2013-03-12 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING March 12, 2013 The March meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Levine called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Stephanie Levine, Commissioners Mary McGrory- Ussett, Ira Kipp, Joel Paper, Pat Hinderscheid and Michael Toth. Excused absent: Commissioner David Miller. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren, Public Works Director John Mazzitello and Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 2013 Commissioner McGrory-Ussett made a motion to approve minutes of the February 12, 2013 meeting; commissioner Hinderscheid seconded the motion. Ayes 6: Nays 0 Introduction of Sloan Wallgren Mr. Wallgren introduced himself as the city’s new recreation program coordinator, having started on Monday, March 4, 2013. Mr. Wallgren has experience in both recreation programming and golf course management. Commissioner Hinderscheid commented that he participated in interviews, was impressed with both finalists, and was very pleased that Mr. Wallgren has joined the city. North Urban Regional Trail Plan Mr. Mazzitello introduced Chris Hartzell from Dakota County who has been providing updates to the public on the process to define routes for the North Urban Regional Trail. Mr. Hartzell provided a presentation on the North Urban Regional Trail, defining five options for trail alignments in the area of Marie Avenue and Delaware Avenue. The county intends to create a Greenway, where trails are located in natural environments rather than along roads. Mr. Hartzell stated that Dakota County would maintain the regional trail and answered a number of questions from the commission. Commission comments on the North Urban Regional Trail alternatives included the following:  The county is encouraged to work with School District 197 early in the process.  One commissioner felt that Option 3, taking the trail through Dodge Nature Center property was the best route. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 3-12-2013 Page 1  One commissioner felt that the nature center property needs to be undisturbed as habitat for a number of animals.  One commissioner felt that Option 1, placing the trail on the western side of Henry Sibley High School property was the best option. Mr. Hartzell thanked the commission for their time and input, and mentioned that a third open house on the topic will be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at West St. Paul City Hall. Recreation Programming and Facilities Update Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the agenda materials, recognizing Mr. Wallgren for getting our Recreation Flyer distributed to more local schools than it has in the past. Mr. Sedlacek also invited commissioners to attend the Junior Golf League registration on Monday, March 18 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The commission had questions about the upcoming community conversation on aging – Mr. Sedlacek reported that the event was led by DARTS, and should result in a work plan for the community to plan for the growing number of families dealing with aging issues. The Mendota Heights Parks celebration will be June 1, 2013: Mr. Wallgren reported that the event will feature activities for all ages, including a new attraction - an obstacle course and display by the Army National Guard. Mr. Sedlacek reported that no maintenance requests for parks had been received since the past meeting. Mendakota Park Playground Update Mr. Sedlacek recapped discussion from May 2012, when a presentation was made to the commission on an update to the play equipment at Mendakota Park. The commission recommended that $70,000 be included in the 2013 budget to refurbish the playground. Mr. Sedlacek asked the commission to revisit the issue before issuing a request for proposals on the project. A replacement structure could run in the range of $140,000-$160,000. The commission supported refurbishing the playground, hoping that the project may be completed this spring. Commissioner Hinderscheid made a motion directing staff to develop a request for proposals to refurbish the playground at Mendakota Park. Commissioner Paper seconded the motion. Ayes 6: Nays 0 Commission Comments The commission welcomed Mr. Wallgren to the commission, and wished him well in the new position. Commissioner Paper recognized Terry Blum and all of the ice rink staff for a great season. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 3-12-2013 Page 2 The commission expressed their appreciation for the public works staff for their efficient work to clear roads and trails following snowfalls. Adjourn Commissioner Toth made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ayes 6: Nays 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Jake Sedlacek MH Parks and Recreation Commission 3-12-2013 Page 3