1987-09-22 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
AGENDA, SEPTEMBER 22. 1987 - 7r30 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Calle
3. Approval of Minutes, August 25.
a. CASE NO. 87-21, Bream Builders. Subdivision and
Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development.
7:30 P.M. (Hearing continued from August 25
b. CASE NO. 87-23 & 87-24, TandemfCentex� CUP/PUD,
Coinprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning. 8:00 P.M.
(Hearing continued from August 25 meeting).
c. CASE NO. 87-27. Lillv, Subdivision. 8:30 P.M.
( j d. CASE NO. 87-29, Learnina Tree Center, Conditional
Use Permit. 9:00 P.M.
a. CASE NO. 87-30, Hair. Wetlands Permit.
b. CASE NO. 87-31. Guenther, Wetlands Permit.
c. CASE NO. 87-32, Brassard. Wetlands Permit.
Pre-applicatio eting with Howard Guthmann,
representing So et 19. He will discuss a possible
subdivision fo Som set 19.
7. Verbal Review.
8. Adjourn.
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September 22, 1987
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning
Commission was held on Tuesday, September 25, 1987, in the
City Council Chambers. Chairman Morson called the meeting to
order at 7:32 P.M. The following members were present:
Morson, Anderson, Burke, Krebsbach, McMonigal, and Duggan.
Commissioner Henning had notified the commission that he
would be aut of town. Alsa present were City Administrator
Kevin Frazell, Civil Engineer Klayton Eckles, and Planner
Howard Dahlgren.
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Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Minutes of the August 25 meeting had been
submitted previously. Commissioner
Krebsbach moved that the minutes be
Commissioner McMonigal seconded the
CASE NO. 87-21, Chairman Morson called the meeting to
BREAM, CUP/PUD, order for the purpose of a continued
SUBDIVISION public hearing to consider an application
from Bream Homes to allow construction of
38 single family homes on the northeast
corner of Marie and Victoria. Mr.
Howard Bream was present to explain the
He nated that he had submitted his
revised plan ta the Park and Recreation
Commission and to many of the neighbors
in the South Ridge area, and they were in
agreement with the plan as prepared by
Planner Dahlgren, and upon which Bream
Builders had expanded by the addition of
one more lot. Mr. Bream noted that all
lots, with the exception of four, meet
the 100 foot minimum width. He also
noted that in the revised drawing, the
proposed park lines up with the existing
park area in the South Ridge development
to the north. Mr. Bream stated that the
proposal is to allow 38 single family
lots and 32 townhouses, totaling 70 units
on the site. He also noted that they are
10 under the allowable density for the
site, and that since the park is now
lined up with the South Ridge park, there
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September 22, 1987
is no longer a need for a trail.
Commissioner Morson commented that a few
of the lots in the plat appear to be less
than desireable and asked why the
developer would want to keep them.
Planner Dahlgren commented that the
revisions to the plan are very
attractive, the park is well located and
he did not think it would be crucial that
every lot be 15,000 square feet,
especially when the overall density is
less than what is allowable.
Mr. Jim Hill, architect for the project,
noted that the developer has dedicated a
17 foot strip right-of-way along
Victoria, which would be more than
adequate for a bike/walkway, and he also
noted that the South Ridge neighbors
prefer ta see the proposed park be
developed as a passive park, rather than
an active park.
It was pointed out that the street named
� Kensington Court should be changed, since
Tandem currently has a propasal for a
multi-family development to be called
Kensington, which could cause confusion
for residents.
Commissioner Duggan questioned the length
of the cul-de-sacs. City Administrator
Frazell noted that Douglas Road's cul-de-
sac is permissible, since the length is
counted from the intersection with Diane
Road. Commissioner Duggan also expressed
his concern with the amount of traffic
which would be generated onto Victoria
and suggested that Diane Road be extended
south through the plat to Marie Avenue.
Commissioner Burke asked if the staff had
any comments regarding the single access
for the townhouse area off Marie. Mr.
Bream noted that an emergency access off
Victoria is planned and will be shown on
the preliminary drawings for the
townhouse development. Planner Dahlgren
felt that the one access would be
perfectly adequate, and if, in the
future the traffic becomes too heavy, the
intersection could be signalized to
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September 22, 1987
control it.
Chairman Morson asked for questions or
comments from the audience.
Mr. Brian Kammen, 900 Nina Court, stated
he felt extending Diane Road to Marie
would be a mistake. He enters Victoria
three or four times a day and has no
trauble entering.
