2001-06-26 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
June 26, 2001
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, June
26, 2001, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to
order at 7:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Lorberbaum, Commissioners Hesse, Dolan,
Bruce McManus and Friel. Also present were Public Works Director James Danielson, Planner
Steven Grittman, Administrative Assistant Patrick Hollister and Bonita Sullivan, Recording
Excused: Commissioners Betlej and Marina McManus.
Chair Lorberbaum asked for corrections to the minutes of the May 22, 2001 meeting:
Commissioner Bruce McManus, last paragraph on page six, last sentence in the line "about non-
confirming" should be "non-conforming:
Commissioner Dolan, page two, fifth paragraph, starting with Planner Grittman, second sentence
should be "he stated his approval of a variance". In the next paragraph, Commissioner Friel's
statement, the last sentence, "how many instances if anyone did any measuring, this fence is out
of compliance" he stated he is not quite sure what that is and asked Commissioner Friel if he
remembered his statement.
Commissioner Friel stated that he does not remember exactly what he said. He clarified that he
asked about how many locations the fence was measured out of compliance.
Commissioner Dolan stated he had one correction on page three, second paragraph,
Commissioner Bruce McManus's statement should read "He stated that unless the wording of
any changed ordinance is clearly thought out it could cause a strange look to the fences..."
Commissioner Hesse, stated the Ayes and Nays on page eight says that Commissioner Dolan had
the Nay and it should be Commissioner Hesse for the Nay.
Commissioner Dolan agreed with Commissioner Hesse adding that he was persuaded by the
logic of the two Commissioners to his right.
Commissioner Friel, page 8, fifth paragraph, Commissioner Friel referred to how our City
Council has been very liberal in granting variances in "some" of the older neighborhoods to
Commissioner Dolan, page eleven, fifth paragraph, Commissioner Dolan confirmed that they
would be occupying the "entire".. the "and" should be crossed out after entire.
Chair Lorberbaum, page 13, second paragraph from the bottom, "Chair Lorberbaum asked that it
is understood there is no lighting," should be that the parking lot was without lights. She stated
they had talked about there being lighting on the building.
Commissioner Dolan, page 13, Commissioner Friel moved to recommend approval, reads "for
the with" and it should say "of".
Chair Lorberbaum, page 14, fourth paragraph from the bottom, "Chair Lorberbaum stated that
the August 1, 1999 was her understanding of the date.." She stated that she thought she was
saying that this is when the current sign went up as opposed to the real sign so it should say "the
current sign went up and asked for clarification as to when the first sign did go up" rather than
"real sign" since they are both real.
Chair Lorberbaum, page 15, third from bottom, in the middle of the paragraph, "she noted the
difference stating they were comfortable with the number," that there were 121 parking spaces
and 119 rooms, thus meeting the requirements.
Commissioner Dolan page 15, same paragraph, previous sentence, "she stated that according to
the ordinances that they are required to have the same number of parking "lots" as rooms. He
stated that is should say "spaces".
Chair Lorberbaum stated that in the same paragraph that they had told her that the restaurant is
leaving and that we have to have that in the minutes.
Chair Lorberbaum, page 16, top of page, Mr. Holms explained the directional settings for the
lighting to the Commission. She stated that she would rather the minute's talk about what they
said rather than saying they explained it. She stated in this case Mr. Holms explained that the
directional settings would be cans pointing to the sign. She stated in the next sentence 'Ms.
Anderson addressed the Courtyard issue regarding, stating that the way it is design. She stated
that Ms. Anderson is referring to the way the building sign on the Marriott is designed adding
that this needs to be clarified so we know what she is referring to.
Commissioner Friel, page 17, third from the last paragraph, 'Commissioner Friel stated that it is
not necessary to have all these signs to accommodate the driving public'.
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Commissioner Lorberbaum clarified that Commissioner Friel wanted to say pylon signs.
Commissioner Friel agreed, stating pylon signs is fine, adding that is what we were talking
Chair Lorberbaum, page17, staff should look up and put the information in here rather than to
say that there was a discussion 'Planner Grittman clarified the measurements and stated the
calculations were measured to include one side'.
Commissioner Dolan, page 18, third paragraph down, 'Commissioner Dolan stated he was
surprised more discussion was not held' stating it should say 'regarding the variance granted to
the adjacent hotel' rather than on this issue, noting the difference with previous issues.
Commissioner Lorberbaum stated that she had to end the next sentence with "stated that a
motion had been made".
Commissioner Friel, page 20, second to the last sentence, 'He stated that PUD's are good
planning tools but do not need a zoning classification of PUD to have one.'
Chair Lorberbaum asked Commissioner Friel to clarify the fourth paragraph from the bottom, the
large paragraph adding that she has questions on it. She stated the second sentence 'He stated the
Council did not act on the amended Section 22'
Commissioner Friel stated that no they did. He stated that Council did not act on a
recommendation for Section 13. He stated that it should it should be 'He stated the Council
adopted the revised PUD' adding that they did. 'He stated that they recommended Section 13 of
the ordinance be repealed' adding that the Council did not repeal Section 13 because various
parcels of this City had already been zoned under this classification and would create anomalies
if this were repealed.
Chair Lorberbaum thanked Commissioner Friel for his clarification adding that this is very
Commissioner Dolan, page 22, bottom of page, the ayes and nays after Commissioner Friel
moved to recommend tabling this matter, he stated he believes he was an aye on that one and
thought Commissioner Betlej was a nay
Chair Lorberbaum, page 23, second sentence from the top, she asked for clarification.
'Commissioner Betlej stated that if they would act the Commission could act'. She asked if
anyone could clarify that and if they should leave it.
Commissioner Friel asked Chair Lorberbaum where she was.
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Chair Loberbaum clarified that she was on page 23, and again questioned `if they could act they
would act ?'
Commissioner Friel stated that he did not know what he had in mind.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that she didn't either and asked if there was anything else.
Commissioner Friel move approval as corrected. Commissioner Bruce McManus seconded.
Chair Lorberbaum stated she wanted to note receipt of April 24, 2001 minutes and asked
Administrative Assistant Hollister if these are corrected minutes.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that the minutes reflect the changes that were requested
by the Planning Commission at their last regular meeting plus the additional changes requested
by the Chair.
CASE NO. #01 -15: Michael J. Meents
Fence Height Variance.
795 Creek Avenue
Public Hearing 7:45 p.m.
Chair Lorberbaum explained that this was a public hearing and that the applicant, Michael J.
Meents is requesting approval of a fence height variance.
Planner Grittman stated that the applicants' property is at the intersection of Creek Avenue and
Dodd Road. He stated that the applicant, Michael J. Meents, is proposing to construct a six -foot
high fence along the side property line, enclosing his rear yard. He stated that the City Code for
such fences requires a maximum of 36 inches and that a variance would be required to
accommodate this request. He stated that the City recently considered an amendment to its
zoning ordinance relating to fence height requirements on corner lots by Conditional Use Permits
rather than Variances. He explained that this amendment had not been placed in final forum and
published and as a result, the variance process still applies. He reviewed the history of the
amendment process with the Commission noting that, the applicant in this case still qualifies for
variance consideration under the same conditions that were used in previous cases. He stated
that approval of this variance would be consistent with the treatment of similarly situated
applicants, as well as with the requirements of the variance standards of the zoning ordinance.
He stated that the Planning Staff recommends approval of the Meents fence variance as
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Commissioner Friel asked why they couldn't convert this to an application for a Conditional Use
Planner Grittman stated that is another option, adding that the Commission is free to make that
recommendation. He stated that the City did not publish for a Conditional Use Permit. He stated
that they did publish a hearing for the Variance, adding that it is only a question as to whether we
can act if we did not published for the exact application.
Commissioner Friel stated that whether the City had published for a Conditional Use Permit or a
Variance, the matter that is before us, is the same and notice has been given. He stated that his
recollection was that once before we did just exactly this. He stated that there was notice as a
variance and we treated it as a notice for a Conditional Use Permit, but he was uncertain if the
notice requirements were the same.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if there was a difference in the fees.
Planner Grittman stated that the difference in fees is somewhat substantial. He stated it is his
understanding that this was one of the issues with converting from a variance, which is a small
fee adding that a Conditional Use Permit is more expensive to apply for. He asked Staff to
clarify the reasons for the difference in fees.
Administrative Assistant Hollister clarified that a Conditional Use Perna has a greater notice
requirement and that it does not require signatures from neighbors. He stated that the Residents
are automatically notified in the newspaper and by mail. He explained the notification process
for a Conditional Use Permit stating that Residents, within 350-feet from the property receive
notification by mail. He stated that a Conditional Use Permit is a more substantial request than a
Variance. He stated that in the case of a variance they provide a Resident a list of neighbors who
are within 100-feet of the property. He explained that signatures are required by owners and
neighbors within 100-feet of the property. He stated that if they get all of the Residents
signatures, they do not hold a public hearing. He stated that if they do not get all of the
Residents signatures a hearing is held and a Notice of the public hearing is sent to the Neighbors.
Commissioner Dolan expressed his concerns stating that it appears that this has to continue as a
Variance Request as the required notice for a Conditional Use Permit request was not
Mike Meents, 795 Creek, presented photographs of the property to show the elevation to the
Commission and to clarify the location of the fence.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked for clarification regarding the placement of the fence. He
stated that it was his understanding that it would be placed on the lower elevation. He further
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explained that if the fence is placed at 3-feet it would not reach the height of the road. He asked
who installed the fence in the back.
Mr. Meents stated that the previous owner installed the fence in back.
Chair Lorberbaum asked Mr. Meents to clarify what his plans were for the fence in the back.
Mr. Meents explained that the previous owner had placed the fence in the back to increase the
value of the property for sale. He stated that the entire property has 15 stumps. He explained
that it was his plan to remove the fence, have the stumps removed from the property and install a
new fence from the Dodd Road side to the back.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if Mr. Meents was going to fence the entire backyard. He
advised the applicant to be aware that the Council and Commission are very interested in the
height of fences. He suggested that Mr. Meents remain within the height requirements as stated
in the variance.
Mr. Meents explained the problems with the first fence adding that the new fence will resolve
those issues.
There being no questions or comments Commissioner Friel moved that the hearing be closed at
7:57 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Dolan.
Commission Friel moved to grant the request for a variance in the height of the fence. Seconded
by Commissioner Bruce McManus.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if they had a finding for hardship.
Commissioner Friel stated that he thought they were proceeding on the premise that on major
street areas the City has been sympathetic to the concerns and that they have not paid so much
attention to the hardship issue in those cases.
Chair Lorberbaum confirmed that she felt that the major street posed a hardship.
Commissioner Friel confirmed that he also felt it was a hardship.
CASE NO. #01-16: Hugh Cullen
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Conditional Use Permit for Off-site Parking
Roseville Properties — SW Corner Centre Point Drive and Centre Point Boulevard
Public Hearing 8:00 p.m.
Chair Lorberbaum opened the public hearing.
Planner Grittman reviewed the proposal with the Commission and noted that the applicant,
Roseville Properties, is seeking approval of a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 78-space
parking lot on a vacant parcel adjoining Centre Pointe V Office Building. He stated that the
existing parking on Centre Point V parcel has been judged inadequate for a proposed tenant,
although it meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance. He reviewed the parcels stating that
a Conditional Use Permit is required for parking lots that are located on property, which is not
the same parcel as the principal use. He stated that in this case the parking lot would be the only
use of the property pending future development. He reviewed the issues identified with the
Commission stating that the Planning Staff believes that the parking lot will be consistent with
the existing and future development of the office park.
Planner Grittman stated that a future development concept would be helpful in illustrating how
the parking lot will avoid interference or dilution of future development capacity. He stated that
the findings of the approval option suggested they highlight the fact that this proposal is for
existing adjacent development, distinguishing this request from a potential request for other off-
site parking, such as a remote commercial lot. He recommended a condition that includes a
conceptual development plan be prepared for future reference. He stated that the Engineering
Staff is comfortable with the stormwater control in the project and that the Conditional Use
Peiiiiit is recommended for approval. He stated that employment is generating the need for the
parking and that the lot is well designed.
Commissioner Hesse clarified that Planner Grittman indicated that one of the issues was stolin
water control. He asked if Staff has been satisfied with the storm water control plan noting that
of the water drains to the south and also east to the storm water catch basin.
Hugh Cullen, Roseville Properties, reviewed the plans for future development with the
Commission. He stated that they have built an additional storm sewer system to serve the park.
He stated that they consulted with the Engineer to develop the new sewer system. He stated that
it is adequate noting that they have approximately nine acres left. He reviewed the parcels on the
map with the Commission stating that this shows, conceptually, what could be developed. He
stated that they wait until a tenant comes and they build the building for them. He reviewed the
lease agreement stating that they are asking for a small additional lot with the intent to maximize
for future development. He stated that it would cost over $100,000 for this parking lot. He
stated they would like to reuse this lot and maximize the development. He stated that they
brought forward a plan that would put an additional 100,000 square feet of office space there and
three different buildings. He stated this plan represents the best option.
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Commissioner Hesse stated that this appears to be a drop structure and asked for further
clarification and if this is what they designed. He asked what portion of the property is draining
to that point.
Mr. Cullen explained that everything drains to the north and that all the water drains away from
the cemetery. He stated that the storm system is already in place and includes the parcel that is
being developed. He stated that when the Tip District was removed they knew they had a need
for additional storm sewer adding that they went before City Council and received additional
assistance for a storm sewer. He stated that this has been reviewed by the City Engineer and has
been sized to accommodate everything.
Commissioner Hesse stated he noted if go west from Highway 5 that it goes up, adding that he is
not sure if it is because of the fill or a natural grade adding that it then comes way down into a
Mr. Cullen confirmed that they graded adding that it was problematic because of the ravine. He
stated that they brought in fill to the site to fill and pack the area. He stated that the mound is
additional fill to be used in the future. He stated that the water would definitely flow away from
the cemetery. He stated that they have a retaining wall and confirmed that it would remain. He
stated that for the future they would rather minimize the impact to the cemetery and bring
everything to the north.
Commissioner Hesse asked if everything to the south would remain. He confirmed that
everything to the south would remain.
Commissioner Bruce McManus referenced their notes stating that one way to compensate for the
concern is with multiple storage commercial usage or structured parking and asked if their future
development included this and is it a concern.
Planner Grittman stated it is not a concern adding that they did want to raise it that when they
build bigger parking lots we build smaller buildings. He mentioned it as a way of compensating
for that if it is something of interest adding they are still recommending approval. He stated the
size of the parking lot is a small enough impact that they are not talking about using an entire
building parcel for a parking lot.
Commissioner Friel asked if there isn't adequate parking for this new tenant would we have
parking all over the area in places we don't want it.
Planner Grittman stated that this could be possible.
Commissioner Dolan asked what kind of work is being done that requires all of this parking.
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Mr. Cullen stated that the tenants would be General Motors Corporation and several Telephone
Representatives. He further stated he was not clear on the type of work that they perform.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that she noticed five handicapped parking spaces adding that with the
additional parking there should be more handicapped parking. She requested that they add
additional three handicapped spaces to the plan.
Mr. Cullen stated that they would add the additional handicap parking in the lower lot.
Commissioner Friel expressed his concerns for future development. He asked for clarification on
the arrangements with the tenant in this space and the length of the lease agreement.
Mr. Cullen stated that they are contractually obligated to provide parking to the tenant. He stated
that if the tenant should leave they could then incorporate the lot into any future development
plans or they could incorporate the lot with Centre Point V. He stated that the lease is for seven
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if there would be a stairway between the two parking
areas. He noted a steep bank and steep ravine to the west and asked for clarification as to how
are they plan to keep it from washing into the ravine.
Mr. Cullen stated that there would be a dramatic reduction in the elevation compared to what you
see today adding that there would be a stairway connecting the two areas. He referenced the
steep bank and ravine adding that this is part of the reason they need to do this. He stated that the
soil in that area was meant to be taken away. He stated that the dirt needs to be removed and
used elsewhere to alleviate the risk. He stated that when they move the hill there would not be
the steep grades. He further explained that the lots would be lower and there would no longer be
a dramatic slope towards the cemetery.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if they would need a retaining wall near the cemetery due
to the ravine just to the west of the cemetery.
Mr. Cullen stated that a Civil Engineer has reviewed the plan and that they are far enough away
from the cemetery that the ravine would not be an issue.
Chair Lorberbaum opened the Public Hearing at 8:16 p.m.
There being no questions or comments Commissioner Lorberbaum moved to close the public
hearing at 8:18 p.m. Commission Dolan seconded the motion.
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Commissioner Friel moved to recommend the Conditional Use Peunit for Off-site Parking for
the Roseville Properties — SW Comer Centre Point Drive and Centre Point Boulevard to include
the following conditions: Conceptual Development plan illustrating how the parking lot will
avoid interference or dilution of future development capacity and a minimum of three additional
handicapped parking spaces. Seconded by Commissioner Lorberbaum.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that she is appreciative of the fact that Roseville Properties has
presented the Planning Commission with a proposal of how the undeveloped area could be
developed without any variances. Roseville Properties needs to understand that by showing us
the feasibility of developing the undeveloped parcel without a variance and if Roseville
Properties gets this Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission will not look favorable to
a future variance request for the undeveloped property because this is a modification of their
Continued Discussion — MU-PUD Language
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that the Council, at their last regular meeting on April 7,
2001, directed the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing in May on the creation of a
Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development District. He stated that they authorized City Planner
Steve Planner Grittman to draft the proposed language for that district. He stated that the Public
Hearing took place on May 22, 2001. He explained that the May Planning Commission hearing
did not consider actually zoning the parcels involved in the Town Centre redevelopment adding
that a public hearing will take place at a future Planning Commission meeting after the district is
created. He reviewed the Town Centre project with respect to the MU-PUD and rezoning. He
stated that at the May 22, 2001 Planning Commission meeting Planner Grittman presented his
proposed MU-PUD language to the Planning Commission. He reviewed the discussion and
concerns raised at the meeting stating that Commissioner Friel recommended that the public
hearing on the MU-PUD zoning district be continued to the June 26, 2001 Planning Commission
meeting and that the Planning Commission seek further Council input on the need to create the
MU-PUD zone and to rezone the Town Centre property to this new zone.
Administrative Assistant Hollister explained that in response to the Commission's request, Staff
conveyed the Planning Commission's inquiry to the Council at their regular meeting on June 5,
2001. He stated that the Council had no additional comments other than to say that the Council
feels that the creation of the MU-PUD zone and the rezoning of the Town Centre site to this new
zone are necessary for complete control over this unique development. He explained that the
Council said that they concur with the reasons for the new zone presented by Planner Grittman.
He stated that the Council would consider adoption of the ordinance creating the new MU-PUD
zone at its next meeting on July 10, 2001. He explained that the Council would not be rezoning
any property to this new zone until a later meeting and after a publicized and conducted public
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hearing at a future Planning Commission meeting. He stated that the Council is seeking any
input the Planning Commission would like to offer on the language of the new zone.
Chair Lorberbaum clarified that what we are doing is talking about the creation of the zone not
applying this to any property.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated it would involve sending notices to a large part of the
Commissioner Friel stated that he thought the issue before us tonight is the amendment of the
zoning ordinance to provide for an MU -PUD classification in the zoning ordinance not to rezone
Administrative Assistant Hollister confirmed that this is the intent for discussion.
Commissioner Friel stated he didn't have any questions adding that he is very troubled by the
process. He stated that what troubles him is that the City Council can accomplish the objective,
under existing ordinances. He stated what it appears we are involved in is a process of making
sure, by getting the cart before the horse, that we cutoff the options of property owners, pending
having someone in place to do this development so that the property owners can't frustrate those
objectives. He stated that he does not think that is a valid planning objective for a City.
Commissioner Friel said it appears that we are creating a zoning classification in the City to deal
with a particular circumstance. He stated that seemed clear from what Mr. Grittman said at the
last meeting, when he explained that the advantage of a Mixed PUD zoning is it limits the
Commissioner Friel referenced a memorandum from Mr. Hollister containing the same sort of
language in its second paragraph, and there has been no response from the City Council, to this
commission's inquiry except to repeat that this zoning classification is necessary for a particular
development in the City. He stated that he didn't believe that was the purpose for zoning
classifications. He stated zoning classifications, from his rather lengthy experience in municipal
government, is to deal with planning generally in the community, not to deal with a particular
plan. He stated that in this particular case, it appears that the zoning classification is being
proposed to frustrate any reasonable opportunity by the property owners to do something with
the property.
Commissioner Friel stated that he doesn't object to the creation of Town Centre but he is
reminded that the City is apparently facing a difficulty that he remembers facing in the Court
Room as a young lawyer. He stated he was having difficulty getting evidence in when the Judge
reminded him that the difficulty in doing something does not dispense with the necessity for it.
He stated that the City Council, in this process, is attempting to circumvent an appropriate
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planning process in order to frustrate any possibility that their objectives won't be attained and
he believes that is inappropriate.
Commissioner Friel referenced Section 22 of the ordinance, which already permits a PUD on this
property. He stated that in addition, if you go ahead and we create this zoning classification and
the City approves it, as it apparently will, and for some reason the project doesn't go forward, we
have done exactly what the City Council did in 1987 or 88 with what is now Mendakota Park.
He recalled the City authorized a PUD on that property resulting in an increase in the value of the
property and then the project for which the PUD was approved didn't go forward and later as a
consequence of this PUD the City paid a higher price for the land when it was acquired for
Mendakota Park.
Commissioner Friel stated he has not heard a good reason yet for going ahead and creating this
district. He stated that nomnally you would have a property owner and developer who would
come to the City with a proposal for a planned unit development. He stated the developer would
be purchasing the property subject to approval of the proposal and then it would go forward.
Commissioner Friel stated that here we appear to have the cart going before the horse. He stated
it appears what the Council has in mind, is to create the zoning classification, then rezone it and
then hope we get a developer, in as far as he knows at this point in time we don't have anyone
signed up to do the project for us. He stated he would be interested in hearing if that is in error.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that they are talking with the developer, Ross
Peppercorn, the Developer that has helped us all along.
Commissioner Friel stated that he understood that they have not signed any agreements yet. He
stated that those are his concerns adding that one last concern and that is the language of the last
sentence of 13.2.2 which gives the City Council absolute discretion on density matters stating
that is exactly the kind of language in an ordinance that is designed to get you into a court room
with arbitrary and capricious determination because it gives absolute discretion to a governing,
municipal body without any standard to abide by. Apparently the City has forgotten the bind it
had gotten into in Kirschner VS Mendota Heights, which is precisely the same kind of a matter.
He believed it is inappropriate language and should be removed.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that is exactly where she is coming from adding that this is going to be
brought up before the City Council in July and that we need to look at the language. She
expressed her concern regarding a sentence starting with the City Council shall have the
authority to modify density. She stated she would like to strike that starting from `The City
Council through to the end of that paragraph' and also change the sentence before `the density of
individual uses in the MU -PUD District may be guided' she stated she would like to see `should
be guided'.
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Commissioner Dolan stated he has a question about the language in 13.1.2.d adding that he
understands the concept behind this that we want to, to the extent we can, bind any future
developers. He stated that he is not sure this language does that adding that what it says is that
R2, R3, B1 and B2 are permitted but couldn't a developer, even if it was zoned MU -PUD,
simply develop an entirely R2 or R3 district and is this doing what we intended to do.
Commissioner Friel stated that under Section 13 you have to follow the procedures under Section
22, which requires you to enter into a PUD agreement with respect to the project. He stated that
an individual owner of property is not in the position to get involved in a development contract
for a PUD but could possibly comply with the underlying zoning
Commissioner Dolan clarified that Commissioner Friel's point is that you have to go through
that process anyway.
Commissioner Friel disagreed saying that if you have a MU -PUD Zoning Classification you
must proceed under Section 22, but if you have any other zoning classification you aren't
required to follow Section 22 unless you want to do a PUD.
Commissioner Dolan referenced the language at the very end of the second to the last sentence in
the same paragraph that says `provided they would be allowable on the site under the
Comprehensive Plan' and asked if this language was required and isn't that always the case.
Planner Grittman acknowledged that it would be the case adding that the Comprehensive Plan
isn't always directive as to the specific land uses that are allowed in a zoning district. He stated
the attempt here was to limit to some land uses that are listed under the zoning ordinances. He
stated it goes on to say that the Council has the authority to approve other uses by special permit.
He stated that the Comprehensive Plan always applies from a land use standpoint adding that it
is not always specific and that is why they wanted a specific list of uses that would be preferred
if not required.
Commissioner Friel suggested that the language might be helpful in the event and because of the
change in the Comprehensive Plan being the paramount document in connection with land use
rather than zoning. He stated that under that 95 law it would give the comfort of being consistent
with the paramount document if you had a problem with the Metropolitan Council.
Commissioner Dolan confirmed that the zoning ordinance already states this and referenced
13.2.1a already says that the PUD has to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated
that he was ok with the language adding that he does not think it is absolutely necessary but that
it is fine. He referenced 13.2.2 and noted that they added the word `residential' before `planned
unit development' and obviously eliminated the LB -PUD and assumes it simply doesn't apply
because we are talking about dwelling unit density adding that it technically applied under the
existing ordinance.
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Planner Grittman confirmed that Commissioner Dolan is correct. He stated that the existing
language appeared to apply it adding that he was correct, that they did look at it as a residential
Commissioner Hesse stated that he understands that they are dealing with language here and will
leave that to the attorneys. He stated that one reason why he voted to pass it back to Council,
adding that he may not have been too clear, he clarified that with the MU-PUD, forget Town
Centre, acknowledging that Cities age and certain areas age, he asked if there are any other
thoughts where this would come into play sooner than later.
Planner Grittman stated that the property to the south of the Town Centre shopping area is
designated, in the Comprehensive Plan, for Mixed Use PUD adding that this is would be an area
where theoretically, this district would be applied.
Commissioner Bruce McManus stated that he feels like a juror listening to expert lawyers trying
to get the essence of what is being said because he knows he cannot follow all of the nuances
here. He stated it appears to him that the City Council wants this MU-PUD so that they can get a
lock on what happens on the City Centre plan project. He stated that it appears to him that his
colleague, Commissioner Friel, says that A. this is not necessary. B. This is bad policy and
perhaps bad law and C. it infringes on the rights of the property owner. He asked if he had this
correct and if there is anyone here who can help this neophyte juror weigh this issue thoroughly
or is this a clear cut issue and has to be decided that way.
Commissioner Hesse stated that he shares the same confusion as Commissioner Bruce
McManus. He stated that Commissioner Friel has provided good clarification for him adding
that what is being considered is language to be added to the ordinance. He stated that it has been
brought forth that this will have a substantial affect on one specific development he stated that
this is not what is being considered today, that it is more the language in the ordinance adding
that what he has done to try and stay away from that question, assuming that question will come
before us again, specific to this project, where that question will be more appropriate. He stated
he is not saying that maybe they shouldn't answer it here he is just asking that this be considered
assuming that it will come.
Chair Lorberbaum clarified that the bottom line is that this language is going before the City
Council. She stated that they can, as group, recommend that they not include it, and at the same
time we can say 'having said we recommend you not adopt it, if you are going to adopt it, here
are the changes we would like you to make'. She stated that personally, this is where she is
coming from and suggested that they focus on the language and we will be revisiting the issue of
the designation of the specific parcel later adding that they can make both of these
Commissioner Bruce McManus stated that he understands the desire of our elected
representatives to keep control over what happens in the Town Centre adding that this appears to
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be legitimate government involvement. He stated that without, and stated he needs to be specific
adding that he is not sure if the lawyers would like to answer this and noting that this may be an
out of the line question. He stated that if we should seriously damage what they are trying to do
with this MU -PUD, would we hurt the ability of our elected representatives to control what
happens over there on that particular site. He stated that after that he would be willing to address
the bigger issue.
Commissioner Friel stated that he had responded stating that if there is a problem with the
approach to this that we are involved and it is a problem the City Council has created by
proceeding in this fashion. He stated that when we learn from Staff that the City objective is that
this is the best mechanism to assure that the Council not only facilitates the development of the
Town Centre, but inhibits anything that would conflict with the development of the Town Center
adding that it is not the purpose of zoning classifications to facilitate a particular project A
governmental body obtains control of property for public purpose by condemnation, not be
Commissioner Bruce McManus stated he would like to vote with a smidgen of knowledge.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that there are two separate questions being discussed here; whether you
like the idea of a MU -PUD or not ... and the language presented to us in the ordinance. She
stated that she wants to separate these two issues. No matter what we think of the concept, the
issue of the creation of a MU -PUD will come before the City Council. Independent on the
results of our vote here tonight, the City council will read our minutes and have the opportunity
to think about what we have said. We need to turn our attention to the language of the MU -PUD.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked will the City Council, will our elected representatives, will
their staff, and have sufficient control in what happens if this language is used. He stated that we
know that they will have a large amount of control over what happens in that project and
clarified that Commissioner Friel is stating that the policy is not appropriate. He stated that his
question is, if this does not exist, in referencing this specific project, adding that they wouldn't
even be looking at this if it wasn't a specific project, adding that from a legal point of view, will
our elective representatives and will their staff have sufficient control over what happens there in
order to avoid a serious mess from developing.
Commissioner Friel stated that he cannot say yes or no to Commissioner Bruce McManus'
question adding that he can say that they have the power of condemnation and if they are
satisfied that they are going to go forward with this project then they are going to condemn and
acquire property so that they can accomplish that objective. He stated that they don't need to
frustrate these other opportunities that the property owners might have by doing this. He stated
they can cut those other options off by condemnation or purchase. He stated that all they have to
do is file a notice of condemnation and they shut it off they don't need this.
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Chair Lorberbaum clarified that they would still have the Mixed Used PUD in the
Comprehensive Plan and that we have parcels designated for this without that zoning system
She stated that we still have a problem there and it needs to be address. She stated that since we
have designated parcels as MU -PUD, it would be helpful, and we are probably even obligated, to
describe a MU -PUD.
Commissioner Friel stated there are two different things, zoning classifications and
classifications with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that we have had differences in those
classifications for a long time. He stated that he did not think the inconsistencies are a bad thing.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that they should be in compliance if we can make them so.
Commissioner Dolan stated that this is not a good thing. He stated that to have consistency
between the two is better than having inconsistencies.
Commissioner Friel stated that there are some real good reasons and referenced a philosophical
argument that stems from the Commission, City Council and Legislatures when we tried to get
the State Legislature to repeal what the Metropolitan Council had done by insisting that there be
that inconsistency because there is a need from a planning standpoint a good reason to have those
Commissioner Friel stated that as long as your zoning is paramount to your Comprehensive Plan
and gives you latitude to do things over a period of time that gives people warning as to what
your objectives were and told them at the same time that the understanding that your objectives
were ultimately to do this, you can only do what the zoning plan said now. He stated that the
reason for those Comprehensive Plan changes and inconsistencies are when development in the
community proceeded to the point where your sewer and water, and transportation systems are
more in place, then the Comprehensive Plan designations were appropriate basis for changing
your zoning. He stated that the lack of consistency was very desirable because it told you what
you could do now and what would likely happen in the future.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked if we were to act in accordance with what Commissioner
Friel and is now talking in terms of broad general process, not the specific site, he asked would
that seriously hinder the process of organized municipal planning for the community or are there
other means available to achieve the same thing.
Planner Grittman stated that Commissioner Friel is correct in that the City has the right of
condemnation of a property. He stated that this would probably be the only way they could
require it to occur without an amendment such as this one. He stated that it sounds like the
City's option without this would be condemnation of purchase and then literally developing it
themselves or directing a buyer to develop by contract.
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Commissioner Friel stated that he thought the question went a bit further stating that it was
basically would the failure to create an MU -PUD district frustrate the development of Town
Center under our existing ordinances without having any PUD district adding that in other words
can you use Section 22 to do an MU -PUD.
Planner Grittman stated that you can if the property owner brings that application. He clarified
that if City was the property owner it could clearly happen and that if the City were not the
property owner, the Council's concern would be that a property owner could pursue a different
development than what might be envisioned without direction by the Council.
Commissioner Dolan clarified his understanding of the language and stated he is not objecting to
the last sentence.
Chair Lorberbaum moved to accept language as shown to us by the Planner except for the last
two sentences that are to be stricken starting with `The City shall have the authority to' those two
sentences are stricken and the sentence prior to that where it says `The district may be guided'
change to `shall be guided'. Commissioner Friel seconded the motion.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if there was any further discussion.
Commissioner Dolan referenced the second to the last sentence `City Council shall have the
authority to determine the allowed of density based on the quality and components of the planned
unit development' stating that this does not sound as arbitrary as the last sentence adding that it
seems that is the way it is reviewed anyway and is not objecting to that sentence.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that is her understanding also adding that it is not necessary.
Commissioner Bruce McManus asked for clarification on how they determine quality.
Planner Grittman stated the Council would determine quality based on materials, value, a
conceptual plan and how closely the proposal complies with the conceptual plan.
Commissioner Friel moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that it
not amend the zoning ordinance to provide for an MU -PUD district for many reasons we have
already discussed.
Commissioner Dolan stated he is not in favor of the motion. He stated that the Comprehensive
Plan designations that we have must refer to a zoning classification that, even though it is not
consistent, at least addressed the issue.
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Chair Lorberbaum asked if there was a second to Commissioner Friel's motion. She stated that
hearing no second the motion fails.
Commissioner Hesse stated he did not want to second and asked do we have the authority to
make a motion if we have not been asked adding that there are two Commissioners not present
that may want to have input on the issues.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that we can make a recommendation on anything we want adding that
they may not agree with the recommendation. She requested that the minutes should reflect
discussion as the minutes are shared with the Council and that it will provide the Council with a
sense of the discussion held this evening.
Chair Lorberbaum requested a verbal review of the matters that were submitted to the City
Council for consideration. Public Works Director Danielson informed the Commission of the
Council action taken on recent planning cases. He reminded the Commission that the meeting
will be on the 5th Tuesday, July 31, 2001.
Chair Lorberbaum stated that there is a Council Workshop coming up for the Town Centre and
asked for the date. She stated at that there will be a discussion of guidelines.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated it would be held July 17, 2001 at 7 p.m. at City Hall. He
stated the subject would be the Design Guidelines for Development.
There being no further business, the Planning Commission, Commissioner Bruce McManus
moved to adjourn its meeting at 9:04 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Friel.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonita Sullivan, Recording Secretary
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.
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