1995-06-27 Planning Comm Minutes�ILANNING COMMISSION MINUTES
JUNE 27, 1995
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, June 27, 1995, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve.
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 o'clock P.M. The following members
were present: Dwyer, Koll, Betlej, Lorberbaum, Tilsen. Commissioners Friel and
Duggan were excused. Also present were Engineer Marc Mogan, Planning
Consultant John Uban, Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder and Senior
Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Commissioner Koll moved approval of the May 23, 1995 minutes with
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 95-09:
Mrs. LuDelia Palmer, of 675 Ivy Falls Court, was present to discuss her
request for a Wetlands Permit which would allow the installation of a fence,
within 100 feet of Ivy Falls Creek, in her rear yard. The proposed fence will
be split rail with wire mesh backing and 48 inches in height.
Ms. Palmer stated that her intentions are to keep her pets inside her
property without obstructing her view of the creek. She explained that the
fence will be installed entirely on the mowed area in her rear yard and that
landscaping will be installed.
Chair Dwyer stated that all signatures of consent have been received. Mrs.
Palmer informed the Commission that her neighbor had recently moved and
that she has been in contact with the new owners. Mrs. Palmer stated that
her new neighbors have verbally agreed with her proposed fence
Chair Dwyer moved to waive the public hearing.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
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Mrs. Palmer informed the Commission that a professional survey will be
completed prior to the installation of the fence.
Commissioner Lorberbaum inquired about the 10 site plan requirements for a
Wetlands Permit process. Planner Uban explained that a number of the
conditions do not apply because the Wetlands Permit request is for the
installation of a fence. Commissioner Lorberbaum stated, according to the
Wetlands Permit process, that a time period for completion of the
development including timing for staging of development is required. Mrs.
Palmer stated that she hopes to begin the fence installation in mid July.
Planner Uban informed Mrs. Palmer that a fence permit is required.
Commissioner Koll stated that a survey is needed. She stated that Mrs.
Palmer's new neighbors need to submit their consensus in writing.
Commissioner Koll moved to recommend that the City Council approve the
Wetlands Permit which would allow the construction of a 48 inch high, split
rail with wire mesh backing fence within 50 feet of Ivy Falls Creek
conditioned upon Mrs. Palmer receiving a professional survey.
Chair Dwyer seconded the motion.
Commissioner Lorberbaum offered a friendly amendment stating that
construction of the fence by completed by September 1, 1995.
Commissioner Koll and Chair Dwyer accepted the Friendly Amendment.
CASE NO. 95-02:
Chair Dwyer explained that at the City Council's request, the Planning
Commission considered some changes to the Athletic Stadium Ordinance
that were submitted by the City Attorney and St. Thomas Academy. Chair
Dwyer explained that in April, a sub -committee of Commissioner Friel and
himself were directed to meet with City Attorney Tom Hart to discuss
suggested changes to the proposed Ordinance.
Dwyer explained that in May, the Committee met and a revised ordinance
was drafted.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder explained that Commissioner Friel was
concerned about adding this use within the "I" District. Batchelder
explained that Commissioner Friel feels that allowing Athletic Stadiums in
the R-1 and B-3 Districts are sufficient.
Batchelder explained that three amendments have been proposed in the
draft Ordinance:
1. Section 7.2(11) has been added to those uses listed as Conditional
Uses in Section 7.2 of the R-1 - One Family Residential District.
2. Section 19.2(14) has been added to those uses listed as Conditional
Uses in Section 19.2 of the I - Industrial District.
3. Section 21.6 has been created defining standards for Athletic
Commissioner Tilsen inquired where a trade school might be located.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder responded it is a permitted use within
the "I" - District. Tilsen stated that trade schools are not allowed in the R-1
and B-3 Districts. He stated that by eliminating the Athletic Stadium as a
Conditional Use within the "I" District, then trade schools (which are an
allowed use in the "I" - District) are not allowed to have an Athletic
Chair Dwyer stated that Commissioner Friel's concerns regarding "I" District
Athletic Stadiums was not discussed during the sub -committee meeting in
May. Chair Dwyer inquired if St. Thomas Academy, Visitation and ISD No.
