2013-05-14 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes
May 14, 2013
The March meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
Chair Levine called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:31 p.m. The
following commissioners were present: Chair Stephanie Levine, Commissioners Mary McGrory-
Ussett, Ira Kipp, Joel Paper, David Miller, Pat Hinderscheid and Michael Toth. Staff present:
Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren and Assistant to the City Administrator Jake
Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2013
Commissioner Hinderscheid made a motion to approve minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting;
commissioner Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes 7: Nays 0
Recreation Programming Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren reviewed the recreation programming update.
Registration for field trips and the summer playground programs and tennis programs have been
filling quickly. The Heights Highlights will arrive in homes this week and is anticipated to drive
additional registrations.
Mr. Wallgren also recapped upcoming events for the summer, including the parks celebration,
puppet wagon and music in the parks. There has been great community support for the parks
celebration, if anyone is interested in volunteering, they should contact Mr. Wallgren at city hall.
Discussion on Victoria Highlands Ball Field
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek noted that representatives from MHAA were
not in attendance, but would be meeting with staff on Friday, May 17, 2013. Mr. Sedlacek asked
the commission if they had further feedback they would like shared with MHAA regarding the
A brief outline of the project was provided for commissioners who we unable to attend the April
Discussion took place on the role of the parks and recreation commission and how citizens may
bring requests to the commission for consideration. Staff will create a “request for parks
improvements” form based upon the conversation, and make it available to the general public.
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Staff noted that the annual funding request from MHAA to the city has not yet been received, but
that the request would require the same reporting as was required in 2012.
Par 3 Update
Mr. Wallgren reviewed the Par 3 update. The course is open for business and playing conditions
are good. Program registrations year to date are on pace with 2012, the Heights Highlights and
an additional school flyer are anticipated to result in more registrations. Staff has seen
registrations from more Eagan families than in years past, which may be the result of Parkview
Golf Course closing.
The commission asked about financial reports, Mr. Sedlacek replied that due to the late start,
staff did not run an April financial report.
The commission suggested that staff consider reaching out to new housing projects in Mendota
Heights and Lilydale as potential new customers to the Par 3.
Capital Improvements Planning
Mr. Sedlacek introduced the topic discussing how the city council makes use of the capital
improvements plan in their budgeting process. Mr. Sedlacek also clarified that the city council
has not set a target for annual expenditure on capital projects. Staff’s interpretation of city
council direction is that the parks and recreation commission is asked to create a prioritized list
of projects, for the city council to consider funding.
The commission discussed the criteria which would be used to evaluate projects for inclusion in
the capital improvements plan, establishing the following criteria:
1.Is there a safety need which drives the project
2.What is the anticipated use (user group) for the proposed project
3.Is there urgency to complete the project- safety, funding opportunity, etc.
4.Does the project add value to the community
5.Are there alternatives to the proposed project
The commission discussed a number of projects, and provided staff with feedback to draft a
capital improvements plan for consideration at the June 2013 commission meeting.
Commissioner McGrory-Ussett asked for a copy of a parks maintenance list which was
developed in 2012. Mr. Sedlacek responded that the list is not being maintained as a commission
item, and encouraged any citizen with a maintenance concerns should be emailed to John
Mazzitello, at johnrm@mendota-heights.com. Staff will respond to inquiries individually.
The commission was asked to provide input on the trail improvements plan which was presented
by John Mazzitello at a previous meeting. The commission asked that a copy of the plan be
resent via email.
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Chair Levine asked that the city request the anticipated date for paving on the north end of the
Valley Park Trail.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Toth asked for an updated on the schedule for street sweeping. Mr. Sedlacek
replied that he will ask engineering staff to include an update in The Pipeline to be sent with this
week’s Friday News update.
Commissioners Miller and McGrory-Ussett encouraged citizens to share their ideas, and asked
staff to further develop the process to do so.
Commissioner Paper asked that hand sanitizer be added to the portable toilets in the parks, Mr.
Sedlacek reported that Commissioner Paper’s request had been forwarded to staff on Monday,
and that hand sanitizer will be installed in all portable toilets.
Commissioner McGrory-Ussett made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Miller
seconded the motion.
Ayes 7: Nays 0
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Jake Sedlacek
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