2001-04-10 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
APRIL 10, 2001
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was held on Tuesday,
April 10, 2001, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was
called to order at 7:37 p.m.
The following commissioners were present: Chair Lorberbaum, and Commissioners Betlej,
Dolan Friel, Bruce McManus, and Marina McManus. The following Commissioner was
excused: Commissioner Hesse. Also present were Councilmember Vitelli, Councilmember
Schneeman, Public Works Director Danielson and Heidi Guenther, Recording Secretary.
Chair Lorberbaum introduced John Kari to the Commission. Mr. Kari thanked the Commission
for their time and began a presentation on smart growth and building communities that work
within the metropolitan area. He noted smart growth began years ago with comprehensive
planning and strategic planning and has turned into smart growth. Mr. Kari stated the Met
Council is addressing how the region should grow. He indicated this affects the urban core,
developed suburbs, developing suburbs, and agriculture.
Mr. Kari reviewed the population of the metro area for the year 2000. He noted Mendota
Heights increased in population by 2,053 or 21.9$. Mr. Kari noted the City is almost fully
developed. Mr. Kari reviewed the top five cities in regional growth and stated the source of
growth is the number of children that stay within the metropolitan area. He indicated the other
source of growth is net migration.
Mr. Kari reviewed demographics changes in the population. He stated the number of empty
nesters is going to double by the year 2010. Mr. Kari indicated this increase will create a
demand for assisted living, townhomes and condos. He noted this will lead to placemaking for
the City of Mendota Heights.
Mr. Kari noted the infrastructure designed in the past and today will effect for future of the
community. He explained the design in growth must address the mixes of uses needed,
transportation and pedestrian traffic. Mr. Kari indicated the cities must design from the bottom
up and the top down. He noted each community has a sense of place, spirit, and mix of uses.
Mr. Kari explained mixed uses consist of housing, commercial and public realm. He indicated
smart growth integrates these harmoniously throughout the community through connected uses.
Mr. Kari reviewed several redesigned metropolitan areas such as New Brighton and Maple
Grove with the Commission. He indicated diverse retail uses are sometimes difficult to combine
but reviewed options of this combination. Mr. Kari stated commercial uses require parking
should be spread out to keep things interesting. He noted the Met Council is trying to build
communities that work and to have a sense of place.
Chair Lorberbaum thanked Mr. Kari for his presentation.
Commissioner Friel questioned if Manhattan was considered to be an example of smart growth.
Mr. Kari noted there is a sense of place within that area where design has met the functions of
the community.
Commissioner marina McManus asked how the city would know when the timing for the design
would be right. Mr. Kari stated there are many issues behind a redevelopment, but once a plan is
in place the City must commit to it and continue to apply it through future development. He
noted a smooth transition takes time but is well worth the time and effort put into the design.
Chair Lorberbaum introduced Carolyn Krall to the Commission. She asked Ms. Krall to explain
her involvement with the Town Center concept plan. Ms. Krall noted this project began in 1997
as a result of surveys about the needs of the community. She indicated areas that were
determined to be blight were considered for redevelopment. Ms. Krall reviewed the current state
of the site at Highway 110 and Dodd Road. She noted this area has been determined to be
blighted, and is proposed for redevelopment.
Ms. Krall indicated the City wanted to mix the retail/commercial and housing in the area to the
lower density properties around it. She noted the City wants to create a village feeling on this
23-acre parcel. Ms. Krall explained Mendota Heights has never had a downtown area and noted
this site would allow for a gathering place with green space and retail uses. She reviewed the
location of the wetlands and vegetation on this site.
Ms. Krall explained when she started working with the City, the council wanted to control the
development of this property and the percentage of retail versus housing. She indicated the City
has received funding from the Met Council for planning of this site. Ms. Krall stated focus
groups have been held with citizens to speak about public space, senior housing, etc. to address
the layout of the town center area.
Ms. Krall reviewed the current layout of the Town Center site. She noted the site would be
moving forward as a PUD requiring an amendment to the comprehensive plan. Ms. Kral].
indicated she is forecasting approval of this site by early fall. She explained the retail/office
space of this site would be roughly 60,000 square feet. Ms. Krall noted there would be
townhouse, condominiums, senior housing and apartments within the Town Center. She
explained the entire area would be connected to existing and future trails.