197 were informed of tonight's discussion on Athletic Stadiums. Batchelder
responded yes.
Commissioner Lorberbaum pointed out that under the proposed Athletic
Stadium Ordinance, stadiums are not allowed if it is not associated with a
Commissioner Betlej stated that the Ordinance should have guidelines
regarding the quality of materials an athletic stadium should be constructed
Commissioner Koll concurred with Commissioner Lorberbaurn and stated
that private enterprises should not be excluded from the ordinance.
Commissioner Betlej concurred. Chair Dwyer pointed out that the MIST
proposal, years back, proposed a soccer stadium, and that under the
proposed Athletic Stadium Ordinance, it would not be allowed.
Chair Dwyer moved that discussion regarding the Athletic Stadium
Ordinance be tabled until the sub -committee of Commissioner Friel, City
Attorney Tom Hart and himself can meet to discuss issues regarding the
Industrial District and Quality/Exterior materials concerns.
T R A! Z A L n
Chair Dwyer explained that the May 23, 1995 meeting, the Planning
Commission continued the public hearing on the Tharaldson Enterprises
application for a Conditional Use Permit for Restaurant in the "I" Zoning
District. He explained that the hearing was continued to allow
representatives from the Heritage Inn an opportunity to prepare additional
materials regarding restaurant operations, liquor service, parking and public
use. He explained that the Planning Commission also directed staff to
review the terms and conditions of the original Conditional Use Permit
Chair Dwyer explained that during staff's review, it was discovered that
after the original site plan was approved by the Planning Commission in
1993, Tharaldson Development returned a few months later with a revised
building plan that was approved by the City Council. He explained that the
revisions included a spa, a kitchen, eight additional hotel rooms and a
second elevator.
Chair Dwyer stated that according to Mr. David Toay, Manager of Bon
Appetit, the hours of operation will be:
Breakfast - 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - Monday -Sunday
Lunch - 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Monday -Sunday
Dinner - 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Monday -Saturday
Dinner - 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Sunday only
Chair Dwyer stated that Mr. Toay has indicated that no signs will be
necessary as the opening of the restaurant to the public will be marketed
through personalized company invitations and announcements.
Chair Dwyer stated that the Heritage Inn will be requesting and applying for
an On Sale Strong Beer and Wine License for the Heritage Cafe. Dwyer
explained that Mr. Gartland has indicated that wine and beer will be sold in
the Cafe only and will be available for lunch, dinner and a 4:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. social hour Monday- Friday. Chair Dwyer inquired if the kitchen meets
health requirements.
Mr. Gartland explained that Mr. Gill, Mendota Heights City Inspector, had
been out to inspect the structure and that some minor changes need to be
Chair Dwyer explained that Mr. Gartland conducted a parking study
between June 2 and June 8 and that the count was done during the hours
of 4:00 a.m. and Midnight. Dwyer stated that the study indicated an
average of 35 parked cars per day. Overall, 29 percent of occupied rooms
have a vehicle in the lot. Mr. Gartland informed the Commission that 2 vans
transport NWA employees.
In response to a question from Chair Dwyer, Mr. Gartland stated that there
is seating for 44 in the main dining room and 24 in the second dining room
(which is used for mostly catering functions). Gartland explained that
according to City Inspector Gill, a maximum of 50 people in the main dining
room is allowed and 28 people in the second dining room. Mr. Gartland
stated that there are presently 73 parking spaces available and that the
proposed restaurant would require 26 spaces.
In response to a question from Commission (Coll, Mr. Gartland stated that
peak periods for parking purposes are early morning hours and late night
hours. Mr. Gartland stated there are 45 employees at the Heritage Inn. He
explained that the daily average of employees is 15.
Mr. Gartland informed the Commission that it was a corporate decision by
the Marriott to close their restaurant. He informed the Commission that the
Courtyard's local management would have liked to keep the restaurant
Commissioner Koll stated that she believes the restaurant will be a success
and that she is concerned that there will not be enough parking available to
thepublic. Mr. Gartland responded that he has discussed, with Courtyard
Management, that the Marriott's parking lot could be used for overflow
parking. Commissioner Tilsen stated that if the Heritage Inn is successful,
another company may want open a restaurant next door. Commissioner
Tilsen stated that the Planning Commission cannot count on the Heritage
Inn's neighbor (Courtyard by Marriott) parking lot available for overflow
parking. Mr. Gartland responded that the restaurant is for a "captive
audience", not so much to get into the restaurant business.
The Planning Commission discussed that 143 parking spaces are needed for
both a public hotel and public restaurant and that there are 73 existing
spaces. They discussed the proof -of -parking to be at 44. It was noted that
the Heritage Inn is 26 spaces short. Commissioner Betlej stated that 26 is
based on the formula for seating capacity in the restaurant. Betlej
calculated 73 existing spaces, with 26 spaces needed for the restaurant,
leaving 47 spaces available for hotel parking. Commissioner Tilsen stated
that it is difficult for the City to limit the Conditional Use Permit for 10
years, or when the lease becomes void. Commissioner Betlej reminded the
Planning Commission of City Resolution No. 93-73A which stipulates a
specific condition for the removal of the restaurant should the hotel go
In response to a question from Commission Betlej, Mr. Gartland explained
that the service drive for rubbish and deliveries is located on the east side of
the building and that the parking lot is not used.
A brief discussion was held regarding the proposed liquor policy.
Commissioner Lorberbaum stated that the Planning Commission was under
the impression that lunch was only going to be served and now dinner has
been added. Lorberbaum noted the calculation for seating capacity is
confusing and she asked for clarification. Commissioner Betlej informed the
Commission that he conducted a parking study on a Sunday at 8:51 A.M.
He stated there were 44 cars in the lot. He noted his concern in how the
Inn will be able to accommodate parking. He inquired if Mr. Gartland
intends to hire additional employees. Mr. Gartland responded maybe two.
Mr. Toay, of Bon Appetit, stated that the lunch period is only two hours
long. He stated that they want an opportunity to do more business and that
66 people will not come to the restaurant at one time. He stated that the
restaurant will have clientele from word of mouth. Mr. Toay stated that
clientele come and go and that parking should not be a problem.
Chair Dwyer stated that he is troubled with two issues: liquor license and
parking availability to the public.
Mr. Ken Scheel, Tharaldson Enterprises, suggested that an interim condition
be considered. He suggested that the parking situation should be watched
and that if it becomes problematic, then the proof -of -parking should be
implemented. He stated that if they thought parking was needed, they
would build it.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired how does the City ensure that off street
parking will not occur. Mr. Scheel stated that this restaurant will not be
making a significant amount of money. He stated that a condition could be
placed which would allow the restaurant to build clientele for six months.
He stated that at the end of six months, if there is a problem, then the
proof -of -parking would be installed.
Chair Dwyer inquired about foot traffic from the Marriott. He noted his
concern during winter time. Mr. Scheel stated that the original plans with
Marriott was to construct a walkway between the two hotels. He explained
that at that time, the ADA required the construction of a ramp. He stated
the ADA requirements are not as strict and that steps and railings can be
Chair Dwyer opened the meeting to the public.
There was no one present to discuss this request.
Commissioner Tilsen moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion.
Commissioner Betlej moved to recommend that the City Council approve the
Conditional Use Permit for a Restaurant in the Industrial District conditioned
upon the following:
1 That the City may request the implementation of the proof -of -parking
at any time.
2. That all requirements of the Code Enforcement Department be
completed and approved prior to going to the City Council.
Chair Dwyer seconded the motion and included a third condition:
3. That a walkway be installed between the Marriott and Heritage.
Commissioner Lorberbaum offered another condition requiring an easement
from Marriott to allow overflow parking. The Commission discussed this
condition and Commissioner Koll amended the condition as follows:
4. That a written agreement for overflow parking between the Marriott
and Heritage Inn be submitted.
CASE NO. 95-06:
Mr. Greg Kincaid and Mr. Woody Woodruff, representing MnDOT, were
present to discuss their request for a Conditional Use Permit for Accessory
Structure in the Industrial Zone which would allow the construction of a Salt
Storage building at 2229 Pilot Knob Road.
Chair Dwyer stated that Planner Uban has raised numerous concerns and in
particular, the property lines have not been properly defined. Mr. Woodruff
stated that the property lines have been defined on the plans and that they
are not constructing the building outside of their property lines.
Commissioner Koll inquired about water run-off. Mr. Woodruff explained
that the water drains from the parking lot to the catch basins to the pond.
He explained that the salt hydrates out of the water before it spills over the
Commissioner Tilsen stated that the topography from the County is different
than what MnDOT has submitted. He stated that the existing pond is
shown to be larger than the proposed pond on the site plan. Mr. Kincaid
stated that the size of the pond has decreased and that the depth of the
pond has increased by three feet. Commissioner Tilsen noted his concern
that the NURP pond standards are not being followed properly. Mr.
Woodruff stated that the pond is shelved twelve feet wide around the edge
for maintenance equipment accessibility. Mr. Kincaid stated that the
maximum depth is at 5 1/2 feet and that the overflow has been designed for
a 100 year storm at eight feet. Engineer Mogan stated the deeper the pond,
the better for water quality.
Commissioner Tilsen stated that the property line depiction is not accurate
and that he is concerned about private property to the north and the trail to
the west. Mr. Woodruff stated that there is a silt fence on the west and
north and that they have been in contact with Acacia Cemetery.
In response to a question from Commissioner Lorberbaum, Planner Uban
stated that the landscape plan, dimension plan and site plan show different
parking configurations. He further stated that no property lines or setbacks
are depicted. He stated that he is concerned that the pavement is moving
closer to Acacia Cemetery. Mr. Woodruff responded that the bituminous
pavement is only being expanded to the south, not towards the north and
In response to a question from Commissioner Betlej regarding slope
maintenance, Planner Uban stated that the steep slopes are proposed and
that some are being regraded. He stated he is unclear if a typical seed mix
will be used to control the erosion. He stated that this information has not
been specified on the plans. Commissioner Betlej stated he does not want
to see this area overgrown with vegetation. Planner Uban explained that
natural prairie grass has been used in corporate settings and can be done
with proper maintenance. He stated that this would difficult to maintain if
the slopes stay steep.
Commissioner Betlej stated that the south boundary lines should have
border plantings. He stated that the height of the trees should be upgrade
to City standards. He stated that additional landscaping should be
considered. He informed MnDOT of the City's high quality industrial park
and that aesthetics are an important quality of the industrial park.
Regarding the slope issue, Mr. Kincaid stated that the slope closest to
Acacia Cemetery has been cut from 1:1 slope to a 4:1 slope. He stated
that lawn equipment can access this area. He stated that seeding will be
done this fall. Mr. Kincaid stated that a two foot berm with plantings is
Chair Dwyer stated that MnDOT is moving a lot of dirt and that an
Conditional Use Permit is needed. Mr. Woodruff stated that MnDOT
received permission from City staff to move dirt during the Mendota Bridge
Commissioner Betlej moved to table MnDOT's request for a Conditional Use
Permit for Accessory Structure until July 25, 1995 at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
which would allow MnDOT time to prepare additional information as per City
Planner's Report dated June 27, 1995:
1 Revise Dimension, Landscape and Grading Plans to show property
lines, building location, paving pattern, holding pond, erosion control
and pond access.
2. MnDOT should provide detailed turf establishment specifications and
details for steel slope areas.
3. Additional screening is needed along Acacia Cemetery and along the
west side next to Sibley Memorial Highway and Regional Trail. All
plant material to be sized to meet City Ordinance requirements.
Chair Dwyer called a recess at 9:21 o'clock P.M.
Chair Dwyer reconvened the meeting at 9:30 o'clock P.M.
CASE NO. 95-11:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNamara, of 2371 Swan Drive, were present to
discuss their request for a Conditional Use Permit and Variance which would
allow them to construct a 384 square foot accessory storage structure
approximately 15 feet from Lake Drive.
Mr. McNamara explained that there is an existing 7' by 9' shed with a 6' by
6' adjoining shed that they would like to replace with a 16' by 24' shed for
storage of yard and recreational equipment in his back yard.
