreement for funding for that use.
Commissioner Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes 5: Nays 0
Discussion of Request to Allow Motors on Rogers Lake
Tim Carlson spoke on behalf of the Rogers Lake Homeowners Association, who is requesting a
code change to allow boat motors on Rogers Lake, with a number of conditions. Mr. Carlson
explained that the association made a similar request before city council in the fall of 2012, and
were directed to consider additional conditions, and present the concept to the parks and
recreation commission prior to returning to city council.
The proposed amendment to city code would allow electric motors on boats fourteen feet or less
in length. Allowed motors would have a power rating of 96 lbs. of thrust or less and be allowed
from sunrise to sunset on the lake. Signs with conditions would be posted at Rogers Lake Park.
Mr. Carlson reported that eleven of the seventeen homeowners on the lake had attended a
meeting on the topic, and nine of the homeowners in attendance supported the amendment.
Commissioner McGrory-Ussett passed a motion recommending approval of the code amendment
as provided. Commissioner Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes 5: Nays 0
Recreation Programming Update
Mr. Wallgren reviewed the recreation programming update – registration for field trips and the
summer playground program have been filling quickly. Flyers will go out to schools promoting
tennis and golf programs, as well as information in the upcoming Heights Highlights. Mr.
Wallgren is considering options for getting participants from waiting lists into programs/trips.
The Mendota Heights Parks celebration will be held June 1, 2013. Mr. Wallgren outlined the
activities, which will include a climbing wall, Duggan’s Dashes, a petting zoo and live
entertainment. Donations for the celebration have been steady, funding the activities.
Mendakota Park Playground Update
Mr. Sedlacek presented an updated quote to refurbish the playground at Mendakota Park, at
approximately half the cost of replacement for a similar sized structure. Mr. Sedlacek answered
questions about what features would be changing, and the scope of the work.
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Commissioner McGrory-Ussett made a motion recommending county to approve the quote for
refurbishing Mendakota Park Playground at a cost not to exceed $75,000 with the following
alternatives detailed for council consideration:
Refurbish, rather than replace the glider play component
Add a maypole play component, or a cascade climber
Remove the play-basins in the sandbox area, and move diggers to that location
Place a set of monkey bars removed in 2008 within the play area
Commissioner Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes 5: Nays 0
The commission also directed staff to procure competitive bids to replace current playground
surfacing with engineered wood fiber.
Recreation Programming Update
Mr. Wallgren reviewed the Par 3 update. The parks and recreation commission encouraged staff
to look into providing wireless internet access for customers.
Mr. Wallgren provided more detail on Nite Golf, which is a new revenue opportunity for the golf
Commission Comments
Commissioner Hinderscheid shared language from City Code on the requirements for dogs to be
leashed when not on private property. Mr. Sedlacek encouraged the commission, and any
audience watching to call 911 when they encounter unleashed dogs – the only way for police to
enforce the leash law is to observe when it is being broken.
Commissioners Miller and McGrory-Ussett asked that new items not be placed on the
commission agenda if the item is not prepared for formal discussion or action.
Commissioner Hinderscheid made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner McGrory-
Ussett seconded the motion.
Ayes 5: Nays 0
The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Jake Sedlacek
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