2003-01-28 Planning Comm MinutesPlanning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
January 28, 2003
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Plauning Commission was held on Tuesday, January 28, 2002 in
the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Lorberbaum, Commissioners B. McManus, Friel, Betlej,
Hesse, Dolan, and M. McManus. City Staff present were Public Works Directar Jim Danielson and
Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Also present was Planner Steve Grittman. Minutes were
recorded by Becki Shaffer.
Chair Lorberbaum asked to have the agenda changed to review the minutes of November 26, 2002 after the
public hearings.
James Dzik & Joy Rude
906 Nina Court
Mr. Grittman reviewed the application for a variance and shared a map of the location, which is a corner lot and
zoned R-1. Mr. Grittman said the request for a variance is to allow placement of an existing accessory structure,
which has been identified as a garden house, located on the southwest corner of the properly along Diane Road.
The structure is currently approx. 20 ft. from the curb line of Diane Street, and the building is approx. 7 ft. from
the property line, however, the requirement for the setback from the street is 30 ft. The resulting variance
request is for a reduction in the setback by 23 ft.
Mr. Grittman said the applicant suggests that the current location on the properly for this building is better
screened from the neighboring properties and in order to move it, the applicant would need to do additional
excavation due to the topography of the property to meet setback requirements. According to the Planner's
Report, a hardship is not found, as there are other alternatives for the location of the building that would be in
compliance with 'the setback requirements.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Commissioner M. McManus asked Mr. Grittman if there have been any discussions with the applicant regardin�
alternative locations. Mr. Grittman said he had the chance to meet with the property owners last fall, but the
applicant has indicated a more likely place would be to locate the building in the southeast corner as it would be
more pleasingly visible from the neighboring properties.
Commissioner polan asked how this has come to the attention of the City. Mr. Grittman said it was reported by
the Code Enforcement Officer, who was on the way to conduct another building inspection. There have been no
neighbor complaints received.
Commissioner polan asked if the building meets the setbacks on the south, as it seems close to the property
line. Mr. Grittman said the map shown was not drawn to scale precisely, but it seems the setbacks have been
Commissioner Friel said this seems to meet the requirements of the suggested changes to the ordinance
regarding hardships he has been proposing for a long time.
Jim Dzik and Joy Rude, applicants, reside at 906 Nina Court. Mr. Dzik said the neighbors have no problems
with the location of the structure and in fact, the neighbor directly behind the applicant's property offered to
write a letter of support to the City. Mr. Dzik said the neighboring properties sit higher and look down onto his
property, and it seemed better to locate the structure in the corner and not directly in the middle of the yard,
which then would have meet the requirements.
Joy Rude passed out pictures of the structure for the Commission's review, and explained how the landscaping (
was done.
Chair Lorberbaum said an identification of a hardship is needed. Mr. Dzik said the only hardship that could be
found would be for the consideration of the neighbors. Ms. Rude explained how the neighboring properties
affect their property in regards to the slope of the 6 ft. hill and the terracing/landscaping that was done. Ms.
Rude said it is not desirable to have the structure located in the middle of their properiy, as the neighbars would
then be looking down on the metal roof.
Commissioner M. McManus asked if the applicant has done the terracing. Mr. Dzik replied that was correct.
The terracing was done to replace an old, rotten retaining wall, and the applicant built a retaining wall that runs
down to the street. Commissioner M. McManus said she agrees there needs to be a precise hardship presented.
Ms. Rude said all the neighbors are very interested in what is happening to the yard, and are very pleased with
the gardening and landscaping Ms. Rude has done.
Commissioner polan asked who the neighbors directly to the south were, and was told they were Leonard and
Carole Levine, and Stewart and Tiffany Hafix. Commissioner polan said he wants to make sure these
neighbors have no objections to this location.
Chair Lorberbaum said she viewed the site and commented that it was beautiful, and had not previously noticed
it as it is tucked away from view. Chair Lorberbaum said she also talked to the neighbors and was told they
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
were happy with the applicants work. However, a hardship is still needed to be found. Ms. Rude said the
hardship would be the hill.
Chair Lorberbaum opened the public hearing. There being no one present wishing to speak, a motion will be
asked to close the public hearing.
Chair Lorberbaum closed the public hearing.
Further Discussion
Commissioner Friel said that far a long time, efforts have been made to persuade the City Council to adopt a
� ;hange to the ordinance, which would allow, but not require, the Commission to recommend approval without a
hardship, so long as neighbors are in full agreement and showing no objections to a variance.
Commissioners Betlej and Dolan expressed their thoughts that legally speaking, there is not a defined hardship
in this case, but agrees with Commissioner Friel's comments, that in situations such as this when the neighbars
are in agreement, it would make sense to approve as requested.
Commissioner M. McManus said she seconded this motion because "a condition creating a hardship must be the
uniqueness of the property. Commissioner M. McManus said that based on what was discussed at this meeting,
the request makes sense as it would alleviate the need far additional excavation and is currently utilizing the
natural landscape.
4 AYES (Commissioners Friel, Betlej, Dolan, and M. McManus)
3 NAYS (Chair Larberbaum, Commissioners B. McManus and Hesse)
John V. Goebel
1293 Delaware Avenue
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Mr. Grittman reviewed the application for a variance and shared a map of the location. There is an existing (
single family home, which the applicants are seeking to expand, as well as constructing an additional detached
garage on the properly. The detached garage requires a conditional use permit and because of the existing home
being located very near to the side property line (currently about 3.5 ft.), there is a need for a variance as the
home would be partially within the required setback from the north property line.
Variance Request
Mr. Grittman said the variance has been requested to keep the addition to the home the same distance
from the north property line as the existing house. The proposed expansion would bring the house into
conformance with the floor area and dimensional requirements. Mr. Grittman said it is possible to
extend behind the structure that would meet setback requirements of 10 ft.; however this would not
correct the non-conformity of the depth of the structure. Mr. Grittman said a hardship could be found
that by granting a variance, the house could be put in conformity by including the addition of the
structure within the setback on the side.
Conditional Use Permit
Mr. Grittman said the proposed location of the garage would make reasonable use of this portion of the
lot. According to the plan, the proposed location of the garage would not have any negative impact on
the neighborhood, as all the neighboring houses have detached garages, and the proposed garage would
fit well into the character of the neighborhood.
Commissioner B. McManus said once construction starts on the existing building, in order to be in compliance, ,.
one would have to lop off the end of the existing house to keep within the existing setback. Mr. Grittman said �
to be fully in conformance, the existing structure would have to have a portion demolished or the house be
entirely moved. Mr. Grittman said if portions of the building were not removed, it would continue to exist as a
non-confornung structure. Commissioner B. McManus said once the process of remodeling begins, this would
then become an issue with the Ciiy.
Commissioner Betlej said this lot is not typical in width. Mr. Grittman said this lot has a width of 75 ft., as
opposed to the standard of 100 ft., and was created before the current ordinances went into effect.
Commissioner Betlej said in such cases where lots were created befare the current ordinances, a hardship could
then be found.
Chair Lorberbaum asked for clarification of the layout of the driveway, and asked for discussion on the share
driveway with the neighbor. Mr. Grittman said the applicant has a shared driveway easement, of the proper
width, with the neighbar
Commissioner polan said the deck meets the standards if it does not extend above the ground floor level of the
house. Mr. Grittman said this was correct, and that the deck is allowed to be 3 ft. from the properly line.
John and Kim Goebel, applicants, reside at 10174 70th St. So., Cottage Grove. The Goebels recently purchased
this home in order to renovate. Mrs. Goebel said the only work done on this home so far as been to install new
windows. Plans to renovate include new roofing, siding, and add volume to the extremely small home. Mrs.
Goebel said the neighbors who share the driveway are in favor of these improvements. �
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Commissioner B. McManus asked where the maple trees were located. Mrs. Goebel pointed them out on the
map. Commissioner B. McManus asked what the design of the garage would be. Mrs. Goebel.said the exterior
would look like the home as far as materials and color.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if the Goebels had the easement of the shared driveway. Mrs. Goebel said they did
have a hand-written easement between them and the neighbors.