Commissioner Tilsen stated that additional information is needed regarding
structure details on the doors, architectural designs, compatibility with the
house, color and a door apron. Mr. McNamara stated that a standard
garage door is proposed. Mrs. McNamara stated that they intend to match
the shed with the color of their house (a neutral color). She stated that the
Planner suggested matching the shed with the surrounding trees and that
they do not have a problem with this suggestion. She stated that they
would like to have the option to paint the shed a color that is agreeable with
their neighbors. She stated they would like to match their house.
In response to a question from Commissioner Tilsen, Mrs. McNamara stated
that the shed is the style of a garage. She stated that there is a limitation
on how high the roof can be.
Regarding the setback location, Mr. McNamara stated that a pre existing
condition exists and that constructing a new shed will not harm the tree
root line and that he would like to keep the shed setback at 15 feet.
Commissioner Tilsen stated that Planner Uban suggests an 18 foot setback.
Mr. McNamara stated that a slab already exists and that he would like to
use it.
Regarding the proposed shed door, Mrs. McNamara stated that door will
face the house, not the street. She stated she would prefer an apron
instead of grass in front of the shed. She stated it will be much easier to
move tractor equipment and bicycles in and out of the shed. She stated
that they will preserve the existing vegetation and add some on the north
side of the yard.
In response to a question from Commissioner Lorberbaum, Planner Uban
stated that he would prefer to see the shed not look like a garage. He
stated that a future owner may be tempted to use the shed as a garage. He
stated there are several ideas the McNamara's can pursue to make the shed
match their house.
Commissioner Betlej concurred with Planner Uban. He stated that the shed
does not look like a part of their home. He stated that the McNamara's
should research different architectural ideas. He stated that in the long run,
the McNamara's will be happier with the consistency between the house
and shed and that more value will be added to the property.
In response to a question from Commissioner Betlej, Planner Uban stated
that he is concerned that the footprint of the building will compact and may
destroy the tree roots and that is why he suggested an 18' setback instead
of a 15' foot setback.
Commissioner Koll stated that the existing shed is well hidden and the new
shed will be well hidden also. She stated that a garage door makes the
shed look like a garage. She inquired if they will be using a garage door
opener. Mrs. McNamara stated they are considering this option. She stated
a garage door opener would be an easier way for her children to access the
shed for their bicycles.
Commissioner Betlej suggested that the McNamara's consider increasing the
pitch of the roof and a large overhang to match the house.
Chair Dwyer opened the meeting to the public.
There was no one present to discuss this request.
Chair Dwyer moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion.
Commissioner Koll moved to recommend that the City Council approve a
Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Structure and a Front Yard Setback
Variance of twelve feet (12') to allow construction of a 384 square foot
storage shed, as proposed, and to be located eighteen feet (18') from the
property line with the following condition:
1 That the architectural design of the shed be revised to match the
existing structure and that revised sketch elevations be submitted to
the City Council for approval.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 95-12:
Mr. Edward Paster, owner of Mendota Mail, and Mr. Patrick Soeun, owner
of Mendota Liquor, located at 750 Highway 110, were present to discuss
their request for a Conditional Use Permit which would allow the operation
of a liquor store in the B-4 District.
Mr. Paster explained that he and Mr. Soeun, appeared before the City'
Council on June 6, 1995 to request a liquor licenses for the new liquor store
in the Mendota Plaza that will be approximately 1/2 the size of the old MGM
Liquor store. He explained that before the second reading of the liquor
license approval City staff found that a Conditional Use Permit was needed.
Mr. Paster stated that MGM Liquor has been closed approximately 1 1/2
years and the ordinance requires that there be a new Conditional Use Permit
after a period of non-use for longer than six months.
A brief discussion was held regarding hours of operations and where signs
will be located. It was noted that Mr. Soeun is aware of the City's Liquor
Ordinance requirements for hours of operation. Mr. Paster stated that there
will be signs above the liquor store door and on the Mendota Plaza pylon.
In response to a question from Commissioner Betlej, Mr. Paster stated that
there will be landscaping improvements done to the center including an
irrigation system with the parking lot project.
Chair Dwyer opened the meeting to the public.
There was no one present to discuss this request.
Chair Dwyer moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion.
Commissioner Lorberbaum moved to recommend that the City Council
approve the Conditional Use Permit for a liquor store in the B-4 District.
Commissioner Koll seconded the motion.