Commissioner Friel asked how the current businesses would be handled. Ms. Krall stated the
Tom Thumb and Fina have been in talks with the City. She noted Fina would have to be
removed during the redevelopment but that Tom Thumb may be able to stay put during the
development and then moved into new buildings in the future.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if the animal hospital would be relocated within this
development. Ms. Krall stated this structure would not be relocated due to the current state of
the building and investment that would be needed to rebuild this structure.
Commissioner Friel asked how signage would be proposed within this development and
questioned how the current traffic flow would be increased. Ms. Krall stated signage would be
review during the planning process to created guidelines. She noted the City has discussed not
allowing back-lit fluorescent signs. Ms. Krall added that traffic studies have been completed on
this site. She indicated the traffic could double in this area, with roughly 6,000 stops in this area
at peak times. Ms. Krall stated there were numerous entrances into the site to alleviate the
congestion in the residential areas.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if traffic was a concern along Delaware. Ms. Krall
indicated she is convinced traffic will take a right on Highway 110 and a right into the
development versus fighting traffic on Delaware.
Council member Vitelli indicated in reading comments from the public, numerous residents were
concerned about increasing traffic and the public safety along the frontage road near the school.
Commissioner Marina McManus asked for a projected mix of uses within the retail area. Ms.
Krall stated there could be a coffee shop, bagel shop, bakery, lunchtime deli uses, boutiques, dry
cleaning, florists, etc. She indicated there was very little small business sites within the City
stated this would be a good opportunity for growth in local businesses. Ms. Kral' stated the
seniors would also benefit from these local services.
Council Member Vitelli encouraged the Commissioners to review the feasibility study on the
Town Center concept. Public Works Director Danielson indicated the Commissioners were
provided with the executive summary and could review the feasibility study if requested.
Chair Lorberbaum asked how the citizens were updated on the Town Center progress. Ms. Krall
stated she has a database on citizens interested in this project and indicated she keeps them up do
date on this project. She noted residents are welcome to submit questions, comments, e- mails,
etc. to the City and all are submitted to her.
Ms. Krall reviewed several image boards showing green space, town squares, wetlands, rental
units, and townhomes. She state this information was presented to residents to gather feedback
on the likes and dislikes of the design and architecture within the Town Center.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if the architecture would be defined for this PUD. Ms.
Krall stated this would be laid out in the design guidelines to govern all development within this
site. She noted legal counsel was drafting a development agreement at this time, for the parcel.
Council Member Vitelli asked if this plan was in 3 -D at this time. Ms. Krall stated she does have
this capability at her office and noted it would be used for future sketches.
Commissioner Dolan asked how the trails would be incorporated within this development. He
questioned if pedestrians would be able to cross Dodd Road. Ms. Krall indicated all the
commercial areas would have sidewalks. She stated trails would also be incorporated within this
development with designated crosswalks.
Ms. Krall stated she has been in communication with MnDOT with regard to the intersection at
Dodd Road. She stated an island may be added in the middle of the roadway or stated a tunnel
could be pursued to cross under Dodd Road. She indicated the main concern with either of these
suggestions would be funding.
Ms. Krall reviewed the parking requirements within this development and stated the current
figures are five per thousand. She noted the standard for the City is seven thousand. Ms. Krall
explained this would be reviewed throughout the concept plan to meet the needs of all uses
within the retail /commercial area.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if Ms. Krall felt this area would be visible from Highway
110. Ms. Krall stated she felt this site would be inviting to those on Highway 110. She indicated
she felt the majority of traffic on Dodd Road would know where they are going and would not
require major signage.
Chair Lorberbaum asked when drainage issues would be addressed and if soil testing has been
done to check on suitability of various building on specific sites. Ms. Krall stated this would be
discussed in more detail during the concept plan, roughly in June. She indicated the drainage of
this site would not affect neighboring properties.
Public Works Director indicated the approval process will be extensive as a mixed -use PUD
would need to be adopted at the council level before the concept plan could come forward.
There being no further business, the Planning Commission, Commissioner Marina McManus
moved to adjourn its meeting at 9:24 p.m.
Commissioner Dolan seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Guenther
Recording Secretary
Time Saver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.