1995-05-09 Council-Plng Comm Workshop Hwy 55CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Workshop Meeting
Held- Tuesday, May 9, 1995
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the joint workshop meeting of the City Council and
Planning Commission, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at City Hall,
1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:15 o'clock P.M. The following members
were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmember Huber, Councilmembers Koch and Smith
notified the Council that they would be late. Councilmember Krebsbach was excused,
Planning Commission members Dwyer, Tilsen, Betlej and Koll. Planning Commission
members Friel, Duggan and Lorberbaum were also excused.
WELCOME AND Planner John Uban was recognized as being in attendance
INTRODUCTIONS to present the details of Phase II of his Trunk Highway 55
TRUNK HIGHWAY 55 Planner Uban presented two concepts for development of the
BACKGROUND Trunk Highway 55 Corridor that were also documented in a
memorandum prepared by him and dated May 5, 1995.
Mr. Uban began his explanation by showing an overhead slide
depicting the Trunk Highway 55 alignment as it begins in
Minneapolis and travels through Mendota Heights to Rochester,
Minnesota. He stated that the highway was constantly being
improved and would eventually end up being a very strong
gateway into Mendota Heights from Minneapolis. Because of
this, the corridor offers excellent opportunities for business
development and housing.
Mr. Uban next pointed out that the interchange project opened up
a number of loading docks to view and that relandscaping the
area to screen these docks was important.
Councilmember Koch arrived at 7:35 p.m.
Mr. Uban then presented an overhead slide showing his Concept
1. He stated that George's Golf Range site has poor access
making development a problem for that site. He said the Garron
site is shown as a corporate headquarters site on this concept.
He then presented an overhead slide showing Concept 2. This
concept was his recommended concept and it showed office
development on either side of Acacia Boulevard. Access was
shown to be restricted from Acacia Boulevard in order to
maintain a "ceremonial" access to the Cemetery. The concept
also shows high density residential development on the Garron
site and the north half of the unplatted Acacia site. Because of
the dramatic views these sites have, they will result in a very high
quality development.
Mayor Mertensotto asked what would happen if the north parallel
runway were built at the Mpls. /St. Paul International Airport.
Planner Uban stated that runway would make the site
undesirable. If the runway is not built, the noise contours at
MSP are anticipated to shrink over time due to the introduction
of quieter State 3 aircraft.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Mendota Heights would be
criticized if more homes were built on the Garron site and asked
Planning Commissioner Betlej if a corporate site would be more
desirable. Planning Commissioner Betlej stated that because of
the poor access, this site would be less desirable as a corporate
Councihnember Smith arrived at 8:00 p.m.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he felt the sites (B and C) located
on either side of Acacia Boulevard should also be residential to
provide better transition from the commercial area to the Garron
Mayor Mertensotto stated that trucks would be undesirable on the
Center Pointe site. Planner Uban stated that he has shown mixed
uses that support each other on the Center Pointe site.
Planning Commissioner Doll asked what was the future of the
Furlong site. Planner Uban stated that single family housing was
shown on the site as an interim use (20+ years). Single family
housing was determined as the use a few years ago when the City
invested in bringing utilities to the area and MAC retrofitted the
homes for noise abatement.
Councilmember Huber asked whether the City should be
proactive or reactive on the development of this area. Mayor
Mertensotto added that the City only has approximately 15 % of
vacant land remaining and that we should be attempting to
maximize its development. Planner Uban stated that realtors will
do the marketing for the City.
Planner Uban reviewed the pattern of development within the
portion of the business park owned by United Properties.
Administrator Lawell noted that under the City's current Zoning
Ordinance, the high profile lots located adjacent to I -494 could be
developed with standard office /warehouse -type facilities.
Planner Uban stated that the George's site is a highly visible and
key site to the area. Because it has poor access and is
immediately adjacent to R.L. Johnson's large warehouse, its
development may need City assistance in order for it to be
developed to its greatest potential.
Councilmember Smith asked if the area has the ability to
accommodate low and moderate income housing. Planner Uban
responded that the land is priced too high. It was his opinion that
most new development land was priced too high for low and
moderate housing and that low and moderate housing should be
accommodated for in older housing stock.
Mayor Mertensotto asked if a consensus could be arrived at for a
concept for development of the area, in particular the Garron
site, because there was a developer currently approaching the
City on that site. Planning Commission Koll stated that she
preferred residential on the Garron site. Councilmember Huber
stated that the Garron site was too noise impacted for residential.
Planning Commissioner Dwyer stated that the site was ideally
suited for corporate headquarters. Planner Uban stated that it
may be too expensive as a corporate site because there is not
enough space to have surface parking and expensive "structured"
parking would have to be built.
Park Commissioners Norton and Linnell had joined the meeting
and informed the workshop that the Park Commission was in
favor of keeping the area around Lake Augusta as open space.
Planner Uban stated that an attempt would be made to preserve
the land around Lake Augusta as park, however, if that were not
possible, housing would be the fallback position in Concept 2.
Concept 1 provides for an area of business service near the
frontage road on the Cemetery property near Lake Augusta.
Councilmember Smith stated that service areas should be
primarily for Mendota Heights residents and should not be
located to attract through - highway traffic.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that development "above the triangle"
was what was at issue at this time and that a plan should be
adopted for that area. Development of this area should be by
means of "PUD" zoning similar to what was done in the
southeast area.
Planner Uban was instructed to check with other high quality
developers for input prior to the City adopting a plan.
The workshop was adjourned at 10:15 o'clock P.M.
7 es E. Danielson, Public Works Director
1M ,
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor