1996-06-18 Council minutesPage No. 1
June 18, 1996
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, June 18, 1996
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Huber, Koch and Smith. Councilmember Krebsbach had
notified the Council that she would be absent.
AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Smith moved adoption of the revised agenda for the
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Smith moved approval of the minutes of the
- regular meeting held June 4, 1996 as amended.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Smith moved approval of the consent calendar for
the meeting, along with authorization for execution of any necessary
documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the June 11, 1996 Parks
and Recreation Commission meeting and direction to staff to
notify all commissions that Council values their input and any
decisions which are contrary to a commission
recommendation are not for lack of findings but rather because
Council is responsible as elected officials andlmust exercise
individual judgment.
b. Acknowledgment of the Fire Department monthly report for
c. Acknowledgment of the Treasurer's monthly report for May.
d. Acknowledgment of a "Spring Clean-up Day" summary
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e. Adoption of Ordinance No. 308, "AN ORDINANCE
AND CITY COUNCIL," the salaries established at $375 per
month and $250 per month respectively.
f. Approval for the police department to purchase two Motorola
Spectra A -5 mobile radios from Bear Communications for a
total cost of $4,026.49 under the state purchasing contract.
g. Approval of the appointment of Michael L. Thompson, John
A Larrive and Robert M. Lambert as probationary police
h. Acknowledgment of quotes received for the 1996 tree
planting program and award of a contract to Greenworks,
Inc., for its low bid of $17,000.
i. Authorization for staff to solicit bids for a GIS computer
Adoption of Ordinance No. 309, "AN ORDINANCE
k. Acknowledgment of a memo from Recreation Programmer
Esser regarding reimbursements to 1995 softball teams for
unused umpire fees, and authorization for refund subject to
notice to the applicants that the refund is available upon
receipt of an application for refund from the each team.
1. Authorization for the execution of "The Contract for Private
Development" between the city and Tuthill Corporation (TIF)
m. Authorization for staff to solicit bids for 1996 seal coating.
n. Approval of the list of contractor licenses dated June 18, 1996
and attached hereto.
o. Approval of the List of Claims dated June 18, 1996 and
totaling $105,026.66.
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p. Authorization for the purchase of a Chevrolet Caprice cruiser
from Polar Chevrolet at the state contract bid price of $17,979
and a Ford Taurus unmarked squad for $16,500, with a cap of
$28,000 in total cost after trade or sale of the vehicles being
p. Acknowledgment of a memo from Administrator Batchelder
regarding a request from the Mendota Heights Athletic
Association to reserve Mendakota Park for a regional AAU
baseball tournament on June 23 and 24, along with a request
from MHAA that the city fence off the entrance points to the
ballfield facility because they wish to charge admission to the
tournament. Approval to allow the AAU to conduct the
tournament and that the city charge the AAU $75 /per parks
employee for a two hour period for general cleanup and
referral of the fencing issue to the Parks and Recreation
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Regarding the MHAA baseball tournament fencing request, Mayor
Mertensotto pointed out that the park is public property and as such
there are problems that would be associated with allowing groups to
charge admission. He felt that the Parks and Recreation
Commission should review the fencing issue before any action is
taken by Council. He further stated that he would not want to set a
policy on cordoning off the public fields to keep people out because
an organization wants to charge a fee to an event.
Mayor Mertensotto informed Council that he has received a call
from a home owner just north of the boundary line for the middle
school who had asked the school's construction contractor about tree
removal from the site and who was informed that all of them are to
be removed. He stated that removal of the trees would naturally
upset people who sat through the Council discussions over
development of the property. He informed Council that the home
owner has set up a meeting with school district representatives for
Wednesday evening and has invited Council to attend. He asked
Public Works Director Danielson to attend the meeting to review
what Council has approved.
CASE NO. 96 -16, STOVERN Council acknowledged a memo from Administrative Intern Hollister
regarding continued discussion on an application from Mr. Timothy
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Stovern for a wetlands permit to allow installation of a fence for Mr.
& Mrs. Rosenblum, 2277 Copperfield Drive. Mr. Stovern was
present for the discussion.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that it appears that there is a fence in a
back yard along the pond that goes right up to the pond, but Mr.
