1995-10-12 Council Workshop Livable Comm ActMinutes of the Workshop Meeting
Held Thursday, October 12, 1995
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a workshop meeting of the City Council, of the City of
Mendota Heights, was held at 7:00 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:15 o'clock P.M. The following members
were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Huber, Koch and Smith. Councilmember
Krebsbach had notified the Council that she would be late. Staff members present were City
Administrator Tom Lawell, and Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder. Guests present
were Gunnar Isberg and Judy Hollander, Metropolitan Council planners.
WELCOME AND City Administrator Lawell introduced Gunnar Isberg and Judy Hollander
INI 1ODUCTIONS from the Metropolitan Council who were present to provide the City
Council with an overview of the Livable Communities Act, which is
being implemented by the Metropolitan Council.
Mr. Isberg and Ms. Hollander provided a presentation on the Livable
Communities Act and the role of the Metropolitan Council. Mr. Isberg
described the process and the time lines for community action, including
a November 15th deadline for opting to participate in the Livable
Communities Act and a December 15th deadline for establishing goals,
to be negotiated with the Metropolitan Council, to address low income
and life -cycle housing.
The presentation included a discussion of the purpose of the act, defined
affordable housing, defined life cycle housing, discussed the resources
available for participating communities and described the three funding
accounts that would be available to participating communities.
Mr. Isberg stated that the resources are available to assist communities in
affordable and life cycle housing, clean up of polluted sites for
businesses and jobs and for new development that would link housing,
jobs and transportation. Mr Isberg described the Local Housing
Incentives Account, the Tax Base Revitalization Account and the Livable
Communities Demonstration Account. The Council discussed these
funding accounts. Councilmember Smith inquired if the Housing
Incentives Account could be used to make existing housing stock
affordable by providing funds to fill the gap between market rates and
low income affordability levels.
Mr. Isberg discussed the Remonstration account and new urbanism
efforts to have less of an automobile dependent land use with higher
Councilmember Krebsbach arrived at 7:40 p.m.
Mr. Isberg again described "how to participate" in the Livable
Communities Act. Mr. Isberg and the Council discussed the Resolution
to elect to participate that is required prior to November 15, 1995. Mr.
Isberg and the Council discussed the Housing Goals Statement required
prior to December 15, 1995. Mr. Isberg and the Council discussed the
Action Plan that will be required of participating cities by June 30,
1996. Mr. Isberg stated that the Metropolitan Council will review the
Action Plans, but will not be approving them.
Mr. Isberg discussed what steps a city could take, in its action plan, in
order to make positive, incremental changes to meet the intent and spirit
of this new law. Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that the City had not
approved a request to raise the building permit fees, thereby helping to
keep development costs down for new housing.
The Council discussed the housing goals agreement with Mr. Isberg and
Ms. Hollander. Mr. Isberg stated that the planning area and sector maps
are used to compare Mendota Heights to "similarly situated"
communities for the purpose of establishing benchmarks. City Council
reviewed these maps and benchmarks. Lawell pointed out that the
Metropolitan Councils data did not include post -1990 development in the
SouthEast Area and that would raise percentages of affordable and life
cycle housing closer to the benchmarks.
Mr. Isberg stated that the Metropolitan Council is not expecting us to
reach the benchmarks, only to strive towards these benchmarks and goals
by acting positively to create change. Councilmember Krebsbach stated
for housing purposes it made more sense to look at our school district
boundaries when looking for a community. She stated that ISD -197
contained many affordable and life -cycle housing units in northern Eagan
and in West St. Paul. Mayor Mertensotto described Mendota Heights
land use plan adoption in 1959 and our consistent approach to
community planning, protection of wetlands and bluff lines, and our
zoning around the air noise impacted areas.
Mr. Isberg recommended that Mendota Heights document any relevant
information in the goals agreement. There was a concern expressed
about creating a shift in the City's tax capacity if the benchmarks are
Mr. Isberg described the Affordable and Life -Cycle Housing
Opportunities Amount (ALHOA). Council inquired how much this
amount would be in future years.
City Administrator Lawell inquired if any cities had indicated they did
not have enough time to properly address all the questions and concerns
raised about the implications of participation in this new act. Mayor
Mertensotto inquired if the legislation is specific that participation must
occur by November 15, 1995. Mr. Isberg indicated yes. Mr. Isberg
stated that participation is done on an annual basis, however, the goals
and the action plan are a once only effort that lasts until year 2010.
The Council thanked Mr. Isberg and Ms. Hollander for their
presentation and for their time in responding to Council questions and
The City Council discussed their options about participation and goal
adoption. The City Council discussed the other targeted communities
that have priority for the Local Housing Incentives Account due to their
high fiscal disparities contributions. The Council discussed their ability
to opt out once they have elected to participate. The Council directed
staff to prepare a proposed resolution of participation for their
consideration. The Council directed staff to work with Metropolitan
Council staff to update the data used for the benchmarks and to prepare
documentation to negotiate goals.
This item was carried over until the Fire Department can schedule a
mutually convenient time to consider this request.
City Administrator Lawell announced that he has accepted a position
with the City of Sequim, Washington that begins on December 1, 1995.
ADJOURN There being no further business, the City Council adjourned at 10:30