Chair Lorberbaum opened the public hearing. There being no one present wishing to speak, a motion will be
asked to close the public hearing.
Chair Lorberbaum closed the public hearing.
Further Discussion
Commissioner Betlej stated the hardship is the lot width being smaller and narrower than current ordinance
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Frank Nemeth
2455 Delaware Avenue
Mr. Grittman reviewed the application for a PUD and Preliminary Plat approval to divide a 2.5-acre parcel into
two lots. The Planning Commission has reviewed a concept plan previously in November 2002. The plan has
been revised based on comments from the Plannuig Commission and City CounciL
Mr. Grittman reviewed the new plan and changes from the concept plan.
• Lot lines previously created showed zero setback issues for the existing shed which raised questions about
lot width
• Current plan shows a jogged lot line along the proposed driveway to comply with the 100 ft. required street
frontage with a depth of a 30 ft. setback, narrowing the lot to 70 ft. This was done to accommodate the
existing shed and the proposed building location on the area. Because of the shape of the lot, and the
setback rules as to what the front yard, side yard, and rear yard would be designated; a PUD would be better
• Planner views the building width reasonable with 100 ft. width along the back line and a long driveway
extending to Delaware Avenue.
• As this property is being processed as a plat, Staff received information in regards to the driveway, that
Da.kota. County has noted their Plat Commission may raise some issues with the location of the driveway
cuts. If this was processed as a minor subdivision, or a RLS (Registered Land Survey), this would not go
through the Plat Committee and the Commission would not therefore, be reviewing the driveway location
as closely.
• All PUD requirements have been met. The use of the PUD would preserve the existing structure, gardens,
and landscaping as well as providing an additional building lot.
Commissioner M. McManus asked to see the location of the driveway. Mr. Grittman referred to the site plan
and showed the location of the driveway. Commissioner M. McManus asked what would happen should the
County not approve the location of the driveway. Mr. Grittman said the applicant would have to find a way to
share the existing driveway cut.
Commissioner M. McManus commented that this was an odd shape, and is concerned about what would happen
to it in the future. Mr. Grittman said these conditions are not typically encouraged because over time, jogged
property lines on interiar lot can become disputed by neighbors. Mr. Grittman said the applicant said the reason
for the lot line is to preserve the existing landscaping.
Commissioner polan expressed his concern regarding the neighbors to the west and how this would affect their
back yards. Commissioner polan asked about the interpretation of the lot lines. According to the Planners
Report, the subdivision is consistent with City standards if the yards of Lot 2 are interpreted as follows:
• Side yard setback requirements are from the east and west property lines,
• Front yard setback requirement is from the south property line
• Rear yard setback requirement is from the north property line. �
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
In addition,
• Proposed house would be set back 30 ft. from the west property line to provide a separation from the
neighboring back yards.
• All structures on Lot 1 are in conformance with setback requirements.
Commissioner polan asked if the property is registered land. Mr. Grittman said he cannot confirm that at this
time. Mr. Danielson said that on certain roads, and on county roads, there are spacing requirements between
driveways and streets. In this case, Delaware Avenue's spacing, according to the County's guidelines, is not
met by the new driveway. If the City desires to have a driveway there, there would be need for debate with the
Plat Commission (comprised of a number of staff members that review proposed plats). If this is just a lot split,
ar RLS, there in only one person that reviews the driveway and that person may be more easily persuaded.
Commissioner Betlej asked what the required dimensions were. Mr. Danielson said he believes about 1/4 mile
between driveways. Chair Lorberbaum said it's a combination of both a) the distances between existing
driveways and b) driveways are preferred to be across from each other.
Commissioner Hesse asked if there were any correspondence from neighbors. Chair Lorberbaum said she
talked with the neighbor immediately to the west, as they would be the most impacted. Chair Lorberbaum said
the neighbor stated they were comfortable with a new home placed there.
'�'hair Lorberbaum said that if the yard setbacks are identified, a building could be placed without variances
because there is a PUD in place. Mr. Grittman said this was correct, in that the PUD allows the City to define
the setbacks.
Chair Lorberbaum asked for clarification of the jog along the driveway, and that it is there to allow for a 100'
frontage. Mr. Grittman said that was correct and was done to meet technical rules.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if the Fire Chief had any concerns. Mr. Grittman was not aware of any.
Mr. Danielson said the Fire Chief could look at the property if it was the desire of the Commission. However,
there are a number of homes in the city with similar driveways and there have been no issues with those in the
Commissioner Betlej asked if all the requirements of the Fire Department have been met, by either going with a
PUD or a lot split. Mr. Grittman said all requirements would be met.
Commissioner Friel said the applicant has done an excellent job in preparing this information based on the
comments of the Commission's November meeting, and due to the fact this property was previously designated
PUD, this project is becoming a blessing in disguise.
Frank Nemeth, applicant, resides at 2455 Delaware Avenue. Mr. Nemeth responded to some of the points
raised by the Commission. He said that the process is actually getting simpler, and because of the area of the lot
( low, there are more options.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Mr. Nemeth acknowledged the help he received from Commissioner B. McManus in the redrawing of the plan.
Mr. Nemeth said he was pleased with the way the driveway was laid out, allowing him to keep some major
Mr. Nemeth reviewed the site plan, pointing out emergency easement trails for the new home site. Mr. Nemeth
contacted the Highway Deparhnent and was told that the desired spacing of driveways on a highway such as
County Road 63, with traffic levels of an excess of 3,000 vehicles per day, is 1/8 of a mile.
Commissioner M. McManus said the driveway was laid out well, taking consideration of the trees. Mr. Nemeth
said he would be willing to share the driveway if all else fails, but would prefer not to given the nature of his
lifestyle and desire for privacy.
Commissioner Hesse said he appreciated the applicant's efforts in redesigning this property.
Chair Larberbaum asked if the existing shed would remain. Mr. Nemeth said he would prefer to keep it, and
shared pictures of the shed. Mr. Grittman said this does not seem to be a problem.
Chair Lorberbaum asked if Mr. Nemeth anticipated any problems with the moving of the barn. Mr. Nemeth
said he was concerned and said that it could be moved as a single story structure. He would prefer to keep the
height as is on the access (garage) side and will work with professional house-movers to accomplish this.
Commissioner Friel commented on the unique lot shape and that it is interesting that this is not to be laid out
like a box.
Commissioner B. McManus asked Mr. Nemeth what his fmal resort would be should the County deny the
location of the driveway. Mr. Nemeth said the shared driveway would be the alternative.
Chair Lorberbaum opened the public hearing.
Joan Lynch, 2484 Canton Court, and Jill Monk, 2494 Canton Court, both live to the north of Mr. Nemeth's
property. Ms. Lynch and Ms. Monk asked for pictures of the barn and expressed their concerns regarding the
visibility of the barn from their homes.
Mr. Nemeth explained how the barn would be situated, and offered to both residents to come and look at the
barn to get a better idea of what the view may be. Mr. Nemeth also offered that additional landscaping and trees
could be planted to provide a better screen.
Commissioner Hesse asked Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Monk if they were totally against the relocation of the barn.
They replied that they would be willing to discuss this with Mr. Nemeth.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
� I AYES ��
Chair Lorberbaum closed the public hearing.
Further Discussion
Commissioner polan asked if anyone felt this was similar to the flag lot concept that was previously denied on
Victoria at the November meeting. Several Commission members responded that they do not. Commissioner
Dolan said that this lot is somewhat similar, but different in that there is a 100' required frontage, and it is zoned
MUPUD, which was not the case with the request on Victoria.
Commissioner Friel said this was not a flag lot, as it does not need to meet the flag lot requirements.
Commissioner M. McManus asked if this will come back should there be problems with the driveway. Mr.
Grittman said the site arrangement may need to be changed, and as a result, it would have to be reviewed again
by the Cominission to amend #he actions taken by the Commission.
:'ommissioner B. McManus reminded the Commission that Mr. Nemeth is willing to use the shared driveway
concept as a last resort.
Chair Lorberbaum suggested adding an amendment to the motion that the PUD should designate which lines are
side, rear, and front areas so there is no dispute in the future. Commissioner Friel asked if it was true that there
are already setbacks on a11 sides, and any limitations are already contained in the ordinance, and furthermore
with a PUD, there are no setback requirements, and in this case, they are being met anyway. Mr. Grittman said
it is the expectation that the proposed setback lines would be drawn on the plats and would make it clear to any
future applicant.
Stanley R. Genadek
716 Third Avenue
Mr. Hollister introduced this request far a wetlands pernut which was tabled at the November 2002 meeting, by
reading his memo to the Planning Commission dated January 23, 2003. This case was tabled and the
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Commission granted a 60-day extension to the 60-day review period to allow Mr. Genadek time to consult with�
an expert to provide further information on his application.
Mr. Hollister said that at this point, with the consent of the Genadeks, the 120-day review period lasts until
March 4, 2003, which happens to be a City Council meeting. Mr. Hollister said that technically, this could be
tabled to the Planning Commission meeting in February if after this evening's discussion, the Planning
Commission determines that there are still some unresolved issues or additional information is needed. Mr.
Hollister asked that, as a practical matter, to not impose on the City Council the burden of having to decide this
in one evening, and there are options available to the Commission and if the Genadeks would be willing to state
this evening they would consent to an additional extension to the time period, that would be fine. Mr. Hollister
said the Planning Commission should make some form of recommendation to the Council at their next meeting
to allow more than one evening to deliberate as they see appropriate.
Commissioner B. McManus said the Commission would probably be hearing from experts with a variety of
backgrounds on whether the excavation and open water is beneficial or negative, and whether there has been
enough planning and information provided. Commissioner B. McManus asked if the City has done anything
further since the Commission last met to discuss this that would help the Commission at this time. Mr.
Danielson the City has been relying on the expertise of Mr. Brian Watson of the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District. Mr. Danielson said Mr. Watson has not been able to look at this. Commissioner B.
McManus said that except for the expertise, which will come forward on behalf of the applicant, the
Commission has no further information from the last time this was discussed. Mr. Hollister referred to a letter
that was handed out to the Commission (from Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, dated —
January 28, 2003). Commissioner Betlej said this letter basically says they can do nothing because they do not �
have enough information. Mr. Hollister said that was correct. Commissioner B. McManus said the letter does
say that perhaps opening up a pond might be beneficial, however unless the proper information is provided, Mr.
Watson cannot pass judgment on it, and so the Commission may have to accept the expertise of the consultant
that is acting on behalf of the applicant.
Commissioner Friel said he is troubled as he noted the last paragraph of the letter, as well as the last paragraph
of Mr. Watson's letter of June 17, 2003, which states that the applicant may need to get approval from the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers. Commissioner Friel says that this approval, as well as the process, may take a
miniinum of 30 to 60 days upon receipt of adequate information ... and would most likely catch the
municipality between a rock and a hard place because the Genadeks have not made their application at this
point, as he is required to, and a recommendation should not be made. If it is decided to defer, pending this
requirement, the City will be caught in the bind of having approval opposed upon us because we haven't acted
within so many days of the date in which the application has been submitted. Mr. Hollister said this analysis is
correct. Mr. Hollister said if the City ultimately decides that as far as within the City's preview, expertise and
knowledge, that Mr. Genadek's plans are acceptable and in fact, official, but the City must defer to the opinion
of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and Dakota County, and the wetlands permit for this project could be
approved contingent upon review and approval by both those two bodies. Mr. Hollister said the City may not
want to do that because review by those other two bodies might indicate that we've learned something that we
may have wanted to work in to the original approval. Mr. Hollister said a second option would be to get consent
from the Genadek's for an additional time extension if they were for example, to give us three more months.
Mr. Hollister said that with the current weather conditions, they would not be able to begin this project right �
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
� now even if they could. Therefore, the Genadek's could give the City a substantial time extension long enough
to allow us to take care of those things. Mr. Hollister said the third thing he has seen happen here at the City, on
occasion, is that when something like this reaches the City Council, it has actually been denied by Council, but
then what Council has done, is to waive any mandatory waiting period before reapplying and on occasion, they
have even waived any second fees for applying. Mr. Hollister said from a practical standpoint, this is similar to
a time extension except that it leaves us assured that the clock is not going to be a problem. Commissioner Friel
said that is something the Council has the autharity to do, and our alternative at that point is to recommend
Chair Lorberbaum asked if the applicant owned the land or is it adjacent and the applicant wants to work to
improve it. Mr. Hollister said as the applicant has presented this application, the body of water sits entirely on
his properly, and the City has some corrobarating evidence from Dakota. County that shows the same. Chair
Lorberbaum asked for clarification as legally, this needs to be documented in the case the applicant does not
own that portion and may wish to claim ownership after putting all the time and money into this work. Mr.
Hollister said the applicant does in fact own the portion that will be improved. Chair Lorberbaum asked if it is
the case that the owner does own the parcel, and after the ponds are created, would it be possible that the
applicant may later decide to subdivide the area that will no longer be wet. Mr. Hollister said if the applicant
reconfigures the wetland, and leave a portion of the property dry, and if all approvals from the City and other
bodies necessary are obtained, if the applicant would then come in to apply for a subdivision to sell the other lot,
and if the new lot line was within 100 ft. of what remains as a wetland, and it is the consensus that this is a
wetland, a wetlands permit would be required to subdivide. Mr. Grittman said he doesn't know whether the
land could be subdivided or not because the information provided is sketchy. Commissioner Betlej said the
applicant implied at the previous meeting that they had no intent to develop any portion of this land.
Commissioner Hesse referred to the second paragraph of Mr. Watson's letter which talks about a wildlife
improvement exemption, which seems to be the strategy taken here, he is assuming there are certain conditions
that have to be met. Commissioner Hesse asked if the City is aware of any particular conditions that are
required to be met. Mr. Danielson said Mr. Watson has taken care of those requirements. Commissioner Friel
said that if the exemption hasn't been granted before they get here, does it make any difference? Commissioner
Hesse said he plans on asking the applicant the same question, but that if the City knew the answer, it may or
may not be required to ask the applicant. Commissioner Hesse said he is interested in this as he is a little
familiar with modifications of wetlands and the requirements that go with them. Commissioner Hesse said he
does not get any impression that the wetlands will be destroyed such that any wetlands will have to be replaced,
which is his understanding of the wetland conservation act, and is not familiar with the wildlife improvement
exemption associated with the wetland conservation act, and is trying to get some clarification of that.
Commissioner Hesse commented on the drainage concerns of the Wirts, and he believes this pertains to how the
modifications affect the drainage. Is the City going to be looking at this to verify there are no problems created
with this work? Mr. Danielson said the City has not yet looked into this, but will be doing so.
Commissioner M. McManus asked for clarification on the requirements of approvals by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and the Dakota. County Soil and Water Conservation District. Mr. Danielson said Mr. Watson states
in the letters that the applicant may require a letter of approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Commissioner Friel said that information will never get back to the Commission unless there is a consent to �j
defer because by the time a decision is made by the Commission, the decision from the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers may not come for another 60 or 90 days. Commissioner M. McManus asked who was supposed to
make the fmal determination. Commissioner Betlej asked for clarification that when modifying a wetland to
this extent, does it not have to then to get approval by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers? Mr. Danielson said
Mr. Watson is the expert and keeps using the word "may", and Mr. Danielson has not asked him if the applicant
"has to". Commissioner M. McManus said the process is missing one letter of information from the Army
Corps of Engineers.
Mr. and Mrs.Genadek were present at this meeting, along with their consultant, Mr. Paul Schmonski, KDH
Consultants, Oakdale.
Mr. Genadek provided the following information in response to some of the questions stated from the
• Ownership of property — wetlands property was closed on at the end of October. All land in question is
owned by the Genadeks.
• Drainage pattern — Mr. Genadek pointed out on the map the drainage flow, which ends into Wentworth
Park, and explained how the ponds will be positioned.
• Dakota County and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers — it was the Genadek's impression that they were to
come to the City first before going to the other bodies of government.
• Wildlife Exemption — Mr. Watson wants to see a wetland delineation. Applicant's consultant will take �
care of this in the spring.
• Existing contours — the applicant shared a map outlining the proposed contours, and as a professional
excavator, he will be preparing a final contours map.
• Seeding and maintenance specifications — will be preparing final report as was requested.
• Property boundaries with scale — working with Mr. Watson.
• Proposal of location of excavation — will be taken care of when finalizing the contours map. It is
estimated that approximately 275 cubic yards of dirt will be relocated on the property to allow for proper
bedding locations for wildlife.
� Possible subdivision of lot — Mr. Genadek said the purpose of purchasing the lot was to protect it, not to
develop it. Mr. Genadek said the properly could be left as is if that is the determination of the governing
bodies, however the Genadeks would prefer to improve the land as proposed for the benefit of the
wildlife, and assured the Commission that this area would remain a wildlife area.
Mr. Schmonski said he was hired to help with this project last week and have a few telephone conversations
with Mr. Watson. Mr. Schmonski referred to the letter from Mr. Watson, and said this project has a lot of
clarification that needs to occur before any decisions are made. Mr. Schmonski said in Mr. Watson's letter,
fourth paragraph that refers to the wildlife exemption, there are items here that need to be addressed prior to
approval of the project. Mr. Schmonski said he would be taking care of the approval process with the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers. Commissioner Betlej asked what would trigger their need to get involved in the
process. Mr. Schmonski said most likely it would be how busy they are, and most likely there will be just a
cursory review and would then defer it back to Dakota Couniy ar the City. Mr. Schmonski said Mr. Watson is
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
`:ommissioner Friel asked Mr. Schmonski for confirmation that he has more information that could be provided
co the City, although not with him at this time. Mr. Schmonski said this was correct. Commissioner Friel asked
if Mr. Schmonski was willing to extend the time for action by the Planning Commission as suggested by Mr.
Hollister. Mr. Genadek said he has no problem with that. Mr. Schmonski said the extension would be required
as the delineation portion will not be completed until things start to green up.
After further discussion as to when information would be available, and timeframes that will allow extensions,
Mr. Hollister suggested that the applicant withdraw his application, and upon receiving more information that is
needed, re-submit his application at a later date without any further wetland permit or application fees. This
will then get onto the agenda for the City Council at their September 4, 2003 meeting. This will then give time
for applicant to have all the information necessary and be on the agenda for the Commission's July meeting.
Mr. Schmonski said this will be agreeable to him. Mr. Genadek said he is in agreement with this. Mr. Hollister
asked for a written withdraw request witliin in next three days in order ta have the request be presented to the
City Council at their next meeting. Chair Lorberbaum and Commission M. McManus asked Mr. Genadek to
review the minutes of the November, 2002 meeting and January 28, 2003, as well as all concerns addressed by
the Wirts in preparation to gather the necessary information to answer the questions that were presented by the
Critical Area Ordinance
Chair Lorberbaum asked for a motion to table as the red-lined version is not available at this time and will be
�rthcoming in the near future.
It has been requested by Becki ShafFer, Recarding Secretary, to have all changes submitted to her for creating a
red-lined revision for the Commission's approval at the next Commission Meeting.
Mr. Danielson reported on the following actions taken at the last City Council Meeting.
Planning Case #02-46: Mark Olson, 1217 Victoria Court
nlamiing Case #02-47: Dave Drake, 837 Park Place Dr.
Request for subdivision approval and
variance withdrawn by applicant
Request for variance withdrawn by
Planning Commission Meeting
January 28, 2003
Planning Case #02-48: Russell Rider, 790 Wentworth Ave.
Planniug Case #02-50: Ron Clark Construction,
Acacia/Garron Property
Request for variance for front yard setback \
approved for 30 ft.
It was the consensus of the City Council
that if housing was to be there, it would be
a good one, however there was a request
from the Native American Community for an
EAW that was granted by the City Council.
Ron Clark has agreed to fund the EAW and
the Planning application is put on hold until
the EAWprocess is complete.
Respectfully submitted,
Becki Shaffer, Recording Secretary