1994-12-20 Council minutesPage No. 4245
December 20, 1994
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, December 20, 1994
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Huber, Koch, Krebsbach and Smith.
AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Huber moved adoption of the agenda for the
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of the minutes of the
November 1, 1994 regular meeting.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of the minutes of the
November 7, 1994 meeting.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Smith moved approval of the consent calendar for
the meeting, revised to move items 5c., Curley Furniture sign, and
5g, United Properties easement to the regular agenda, along with
authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained
a. Acknowledgment of receipt of the unapproved minutes of the
November 2, 1994 NDC -4 meeting.
b. Approval of the issuance of a permit to Rollerblade, Inc. for a
twelve square foot temporary sign to be located 40 feet from
the front lot line at 2360 Pilot Knob Road.
c. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the December 13, 1994
Park and Recreation Commission meeting.
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d. Acknowledgment of receipt of invitations to the annual
National League of Cities Conference and a Dakota County
League of Governments meeting.
e. Adoption of Resolution No. 94 -911 "A RESOLUTION
Resolution No. 94 -92, "A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A
f. Approval of the list of claims dated December 20, 1994 and
totaling $205,744.59.
Councihnember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CURLEY FURNITURE SIGN Council acknowledged a memo from Code Enforcement Officer
Berg regarding an application for sign permit from the Curley
Furniture Company at the former Ethan Allen facility at 1044
Highway 110.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Curley Furniture wants to use the
entire 120 square feet (each side) of the former Ethan Allen sign but
the Ethan Allen sign is a non - complying sign 20 square feet larger
than is allowed by code and there is no record to show that the city
approved the sign. He stated that approval of the request would set a
dangerous precedent.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder informed Council that the sign
permit is a request to change the sign message on an existing sign
and that the structure of the sign was not removed when Ethan Allen
vacated the building. He explained that under the ordinance Curley
would be permitted to use 100 square feet of the sign area but not
the apex area.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that Ethan Allen had a logo in the
apex of the sign and the current applicant intends to use the apex in
addition to the other sign area. He did not feel Council should
endorse a non - conforming sign use. He stated that Council has
asked other applicants to strictly conform to the ordinance and that
he does not see any good reason to set a precedent by allowing a 120
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square foot sign along T.H. 110. He suggested that Mr. Curley
appear before the Planning Commission for variance consideration.
Mr. Tim Curley, present for the discussion, stated that the building
has existed for 26 years and the sign has also and all he is asking is
to place his logo in the apex of the sign. He stated that he has met
with city staff and the city planner and all agreed that this was within
the limitations of the ordinance.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that 120 square feet of sign area is
non - conforming and there is no record Ethan Allen received
approval for the sign size.
Councilmember Huber stated that if Council decided to deviate from
the ordinance, a precedent is set and others in the future would
expect the same sign size. He further stated that Mr. Curley should
make application for variance and go through the same planning
process as everyone else does.
Councilmember Huber moved to table action and refer the matter to
the Planning Commission for review and recommendation.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
UNITED PROPERTIES Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works Director
EASEMENT PURCHASE Danielson regarding acquisition of easements from United
Properties in conjunction with the industrial park storm water
project. Council also acknowledged proposed easement agreements.
Mayor Mertensotto stated he feels that the appraisal is top dollar
value which does not take into account that this is probably not the
most desirable part of the developer's land for density. He further
stated that he has spoken to the city's appraiser, Blake Davis, and
asked if he thought it would be appropriate, (if the city acquires the
easement area at the $1.80 per square foot value at which he
appraised the property) for the easement area to be deducted from
the total land area for development so that United Properties cannot
calculate the footprint by saying that they own the land and include
it within their land area calculation. He recommended that
acquisition be conditioned that the easement area be subtracted from
the land area owned by the developer as far as the potential
percentage development.
After discussion, Councilmember Smith moved to purchase drainage
and utility easements from United Properties, as described in the
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Public Works Director's memo dated December 15, 1994, for the
appraised value of $246,000 to be funded by the TIF, subject to
execution and delivery of the easement documents, in recordable
form, by United Properties and further conditioned that the areas
taken for the easements be subtracted from the land area owned by
the developer for future development percentages.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Council directed staff to draft a resolution with respect to acquisition
of the easement, the document to be attached to the recorded
easement, and notify United Properties of the condition on
development area reduction and inform them that unless they
consent to the condition the city cannot proceed with the acquisition
before the end of the year.
HEARING - TRUTH IN Council acknowledged a memo and proposed resolutions with
TAXATION respect to the 1994 levy and 1995 budget.
Mayor Mertensotto opened the meeting for the purpose of a
subsequent hearing on the proposed 1994 levy and 1995 budget, and
asked for questions and comments from the audience.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember Krebsbach
moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Koch moved adoption of Resolution No. 94 -91,
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT Council acknowledged a letter and information on the Metro East
PARTNERSHIP Development Partnership from its Executive Director, Jeffrey
Rageth, along with a memo from Administrator Lawell. Mr. Rageth
was present for the discussion.
Mr. Rageth gave Council and the audience a history of his
organization and informed them on the organizational purpose and
development activities of Metro East. He gave an overview of the
programs and services provided by Metro East and informed
Council on the potential benefits to be gained by the city through
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membership in the organization, particularly benefits to small
businesses in the community who would like to expand.
Responding to questions from Mayor Mertensotto, he stated that the
annual membership fee, $500, has not increased during the seven
years the organization has been in existence and in fact has
Mayor Mertensotto asked if the city would be open to assessment,
above the annual membership, and he complimented Metro East on
the quality of its bulletins.
Mr. Rageth stated that there is no assessment potential, and
explained that about 70% of the cost of the brochures is funded by
private enterprise. He stated that members can drop at any time.
Councilmember Smith stated that the facilitation and assistance in
providing contacts to the right person and being able to set up a
dialogue is very helpful, and it is the ancillary benefits that would be
realized by membership in such an organization that would make
membership worthwhile.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that there are other organizations
which provide similar service, including the Dakota County
Economic Development Partnership, and suggested that Council
look at them as well.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that the issue be placed on the next
scheduled workshop agenda and directed staff to prepare a list of all
similar organizations which are operating in Dakota County.
Mr. Rageth invited Council to attend the annual meeting of Metro
East to be held in January.
HEARING - FRIENDLY HILLS Mayor Mertensotto opened the meeting for the purpose of a
ADDITION STREETS continued public hearing on proposed Friendly Hills street and storm
sewer improvements. Council acknowledged a report from Engineer
Mogan in response to public comments at the December 6 public
hearing, along with a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Gail Wirth, 2123 Fox
Mayor Mertensotto gave a brief history on the project and a recap of
the December 6 hearing. He informed the audience that there has
been some reduction in the storm sewer drainage mains from the
project as originally proposed. He stated that the city cannot afford
to put in stubs at the main, at the $2,700 per lot assessment rate, but
the homeowners, if they choose, could hook up a sump pump and
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discharge directly into the storm sewer line, where the main is
available. He stated that homeowners can request that a stub be put
at their properties at an estimated cost of $200.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that the item could be
included as a change order to the contract, and the property owners
would be charged whatever the cost is. He stated that property
owners would have to notify the city of their desire for a stub at
some time prior to installation of the main along the properties.
Councilmember Smith stated that since mains will not run along all
of the properties, the city would have to notify those who will be
affected that they can take advantage of the stub opportunity.
Councilmember Krebsbach encouraged residents who have a
problem with their sump pumps to take advantage of the stub if the
main is available to them. She pointed out that this would maximize
the investment in the project.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that on December 6 the feasibility report
included drainage assessments for residential properties along Dodd
Road. He stated that those properties can be included in the
drainage assessment now since they drain to the district, or they can
be included in a future drainage project which will likely occur as
the result of redevelopment along Dodd. He informed the audience
that because there is a potential for future assessment, staff has
recommended that the nine residential properties along Dodd can be
removed from the current project.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Ms. Renee Schmidt objected on
December 6 to being assessed for the street portion of the project.
He informed Ms. Schmidt that since this is not the assessment
hearing, she should appear at the assessment hearing and submit an
objection to the assessment at the time of the assessment hearing.
Ms. Schmidt stated that the staff report is inaccurate with respect to
her property. She stated that there is curb and gutter in front of her
house which was installed as part of the Bridgeview Shores project.
She stated that she did not ask for the improvement at that time, and
was not assessed for it. She did not feel that she should be assessed
for street improvements as part of the Friendly Hills project.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that the homeowners in Bridgeview
Shores ultimately paid for the improvements in front of Ms.
Schmidt's home. He explained that her property is in the assessment
- area and is part of the project and could be assessed for both street
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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and storm sewer. He stated that Ms. SchmidVs objection will be
placed on record.
Mayor Mertensotto asked for questions and comments from the
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember Krebsbach
moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Mayor Mertensotto commended the Friendly Hills Task Force on its
efforts. He stated that the Friendly Hills development was the first
major development in the city and that it has never had a street
assessment or urban streets. He stated that the engineering
recommendation is that Decorah, between Dodd and Apache, since
it has no access onto it, be 28 feet in width and the remainder of
Decorah, since it is MSA, be 33 feet wide. He stated that there will
likely be a requirement by MSA that parking be restricted to one
side of the street, but Council will not make a choice on which side
of the street will have parking allowed until it is notified of the
parking restriction by the state. He explained that MSA funding and
MSA reserve funding is necessary to make financing for the project
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she hopes that the Friendly
Hills community and those from Copperfield would work together
to reduce their speeds and that those in Friendly Hills not be hostile
to the neighbors who drive Decorah.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that one potential for controlling traffic is
to install four -way stops at some of the Decorah intersections.
Councilmember Smith stated that she is very much in favor of the
project and commends the task force. She stated that she feels badly
that some of the areas were not represented on the committee but
expressed appreciation to the community for rallying around the
project and their open minded attitude.
Responding to a question from Councilmember Smith, Treasurer
Shaughnessy explained what MSA reserve is and stated that it is
anticipated that about $30,000 to $35,000 of the current $200,000
reserve will be needed for the Friendly Hills project. He explained
that the reserve fund has been used for large maintenance projects,
like the re- milling on Mendota Heights Road.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Mayor Mertensotto asked for Council to support a contribution of
$7,000 from the Storm Water Utility Fund to the project to
compensate for not assessing the Dodd Road residential properties
because they can be assessed under a future project.
Councilmember Huber stated that he is in favor of the project. He
further stated that Friendly Hills is a unique area in that the lots are
smaller than most of the lots in the city and the proposed $2,700
assessment is equivalent to what would be assessed ($3,400 to
$3,500) for similar improvements to a standard city lot. He
explained that the city is financing a larger share than it would in
other projects but he does not feel a precedent is being set in
consideration of the lot size differences.
Mayor Mertensotto agreed, stating that the frontage of the lots in the
Curley Addition, for example, are larger than Friendly Hills, and the
Curley lots will likely be looking at an estimated $3,400 to $3,500
assessment, which is proportionately the same.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that if the approving resolution is
adopted, she would like it to be amended to include information on
the sump pump hook - option at additional cost.
There being no further discussion, Councilmember Smith moved
adoption of Resolution No. 94 -94, "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING
PROJECT NO. 6," amended to add 1.) that the $7,000 for the nine
residential properties on Dodd Road will be financed by the Storm
Water Utility Fund and that those properties will be deleted from the
project and subject to future assessments and storm water
improvements; and 2) there shall be a separate bid item in the
contract to allow connection to the storm sewer main and individual
home owners where possible will be given the option to hook up at
additional cost.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach suggested that staff be directed to keep
the neighborhood informed on the timetable for project
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Council acknowledged that Ms. Renee Schmidt appeared to object
to her potential assessment.
CASE NO. 94-06, DAHM Council acknowledged an application from Mr. Keith Dahm for
modified critical area site plan approval to allow construction of a
single family home on Lot 1, Block 2, Valley View Oaks (1942
Glen Hill Road).
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that the lot is across from the lots
on the bluff and after the Critical Area Ordinance is revised, it may
fall within the area that may not be as rigorously scrutinized as the
lots on the bluff.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to approve the modified site plan
for Lot 1, Block 2, Valley View Oaks, to allow construction of a
single family residence at 1942 Glen Hill Road along with waiver of
the $ 100 application fee, conditioned that the developer carry out the
tree preservation plan, with respect to removal and replacement of
trees, as submitted with the application.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 94-25, MENDOTA Council acknowledged an application for rezoning and conditional
MEADOWS REZONING AND use permit for planned unit development from Mendota Homes,
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for the proposed Mendota Meadows townhouse development, along
with associated staff reports.
Mayor Mertensotto informed the audience that on November 15
Council denied the conditional use permit because a day care center
had been proposed to be developed on one acre of the ten acre site.
He stated that the current proposal is for 36 townhouses on the ten
acre PUD project. He stated that the plans will need to be modified
with respect to the grade of the driveways from the main road to the
Public Works Director Danielson responded that most of the lots
will have an 8% grade.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the plan shows up to a 10% grade and
that should be modified. He asked what the legend on the plan
means and whether city staff had notified Mr. Mathem of the
concern voiced by the Bridgeview Shores residents with respect to
the berm along Mendota Heights Road.
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Mr. Mathern submitted current plans, explained the legend and
briefly reviewed the plans. He stated that the new plan stipulates
that no driveway will be allowed to be graded more than eight
percent. He stated that he will be able to berm along part of
Mendota Heights Road, including walk out Lots 1-3 and possibly
Lot 4, but it will not be possible to put a berm behind Lots 5, 6, 7
and 8, and that the landscaping plan includes trees and plantings
along Mendota Heights Road.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that if the berm cannot be accomplished
as originally proposed, one to three of the walk-outs may have to go.
Mr. Mathern responded that the street elevation to the east of those
lots will maintain a flatter slope to the front of the units and a rear
elevation that will allow walk-outs. He stated that he believes he
can build the berm and still drain the back yards of the walk out lots.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that the purpose is to establish a
uniform berm along Mendota Heights Road.
Mr. Mathern stated that the berm will be three to four feet tall.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested putting in a lower berm along Lots 5-
7 with landscaping on top of it.
Mr. Mathern stated that he will revise the landscape plan to make the
screening along Mendota Heights Road more dense.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Council does not know the exact
location where it would like the easement on Parcel B and pointed
out that there is additional right-of-way which would lend itself to a
future right-turn lane from Dodd onto Mendota Heights Road, which
should be shown as right-of-way on the plat for future use if it is
needed. He stated that he would like to proceed this evening with
concept approval for single story townhouses. He suggested
preliminary plan approval subject to the modifications shown on the
plan dated December 20 and the appropriate screening along
Mendota Heights Road. He stated that there is no definitive
developers agreement or landscaping plan before Council at this
time but preliminary plat approval would allow Mr. Mathern to
proceed and would allow the city to begin the acquisition of the 1.3
acre Parcel B. He explained that after the city receives easements
over that parcel for signage and the turning lane area, the property
would be conveyed back to the development subject to a
conservation easement. He stated that the plan meets the density
requirement of the MR-PUD district.
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Councilmember Smith asked if the footprint shown on the
preliminary plan is close to what the final footprint will be.
Mr. Mathern responded that it is, that the units will be 42 feet wide
by 16 feet deep and that decks and patios are defined on the plan as
well. He reviewed the design drawings, stating that it is proposed to
construct 36 townhomes, 34 of which are attached as two units and
two that are totally detached. The footprint allows 2400 square feet
per unit, including about 500 square feet of garage. He stated that
some of the units will have basements and some will have walk-
Mayor Mertensotto asked where the meters will be. He also asked if
Mr. Mathern is requesting approval for ornamental street lights.
Mr. Mathern responded that all of the utilities cannot be located in
the beginning because the plans will need to be customized., but it is
anticipated that they will be placed on the side of the buildings for
the most part. He stated that he is requesting city streets and curbs,
sidewalks and street lights, and the design will be the one that
Council has selected in the past.
Treasurer Shaughnessy stated that NSP will directly bill the
association for the costs.
Councilmember Smith stated that she would like to know the
number and location of street lights before final approval.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that a park contribution of $750 per
lot is required to be paid before execution of the final plat. He asked
when Mr. Mathern will pay the $30,000 purchase price of Outlot B
Mr. Mathern stated that he has no objection to paying the park
contribution and Outlot B acquisition price before final plat
A resident of Bridgeview Shores stated that there was no berm
shown on the grading plans as of yesterday even though Mr.
Mathern clearly understood and represented by Mr. Mathern there
would be a berm along the entire length of the project and that a
Planning Commission meeting Mr. Mathern agreed to eliminate the
walk -outs in order to provide the berm. He also asked for
clarification that there will be no rezoning for the property.
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Mayor Mertensotto responded that it is quite clear that Council's
priority is for screening Mendota Heights Road and if it is necessary
to eliminate the walk -outs to achieve the screening, they will have to
be removed. With respect to rezoning, Mayor Mertensotto stated
that it is a practice of the city that prior to the granting of a
conditional use permit for planned unit development, Council
rezones the land which goes into the P.U.D. so that zoning is in
place. He explained that Council has always changed the underlying
zoning to correspond to the use before changing the use of a
property and stated that MR -PUD zoning density is not to exceed
four units per acre.
The resident stated that the neighbors have some objection to
changing the underlying zoning. He stated that by changing the
underlying zoning, if and when the townhouses cease to be someone
else could come back and develop the land at a much higher density.
Attorney Hart stated that the city ordinance has recently been
changed to provide that a PUD requires a 4/5 vote of the Council
and it can only be developed by 4/5 vote so there is no advantage to
retaining the underlying R -1 zoning. He further stated that it is
unlawful to retain the underlying zoning and allow the development
of a property that is inconsistent with the underlying zoning.
Mayor Mertensotto asked Mr. Mathern if the project will be uniform
in design and exterior materials.
Mr. Mathern responded that they will be uniform, with the same
exteriors and exterior color.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that there will be a requirement that
the exterior materials which are proposed to be used must be
included in the development plans for the project.
The Bridgeview Shores resident stated that there has been no
submission of proof of the developer's financial ability to take on the
proj ect. ,
Mayor Mertensotto responded that if the PUD is approved and the
developer should falter, the underlying land owner will take over
and complete the project or find someone else to do so but the
project will have to be completed in accordance with the approved
plans for the PUD. He stated that he does not believe there will be
any risk involved and pointed out that the park contribution and
acquisition price of Parcel B will be paid before final approval.
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Staff was directed to be sure to address all of the concerns raised by
the Planning Commission.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that it must be very clear that the
understanding is that Mr. Mathern is saying he cannot berm totally
along Mendota Heights Road but is committing to major screening
including dense evergreens where it cannot b bermed, and also that
lantern style street lights will be used and screening will be done
along the back of the exit.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to direct staff to prepare a
resolution for design concept approval of a 36 townhouse planned
unit development of Mendota Meadows as presented and to grant
preliminary plat approval for the 10.3 acre parcel in the manner
Ayes: 5 presented and with the conditions discussed this evening.
Nays: 0 Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
PARK COMMISSION Council acknowledged a memo from Administrator Lawell
regarding interviews of Park and Recreation Commission
candidates to fill Vicki Katz' unexpired term. Mayor Mertensotto
stated that another candidate, Les Ackerman, has contacted him to
express interest and directed that Mr. Ackerman be added to the list
of candidates to interview.
Administrator Lawell informed Council that one of the candidates,
James Peterson, will be out of town from January through March
and will not be available for interview. He stated that a Council
workshop should be held on the Highway 55 Corridor, labor
negotiation issues, economic development organizations and the St.
Paul Water agreement, and suggested that the interviews be
conducted on the same evening.
It was the consensus that the commission needs to be diversified and
have a balanced perspective with respect to organized sports, etc..
Administrator Lawell indicated that staff would prepare a summary
for Council on the perspective of the current members.
Council directed Administrator Lawell to prepare a recommendation
on potential workshop dates for Council consideration on January
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Smith stated that a home is being constructed on
Mendota Heights Road with a driveway on Mendota Heights Road.
She stated that she understands that it is a difficult lot to develop but
it will be the only house that has direct access to the street.
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Public Works Director Danielson responded that staff had discussed
with the developer the possibility of providing access to the lot
directly from Arbor Court but there is a steep grade and there are
significant oaks which would have to be removed.
Councilmember Smith pointed out that the school forest property
lies along Mendota Heights Road and it is not known how that
property will develop. She stated that in the future when there is
such a major deviation from past policy, the issue should be brought
to Council.
There was discussion over the recent clear - cutting of trees on the
Garron site. Public Works Director Danielson informed Council
that there is no strong ordinance language by which staff could have
stopped the tree removal but the Planning Commission is currently
looking into preparation of a tree preservation ordinance.
Councilmember Huber informed Council on the NDC -4
Commission's action with respect to a settlement with Continental
Cablevision on the non - compliance issue.
Councilmember Smith stated that the joint powers agreement allows
for an action by the member cities on issues dealing with the assets
that belong to the cities and it appears that there has been a
significant and material change.
Administrator Lawell was directed to contact NDC -4 to get a copy
of the full report for distribution to the Council.
Councilmember Krebsbach informed Council that she will be absent
from the next Council meeting.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Huber moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ayes: 5 Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 o'clock P.M.
athleen M. Swanson
ATTEST: City Clerk
t Charles E. Mertensotto