CASE NO. 95-10:
ME7dX4T,k HEIGHTS Pi,"�R 3 -
Mr. Michael Cashill and Mr. Allen Spaulding, owners of Mendota Heights Par
3 Golf Course, located at 1695 Dodd Road, were present to discuss their
request for a sign size variance and setback variance.
Chair Dwyer stated that the Zoning Ordinance allows one name plate sign
for a Use other than residential such that the sign does not exceed 12
square feet in area per surface. He further stated that the preexisting sign
had 35 square feet per surface and the proposed new sign has 48 square
feet per surface. Chair Dwyer inquired about practical difficulty and
Mr. Cashill stated that the R-1 District rules are for single family homes. He
stated that sign regulations were established in the R-1 District to regulate
signs such as real estate signs. He stated that the Mendota Heights Par 3 is
a business which operates in the R-1 District and that a larger sign is
needed because it is a business. He stated that sign has been there for 33
years. He stated that the new sign was installed using the old posts. He
explained that the size was expanded six inches on all sides and lowered 12
Mr. Cashill explained that they researched setting the sign back further onto
their property. He stated that if the sign were placed back further, the sight
lines would be screened because of the parking lot. He stated that if the
sign were moved further to the north, then it would be in the tee box or
practice green area.
Mr. Spaulding stated there were two existing signs and that one was
removed. He stated the new sign is nearly identical to the old sign. He
stated the new sign is a subtle sign for business advertisement. He
explained that the old sign was in poor condition and that they considered
re -painting it, however, it was rotted. He stated that they would consider
any other proposal, but that the old posts already existed.
Mr. Spaulding stated that the sign is 7 feet high and that they intend to
landscape around the sign. Commissioner Koll stated that the sign is dark
and subtle. She suggested that bright flowers may be more appropriate
than greenery around the sign.
Commissioner Betlej inquired if MnDOT has any plans to widen Dodd Road.
He stated that if the road is widened, then the placement of the sign may
become a safety issue. He inquired who has the right to condemn the sign.
Planner Uban responded MnDOT would condemn the sign and that it would
have to be replaced, under that scenario.
Chair Dwyer stated that the owners of Par 3 have set a bad precedent in
that commercial property owners can put up signs and appeal for variances
if they are caught. Mr. Cashill stated that the sign has existed for 33 years
and that the square footage is only slightly larger. He stated that a 4' by 6'
sign was taken down and that the 5' by 7' sign was replaced with a 6' by
8' sign. He stated that both signs were in terrible shape. He stated that
they considered repainting the signs but felt that replacement would be
Commissioner Tilsen stated that their request was a reasonable request. He
inquired if the red neon sign in the window is turned off at night. Mr.
Spaulding responded that a complaint had been received and that the
manager is now responsible in turning off the neon light.
Commissioner Lorberbaum stated that the improvements have been
excellent and that there is a clear view of traffic. She inquired if the two
green poles from the old sign, which was removed, will be taken down. Mr.
Spaulding stated that the poles will be removed.
Chair Dwyer opened the meeting to the public.
Mr. Jim Gryc, Evergreen Knolls, stated that he owns the house on Dodd
Road and that the driveway access is to Dodd Road. He stated that the old
sign screened the view from the driveway and that he is glad the old sign
has been removed and that now the poles will be removed. He stated that
the new sign is great and that it is subtle. He stated that the new owners
of the golf course have done a nice job with the improvements to the
Chair Dwyer moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
Commissioner Lorberbaum moved to recommend that the City Council grant
a sign size variance and a sign setback variance to Mendota Heights Par 3
Golf Course with a proven hardship being that visible signage is needed in
order for the business to operate and that the combined total square feet of
signs has been reduced with the condition that the 2 poles next to the
driveway on Dodd Road be removed.
Chair Dwyer seconded the motion.
Commissioner Betlej offered another condition that a 25 square foot of
landscaping be installed around the sign.
Commissioner Lorberbaum and Chair Dwyer accepted the friendly
Administrative Assistant Batchelder updated the Planning Commission on
City Council actions regarding recent planning cases.
There being no further business, the Planning Commission moved to adjourn
its meeting at 10:30 o'clock P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary