07 12 13 JTF1 7/12/2013 The latest from the Mendota Heights Police Department SUPPORT STAFF Kim Henning Susan Donovan Trista Miller Becky Pentel POLICE OFFICERS Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Willson Jeff Vonfeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming SCHOOL RESOURCE OFC. Jennifer Fordham INVESTIGATIONS Mario Reyes Chad Willson SERGEANTS Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen RESERVES Randy Pentel Jarrod Spicer Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo CHAPLAINS Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick CHIEF Mike Aschenbrener Q: What is the #1 contributing factor in FATAL crashes? A: SPEED! MHPD has begun working its 64 hours of time dedicated to slowing trafϐic down. We will be out working speed enforcement in a neighborhood near you soon. The Ofϐicers of MHPD will work on patrols with the single purpose of slowing drivers down. These extra patrols will go on through July 23, 2013. 2012 MN CRASH FACTS To view the facts in its entirety, please visit: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational‐materials/Documents/CRASH‐ FACTS‐2012.pdf To see more about why police ofϐicers work so hard to ensure the safety of the motoring public, please review the overview page of the document, take a minute, and think about how something on these pages has impacted a family member or friend. 2 7/12/2013 Fireworks Wednesday 2228 hours Officer Todd Rosse responded to a home that was shooting fireworks. Officer Rosse spoke with the homeowner who quickly agreed to not shoot anymore fireworks or they will receive a citation. No further fireworks complaints. Neighborhood Watch Wednesday 2243 hours Officer Tanner Spicer responded to a residence on Gryc Court where a neighbor called in with concern of a male checking cars with a flashlight. The male was then seen going behind another home. Shortly after the call, Officer Todd Rosse responded on the radio that he was out on foot checking the house and cars. Nice job by the neighbor not waiting to see if it was a problem. Police Shopping Thursday 0056 hours Victim wanted a phone call about harassment from an officer. Officer Tanner Spicer listened to the complaint about the victim’s “baby daddy” wanting his money back. After speaking with both ½’s of the dispute, Officer Spicer concluded there was no connection to Mendota Heights and the callers had already reported to Minneapolis PD and Farmington PD. No report. Fraud Friday 0956 hours Sgt Neil Garlock met with a victim of identity theft in the lobby of the MHPD. He learned the man was the victim of some fraudulent transactions after traveling out of the country. Investigator Chad Willson began looking into the case which was then handed off to Fort Myers Florida PD. Referred. DAR / No Ins / Warrant / DAS Friday 1815 hours Officer Peyton Fleming observed an occupied van in front of a business that has been closed for several months. As he observed the van he also spotted two occupants who had exited the van and switched positions inside the van. As they drove off, Officer Fleming ran the license plate which showed the R/O was revoked and had an active arrest warrant. He caught up with the van pulling in behind it. The driver was ordered back into the car while the passenger was ID’ed as the R/O. They were then removed from the car, patted down and handcuffed while awaiting the warrant confirmation. The driver was ID’ed after the passenger was secured. The current driver could not provide proof of insurance and their license was suspended. Citations were issued and the driver was released to go to an (ATM) where enough cash was taken to bail the wanted R/O out. A court date was provided in Hennepin Cty and everyone was released at the scene. Civil Assist Saturday 1305 hours 911 cell phone caller reported they were following a U-Haul van full of stolen property. The dispatcher reported lots of screaming and hollering going on in the back ground of the call. The caller continued to follow from Hwy 13 & I35E to the SA at Lexington & Hwy 55. Officer Peyton Fleming was first on the scene and after separating everyone, it was learned there was no crime involved. It was in fact a domestic situation that was not going well in the City of St Paul en route to Bloomington. After verification of the facts, everyone was sent on their way. Please send us your positive feedback on our staff to: pdrecords@ mendota-heights.com Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps boosts the morale of our staff. Officer Bobby Lambert was able to make a young brother and sisters day (despite their shy demeanor)! He took some time out of his day to meet with the children along with their grandmother who stopped in to MHPD to see the Police Officers and squads. Officer Jennifer Fordham received a big thank you from Sgt Eric Peterson and all of MHPD on her great job in putting on and organizing the Car Seat Seminar. A lot of good information was taken in by all. 3 7/12/2013 Medical Saturday 1921 hours Officer Fleming responded to assist HealthEast Ambulance with a head injury at a local group home. The caller reported that the resident had a medication change earlier in the day, fell and hit her head. Paramedics evaluated the party and transported the resident to the hospital. Fireworks Saturday 2223 hours Resident called about fireworks going off behind their home. Officer Urmann found the likely culprits on Mohican St. after the conversation and there were no further complaints. Crash Saturday 2312 hours Neighbor called in a single car crash into the fence at Convent of the Visitation. The driver seemed unsteady and confused but negative alcohol results were found. The vehicle appeared to be leaking fluids heavily and a trail of fluids was found prior to going into the ditch which gave the assumption there was a previous accident but no signs of this were present. HealthEast Paramedics transported the driver to the hospital. The next day, a call came in stating they had a wheel cover in their yard and a car entered their yard in the late hours and struck a tree. Motorboat on Lake Sunday 1026 hours Sgt Neil Garlock responded to a complaint of a motorized boat on Rogers Lake in violation of the city ordinance. Sgt Garlock was unable to make contact with the pontoon to determine if it was in violation of the new city ordinance. A business card was left on the car in the parking lot. Unwanted House Guest Monday 1000 hours The DCC relayed information about a black snake lying in the living room. As the 911 operator gathered information from the caller they noted a female in the background screaming. Apparently they didn’t like snakes. The DCC relayed the call to the MN DNR to provide more information on how to deal with the snake. AOA-Car vs Bike Monday 1837 hours Officer Mike Shepard responded to a car vs bike crash on Hwy 13 near Lucky’s. By the time Officer Shepard arrived, the bicyclist, a 9 YOA, was up and moving. HealthEast Paramedics arrived on scene and determined the youth would require some stiches. Dog Bite Monday 2045 hours Caller reported that a dog charges at her every day. The dog bit her last year but she did not report the incident. Officer Todd Rosse spoke with the caller about the dog bite from last year and the continual problem of the dog charging the person as they walked. Officer Rosse went and met with the dog owner who was more than willing to correct the problem. Officer Peyton Fleming was dispatched to a home on suspicious circumstances. A neighbor saw people inside her neighbors home while the owners were not present. The house is for sale, people were looking at the home…. very suspicious. 4 7/12/2013 DUI - Smaplewood Tuesday 0025 hours Caller reported that a drunken male with a cut on his nose was attempting to gain access to their home. The man was knocking on the back door and then a side window. A short time later Officer Steve Meyer arrived on scene, located the man, determined he was intoxicated, had driven to the house, parked in the driveway before attempting to get inside. When asked where he was the man replied; Burnsville, St. Paul, Maplewood or Smaplewood. He failed all SFST’s including the PBT which showed a .177 BAC. The man was read the MN Implied Consent by Officer Urmann and he agreed to a blood test. HealthEast Paramedics were already on scene and drew blood. The man was transported to jail. Flooding Home Tuesday 0732 hours 911 call from a homeowner who asked for help with a flooding house. Officer Jen Fordham arrived and assisted the homeowner with shutting off the water. Abandoned Dogs Tuesday 2238 hours Local business call reporting two dogs tied up in the entrance area to Fort Snelling State Park. Officer Meyer found two dogs that appeared malnourished and tied up just inside of the park. No luck locating the owners. 4 Paws Animal Control came and took custody of two very neglected animals described as; mange (big patches of fur missing due to parasites), flea infested, neglected and hungry dogs. Officer Meyer attempting to locate the owner. Welfare Check Wednesday 0938 hours Clerk at a local service station called about a scary person who had requested a ride and got a customer to take them to a local motel. The woman had been inside the station saying all her stuff was stolen and she knew who did it. The thief needed to be confronted. The woman would not let anyone call the police for her. Hum? Officer John Larrive responded to the motel and located the woman outside. He quickly ascertained the reason she didn’t want help from the police was she had an active Dakota County felony warrant for False Information to Police. Transported to jail. Stinky Trash Wednesday 1627 hours Caller stated that the garbage hauler “accidentally” dumped trash in the road a few days ago. The caller had wanted them to take care of some stinky liquid that spilled in the street. The company refused to do anything about the smell or the stain left on the street. Officer Bobby Lambert referred the caller to public works. Medical (Withdrawl) Wednesday 2210 hours Caller requested an ambulance for a panic attack. Officer Steve Meyer arrived on scene along with HealthEast Paramedics and eventually learned the 19 YOA caller was actually suffering withdrawl symptoms from cocaine usage. Transported by ambulance to the hospital. Official Registration Forms are online: www.mendota- heights.com Registration Deadline is: 7/26/2013 Get your neighborhood united; To ensure that Police Officers, Firefighters & Paramedics make it to your event, plan your block party today! Sponsored and Supported By: Mark your calendars! Tuesday, August 6, 2013 5 7/12/2013 If you are interested in volunteering for Operation Big Box, please visit: http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HealthFamily/HandlingEmergencies/ Community/Pages/volunteer‐for‐public‐health‐emergency‐exercise.aspx 6 7/12/2013 7/05‐7/12 2013 YTD Calls for Service 214 4,638 Citations Issued i.e., DUI, Domestic, Etc. 96 888 Warnings 29 764 Police Reports 19 572 Response Time Average 4.67 5.04 Have a Safe Weekend! August 31st 2000 at 2:22pm, Corporal Ted Foss of the Minnesota State Patrol initiated a routine trafϐic stop for a speed violation on Interstate 90 near Lewiston, MN. As Foss was standing on the shoulder, a passing semi‐truck veered off the roadway and collided with the squad and stopped van. Corporal Foss was killed upon impact, and the stopped vans occupants were injured but in stable condition. They were later released from the hospital. Corporal Foss was 35 years old and a 14 year veteran with the State Patrol. Foss was survived by his wife and two young children. The truck driver was charged with 8 misdemeanors including reckless and inattentive driving. Due to the tragic crash and in honor of Corporal Foss, Minnesota State Legislature enacted the “Ted Foss Move‐Over Law” in 2002. The law was designed to help protect emergency personnel from these types of rapidly increasing and preventable incidents. Minnesota State statute 169.18 subdivision 11 reads: When approaching and before passing an authorized emergency vehicle that is parked or otherwise stopped on or next to a street or highway having two or more lanes in the same direction, the driver shall safely move the vehicle to the farthest lane away from the emergency vehicle, if it is possible to do so. If you cannot safely move over due to other trafϐic at least reduce your speed. Included vehicles covered under the law are ambulance, ϐire, law enforcement, and maintenance/construction vehicles. Failing to take these actions endangers all emergency personnel and will result in a moving trafϐic violation. PLEASE HELP KEEP EVERYONE SAFE! Submitted By: Police Ofϐicer Todd Rosse