1994-07-26 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
JULY 26, 1994
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was
held on Tuesday, July 26, 1994, in the City Hall Council Chambers,
1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:30
o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Koll, Friel,
Betlej, Duggan and Tilsen. Chair Dwyer and Commissioner Hunter
were excused. Also present were Public Works Director Jim
Danielson, Planning Consultant John Uban, Administrative Assistant
Kevin Batchelder and Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Vice Chair Duggan introduced new Planning Commissioner Joe
Betlej. Duggan explained that City Council recently appointed
Mr. Betlej to fill the un-expired term of former Commissioner
Carolyn Dreelan. Mr. Betlej formally introduced himself to
the Commission.
Commissioner Friel moved to approve the June 28, 1994 minutes
with one correction.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
Mr. Carl Berget, of 2455 Pond Circle West, was present to
request a Wetlands Permit which would allow the construction
of a 12 by 13 four season solarium at the rear of his home.
In response to a question from Commissioner Koll, Mr. Berget
briefly explained how the house pad was determined by Centex.
Vice Chair Duggan explained that Centex was granted blanket
Wetlands Permits for this development. He further noted that
the Planner's report misidentified Mr. Berget's Lot as Lot 9.
Duggan stated the correct legal description is Lot 8, Block 4,
Hampshire Estates.
In response to a question from Commissioner Friel, Mr. Berget
stated Centex offered 8 or 9 different housing options.
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Commissioner Friel stated that Centex has constructed many
homes with doors installed to eventually serve future
additions. He stated that these additions have needed
Wetlands Permit approvals.
Commissioner Betlej inquired if Mr. Berget would be using the
foundation pads currently in place for the addition. Mr.
Berget stated the City Building Inspector instructed him not
to use those pads. Public Works Director Danielson explained
that the Building Inspector had noted his concerns that Mr.
Berget had begun work without a permit and that the footings
had not been inspected. He stated that the Inspector must
verify that the footings are properly set for frost. Duggan
inquired if the City's Inspector could verify that the
footings are properly set for frost, if Mr. Berget could use
those instead of creating another pad which would be closer to
the wetlands. Danielson stated he would discuss this with the
building inspector.
Commissioner Betlej inquired if the new construction would
) interfere with neighbor's view of the wetlands. Mr. Berget
responded it would not.
Commissioner Tilsen noted his displeasure with Centex
Development's continuous encroachment of the wetlands.
Vice Chair Duggan stated that the applicant has
signatures of consent from all of the immediate
neighbors which allows the City Council and
Commission to consider waiving the required public
Commissioner Koll moved to waive the public hearing.
Commissioner Friel seconded the motion.
Commissioner Koll moved to recommend that the City Council
approve a Wetlands Permit to allow the construction of the
proposed addition at a sixty-two foot (62°) setback from the
wetlands with the condition that the Building Inspector verify
the adequacy of the footings for frost.
Commissioner Friel seconded the motion.
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CASE NO. 94-11:
Vice Chair Duggan explained at their May 24, 1994 meeting, the
Planning Commission opened a public hearing and continued the
hearing on a request by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stringer for
Variances to the Front Yard Setback and Enlargement of a Non-
Conforming structure. He explained that this request had been
continued in June, as per the request of the applicant's
architect. Duggan explained that City staff had recently been
notified by Mr. Stringer, via telephone, that his plans had
changed and that he will not be further pursuing the variance
application. Duggan noted that staff had requested that Mr.
Stringer submit a letter stating his intention to discontinue
the application process, but at this time, a letter has not
been received.
Commissioner Tilsen moved to formally close the public hearing
for Planning Case No. 94-11. It was further noted that a
recommendation to City Council is not necessary and the
Planning Commission directed staff to notify Mr. Stringer that
the application for variances has been concluded.
