1993-03-16 Council minutesCITY OF MEIVDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of City Council Workshop
Held March 30, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special workshop of the
City Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:00 o'clock
p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:08 o'clock p.m.
The following members were present: Mayor Mertensotto,
Councilmembers Smith, Huber, Krebsbach and Koch. Staff members
present were Tom Lawell, City Administrator, Dennis Delmont, Police
Chief and Kevin Batchelder, Administrative Assistant.
The City Council adopted the blue agenda.
Interviews were conducted with four law firms who
were finalists from a Request for Proposal for
Prosecution Services. The law firms present for
interviews were:
1. Levander, Gillen and Miller
2. Winthrop and Weinstine
3. Karney and Smith
4. Hughes and Costello
Each interview consisted of an introduction of the
prosecution team and a five minute presentation of
the firm's ability and experience. This was
followed by a round of questioning from
Councilmembers and staff.
Interviews were concluded at 9 o'clock p.m. and
City Council took a brief recess until 9:05 o'clock
The City Council discussed the interviews, the
applicants and their respective qualifications.
City Council discussed the bids that had been
submitted by each applicant.
The City Council directed the City Administrator to
place this item on their April 6, 1993 agenda. The
Council requested that staff prepare a memorandum
for that meeting providing them with a
recommendation on which firm should be retained to
provide prosecution services effective May 1, 1993.
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, March 16, 1993
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the
City Council, City
of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
at City Hall, 1101
Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto
called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
The following members
were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers
Huber, and Smith.
Councilmembers Koch and Krebsbach had notified
Council that they
would be absent.
Councilmember Huber moved adoption of the
revised agenda for the meeting.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Councilmember Smith moved approval of the
minutes of the March 2, 1993 regular meeting.
j )
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Councilmember Smith moved approval of the
consent calendar for the meeting along with
authorization for execution of any necessary
documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgment of the Treasurer's monthly
report for February.
b. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the March
9th Parks and Recreation Commission
c. Acknowledgment of bids received for 1993
street sweeping, and award of the contract
to McPhillips, Inc., for their low quote
of $57.00 per hour.
d. Adoption of Resolution No. 93 -14,
OUTLOT A, MENDOTA WOODS," and authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
developers' agreement.
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e. Approval of a letter of agreement between
the city and Decision Resources Ltd.,
dated March 11, 1993, authorizing the
Downtown Mendota Heights survey in
accordance with the terms of the
f. Approval of the list of contractor
licenses dated March 16, 1993 and attached
g. Approval of the list of claims dated March
16, 1993 and totalling $168,541.96.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
AIRPORT PLANNING Council acknowledged a memo and proposed
resolution from Administrator Lawell regarding
proposed legislation which would curtail the
dual track airport planning process. Mayor
Mertensotto explained that the matter was
placed on the agenda at his request and that
he had jointly prepared the resolution with
Administrator Lawell. He stated that it is
important that Council adopt the resolution to
support dual track planning and recommended
its adoption and distribution to the Governor
and several legislators and metropolitan
Councilmember Huber asked that staff pass
information to the Council on when the issue
will be before the legislature so that Council
members may be present for the discussions.
Councilmember Smith moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93-20, "A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Mertensotto informed Council of two
letters he has recently received. The first
letter was from Carl Schneeman, a 12-year old,
who felt that street lights are needed in his
neighborhood. The second letter was an
inquiry regarding the potential for a
community center facility.
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Staff was directed to respond to the Schneeman
letter and to add to the downtown survey a
question on the need for a community center
PARKS CELEBRATION Council acknowledged a memo from
Administrative Assistant Batchelder regarding
preparations for the second annual Celebrate
Mendota Heights Parks event. Assistant
Batchelder explained that he is appearing
before Council to publicize the event and to
inform the viewing audience that he is
recruiting steering committee members to help
with the event. He asked that anyone
interested in being appointed to the steering
committee contact him.
Mayor Mertensotto.suggested that the entire
City Council should be members of the
committee as well as residents and commission
Administrator Lawell informed Council that a
video showcasing Mendota Heights parks,
prepared by Cable Administrator Judy Skie-
Voss, Administrative Assistant Batchelder and
video producer Paul Pieper, received a first
place award in its category at a cable awards
ceremony held last evening.
HEARING - MENDOTA Mayor Mertensotto opened the meeting for the
HEIGHTS ROAD purpose of a public hearing on proposed
ASSESSMENT ROLL assessments for the Mendota Heights Road
improvement project. Council acknowledged the
proposed assessment roll and a memo from
Public Works Director Danielson. Council also
acknowledged a request from Visitation convent
for deferment of its proposed watermain
Public Works Director Danielson briefly
reviewed the street widening, watermain, storm
sewer, street lighting and trail improvement
project and the proposed assessments for
Council and the audience. He stated that the
project is proposed to be financed by the
following sources, MSA funding, for a portion
of the street widening and trail improvement,
the water revenue fund, tax increment
financing to support the cost of oversizing
the watermain, and assessments.
Mayor Mertensotto asked for questions and
comments from the audience.
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There being no further questions or comments,
Councilmember Smith moved that the hearing be
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0 Councilmember Smith moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93-15, "RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Councilmember Smith moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93-16, "RESOLUTION DEFERRING
deferring the watermain assessment for the
undeveloped Visitation Convent property.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
MENDOTA INTERCHANGE Council acknowledged a report from Public
PROJECT PLANS AND Works Director Danielson, a letter from
SPECIFICATIONS Mn/DOT Project Manager Bruce Libby, dated
February 23rd, regarding landscaping, and a
letter from Scott Bradley, Mn/DOT Landscape
Unit Chief, dated February 25th, regarding the
protection of existing vegetation and
commitments for additional landscaping on the
project. council also acknowledged plans
showing the area of tree preservation at the
intersection of T.H. 110 and T.H. 55.
Mayor Mertensotto informed the audience that
action on the Mn/DOT request for approval of
the Mendota Interchange plans and
specifications had been tabled on February
16th because Council wanted assurances from
Mn/DOT that it would save as many trees as
possible at the T.H. 55/110 intersection and
that it would prepare an adequate landscaping
plan. He read both of the Mn/DOT letters for
the audience. Mayor Mertensotto stated that
Council is looking for a definite commitment
from Mn/DOT to address landscaping after the
project is completed, and that both letters
state that Mn/DOT will definitely be working
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with the city on landscaping, which is the
commitment that the Council needs.
Councilmember Smith stated that Mr. Bradley's
letter indicated that bids for landscaping
will be let in June of 1995, and that Council
will look for some involvement in the
landscape planning process in early 1995.
Mr. Libby reviewed plans for the Mendota
Interchange Project.
Mr. Joe Schmitz, owner of the SOS convenience
store, asked how reconstruction of the
Lexington/T.H. 110 intersection will affect
his property. He was concerned that Lexington
Avenue construction might affect his
underground storage tanks.
Mr. Libby responded that most of the work will
be at-grade. He reviewed the work which will
be done at the intersection, explaining
opposing left-turn lanes will be added on
Lexington on both sides of the intersection.
Mr. Libby explained that Mn/DOT has worked out
a plan for the intersection with Dakota County
and the city's engineering staff. He informed
Council that the median crossing will be
widened and that Lexington near SOS will be a
44 foot wide street to about Tom Thumb
Boulevard. There will also be right-turn
lanes on Lexington at the intersection. He
stated that all of the work will be done
within the existing right-of-way and that
unless the SOS tanks are in the right-of-way
SOS should have no problem. He further stated
that the opening at SOS is too large and that
curb and gutter will be installed as part of
the project to reduce the size of the opening
onto Lexington.
Public Works Director Danielson informed
Council that the city's staff has worked with
Dakota County and Mn/DOT to come up with a
good design. Since Lexington is an MSA road
and a County state aid road, MSA will fund 550
of the improvement cost, and Dakota County
will fund 450.
Councilmember Huber moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93-17, "RESOLUTION APPROVING
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Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Councilmember Huber moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93 -18, "RESOLUTION APPROVING
NO. 84, PROJECT NO. 2C).11
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
WETLANDS PRESERVATION Council acknowledged a memo from Engineer
Klayton Eckles regarding review of the impact
of the Mendota Interchange Project plans on
wetlands, as required by the Wetlands
Conservation Act of 1991. Council also
acknowledged a Mn /DOT overall plan -view of the
wetlands being impacted by the project.
Mayor Mertensotto expressed concern over the
ability of Mn /DOT to "bank" wetlands for
mitigation on other state projects.
Administrator Lawell agreed, stating that
Mn /DOT is talking about banking wetlands for
use in the seven county metro area, rather
than in Mendota Heights.
Mr. Libby stated that he is not prepared to
speak on the matter, but that in working with
the city Mn /DOT has been able to create
several holding ponds to save the city money.
He further stated that the Mn /DOT will
maintain the ponds developed for the
interchange project.
Councilmember Smith asked if the Mn /DOT
holding ponds are sufficient to hold run -off
from the additional impervious surface.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that
they area, that Mn /DOT hydrologists have done
the work on the pond plans.
Councilmember Smith asked if the ponds will be
NURP (Natural Urban Runoff Program) ponds.
Engineer Eckles responded that they will not
be. He gave Council a brief background on the
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Wetlands Conservation Act requirements and the
city's designation as the Local Government
Unit (LGU). He explained that as the LGU, the
city is responsible for reviewing any wetlands
or filling activities to see if they meet
state law and requirements. By being the LGU,
the city's main purpose is to review all
wetlands activities and see how they relate to
state law - if a property is not exempt from
the provisions of the law, a landowner must
provide a mitigation program. He stated that
the program is currently in a transitional
period and is not quite as strict .as as it will
be. He informed Council, that as an LGU, the
city must review the Mn/DOT plan and make sure
that the agency has minimized the amount of
wetlands filling to be done and must be sure
that Mn/DOT has mitigated on a 1:1 basis. He
explained that in the case of the Mendota
Interchange Project, Mn/DOT is creating an
additional 5.8 acres of wetlands. He agreed
that it does not seem right that Mn/DOT can
build wetlands in Mendota Heights and get
credit for them in another city, but that this
is what statute provides.
Engineer Eckles stated that all the city must
do is to make sure that Mn/DOT has done the
minimum. He pointed out that Mn/DOT is
building two holding ponds strictly for city
use, one at Acacia and T.H. 55 and the other
near Big Wheel, and that maintenance of those
ponds will be the city's responsibility. As
far as NURP, he informed Council that Mn/DOT
will likely have to begin building its ponds
to NURP standards in the future, but that NURP
standards currently apply to development
Responding to Council questions, he stated
that if Mn/DOT built its ponds as NURP ponds
there would be some beneficial ecological
affects. He also stated that the use of NURP
ponds is a policy staff is proposing to adopt
with respect to determining if developments
are environmentally sound. He explained that
while cities are taking NURP as a policy for
development, Mn/DOT has not yet made it a
policy. He pointed out that one feature of
NURP ponds is that they are quite deep (10
feet), and he did not know if there is a
concern over water of that depth near traffic
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Councilmember Huber asked whether NURP ponds
are policy or law. Engineer Eckles responded
that it is a policy that staff proposes for
adoption with respect to determining if
developments are environmentally sound, but it
NURP is not required by law.
Councilmember Smith expressed concern for the
future, stating that at some point the city
may become responsible for any kind of run-off
within the city. She asked for assurance that
in the future the city will be able to ask the
state to bring its ponds into compliance with
any laws in affect at that time.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that if the
ponds are on highway right-of-way, Mn/DOT must
maintain them.
Engineer Eckles informed Council that the two
ponds being constructed for the city were
designed before NURP standards, but that they
could be re-designed to NURP standards before
Administrator Lawell stated that if there is a
federal program in the future, he believes the
city could determine how much of the run-off
is from state property versus city property.
He further stated that considerable work was
done on the storm sewer system and
calculations on how much water comes from
Mn/DOT and from the city is available if non-
point source pollution becomes a factor in the
Councilmember Smith pointed out that the terms
wetlands and holding ponds seem to be used
interchangeably. She asked if there is a
better definition on how much wetland will be
Engineer Eckles responded that once the
wetlands preservation law comes into full
effect, Mn/DOT may not get credit for 5.8
acres (from the interchange project), and may
not get any credit because the ponds are
classified as storm water ponds and not as
wetlands. Most of the ponds will be called
storm water holding ponds under the law which
will come into affect soon. He felt that as
the LGU, the city should say that the project
meets the current requirements but that the
city questions Mn/DOT's numbers as to what is
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wetlands and what is storm water holding
Councilmember Huber noted that Mn/DOT will be
taking a .6 acre wetlands area but will not
really be creating 6.4 acres of wetlands, yet
Mn/DOT proposes to bank some of the acreage
which is not really wetlands.
Engineer Eckles responded that according to
the interim requirements of the Act, the 6.4
acres is accurate, but when the new law comes
into affect in six months, it might be
determined that the ponds are not wetlands
(and Mn/DOT will not get the banked credit).
Mayor Mertensotto asked if Lakes Augusta and
Lemay have outlets. Public Works Director
Danielson responded that there is a control
structure on Lake Lemay now, but none exists
or is planned in the Mn/DOT project for Lake
Staff was directed to prepare a letter of
Local Government approval of the Mendota
Interchange Project for Council consideration
on April 6th.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Council acknowledged a memo from Engineer
AMENDMENT (NURP) Eckles regarding a proposed minor
Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding non-
point pollution storm water quality standards,
which is required by the Metropolitan council.
Engineer Eckles explained that the proposed
amendment would require that new storm ponds
be designed as NURP ponds, which reduce
pollution via sedimentation and bio-
processing, would require that Best Management
Practices be used to minimize erosion from
construction sites, and calls for the city to
work with the DNR to bring the city's
shoreland management controls into compliance
with new DNR standards when so requested.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested adopting the
policy but to delay amending the Zoning
Ordinance until the city has some experience
with the policy.
Administrator Lawell responded that adopting
the proposed minor Comprehensive Plan
Amendment would certainly make it function as
a city policy. He informed Council that if
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adopted, the amendment would have to be
submitted to the Metropolitan Council for
Councilmember Smith asked when the interim
procedures will be over and when the actual
procedures start.
Engineer Eckles responded that this is
somewhat different from the Wetlands
Conservation Act. While somewhat related, the
two issues are separate: the Pollution Control
Agency rules for the Wetlands Conservation Act
which become effective on July 1st, are
different from the Metropolitan Council non -
point source pollution standards. He
explained that the Metropolitan Council is
trying to get cities to reduce non -point
pollution, by encouraging adoption of this new
policy, because of the problems with the
Minnesota River.
Councilmember Huber moved adoption of
Resolution No. 93 -19, "RESOLUTION AMENDING THE
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
STREET LIGHTS Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works
Director regarding a proposed street light
policy and a request from Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
Callahan for a street light in the cul -de -sac
on the north end of Warrior Drive, by Henry
Sibley High School, for safety purposes.
Mayor Mertensotto asked the height of the
lights on Mendota Heights Road and in the
industrial park.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that
he believes the Mendota Heights Road lights
are 30 feet tall and those in the park are 25
feet tall.
Mayor Mertensotto felt that a 30 foot light is
too tall for the Callahan area and that the
light should not be so high that light gets
out to the residential area.
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Councilmember Smith stated that she does
approve of installing a light for the
Callahans but has a number of concerns about
doing so before a policy is adopted. She felt
that a number of issues have not been
addressed in the proposed policy and that it
should be more complete, including such things
as the amount of light, the impact and what is
needed. She stated that Council has not
discussed the interval between lights, ways of
paying for them, and what a benefit area is
(for assessment purposes_. She felt that
Council must define all of the issues up front
and notify people before any lights can be
installed. She further stated that while
Council has talked about possibly adopting a
design, she wondered whether Council wants a
shoebox design as a uniform standard
throughout the city. She asked if the light
proposed in response to the Callahan request
is a shoebox design because it is on a trail,
would that become the trail standard light.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that the request
was to light the dead end cul-de-sac and that
his though was to put it on the trail side for
dual advantage. He pointed out that the city
would pay for the light because it is regarded
as a non-residential type of light.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that
the shoebox design directs the light down,
that there are different types of lenses
available to produce different light patterns
and that the wattage can also be varied.
Councilmember Smith stated that she thinks an
application form and approval procedure must
be established because all residents in an
area should have input and there should be
pre-set standards to refer to should someone
in an area object.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that
it is proposed that residential lights be
assessed, and that public hearings would be
Mayor Mertensotto clarified that Councilmember
Smith wishes to avoid neighborhood problems
which could arise where some residents want
lighting and some do not. He agreed that
there must be a policy on how to deal with the
situation and suggested that staff get samples
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of ordinances in effect in other communities.
With respect to the Warrior Drive light, he
felt that it should be the same height and
wattage as those in the industrial area and
that the lamp should keep the light in a
circular pattern to light the cul-de-sac.
Councilmember Huber stated that the Callahan
request is an isolated instance and that he
felt that Council was inclined to install a
light but not to use it as a precedent. He
pointed out that the area is by the high
school, and it is an isolated area near a city
walkway, which makes it different from any
future requests. He stated that he would be
inclined to approve the light and hold off on
the proposed policy.
Mayor Mertensotto agreed, stating that the
light would not be a residential light.
Administrator Lawell stated that staff will
come back to Council at a future meeting with
a specific policy incorporating many criteria
which Council can review and change as
Councilmember Huber stated that any proposed
policy should provide that there must be clear
neighborhood support for lighting.
Councilmember Smith was concerned about how
much light should be cast by the light on the
Warrior cul-de-sac. She questioned whether a
25 foot pole is necessary and stated that she
is not confident that this is what the
residents in the area would want.
Councilmember Huber pointed out that homes in
the area are set back very far from Warrior.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that
the shoebox design would be the least
disruptive to the neighborhood of any lighting
design available.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the light would
not be close to a residential area and that
the Callahans would like to stop the
congregating occurring in the secluded area of
the cul-de-sac. He pointed out that the
wattage of the light can be changed at any
future time if desired.
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Administrator Lawell stated that staff will
ask the NSP experts to make a recommendation
in terms of wattage, lens and height for a
Warrior Drive light.
Staff was directed to get additional
information on the height of the lights in the
industrial park and on Mendota Heights Road
and prepare a specific recommendation with
respect to the Callahan request for the next
COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Mertensotto informed Council that he
intends to recommend at the next meeting that
Councilmember Smith be appointed as the MASAC
representative and that he serve as the
alternate. He further stated that he will
also recommend that individuals acting as
representatives of the city on outside
committees on a routine basis give the council
at least a minimal report on a quarterly
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before
the Council, Councilmember Smith moved that
the meeting be adjourned to the Council
workshop scheduled for 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday,
March 30th.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 o'clock P.M.
K/athleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
i K4
Charles E. Mertensotto
March 16, 1993
Asphalt License
Northwest Asphalt, Inc.
Excavating License
D.J. Construction & Excavating
Masonry License
D.J. Construction & Excavating
Gas Piping License
Hearth Services Inc.
Citywide A /C, Heating & Refrigeration
General Contractors License
Able Fence Inc.
Crowley Company, Inc.
Tads Construction
HVAC Contractors License
Harris Air Systems, Inc.
Citywide A /C, Heating & Refrigeration
Drywall, Stucco, Plaster License
Letendre Taping