Stovern is proposing to install the fence 25 feet from the pond,
which would allow passage along the pond. He asked whether the
25 foot setback should be the standard or how far Council should
allow fences to be set back from the scenic easement.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that in this case the
scenic easement area is open so passage would be possible, but in
other cases there could be heavy vegetation.
Mayor Mertensotto felt that the standard should be at least four feet
from the easement.
Councilmember Smith stated that the last matter than came before
Council was a different request for a passage way but she did not
believe it is the city's obligation to require a passage way on private
property. She stated that Council is dealing with the wetlands
permit application, which involves just a review of the proposal for
impact on the wetlands or on the habitat of the area around the
wetlands. She further stated that Council is also dealing with the
scenic easement issue and Council is charged with protecting that.
She felt that it is possible that there may also be some restrictive
covenants on fencing around the pond and suggested that Mr.
Stovern review the property title.
Councilmember Koch moved adoption of Resolution No. 96 -39, "A
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
MENDAKOTA FENCE Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works Director
Danielson regarding a request from Mendakota Country Club for
approval to complete part of the Phase II fencing plan approved in a
conditional use permit amendment in 1989. Mr. Bill McKinnis and
Mr. Terry Fenlon were present to represent Mendakota.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that his only concerns is that when the
original application for fencing was present, galvanized fencing was
proposed along most of Dodd Road. At that time Council asked that
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fencing be kept uniform, and although colored vinyl fencing looks
nice new it becomes more visible as a fence as it ages than
galvanized does. He asked why Mendakota is proposing black vinyl
clad fencing.
Mr. McKinnis responded that galvanized was installed in 1989 in
response to Council's request but Mendakota had asked for green
vinyl clad at that time. He stated that the current request is for brand
new fencing, as no fence existed along Dodd Road prior to 1989.
Mr. Fenlon stated that Mendakota's Board expedited the request for
fencing for safety reasons and does not want it to look like a prison
yard but rather wants something that would look more elegant for
the country club. He stated that the fire station breaks up the
existing fence and what is currently proposed.
Responding to a question from Mayor Mertensotto over the fence
height, Mr. McKinnis stated that the fence will be six foot tall, but
where it will be staked out it will be a net five foot high fence. He
explained that the fence will be fifteen feet from the Mendakota
Drive curb. With respect to vinyl coated fencing, he stated that the
proposal is for 9 gauge black vinyl coated fencing, and that vinyl
coated fencing which has faded is typically the older powder-coated
fencing. He explained that the coating process has improved
considerably and that Mendakota wants to install a fence with will
look good for a long time.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Mendakota is asking for an
amendment to its PUD to use black vinyl coated fencing in lieu of
galvanized and for a permit to install only a portion of the second
phase of fencing.
Mr. McKinnis stated that the fence is needed for safety and also to
keep children from coming onto the property and stealing balls. He
informed Council that Mendakota will have to pay over $6,000 for
this part of the fence.
Mayor Mertensotto asked about the small sign at the entrance to the
club, stating that authorization had been given for a larger sign and
people have difficulty finding the club. He further stated that he has
been told that someone at Mendakota has told people that the city
would not allow a larger sign. He also asked that the downed trees,
etc. on the property be cleaned up.
Councilmember Smith stated that she likes the appearance of the
black vinyl fencing at St. Thomas Academy fencing and would be
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willing to take the chance that the product has improved over the
years. She further stated that she likes the open look along Dodd
and would like to leave it open.
Councihmmber Huber moved to approve an amendment to the
Mendakota Country Club conditional use permit to allow the
installation of black vinyl clad fencing along Mendakota Drive on
Mendakota Country Club property, on the property line fifteen feet
back from the curb.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
MANNA FREIGHT Council acknowledged a memo from Administrative Intern Hollister
regarding continued discussion on an application for building permit
from Manna Freight for construction of a warehouse on Enterprise
Drive immediately east of the BDS facility. Mr. Randy Geisen was
present on behalf of Manna Freight.
Mr. Geisen reviewed revised plans and described the changes which
have been made since the June 4 meeting. The changes he reviewed
included: moving the parking lot and sidewalk back at the front of
the building to allow for more landscaping; the sign design has been
changed to a hoop sign to conform to the United Properties sign
plan, and the sign is proposed to be located 20 feet from the property
line consistent with United Properties' sign plan. Mr. Geisen stated
that the landscaping plan has been upgraded, but United Properties
has asked that something other than pin oak and maple be used
because they are high maintenance. He informed Council that what
is still unresolved with United Properties is the front entrance, and
United Properties has also taken exception to grass seed in the
railroad right -of -way and pipeline easement and has asked that the
areas be sodded. Responding to a question from Mayor
Mertensotto, Mr. Geisen stated that United Properties and the owner
of Manna Freight have not agreed upon the changes in the design of
the front entrance.
Mayor Mertensotto asked what changes have been made to improve
the building design.
Mr. Geisen responded that on June 4 Council asked for more
architectural detail on the front of the building and that the exterior
ladder be removed. He stated that the city staff has determined that
the building code requires the ladder, but he questioned why a ladder
is required if there is no rooftop equipment. He further stated that he
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interprets the staff memo to mean that there must be a ladder but that
it does not have to be on the outside of the building.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that it is the understanding
of the city's code enforcement officer that the heating system which
is proposed for the building will require valves and pipes on the roof
of the warehouse. He informed Council that if there are valves and
piping on the roof, access by means of a ladder is required by code.
Councilmember Smith stated that the matter is a code issue and
Council cannot make the determination - the code enforcement staff
must make the determination on need - but that Council has
indicated that it would not approve a building permit if an exterior
ladder is in the design. She stated that Council is not requiring
anything above what the code requires, but, in terms of design, will
not approve a permit with an exterior ladder.
Mr. Geisen responded that two interior ladders would then be
required, one to each roof, at a cost of an additional $4,000.
Councilmember Smith stated that she would like to hear United
Properties' comments about the entrance and that she would also
like to see the final plan for the entrance if what has been submitted
is not final.
Manna Freight's vice president, present for the discussion,
responded that United Properties' problem is the difference between
the width of the columns and the height of the roof. He explained
that United Properties wants Manna to increase the height of the
roof, and stated that he does not see that modification as a problem
since it would not add significant expense. He informed Council
that the window detail has been revised quite a bit.
Mr. Geisen stated that the entire front of the building is being
redesigned but that design has not been agreed on yet.
It was the consensus of Council that Manna should get endorsement
from United Properties and then come back before Council for
review of the total package, including the landscape plan.
Councilmember Huber moved to accept a request from Manna
Freight to continue the matter for further consideration at such time
as the applicant is ready to proceed.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
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PUBLIC COMMENTS Mrs. Laurita Weinzettel and Ms. Laurie Weinzettel were present
regarding the condition of the former fire station site. Mrs.
Weinzettel stated that the property is full of weeds that do not get cut
and the neighboring property looks like a slum. She showed
pictures of the properties and asked that the fire station site be
sodded and maintained.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Mrs. Weinzettel's complaint is
legitimate and that the property should be put on a regular
maintenance program.
Responding to a question from Councilmember Smith about
everything in the rear of the neighboring property, Mrs. Weinzettel
stated that Mr. Kirchner leases the lower level to a landscape
contractor. She stated that the curb has never been fixed and the
fence should be repaired because the landscape contractor keeps
knocking it down with his trucks.
Mayor Mertensotto directed Public Works Director Danielson to
prepare a restoration and maintenance plan for the city's lot.
DAKOTA BANK/ SUPER Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works Director
AMERICA Danielson regarding proposed development agreements and TIF
developer's agreements for the Dakota Bank/SuperAmerica projects
and numerous attachment memos. Mr. John Seidl and Mr. Jack
Boarman were present to represent Dakota Bank, and Mr. Mike
Cronin and Mr. Dave Childs were present on behalf of
SuperAmerica. Mr. Scott Williams, from Delta Environmental,
SuperAmerica's environmental consultant was also present on
behalf of SA
Mayor Mertensotto stated that if the city were not putting any
money into the project, Council would just tell the developers to
meet city codes and whatever the Pollution Control Agency requires
for compliance for site clean-up. He stated that he has two concerns
- remediation of pollution and ownership of the bank. He pointed
out that the city is being asked to contribute one half million dollars
of tax increment financing for site work and building a roadway. He
stated that Council did not opt to have some kind of pumping
facility on the corner of a very prominent intersection for fifteen to
twenty years. He asked what SuperAmerica proposes to do, and
what a pumping facility is proposed to look like if SA is proposing a
pumping facility.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that his concern over bank ownership is
that Council has made only two exceptions to its policy of no
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transfer of ownership in TIF projects - in one case United Properties
was the developer for an owner and the other was for estate
considerations. He stated that in this case if a transfer occurred in
the future, the TIF money would be used to enhance market value.
He stated that Council does not want to get into the situation where
the city would be enhancing the market value of property by pay as
you go TIF. He stated that while it may be common that there are
bank transfers and mergers but he does not wish to deviate from the
no transfer policy.
Mr. Seidl responded that he does not have a problem with the
transfer other than how it is going to be defined. He stated that the
only thing that makes sense to him is the land use, and if the land
use changes it would be a transfer. He stated that a bank acquisition
is much different from a real estate transaction, and transfer of
ownership needs to be defined.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he has no problem defining what the
total development is - it is a bank facility on a certain square footage
of property. He further stated that Council knows that the transfer of
the SuperAmerica site from the bank to Super America will be done,
but that what he is concerned about is transfer of ownership of bank
during the time that the TIF notes are in affect.
Councilmember Smith stated that she would have no problem with a
transfer within the Dakota Bank organization, but if the bank is sold
to another bank and the facility continues to be used as a bank, it is
still a transfer. She felt that only an internal transfer would be
Mr. Seidl responded that Dakota Bank could own the land and sell
the facility - and that he feels that land use is the test.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that Council established the no
transfer rule because TIF increases the market value of the property
by public financing. He stated that once a building is constructed on
the land it becomes real estate.
Councilmember Smith stated that if Dakota Bank owns the land and
leases the building to another bank, there would not be a transfer of
real estate.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the use of the facility is controlled by
the conditional use permit. He felt that Council has to know what
transfer is contemplated. He stated that generally if there is a
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merger, there is a change of ownership, and if the ownership
changes the TIF would be forfeited.
Mr. Seidl responded that he wants to know that if he buys out a
partner he does not lose the TIF. He stated that he can live with the
agreement regarding transfer but wants to be put on record that
internal shifting can occur.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the rule is that there be no transfer of
Mr. Seidl informed Council that the tenant on the site has agreed to
move on July 15.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the Tax Increment note has a starting
date and an ending date for the final year of the TIF District.
Treasurer Shaughnessy stated that the district ends in 2006, and that
TIF for the project would begin when the certificate of completion is
issued by the city's code enforcement officer. He stated that the city
would pay the present value at 8% of the future increment only as
the increment is collected, and that the Revenue Note states that the
increment is paid as the taxes are paid on the building. He pointed
out that the note says 9% of market value but should say 8 %.
Mr. Cronin stated that SuperAmerica proposes to put the
remediation facility to the rear of the trash enclosure. He explained
that it will be the same brick as the trash enclosure and the same
height and it will be buffered by the building and by the pine trees.
He informed Council that the structure will not be in the front yard
and will not be seen because the trash enclosure will be in front of it.
Mr. Williams informed Council that the main problem with
remediation of the site is the depth the contaminates have reached.
He stated that the magnitude of the contamination in the worst area
has been determined but not the vertical area.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Council does not know the depth or
extent of the contamination. He asked if remediation can be done
from one pumping station or if SuperAmerica will say in the future
that the contamination extended further north than anticipated and
another station is needed.
Mr. Williams responded that remediation is Minnesota is determined
by the risk to potential receptors. He drew a sketch to illustrate a
cross section view of the existing store and underground storage site.
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He explained that a release travels straight down through pure sand
and as it hits clay it will change direction but still go down. He
stated that the water table at this site is at about 22 feet. He
explained that when petroleum products reach the water table they
tend to stop, but there is always a gradient where it flows to, and in
this case it is to the south. He stated that the water table fluctuates
with the seasons and contamination spreads. In this site, the
contamination is below the water table, and 95 gallons of petroleum
have been bailed out of the well since November. He informed
Council that contaminates have been found at a depth of 36 feet, and
to dig it out, over a 100 foot section, excavation would have to be
stepped down. He stated that at 15 feet down, the backhoe would be
underground to dig down to the next step, and that tens of thousands
of tons of soil would have to be moved to get to the smear zone. He
stated that excavation would be very close to T.H. 110.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that there is a smear zone at 36 feet and it
may be off the property. He asked Mr. Williams how the
contaminate will be removed.
Mr. Williams stated that there is no way to excavate without tearing
out part of the highway. He explained that any action taken to
( j remediate would be weighed against the risk to receptors, which are
buried utilities, basements, any buried structure, surface waters that
the ground water directly goes to. He stated that if it is unlikely that
the receptors will be impacted, it is less like that the PCA will
require remediation, and there is the possibility that it could be
allowed to remain and be monitored. He stated that SuperAmerica
will not install a pumping station if natural attenuation will take care
of the problem. He stated that it may be required that there be a
monitoring well between the site and the pond behind City Hall, in
which a device would be lowered to sample the water.
Councilmember Smith stated that the Dakota Bank is requesting
approval for residential lots. She asked if there would be a risk to
those lots if there is a southward migration.
Mr. Williams responded that the southern extent of the
contamination has been defined.
Councilmember Huber asked when Mr. Williams will be in a
position to make a recommendation.
Mr. Cronin responded that the recommendation will come when
closing occurs on the property. He informed Council that Delta
Environmental will design and determine the clean -up program.
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Mr. Williams informed Council that he will need to see the letter
from the PCA which stated why the PCA did not accept the
remediation plan of the prior owner. He stated that Super America
will contract with Delta to develop a remediation plan and SA will
submit the plan to the PCA.
Acting City Attorney Michael Duffy stated that the city would
accept that SA would be getting a site closure letter or no further
action letter from the PCA. He stated that if there is a petroleum
contamination, the safer action would be to get a site closure letter,
but the agreement only speaks to remedial action design. He
explained that the plan would have to be approved by the PCA, and
the PCA would review the results and if it is determined that the site
is clear would issue a closure letter. He pointed out that the
developer's agreement does not state that the city will be given that
Mayor Mertensotto responded that a provision should be added to
the developer's agreement to require the city be given a copy of the
site closure letter from the PCA.
Responding to a question from Mayor Mertensotto on why the
SuperAmerica plan shows a remediation structure, Mr. Cronin stated
that the plan needs to show where the facility would be and what it
would like in the event that it is required.
Mr. Williams informed Council that if a pumping and treatment
system is needed, there would be a discharge that would be
governed by an NPES permit and MCWS permit, and both require
minimum clean up standards that must be met on a monthly basis.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he would like a provision added to
the agreement to stipulate that SuperAmerica provide the city with
any information it provides to the regulatory agencies.
Councilmember Smith stated that she realizes that it is the MPCA
that governs what the remedial action is and the city's involvement
might be limited to the enclosure and perhaps the placement of the
monitoring wells. She stated that Council would appreciate being
kept informed on progress but the clean up action plan and the actual
clean up on the site are out of Council's jurisdiction.
Mr. Cronin responded that the developer's agreement repeats all of
the conditions of the conditional use permit and references all of the
current plans, including those shown tonight.
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Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that the design of the sign is still
Mr. Boarman stated that the final survey for the final plat has been.
circulated to all parties and he would like a clarification. He stated
that the bank is requesting that the highway right of way parcel be
turned over the bank and included in the final plat.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that it is actually a
piece of right of way that was platted by Mr. Curley, and is city right
of way - Mn/DOT has never owned it.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the right of way should be left out, as
the city is looking at extending the new roadway past the bicycle
shop and to the homes to the east. He asked how soon the bank
proposes to get underway.
Mr. Seidl responded that his goal is to develop a grading plan for the
entire site, and hopefully the city will construct the road this year.
He stated that he may ask for a foundation this fall but at the latest
will begin construction next spring and occupy the facility in the
It was the consensus to place a revised site plan and development
agreement and revised contract for private development for TIF
early on the July 2 agenda. Direction was given to revise the
paragraph on permitted transfers, to add a provision on pollution and
monitoring information, to correct exhibit "c" to "e" on page four;
revision to the definition of developer; and to attach all exhibits.
RECESS Mayor Mertensotto called a recess at 10:15 p.m. The meeting was
reconvened at 10:22 p.m.
MSP MITIGATION Council acknowledged a memo from Administrator Batchelder
regarding MSP Mitigation Committee discussions along with the
proposed "Airport Noise Mitigation Position Statement."
After brief discussion, Councilmember Huber moved to accept the
recommendation of the Airport Relations Commission and approve
the Air Noise Mitigation Statement along with direction to staff to
forward the document to the members of the MSP Mitigation
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
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Council directed that copies of the statement be made available at
City Hall for anyone who would like one and to submit copies of the
document to the press.
STREET REHABILITATION Council acknowledged a memo from Civil Engineer Mogan
regarding preparation of a feasibility report for 1997 street
reconstruction. Engineer Mogan recommended that the Bunker
Hills area be selected as the next area to be considered for
Councilmember Koch moved adoption of Resolution No. 96-40,
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0 Staff was directed to send hearing notices well in advance if the
feasibility hearing is proposed to be held during the summer months.
BALLFIELDS Mayor Mertensotto stated that the ballfield lights task force was
initiated as the result of a request from the Mendakota neighborhood
to be brought into the discussion over lights. He informed Council
that the matter will be on the July 2 Council agenda.
Administrator Batchelder informed Council that the subcommittee
of the Parks and Recreation Commission decided that it did not want
to have another task force meeting but rather that the findings be
sent to the members of the task force.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that it seems that the focus has come to
the highway right-of-way north of T.H. 110, and his concern is that
he feels that an athletic facility would be a misuse of that land.
Councilmember Smith agreed, stating that ballfields are not the
highest or best use for the property but she would be willing to look
at ballfields as an interim use without bringing them into the park
system. She stated that she would like to make inquiry of Mn/DOT
about city use of the property. She pointed out that Council has also
talked about using the right-of-way for frontage road realignment.
She felt that Council should start exploring potential use of the
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he has reviewed a letter from
Resurrection and does not think the cemetery property is a viable
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option for fields. He stated that the city has very limited options for
fields and that the only land that is available in the city would be the
Tousignant property on Mendota Heights Road. He stated that if
there is a problem with under usage of the existing fields Council
needs to get a better handle on utilization. He stated that someone
other than the athletic association must substantiate that the MHAA
has a shortage of field scheduling.
Councilmember Huber agreed. He also asked Administrator
Batchelder to generate a list of ball fields in the metro area that have
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the city needs to get specific
information from an independent source on whether the fields are
underutilized or not. He pointed out that when the new middle
school opens there may be some additional fields available.
Councilmember Huber suggested that the school district be
contacted to get there expectations on what the availability of the
fields will be.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Koch stated that she agrees with Councilmember
Smith's earlier comments that she would not like Council to adopt a
requirement that fences be four feet from the scenic easement area in
Copperfield. She stated that the area up to the easement is private
property, and she asked for clarification that Council did not, in the
Stovern discussion, agree to four feet as a standard. She stated that
she would not agree to establishing that standard.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he had said in the discussion that
there should be at least a minimum of four feet because that would
permit passage.
Councilmember Koch responded that she would not feel
comfortable telling people that Council wants a minimum of four
feet of clearance so that other people could pass across their private
Councilmember Smith agreed, stating that she could not support
four feet as a requirement.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Koch stated that she has received a call from a
resident who stated that there have been many near collisions when
people try to pull out on Dodd at First Avenue because of a large
hedge that blocks visibility. She asked that staff look into the matter.
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Councilmember Smith asked when the final lift of bituminous will
be installed on the Friendly Hills streets. Public Works Director
Danielson responded that the general contractor is waiting for the
landscape contractor to complete his work.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that a child was recently hit by a vehicle
directly across from the ballfields on Marie. He stated that many
children live in the area, and since the city put a blacktop ramp to
lead up to the curb, a pedestrian crossing should be painted on the
street and there should be no parking within 100 feet of the crossing.
Mayor Mertensotto informed staff on potholes on Lake Drive near
St. Thomas.
Councilmember Huber gave Council an cable communications
commission update.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Huber moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Charles E. Mertensotto
TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:03 o'clock p.m.
thleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Asphalt Contractor License
Arden Griepp & Sons Blacktopping Inc.
Cement/Masonry-contractor License
A & B Cement Construction
Hicks Concrete Inc.
Dan Wille Construction
Al Sandeen Concrete & Masonry
Excavating Contractor License
Don Wayne Excavating
Gas Piping Contractor
Gord Air Heating & A/C
( j SVAC Contractor
Gord Air Heating & A/C
General Contractor License
Klodt Inc.
M.F. Fleischhacker, Inc.
Drywalll tucco Contractor License
Chris Brown Drywall