A lady from Victoria Road asked when
Victoria might be updated to MSA
standards. Civil Engineer Eckles stated
that it would probably not be within the
next five years. Planner Dahlgren said
it could be improved to a three lane
width, with the center lane designated as
a left turn only lane, like Lexingtan
Avenue in Roseville.
Ms. Joan Barenbaum asked where the
physical entrance to the park would be.
Mr. Murray Kieffer, South Ridge resident,
stated he felt that extending Diane to
, Marie wauld run the risk of funnelling
more traffic to Victoria and would
increase traffic even more. He thought
the alternate plan is a very ef�ective
alternate to the original proposal.
There being no further questions or
comments from the audience, Commissioner
Burke moved to close the public hearing
at 8:10 P.M.
Commissioner McMonigal seconded the
Commissioner Duggan moved to recommend
approval of the subdivision as indicated
on the drawing submitted at this meeting,
printed September 15, with one minor
change straightening out the lot lines on
Lots 1, 2, and 4, Block 1 in the Outlot A
Commissioner Burke seconded the motion.
Commissioner McMonigal moved to recommend
approval of the conditional use permit
far a planned unit development as
submitted, based on the print dated
September 15,
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
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September 22, 1987
1987, called Victoria
Anderson seconded the
CASE N0.87-23/24, Chairman Morson called the meeting to
TANDEM/CENTEX, order for the purpose of a continued
HEARING public hearing to consider the
Tandem/Centex proposals for development
in the southeast area of the City. City
Administrator Frazell also noted that a
part oi the continued public hearing was
an application from the City of Mendata
Heights to change the designation of Park
north of Mendota Heights Road to School
and Schaol to Low Density Residential.
Mr. Dick Putnam, Tandem, and Mr. Tom
Boyce, Centex, were present to give a
sketch plan review of the manor homes for
the HD1 and HD2 areas called Kensington,
and the commercial development called
Dodd Corners.
, Mr. Putnam nated that manor homes would
' fit on 50% of the land, but the rest of
the area would require walkout manor
hames and that one garage may be added at
each end of the buildings, which would
mean the buildings would have to be
redesigned and that could take up to.45
dayse He noted that what was shown on
the drawings at the meeting probably
won't be built there, therefore a sketch
plan review makes more sense. He also
noted that the Parks Commission is in
favor of a 10+ acre park in the area and
stated that 152 units would be in Phase
Mr. Putnam noted that the HD4 would equal
13-15 units per acre and the HD2 would
have 8-10 units per acre. Commissioner
Krebsbach asked if the high density comes
in first, will it harm the saleability of
the medium density homes. She also
stated she was extremely pleased to see
the developers design a product for
Mendata Heights and asked that they take
a look at their choice of exterior
materials to have the structures fit the
terrain, i.e., cedar exteriors for the
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September 22, 1987
natural terrain.
Mr. Boyce noted that the 152 manor homes
would be under one condominium group and
that a flexible condominium will be set
up. He also stated that the main street
loaping Mendota Heights Road would be a
public street. Planner Dahlgren
commented that the scale of condominium
management is appropriate and would be an
asset ta the homes. He felt the 10 acre
park lacation was excellent and was very
pleased with the proposed development.
He felt people may be looking at larger
units and they should be a success. He
also stated that the most important
element in a development is a quality
developer, such as Mr. Putnam.
Planner Dahlgren stated that the
Cammission tonight would be agreeing to
the park location, the street circulation
and the break-up of the housing areas,
i.e., manor type homes.
Commissioner Duggan asked if there was an
� update on the traffic study which had
been done in July, 1985, since I-494 was
now open. He asked staff if we, in 1987,
are consistent with what the projections
were in 1985, and wauld we be able to
project for the future.
Civil Engineer Eckles noted that the City
could ask the State to update Dodd Road,
if the need warrants it, but not to try
to control the amount of development
taking place based on traffic concerns.
Planner Dahlgren noted the density is a
conservative, extremely low density by
metropolitan standards. To even think of
reducing the development density is
wrong. Commissioner Duggan expressed a
major concern over the air traffic noise
and asked if the area is nat a good area
for single family development, what makes
it good for manor homes. He did comment
that he likes what Mr. Putnam and Mr.
Boyce are doing with the area.
Mr. Putnam stated he is more concerned
with the freeway naise than the air
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September 22, 1987
It was pointed out that the Planning
Commissian, City Council and Mr. Putnam
would be against any future exits off of
I-494 into the HD3 area af their plan.
Mr. Putnam then went on to explain his
proposal for podd Corners, which is west
oi the Kensington project, noting that
the area is a strip of land 275 deep from
Mendata Heights Raad to I-494. He asked
that the comprehensive plan be changed
from HD housing to a neighborhood
commercial service area.
Commissioner Duggan stated he is totally
against the proposal and asked what
grounds the City has today to consider
rezoning this area since it was denied by
the City Council in 1985 on the basis of
safety, welfare, traffic and health
benefits. He asked what warrants this
change today.
Commissioner McMonigal felt this area
would be a service and convenience to the
future residents of this development and
� that without this neighborhood center,
more traffic will go north on Dodd for
Commissioner Anderson felt the plan makes
Chairman Morson asked for questions or
comments from the audience. There were
City Administrator Frazell reviewed
the histary of the designation for a
community park and school north of
Mendota Heights Raad. He stated that the
City is currently looking at two
possibilities for a cammunity athletic
facility, one being at the Henry Sibley
campus and the other being on the Riley
property currently before the Commission
in the Centex application. He said that
there did not seem any possibility that
the site designated in the Comprehensive
Plan would ever be a community park.
However, he indicated that School
District 197 owned the property and
wished to have it designated as a
patential school site. The parcel to the
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September 22, 1987
west designated for School site is
intended to be sold by School District
197, and he recommended a change to LR,
low density residential, which is
consisent with the underlying zoning.
Commissioner Duggan thanked the staff for
supplying answers to his questions of
last month, but went on to state that in
1987, the City is already over what the
Metropolitan Council had projected for
single family development, noting that
this is the last area in the City to be
Commissioner Anderson moved to close the
public hearing at 9:30 P.M.
Commissioner Krebsbach seconded the
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Commissioner Anderson felt that the
Comprehensive Plan should be changed in
the southeast corner of Dodd and Mendota
Heights Road from HR-PUD to NB
(neighborhood business)/PUD, as presented
in the proposal called Dodd Corners.
Commissioner Anderson moved ta recommend
to the City Council that the application
for a comprehensive plan amendment
allowing a commercial development called
Dodd Corners in the proposal be approved
and that the plan be amended to allow for
Commissioner McMonigal seconded the
Ayes: 4
Nays: 2, Duggan, Burke
Ayes: 5
Nays: 1, Duggan
Commissioner Anderson moved to recommend
that the City Council consider the sketch
plan and that the Planning Commission
recommends the sketch plan as pravided in
Kensington as Plan A, a PUD proposal by
Centex Homes, be approved subject to the
understanding that the City may need
additional lands for a community athletic
Commissioner Burke seconded the motion.
Commissioner McMonigal moved to recommend
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
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September 22, 1987
that the Comprehensive P1an be amended,
with the area designated as Park being
changed to School and what is School
being changed to LR.
Commissioner Krebsbach seconded the
Chairman Morson called for a recess at
9:50 P.M.
The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 P.M.
CASE 87-27, LILLY, Chairman Morson called the meeting to
SUBDIVISION order for the purpose of a public hearing
on an application from Mr. James Lilly,
for a subdivision. Mr. James Lilly,
1694 Dodd Road, was present to request
approval of a three lot subdivision for
his nine acre parcel. He noted that he
proposes to divide it into 4 1/2 acre, 2
1/2 acre and 2 acre parcels and asked for
on-site sewer and water to serve the
lots. He also noted that Mn/DOT had
suggested he dedicate the ponding area on
Lot 1 be dedicated to the City, but Mr.
Lilly asked that it be dedicated at the
time a building permit is applied for.
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
He noted that there is a 35 foot wide
road in the property now and that
ordinarily a 60 foot right-of-way would
be required, but in this case, 50 feet
could be adequate. He indicated he would
be willing to dedicate an additional 15
foot right-of-way on the south end of �he
Chairman Morson asked for questions or
comments from the audience. There being
no comments or questions, Commissioner
Burke moved to close the public hearing
at 10:07 P.M.
Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion.
Commissioner Anderson moved to recommend
approval of the subdivision known as T&
J Addition, submitted by James Lilly,
subject ta an additional 15 foot easement
being dedicated to the south of the
driveway in the plat and the easement
would be 50 feet in length running to the
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September 22, 1987
Commissioner Burke seconded the motion.
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 87-29, Chairman Morson called the meeting to
LEARNING TREE, CUP order for the purpose of a public hearing
an an application from Randall Pederson
to allow canstructian of a Learning Tree
Day Care Center on Lots 9, 10, 11, and
12, Black 1, Michael D. DuPont First
Addition. Mr. Pederson noted that the
structure will be constructed on Lots 10,
11, and 12, and Lot 9 will remain open.
