1990-05-22 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
MAY 22, 1990
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was
held on Tuesday, May 22, 1990, in the City Hall Council Chambers,
1101 Victoria Curve. Chairperson Morson called the meeting to
order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were present:
Morson, Koll, Dwyer, Morson, Krebsbach, Duggan and Tilsen.
Commission Dreelan was excused from the meeting. Also present were
Public Works Director Jim Danielson, Planning Consultant Tim
Malloy, Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder and Senior
Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Commissioner Duggan pointed out that the findings
of fact submitted by Mr. Duffy should have been
included in the April 24, 1990 Minutes.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder stated out that
staff never received a copy of the findings of
facts. Ms. Kathy Connolly, attorney for the
Hampshire neighborhood residents pointed out that a
copy was submitted to Commission Dwyer.
Commissioner Dwyer stated that he did receive a
copy and that he did not pass it on because he did
not realize that he had received it under his
official capacity as a Commissioner. Ms. Connolly
stated that that information would be passed on to
the City staff.
Commissioner Tilsen moved approval of the April 24,
1990 minutes as amended.
Commission Duggan seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 90-13 Mr. Richard Bjorklund, Sr. representing Mr. Robert
MERSKY - Mersky, 1758 Sutton Lane, briefly explained the
VARIANCE Mersky's request for a five foot (5') side yard
setback variance in order to construct a garage
addition to their existing home. Mr. Bjorklund
submitted signatures of consent from the surrounding
neighbors to the Commission.
Chairperson Morson questioned if there will be a
need for drainage between the two homes. Mr.
Bjorklund answered that the drainage currently runs
on the lot line between the two homes and that it
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will be five feet (5') from the garage. He
explained that they would have to take care of any
additional water that may runoff from the garage
roof with landscaping.
Chairperson Morson pointed out that the owners at
1750 Sutton Lane, the Lalles' will be most affected
by this addition. He further expressed his
concerns regarding the driveway opening size with
respect to the possibility of losing two Ash Trees.
Mr. Bjorklund stated that the owners intend to
maintain the existing driveway opening.
Commissioner Krebsbach stated that she is concerned
that the addition will be only eighteen feet (18')
from the Lalles' resident. Commissioner Tilsen
stated that the northerly neighbors could put an
addition on their home which would force a
separation of only fifteen feet (15') between the
two homes.
Commissioner Krebsbach questioned whether the
garage addition will block the Lalles' view. Mr.
Bjorklund stated that it would not.
Commissioner Tilsen expressed his concerns for the
closeness of the homes with the possible
construction of the garage and a possibility of the
northerly neighbors adding on to their homes.
Commissioner Tilsen further asked if the Merskys
would be willing to buy three feet (3') of the
neighbor's property to ensure future separation
between the homes. Mr. Bjorklund explained that he
had originally proposed the idea but that there
would be problems with platting the lot after the
subdivision. He explained that this request is an
unusual request. Commissioner Tilsen stated that
he is concerned with the character of the
neighborhood. He stated that this request may set
a precedent.
Commissioner Dwyer questioned whether Bjorklund
construction is going to build the garage and Mr.
Bjorklund answered that he was unsure at this time.
Commissioner Krebsbach questioned if it is possible
to make the garage a larger two car garage in terms
of extending out the walls. Mr. Bjorklund stated
that they have discussed changing the garage door
to make the garage larger but that the owners
recently put a cedar shake roof on and they do not
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want to change the design of the roof.
Commissioner Duggan questioned if windows would be
constructed on the north side of the garage to keep
within the character of the home. Mr. Bjorklund
stated that windows would not be constructed due to
security reasons.
Commissioner Koll moved to recommend to the City
Council that they approve a five foot (5') side
yard setback variance.
Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 90-14 Mr. Robert McKenzie, 1480 Cherry Hill Road was
MCKENZIE present to discuss his request for a minor
conditional use permit to construct a five foot
(5') fence around his swimming pool. Mr.
McKenzie submitted to the Commission signatures of
consent from his neighbors to the west and north.
Mr. McKenzie stated that he will have a landscape
architect design his landscaping around the fence
and that he assured the Commission that it will be
a nice addition to his home. He explained that
there is an existing fence and that he is leaning
towards adding some cedar and plantings on top of
the existing fence. He explained that if decides
to construct another fence it would be either a
cedar or redwood fence.
In response to a question from Commissioner
Krebsbach, Mr. McKenzie stated that the existing
fence is a four foot (4') chain link fence. He
explained that the design of the new fence will
show a horizontal cedar toppings to go across the
top of the fence. He explained that the height of
the fence is in question. He explained that he has
to bring the height of the fence up to one foot
(1') to comply with swimming pool requirements. He
stated that the fence will be combination of the
two materials or whatever the Commission would like
to have. He stated that he does not want to have
two fences. He explained that he does have a fence
that runs from east to west. He explained that the
previous homeowner had installed a four foot (4')
fence and he apparently installed the fence without
a building permit. He explained that the existing
fence should have been three feet (3') and not four
feet (4') because of the unimproved roadway there.
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Chairperson Morson questioned that on the drawings
the home is twenty-four feet (24') from what might
be City right-of-way. Chairperson Morson stated
that the home is an existing non-conforming
structure. Public Works Director Danielson
confirmed Chairperson Morson's observation and that
Mr. McKenzie would need a variance. Mr. McKenzie
stated that he drew the drawing and that the lines
are accurate on the plans. Chairperson Morson
explained that the home should be thirty feet (30')
from the right-of-way.
Public Works Director Danielson explained that Mr.
McKenzie would need a seventeen foot (17') variance
to make his home a conforming structure. Mr.
McKenzie stated that he would be more than happy to
include a condition, should the street ever go
through, to relocate the fence to prevent a site
line obstruction.
In response to a question from Commissioner Dwyer,
Mr. McKenzie stated that the fence in the back was
just installed and that it is a six foot (6')
vertical cedar fence. Mr. McKenzie stated that he
would swing that fence around but that he thought
it might be objectionable to enclose that whole
area. He stated that he would be happy to extend
the fence. Commissioner Krebsbach stated that she
would like to see Mr. McKenzie go one way or
another and not have the combination of redwood and
chain link. Mr. McKenzie stated that he would
rather have a cedar fence.
Commissioner Tilsen questioned if the twenty-four
feet (24') is from the edge of the road. Mr.
McKenzie explained how he measured the distance.
Chairperson Morson noted that the Planning
Commission is concerned with the twenty-four foot
(24') dimension.
Commissioner Duggan moved to waive the public
hearing and to recommend to the City Council that
they approve the requested minor conditional use
permit to allow the construction of a five foot
(5') cedar fence and to recommend approval of a
nineteen foot (19') side yard setback variance to
the existing house and there will be no additional
costs to the applicant for the variance.
Commissioner Dwyer offered a friendly amendments
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stating that the approval is conditioned upon in
the event that Upper Colonial is extended that Mr.
McKenzie move the fence.
Commissioner Krebsbach seconded the motion.
90-15 Mr. James Neuharth, 2458 Pond Circle East, was
present to discuss his desire to construct a 10' x
14' four season porch and 12' x 26' deck. Mr.
Neuharth explained that his home is at the one
hundred foot (100') setback line from a City
designated Wetlands. He explained that additions
would extend within the Wetlands area by twelve
feet (12'). He explained that the construction
would be consistent with the construction of the
home. He explained that deck would be cedar and
that the construction will look as natural as
possible. He further explained that he did get a
signature of consent from his neighbor to the west
and that the home to the east is not occupied. Mr.
Neuharth briefly discussed the neighbors who are
across the pond from his home who are about 250 to
300 yards away. He explained that it is very
difficult to see his property except during the
winter time.
Chairperson Morson acknowledged that it, is a wooded
area and that there would be no problem with the
view. Mr. Neuharth further commented that there
will be some landscaping installed so that the
addition will be further concealed.
Commissioner Koll stated that the addition will be
a handsome addition to the home and that she
noticed that Mr. Neuharth's two neighbors extend
out farther back than Mr. Neuharth. She stated
that it sounds like that what he is trying to do is
to be pretty much in line with his neighbors.
Commissioner Dwyer questioned if the home was built
contemplating the additions. Mr. Neuharth stated
that yes it was and that service doors and patio
doors exist that exit out onto the future porch.
Commissioner Dwyer stated that he is uncomfortable
with the plan. He stated that he does not like the
idea that Centex built this house right up to the
one hundred feet (100') of the Wetlands area. He
stated that Centex built the home knowing full well
the homeowner is going to want to put up a deck and
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porch. Commissioner Dwyer stated that the
Commission is certainly in the position where it
does not make sense not to approve the Wetlands
Permit. He stated that this certainly offends the
Wetlands Ordinance. Commissioner Dwyer stated that
he is a little peeved that they find themselves in
the situation to approve this Wetlands Permit. He
explained that his aggression is not towards Mr.
Neuharth but towards Centex. Mr. Neuharth
commented that that issue has to be addressed at
the time the home is built. He explained that he
is of the contention that the homes on either side
of him are in the same situation or worse.
Chairperson Morson questioned if there were
Wetlands Permit granted on the subdivision. Public
Works Director Danielson stated there were a number
of them granted and that they were all included in
the Developer's Agreement. Public Works Danielson
stated that this lot was not one of them. He
explained that this house was able to be
constructed without encroaching the one hundred
feet (100') and that is why Centex did not request
a Wetlands Permit. Chairperson Morson stated that
they left the homeowner with the problem of
obtaining the permit. Public Works Director
Danielson stated that with any of the homes along
the pond, if they want to construct something such
as an accessory structure, fence, pool, deck, etc.
they too need a Wetlands Permit. Commissioner
Duggan stated that there is some what of an
extenuating circumstance. He explained that it is
a cul-de-sac or circle and that they are trying to
align homes on the circle which is a little more
difficult to get everything aligned.
Commissioner Duggan moved to waive the public
hearing and to recommend to the City Council that
they grant the Wetlands Permit as requested by Mr.
Commissioner Koll seconded the motion.
In response to a question from Chairperson Morson,
Public Works Director Danielson explained the
process of reviewing building plans and how the
Wetlands are identified by the Code Enforcement
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CASE NO. 90-16 Ms. Mary Bakewell, representing the Senior Class
BAKEWELL Party Parent Committee of 1989, was present to
discuss their request for a sign variance. She
explained that the Parent Committee is donating a
nameplate to Henry Sibley Senior High School with
funds raise by the committee. She explained that
because of numerous surveys that have been done,
people do not know what that building is on Highway
110. She explained that the sign on Highway 110 is
covered half of the time with snow. She explained
that they want the sign to be seen from the road
and from the new sport complex. She stated that
they are proposing to install the sign on the north
side of the building above the teacher's lounge
windows at the main entrance.
Commissioner Tilsen questioned Ms. Bakewell if the
Parents Committee has approach the School District
with their donation. Ms. Bakewell responded that
the School District likes the idea and that the
School District may be planning to install a sign
on the southern portion of the building.
Commissioner Koll questioned who decided to put the
sign on the northern portion of the building and
Ms. Bakewell stated that the Parents Committee
decided to.
The Planning Commission discussed briefly the
location of the sign. A picture of the School was
originally submitted with the sign permit
application. That picture was formally submitted
to the Planning Commission to help them identify
where exactly the sign was going to be placed.
Commissioner Koll moved to recommend to the City
Council that they approve a variance of 88.5 square
feet for the sign as referred to in the photograph
submitted to the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Dwyer seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 90-17 Mr. Flavio Mangini owner of 1867 Warrior Drive was
MANGINI present to discuss his request for a Wetlands
Permit. He explained that the proposed home is
ninety-two feet (92') from the Wetlands. He
explained that the building envelope has been
constrained by a utility easement running through
the front of his lot.
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In response to a question from Chairperson Morson,
Public Works Director Danielson explained that at
the time the subdivision was being considered the
developer showed lot pads in this position and that
it was the decision of the Planning Commission not
to grant a blanket variance and to consider each
one individually as they came forward.
Chairperson Morson pointed out that a Wetlands
Permit was granted to the property to the north.
Commissioner Koll questioned what the blue stakes
are on the property and Mr. Mangini answered that
they are survey stakes.
Commissioner Duggan moved to waive the public
hearing and to recommend to the City Council that
they grant the Wetlands Permit.
Commissioner Koll seconded the motion.
Chairman Morson called a recess at 9:00 o'clock
The meeting was reconvened at 9:07 o'clock P.M.
CASE NO. 90-03 Chairman Morson stated that the City Council
CENTEX HOMES has referred Centex Homes request back to the
Planning Commission level to review items of
specific planning issues. Chairperson Morson
explained that the items to be discussed will
follow the format of the memo submitted by
Administrative Assistant Batchelder dated May 18,
Buffering Issue
Mr. Dick Putnam introduced Mr. Dan Blake, engineer
on the Kensington project from Sathre-Berquist.
Mr. Putnam briefly reviewed previously submitted
landscape plans. Mr. Putnam explained the changes
in buffering. He explained the changes in height
with respect to the earth berms and plantings along
1-494 and Mendota Heights Road. Commissioner
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Tilsen questioned how the earth berms would be
maintained. Mr. Putnam responded that the intent
is to not have maintainable slopes. He further
explained that the berms would be irrigated.
Commissioner Tilsen questioned if the berms
designed along 1-494 would protect homes from the
sound from the Highway. Mr. Blake responded that
the Pollution Control Department has guidelines.
He further explained that there is an elevation
separation between the Highway and the buildings.
He explained that the buildings are approximately
ten feet (10') higher than the road. He also
stated that the berms and the garage units are
between the highway and the units and provide
buffering. Mr. Blake stated that there has been no
formal analysis to whether it meets the Pollution
Control guidelines.
Mr. Putnam stated that they are trying to stay
within their property lines. He stated that it
would be advantageous to build a berm within the
Chairperson Morson questioned if the setback is
great enough to allow 3:1 slopes for all berms.
Mr. Putnam explained that the streetscape should
vary and that there not be just one height all
across the road. Mr. Putnam stated that they could
take a further look at reducing the slopes.
Commissioner Tilsen questioned if an attempt could
be made to meet the Pollution Control guidelines.
Commissioner Krebsbach stated that she would like
to see a new plan which might allow more space
among the buildings. She further stated that she
would like to see an upgrade in the quality of the
buildings that would allow more of a buffer along
Mendota Heights Road. She stated that she would
like to see a more relaxed plan. Commissioner
Krebsbach further stated that she would like to see
more green space with respect to the ponding area.
Chairperson Morson questioned if Centex would be
willing to install fences as suggested by Attorney
Gerald Duffy along Mendota Heights Road. Mr. Tom
Boyce responded that they would like to stick to
landscaping the area.
Traffic Impact
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Mr. Putnam explained the traffic impact on Mendota
Heights Road and in Hampshire Estates. He
explained that they used a factor, as discussed
with Klayton Eckles from the engineering
department, for the manor home units they used 6.5
trips for coach homes; 6 trips for townhouses; and
single family used 10 trips. He explained that
there is about 1112 trips heading west on Lockwood
Drive at Mendota Heights Road and 1095 trips
heading east on Lockwood Drive at Mendota Heights
Road. He explained that these trips do not include
the traffic that the park would generate. He
further explained the traffic impact with respect
to the single family lots. He stated that there
would be a total of about 2,700 trips per day on
Mendota Heights Road from the entire development.
He stated that they could get together with the
City staff and their traffic consultant and
formalize the numbers. Mr. Putnam stated that Park
Lane would not be used as a shortcut. He explained
that the impact of the traffic at Park Lane is an
intersection question as far as turning movements
at peak hours.
The Planning Commission briefly discussed whether a
subcommittee should be formed to discuss the issues
in concern more thoroughly.
Commissioner Tilsen questioned if the back up of
traffic at peak times at Dodd Road will cause
people to use Huber Drive as a shortcut. He
further stated that a way to minimize the traffic
congestion would be to install a signal at Dodd
Road and Mendota Heights Road. He stated that he
understands that the State has stated that there is
nothing to warrant signal lights at that
intersection. He questioned if the City and the
developer split the costs in installing the lights
at that particular intersection maybe the State
would allow signal lights. Mr. Putnam responded
that it would not be just the Kensington
development that would be using that intersection
but that other developments use the intersection.
Commissioner Duggan questioned the amount of
driveways that are less than fifty feet (50') from
street intersections. Mr. Putnam responded that
everybody in the projects that he has developed in
the City sets their garages back at thirty feet
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(30'). He explained that he had some trouble
determining what Mr. Duffy meant in his letter.
Ms. Connelly, attorney representing the residents
of Hampshire Estates, responded that they were
counting driveways as any entrance to the parking
In response to a question from Chairperson Morson,
Mr. Putnam explained that on the Wetlands map there
are two areas as described as Wetlands in the
southern portion of the City. He stated that those
two Wetlands were removed for construction of I-
494. He explained that those Wetlands are no
longer in existence. Planner Malloy stated that
Mr. Putnam's analysis of the Wetlands is consistent
with the research he has completed. Planner Malloy
presented transpariencies of the current Wetlands
Commissioner Dwyer questioned Mr. Putnam if he has
figures showing encroachment of Wetlands. Mr.
Putnam stated that the encroachment of Wetlands
would depend on the type of the single family home.
Mr. Putnam stated that the figures are "pad
numbers ". He stated that the figures stated for
the townhomes are true figures.
Commission Tilsen questioned if there will be
protection of the Wetlands written in the
Association By Laws. Mr. Putnam pointed out the
majority of Wetlands that would be controlled by
the park and the public. He stated that by the
single family lots he will have a scenic easement
around the pond.
Commissioner Dwyer questioned how many of the
existing trees will be removed. Mr. Putnam stated
that their intentions are to maintain the trees.
He pointed out the tree line around Owens Pond.
Commissioner Tilsen stated that the landscape plan
does not state clearly that the trees will be
maintained. He stated that he would like more
clarification of how many trees will be maintained.
Ms. Connolly referred to the Zoning Ordinance and
asked the City staff to review the requirements
regarding maintenance of the trees. Commissioner
Duggan referred to Mr. Duffy's letter concerning
tree preservation. Commissioner Duggan explained
that Mr. Duffy requested a count of all of the
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major trees in the area. Mr. Putnam responded that
they would identify what trees will be removed and
what would be replaced.
Redistribution of Homes within the Development
Mr. Putnam explained that they feel that the
townhomes are a reasonable transition. He stated
that switching the townhomes with single family
homes is not a good idea. Mr. Putnam explained
that construction of townhomes and condominiums in
place of where the single family homes are proposed
would cause the trees to be removed. He explained
that single family homes is the best way to
preserve more of the trees. Mr. Putnam briefly
explained that putting single family homes along
Mendota Heights Road is not a good idea. He stated
that the way the road was constructed is not
condusive to putting in single family lots. He
further explained that the park traffic would work
fine with the multi family units who have their own
courts. He explained that putting single family
units in the area where multi family is proposed
would conflict with park traffic. Mr. Putnam
further explained that moving single family units
next to the freeway did not seem to be a prudent
choice either.
Commissioner Krebsbach stated that the present
accommodations Mr. Putnam has presented does not
please the community and that she recommended that
he take a look at relaxing the plan. Commissioner
Tilsen suggested that the plan could be relaxed by
removing two or three single family homes and to
push the townhouses over.
Detached Garages
Chairperson Morson stated that there are not many
detached garages in Mendota Heights. Mr. Putnam
pointed out that Devonwood in Bloomington has
detached garages and that he has slides available
to review. Commissioner Tilsen stated that
detached garages can present a security problem and
that ownership is more defined if the garages are
attached. Chairperson Morson stated that the
developer has submitted plans on the garages.
Chairperson Morson questioned if there is storage
space available within the garages. Mr. Boyce
responsed that in the past they have not but that
if the Planning Commission and the City Council
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require them to provide storage within the garages
they would do so.
Commissioner Krebsbach questioned if underground
parking could be considered. Mr. Putnam explained
that underground parking does not work with small
buildings. Commissioner Krebsbach reiterated that
she is speaking to the quality of buildings that
already exist in the City with respect to multi
family homes.
Mr. Putnam, referring to the landscape plan,
explained parking. Mr. Putnam
stated that there is 2.5 spaces per unit in the
coach homes area. He explained that 2.5 spaces is
adequate. He explained that there have been a
lot changes. He stated that in order to meet the
2.5 spaces for the coach homes they will need an
additional 19 exterior parking spaces and that they
will do that. Mr. Putnam explained that the
townhouses will have a two car garage with a
driveway that varies in length plus the guest
spaces which will average 4.0 to 4.5 spaces per
Commissioner Dwyer questioned if the parking spaces
are in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Mr.
Putnam stated that what Mr. Duffy refers to in his
letter regarding Zoning Ordinance compliance is for
an R-3 District which is really geared towards a
parking lot in an apartment building and that that
does not apply in this case. He explained that in
this case it would not work because the parking is
behind garages just like in a single family home.
He explained that that Zoning requirement is not
geared towards residential kinds of structures.
Mr. Putnam stated that the Planned Unit Development
specifically provides that where standards do not
work with site planning you vary from those
standards. Mr. Putnam explained that the fifty
foot (50') spacing in between the buildings and the
forty foot (40') parking from the street is not
appropriate in this case because the Zoning
Ordinance is referring to the R-3 Zoning District
for commercial lots and apartment lots. In
response to a question from Ms. Connolly, Mr.
Putnam stated again that the Planned Unit
Development allows flexibilty and variances.
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Commissioner Duggan moved to adjourn the meeting to
another date and to begin the meeting in discussing
the quality of construction within the development.
Commissioner Dwyer seconded the motion.
Motion fails.
Commissioner Krebsbach moved to adjourn to a
special meeting on June 6, 1990.
Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion.
Motion fails.
Commissioner Duggan excused himself at 11:10
o'clock P.M.
Commissioner Tilsen moved to adjourn the meeting at
) 11:30 o'clock P.M.
Motion fails due to the lack of a second.
Ouality of Construction
Commissioner Krebsbach stated that the detached
garages and the square footage of the homes are a
concern with her. She further commented that she
would like to see a more sophisticated architecture
and better quality of materials used. She stated
that she would like to see the value of the units
In response to a question from Commissioner Dwyer,
Mr. Boyce stated that the material used in the
multi family units will be brick and aluminum.
Chairperson Morson suggested that individual
Planning Commission members take a look at the
Devonwood development in Bloomington to get an idea
of the type of materials proposed.
Sidewalk and Trail Construction
Mr. Putnam stated that they would submit the plans
and work with the engineering staff regarding the
construction of sidewalks and trails.
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Adequacy of Street Right-of-Way and Cul-De-Sac
Mr. Putnam stated that on the private streets
within the development there are no right-of-ways.
He explained that the cul-de-sac size is thirty six
foot (36') radius as opposed to forty nine foot
(49') which is entirely in keeping with what was
built in the first Phase of Kensington. He
explained from the fire and public safety
standpoint, it is adequate. Public Works Director
Danielson confirmed that what they are proposing is
exactly what was approved in Phase I.
Garbage Storage
Mr. Putnam explained that the garages that are
proposed are two car garages or 22 x 22. He
explained that the garbage is kept in the garage
because the access is much easier and that people
like it better. He explained that all of the
garbage is picked up in one day and that that is
handled through the Association. Commissioner
Tilsen questioned if the Association would
participate in recycling program. Administrative
Assistant Batchelder briefly explained the
recycling program in the City. Mr. Boyce stated
that he would like to see the Association
participate in the recycling program.
Driveway Easement
Mr. Putnam briefly explained his conversations with
the Beales and the Kennedys. He explained that
there are two plans, one showing a public street
right-of-way and the other a private driveway
easement. Mr. Putnam stated that the Beale's will
have to make a judgement as to what they want to
do. He explained that the Mr. Beale is leaning
towards having a private drive easement of twenty
five feet (25') to thirty feet (30').
Long Term Rentals
Mr. Boyce explained that their intention is to not
rent the units. He explained that the financing
discourages renters. Mr. Boyce stated that he is
unsure of how to prohibit rentals. Mr. Boyce
stated that Centex is not an apartment builder.
Garage Setbacks from the Right-of-Way
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Mr. Putnam stated that they will accommodate the
setback requirements just as they did in Phase I of
Frontage Roads
Commissioner Krebsbach questioned if the
development would be better off with a frontage
road either off of Delaware Avenue or Mendota
Heights Road to the park. Mr. Boyce stated that
Mendota Heights Road was designed for a certain
amount of traffic. He explained that there really
is no problem since this road was designed to
handle the traffic that the surrounding
developments may impose. Ms. Connolly stated that
they are just voicing their concerns regarding the
amount of traffic. She stated that they are
willing to work with the developer regarding this
It was the consensus of the Planning Commission
that Commissioner Dwyer and either
Chairperson Morson or Commissioner
Tilsen will meet with Planner
Malloy, City staff, the developers,
the legal counsel representing the
neighbors and any residents of the
neighborhoods at the regularly
scheduled Planner's meeting on
Monday, June 4th to discuss further
the issues and concerns regarding
Phase II of Kensington.
Commissioner Dwyer moved to adjourn the meeting at
12:03 o'clock A.M.
Commissioner Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary