2001-01-23 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 23, 2001 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, January 23, 2001, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chair Duggan, and Commissioners Betlej, Koll, and Lorberbaum. The following Commissioners were absent: McManus and Friel. Also present were Public Works Director James Danielson, Planner Stephen Grittman, Administrative Assistant Patrick Hollister and Cheryl Wallat, Recording Secretary. Chair Duggan noted that Jack Vitelli is now serving on the City Council. WELCOME TO CITY ADMINISTRATOR CARI LINDBERG Chair Duggan welcomed Cari Lindberg and congratulated her on her many accomplishments as well as her appointment to the position of City Administrator. Commissioners Betlej, Koll and Lorberbaum welcomed Administrator Lindberg as well. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Duggan suggested that if Commission members are unable to attend the meeting and wish to make changes to the minutes that they call or fax in their changes prior to the meeting. The following changes were made to the November 28, 2000, Planning Commission Minutes: Page 2, last paragraph, Sentence 1: Planner Grittman explained how the house height could be redesigned into compliance, however, noting staff recommends approval of the variance with the condition that evergreen trees be planned southeast of the house to filter the view of the house from Orchard Hill. Page 2, last paragraph, Sentence 2: He noted that while the applicant has worked with the existing topography by stepping down the roof line of the house, the house is still unable to meet the building height limitation because of the slope of the land. Page 4, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1: Commissioner Vitelli stated his concurrence with that calculation for the mean elevation and supported of the plan as presented. 1 01/23/01 Page 6, Paragraph 9, Sentence 1: Mr. Spanjers stated the trees in the area of the building pad are popular poplar and cannot be saved. Commissioner Betlej moved to approve the minutes of the November 28, 2000 meeting as amended. Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motion. AYES: 3 NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 1 (Koll) CASE NO. #01 -01: STEVEN CARLSON, CARLSON & HARRINGTON FOR SPRINT PCS, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR CELLULAR ANTENNA 1897 DELAWARE AVENUE Chair Duggan explained this was a public hearing for the purpose of discussion on Sprint PCS' application for a Conditional Use Permit to add to its cellular telephone antenna array mounted on Sibley High School at 1897 Delaware Avenue. Planner Grittman reviewed the Planning Case with the Commission and noted that Sprint PCS has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to add to its cellular telephone antennae, which is currently mounted on Sibley High School. The property currently has cellular antenna mounts for both Sprint PCS and other carriers. The facility includes a rooftop mount as well as wall mounts on the east and west sides of the building. Planner Grittman explained that the application proposes to add an additional wall mount installation on the north wall to complete a 360 - degree coverage from this site. He noted that the roof mounted equipment platform will remain. Planner Grittman stated that the purpose of the change is to switch the type of service this installation provides from a hard hand -off site to a soft hand -off site. This change will result in more reliable service and is brought about by the advancement in technology, which no longer requires a split in Sprint's coverage of the metro area. Planner Grittman explained that the antenna installation will consist of four panels, each 6 inches wide and 42 inches tall which will be painted to simulate the building's brick exterior. Planner Grittman recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit on the conditions that the applicant execute a lease with the School District and comply with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance sections regulating such facilities, including Section 21.6. He noted that the ordinance is designed to support camouflaged building locations such as this and the applicant has 01/23/01 agreed to construct the facility to comply with the conditions stated in the City's regulations. No separate tower, group equipment installation or screening is necessary as a result of the proposal. Commissioner Lorberbaum questioned that because the applicant already has some antennae on the site, will they have to comply with 21.6 which requires that antennae within two miles be listed along with proposed plans for the next five years. Planner Grittman explained the applicant's letter outlines their plans for the site. In addition, this is considered an existing installation, which is being modified. Steve Carlson, Sprint PCS, addressed the Commission. He reviewed the history of the site in which advancing technology no longer requires a hard hand-off line, therefore, it is the intent of Sprint PCS to install a soft hand-off line. This modification to the site will result in more reliable service. Mr. Carlson noted this will simply be adding a third sector, facing 0 degrees north. He displayed a photograph of the site and pointed out the location of the proposed third sector. Mr. Carlson explained that he did attend a school board meeting on January 22, 2001. Sprint PCS currently has a 25-year lease with the School District. This lease is being amended to include the third sector. Chair Duggan inquired as to the response Mr. Carlson received from the School District. Mr. Carlson related that the school board response was favorable, however, the board will be investigating matters related to compensation. Mr. Carlson noted that the School District's approval is contingent on the approval of the City Council. Commissioner Koll asked whether evolving technology would have an impact on the existing ground equipment and whether it would be possible to remove some of the existing, large ground equipment. Mr. Carlson stated that he did not foresee any change in this area. He noted that the new equipment will be approximately 12-inches taller than the existing equipment. Chair Duggan asked for questions and comments from the audience. There being no questions or comments, Commissioner Lorberbaum moved that the hearing be closed. Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 Commissioner Lorberbaum moved to recommend approval of Case No. 01-01, a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Cellular Antenna subject to the conditions specified by the City Planner. Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 3 01/23/01 CASE NO. #01-02: NATHAN WARD, NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CO-LOCATION OF A WIRELESS ANTENNA 1168 NORTHLAND DRIVE (NORTHLAND DRIVE & HIGHWAY 55) Chair Duggan explained this was a public hearing for the purpose of discussion on Nextel's application for a Conditional Use Permit to mount nine panel antennae on the AT&T monopole located at Northland Drive and Highway 55, just north of 1-494. Planner Grittman reviewed the Planning Case with the Commission and noted Nextel has applied for a Conditional Use Pennit to amount nine panel antennae on the AT&T monopole. The parcel is owned by the City of Mendota Heights and the original tower was approved in 1995. The antennae would be mounted below the AT&T antennae, which will be currently placed at the top of the tower at 125 feet. There are no other changes being proposed if AT&T's application to raise the tower is approved. Planner Grittman explained that changes would be made to the site plan to accommodate an additional equipment building, however, setback variances would not be necessary as a result of the new Conditional Use Permit application. Planner Grittman recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the conditions that the applicant execute a Development Agreement acceptable to the City, comply with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance sections regulating such facilities, including Section 21.6, and provide appropriate site plan data illustrating the ground equipment area and building design. Commissioner Betlej asked whether the equipment shelter meets the setback requirements. Planner Grittman commented that a variance was being granted for the setbacks. Chair Duggan recalled that that issue had been discussed at a previous meeting. Public Works Director Danielson noted that there is a wide easement between the building and the development. This easement contains underground gas lines. He pointed out that the equipment shelter does meet the setback requirements. Nathan Ward, Nextel, was in attendance. Commissioner Lorberbaum noted there is a provision in the ordinance, which requires plans for the next five years. She asked why Nextel does not have plans for additional installations other than those depicted on the diagram. Mr. Ward noted will be no need for additional installations. Commissioner Lorberbaum noted that the diagram reflects dramatic improvement with the tower. She questioned whether this is an indication of no coverage or poor coverage in that particular area. 4 01/23/01 Mr. Ward explained there is poor in -car coverage, fairly good on- street coverage and in- building coverage needs to be addressed. Commissioner Lorberbaum addressed the issue of landscaping. She stated it appears there is room for some shrubbery within the equipment area. She asked whether Nextel would be willing to plant some shrubbery in this area. Mr. West stated that with the room that is available, Nextel would be happy to landscape. Chair Duggan recalled a discussion with AT &T in the fall of 2000 in which AT &T agreed to improve the landscaping at the site. Commissioner Lorberbaum asked what will happen to the ground between the AT &T equipment and the Nextel equipment. Mr. West explained that the lease defines the area that AT &T is responsible for. The leased premises are controlled by AT &T and will be expanded to include Nextel within the leased premises. Mr. Ward stated that Nextel would be happy to be responsible for additional landscaping and would also be willing to participate with AT &T in that regard. He pointed out that the western portion of the property is a utility easement and plantings would not be done in this area. Commissioner Betlej noted that the antennae are 110 feet in height. He asked what the amount of separation between the AT &T and Nextel antennae would be. Mr. Ward stated that both companies agreed a 15 -foot vertical separation would be best. He explained that the top of the pole is 125feet. The AT &T antennae are located at 120 feet and the Nextel antennae are located at 105 feet resulting in a vertical separation of 15 to 16 feet. Commissioner Betlej asked that given the direction of technology would it be favorable to place the antennae at the minimal separation. Mr. Ward noted that would not be their preference, however, it could be done. Commissioner Betlej commented that if minimal separation where used, there may be a higher probability that another tenant could be added to the tower. Mr. Ward did not feel the probability would change that significantly. He noted that other providers operate at much different frequencies. In addition, Verizon Wireless is the only other carrier, which operates at similar frequencies and they are currently located in close proximity. Mr. Ward commented that taking that into consideration, with the 15 to 16 feet of separation, it is very likely that another provider could be accommodated. Commissioner Lorberbaum asked whether the equipment can be easily raised and lowered. Mr. Ward stated that would require significant site modification to move the antennae and once they are operational, it would be difficult to move them. Commissioner Koll questioned what the effect is of being located below AT &T. She asked whether this would reduce Nextel' s coverage or increase the need for other antennae. Mr. Ward explained 5 01/23/01 that a few feet of difference would not have a significant impact, however, the reason for the separation is to avoid any possibility of frequency interference. Commissioner Koll asked for the weight of the antennas. Mr. Ward explained there are nine panel antennas and they weigh approximately 23 pounds each. Rod Warren, Project Manager, Nextel, explained that the panel mounts, antenna weights and line sizes are sent to the pole manufacturer. An analysis is done on the pole whereby the extension of the pole and the existing foundation are taken into account. The completed analysis is returned to Nextel. Mr. Warren noted that process has taken place and it has been deteimiined that the pole can accommodate the additional weight. Chair Duggan asked for questions and comments from the audience. There being no questions or comments, Commissioner Lorberbaum moved that the hearing be closed. Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 Commissioner Betlej moved to recommend approval Case No. 01 -02: Conditional Use Permit for a Co- Location of a Wireless Antenna subject to the conditions recommended by the City Planner and subject to the height of the tower actually being extended by AT &T. Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 VERBAL REVIEW Chair Duggan requested a verbal review of the matters, which were submitted to the City Council for their consideration. Public Works Director Danielson informed the Commission of Council action taken on recent planning cases. Chair Duggan noted that on the house that was added on the corner in the Carmen Court subdivision has a deck that may be encroaching into the rear yard setbacks. Public Works Director Danielson stated that he will have the Code Enforcement Officer look into that matter. Chair Duggan also noted that he drove down through the Augusta home area, which is being developed. He noticed that the slopes are perhaps not as steep as initially thought. ADJOURNMENT 6 01/23/01 There being no further business, the Planning Commission, Commissioner Betlej moved to adjourn its meeting at 8:15 p.m. Commissioner Lorberbaum Chair Duggan seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Wallat, Recording Secretary Time Saver Off Site Secretarial, Inc. 7 01/23/01