This property is located on the northwest
corner of Summit Lane and TH 110 service
road. Mr. Pederson noted that the center
would be open from 6:00 A.M. ta 6:OOP.M.
and would have a rough sawn plywood cedar
exterior. He noted other locations in
Mendota Heights had been considered but
Learning Tree felt this would be the best
location since is was in close proximity
� to an elementary s�hoale
Commissioner Krebsbach said she would be
opposed to this location due to the extra
traffic generated on Victoriao
Mr. Peterson (not Randall) noted that he
owns about 30 day care centers in the
Twin Cities and 62% of the children in
day care have siblings in elementary
schools. They prefer to be located near
an elementary school. He noted that the
average number of children per day would
be about 65 with a maximum enrollment af
135 staggered throughout the day.
Chairman Morson asked for questions or
comments from the audience.
Mr. Bill Malchow, 1020 Victoria Court,
adjacent to the subject property,
presented a notice of neighborhood
opposition to the proposal. He noted
that he would be the spokesperson for the
area residents and he reviewed the many
reasons for their opposition as listed in
the notice. The neighbors felt this
facility is not needed in the area and
they asked that the Commission deny the
conditional use permite
Mr. Emil Hoppe, 2021 Victoria Court,
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September 22, 1987
stated he desired to see the land as it
presently is, R-1, single family.
Ms. Janie Rosen, 1021 Victoria Court,
noted that the two Country Day Schools in
Mendota Heights are not full naw, so why
would there be a need for this one.
A lady in the area expressed concern for
increased traffic congestion on Summit
and Victoria Court.
There being no further questions or
comments, Commissioner Krebsbach moved to
close the public hearing at 10:48 P.M.
Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
Commissioner Duggan moved to recommend
denial of the conditional use permit for
a day care center because the proposal
would worsen the traffic situatian that
has been created in the area by the
reopening of Mendota Elementary School,
because the lots were originally planned
for single family development and
continue to be capable of being developed
as such, and because the City has a past
practice of not extending commercial type
developments along TH 110, except at key
Gammissioner Burke seconded the motion.
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 87-30, Mr. Doug Hair, 2289 Apache Street, was
HAIR, WETLANDS present to request a wetlands permit to
PERMIT allow construction of a single family
home on Lot 18, Linden Addition, the lot
formerly owned by Ron 5mith, which was
denied subdivision to David VanLandschoot
some years ago. Mr. Hair had written
approval from some of his neighbors but
he had been unable to contact the Hughes
family, 2308 Swan Drive. He asked ior a
69 foot setback variance for his proposed
walkout home.
Mr. Dick Bjorklund, builder, gave a brief
history of the lot and noted that the lot
requires extensive fill which would cast
an extra $20,000 to improve the lot.
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September 22, 1987
There was a good deal of discussion
regarding the amount of fill and how high
the filling would be mounded and whether
the home would be considered a two story
or a three story.
After discussion, Commissioner Duggan
moved to waive the public hearing
requirement and to recammend approval of
a wetlands permit with the understanding
that the proposed home be moved 20 feet
to the east, to lessen the variance need.
Cammissioner Krebsbach seconded the
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 87-31, Mr. Dick Bjorklund was present to request
GUENTHER, WETLANDS a wetlands permit for Dr. Dean Guenther,
PERMIT to a11ow construction of a single family
home on Lot 3, Black 1, Spring Creek
Acres, 720 Marie Avenue.
After discussian Commissioner Anderson
moved to waive the public hearing
requirement and to recommend approval of
a 38 foot setback variance to allow
� construction of a single family home 62
feet from the center line of the creek on
Lot 3, Block 1, Spring Creek Acres.
Commissioner McMonigal seconded the
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 87-32, Mr. John Brassard, unavailable for the
BRASSARD, WETLANDS meeting, who lives at 1205 Sylvandale
PERMIT Road, requested a wetlands permit to
allow construction of improvements for
his lo�, which had been damaged by the
July rainstarms. The Commissian
recagnized the request as proper and
needed and advised staff to check to see
who owns the property where the proposed
improvements would be made. Commissioner
Burke had been told by a resident in the
area that the Ivy Fal1s homeowners
association owned the creek behind Mr.
Brassard's home.
After discussion, Commissioner Duggan
moved to recommend approval of a wetlands
permit subject to Mr. Brassard
satisfactarily demonstrating to the City
Council the exact location of the
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September 22, 1987
improvements he wants to make and who
awns the property.
Commissioner McMonigal seconded the
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
VERBAL REVIEW City Administrator Frazell reviewed the
cases that had gone before the City
ADJOURN There being no further business to come
before the Commission, Commissioner
Duggan moved that the meeting be
Commissioner Krebsbach seconded the
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:32 o'clock P.M.