CASE NO. 94-16 AND 94-17:
Vice Chair Duggan stated that Mr. Lentsch had submitted an
application to the City without proper plans for the June
Planning Commission meeting. He stated the Planning
Commission continued the application subject to the submittal
of required information for the Wetlands Permit, Variance and
Rezoning. Duggan explained that because complete plans and
information have still not been submitted to the City, an
accurate review by the Planning Commission may not be
Mr. William Lentsch, realtor, presented revised plan for
grading of the proposed driveway across Lot 7, Block 1,
Mendota Woods and a revised plan of Outlot B, Mendota Woods
indicating tree delineation.
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In response to a question from Vice Chair Duggan,
Administrative Assistant Batchelder gave a brief history on
the zoning of Lot 11 and Outlots A and B. He further stated
that Outlot B is the only Outlot involved in Mr. Lentsch's
request for rezoning.
Mr. Lentsch explained the revised grading plan for the
proposed driveway across Lot 7. He further explained the
location of the wetlands marker at 879.2. He further stated
that he is requesting a ten foot (10') wide driveway. He
stated that he does not want to encroach the wetlands any
further than he has to. Vice Chair Duggan inquired if a ten
foot (10°) wide driveway meets City standards. Public Works
Director Danielson stated that Fire Marshal Paul Kaiser and
Mr. Lentsch recently met to discuss this very issue. He
stated that an agreement was made that Mr. Lentsch could have
a ten foot (10') wide driveway subject to the house on Outlot
B being sprinkled. He further stated that the normal width of
a driveway is twenty feet (20').
Commissioner Betlej inquired about the proposed grade.
Planner Uban stated that he calculates the grade to be
eighteen percent (1896). He stated that this will be a very
steep driveway and would be especially slippery during a rain
and snow fall. He further noted concern for two cars meeting
at the same time on a ten foot (10') wide driveway with an
eighteen percent (18%) grade. He stated he recommends that
the driveway be widened for the portion which would serve two
houses. Mr. Lentsch stated that a significant retaining wall
would need to be constructed.
Mr. Lentsch stated he would like to keep the house on Lot 7
close to Arbor Court to help curb utility expense.
Commissioner Friel inquired if utilities are available on the
other side of Arbor Court (Brookfield Drive). Mr. Lentsch
responded yes.
In response to a question from Commissioner Koll, Mr. Lentsch
stated he has attempted to gain access from the private street
owned by Kensington Manor Homes. He stated the Association
has denied his request on two separate occasions. He stated
he has presented two plans to the Association. Commissioner
Koll stated that utilities are available from Brookfield Drive
and that it does not make a lot of sense to access utilities
from Arbor Court.
Duggan stated that the Brookfield Drive cul-de-sac does not
serve anything currently and that it would make sense to
connect to the utilities. Mr. Lentsch stated to hookup to
utilities via Brookfield would cost approximately $20,000. He
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explained that utilities from Arbor Court would cost
approximately $40,000.
Commissioner Friel stated that the cul-de-sac was to serve Lot
11, and Outlots A and B. He stated this is the appropriate
access even though it is a private road. He stated that the
City's power of condemnation would serve well the public's
health, safety and well being. He further stated it would be
appropriate to continue this public hearing and recommend to
the City Council that the private roadway be condemned to
provide appropriate and reasonable access to Outlot B. He
further stated the expense would be minimal. He further
stated he has discussed this possibility with the Mayor and
the Mayor indicated the Council may entertain a discussion.
In response to a question from Mr. Lentsch, Commissioner Friel
stated it could take approximately one to two months if it is
not pursued through the courts.
Vice Chair Duggan stated that with the continuance, the
applicant would have time to complete the requirements
required by the City's ordinances in considering the wetlands,
variance and rezoning request. Mr. Lentsch stated that a
landscape plan would be difficult to provide until someone
builds on the lot. Duggan stated a grading plan, drainage
plan and site plan will need to be completed to ensure proper
review by the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr.
Lentsch stated he has potential buyers who would like to start
building before winter.
In response to a question from Commissioner Koll, Mr. Lentsch
stated the potential buyers of Lot 7 are satisfied with the
driveway going by their house. He further stated he was told
the grade was sixteen percent (16) and that snow would be
pushed to the east. He stated the Fire Marshal is okay with
the driveway and that he has presented the best they can do
without access from Brookfield.
Commissioner Tilsen stated his concerns about the narrowness
with the steep grade. He stated a vehicle could easily slip
off the driveway. He further stated he concurs with
Commissioner Friel's suggestions about condemnation. He
stated it would be worth pursuing the use of Brookfield Drive.
He stated that the driveway is roughly 400 feet which is a
long way to bring garbage especially down a steep slope. He
further stated that the City must consider future landowners
and that new neighbors can disagree about use of driveway as
homes change hands.
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Tilsen stated that a site plan and the wetlands need to be
delineated for Outlot B. He inquired about the elevation of
the wetlands and where it begins. Public Works Director
Danielson stated that the 879.2 is the controlled water
elevation with a small increase during rain events. He stated
it has not been determined the edge of wetlands with soil
tests and vegetation. Commissioner Tilsen stated that
retaining walls with a wider driveway is expensive and subject
to failure. He stated Commissioner Friel's suggestion is the
best idea and may be the most economical.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that the first step in
the process would be to negotiate with the Association before
condemnation. Tilsen stated if the City becomes involved in
this application, the City should meet with the Association to
discuss access.
Mr. John Nonni, resident of Kensington Manor Homes, stated he
is against the condemnation process. He stated the
Association is liable for sewer and water and that the street
is not built to handle a twenty-five (25) ton cement truck.
Danielson responded that Brookfield Drive has the same design
has any public street. Mr. Nonni questioned if the wetlands
will be filled in. Commissioner Friel stated that if the City
condemns Brookfield Drive, then the City owns and maintains
that street. He stated that the City's concern is good
planning and that appropriate access should be provided to
these lots.
Mr. Lentsch stated there are still concerns with the driveway
for Lot 7. Public Works Director Danielson stated sewer and
water are stubbed in.
Vice Chair Duggan stated the Commission can review the request
for wetlands and variance. Commissioner Friel stated the
Planning Commission cannot review these requests without
knowing how the access question will be answered. Duggan
stated he would be in favor of granting the rezoning request.
Commissioner Tilsen stated the Planning Commission needs to
have more information regarding grading, wetland setbacks and
elevations before the Commission can consider the rezoning
request. He stated minimal information has been submitted and
the Commission needs to know they are not creating a problem
by recommending the rezoning of this property.
In response to a direction from Vice Chair Duggan, Mr. Lentsch
stated he would provide the City with copies of the driveway
plans which were provided to the Kensington Manor Homes
Association to the City staff.
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Commissioner Friel moved to continue the public hearing on the
rezoning, variance and wetlands permit request until the
Planning Commission August meeting and to recommend that the
City Council give consideration to providing access through
condemnation via Brookfield Drive.
Vice Chair Duggan seconded the motion.
Mr. Lentsch stated he would like to discuss with Planner Uban
the expansion of the driveway and get more accurate
information on the wetland boundaries.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder informed the Commission of
City Council action on previous planning cases.
Vice Chair Duggan suggested that City staff provide Mr. John
Mathern, of Mendota Homes, with a list of information Mr.
Mathern is required to submit for proper review of his
request. Commissioner Friel stated computations on impervious
surface area and net project area should be provided by Mr.
Mathern. Batchelder further stated that Council has requested
information regarding a market study on the demand for daycare
in this area and traffic patterns.
Vice Chair Duggan briefly commended Commissioner Koll and
Administrative Assistant Batchelder on their efforts in
coordinating the recent Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks!
There being no further business, the Planning Commission moved
to adjourn its meeting at 9:17 o'clock P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary