1998-07-07 Council minutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, July 7, 1998
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Huber, Koch, Krebsbach and Smith.
AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Koch moved adoption of the revised agenda
for the meeting.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Smith moved approval of the consent
calendar for the meeting, excluding Item "o ", along with
authorization for execution of any necessary documents
contained herein.
a. Acknowledgment of the June 10 Airport Relations
Commission Minutes.
b. Acknowledgment of the June 23 Planning
Commission Minutes.
c. Acknowledgment of the Building Activity Report for
d. Acknowledge Receipt of the Unapproved Minutes
from the June 3 NDC4 Meeting.
e. Approval to Transfer Funds from the General Fund
Budget to the Equipment Replacement Reserve
f. Approval of Sign Permit Request for 2060 Centre
Pointe Boulevard
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9. Approval of Agreement with US West Dex, Inc., to
allow a Phone Book Recycling Dumpster in the City
Hall Parking Lot for Phone Book Recycling
h. Acknowledge Receipt of Information regarding the
Minneapolis/MAC Third Parallel Runway Contract
i. Acknowledge Receipt of Information Regarding
Parkview Plaza's Purchase of a PA System
j. Approval of Tom Thumb Easement Acquisition
k. Approval to Remove from Probationary Status and
to Appoint as Regular Sergeant Status Effective July
1, 1998 - (Police Department)
1. Adoption of Resolution No. 98-37, "RESOLUTION
m. Acknowledge Receipt of Information from the June
MASAC Meeting
n. Approval of the List of Contractors
0. REMOVED FROM AGENDA Approval of the List
of Claims
P. Attendance at Out of State School
q- Accept Resignation of Councilmember Koch and
Adoption of Resolution No. 98-38, "RESOLUTION
Councilmernber Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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With respect to Consent Calendar Item "k ", Police Chief
Scott Johnson explained Sergeant Piotraschke has
transitioned well from patrol officer to first line supervisor
and has demonstrated excellent leadership skills. In addition
to his position as one of three supervisors, Sergeant
Piotraschke also oversees the Police Records and
Investigations Divisions. Chief Johnson requested Sergeant
Piotraschke be removed from probationary status and
appointed as a regular Sergeant with the Mendota Heights
Police Department.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Brian Birch, 755 Willow Lane, informed the Council of
some problems with street construction in the area. He
explained the roadway was graded and his property was
flooded with debris, sand and silt. During this project,
flooding has continued to occur.
Mayor Mertensotto requested Mr. Birch document his
concerns in writing so they may be forwarded to the
Engineering Department for their investigation.
CITIZEN REQUEST Mayor Mertensotto acknowledged the Police Department
FOR SPEED BUMPS - Report of Chief Johnson.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested stop signs every block to slow
the traffic, however, he felt this should be a last resort type
Councilmember Smith felt with the current status of I -35E
bridge repairs, this particular area will be subjected to
additional traffic, generally earlier in the morning. She
pointed out other cities imposed restricted turns during peak
Mayor Mertensotto noted it appears people are being
cautious in this area. He pointed out State statute dictates
the speed limit cannot be lower than 30 miles per hour
unless school traffic is being addressed.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested additional monitoring by the
police department with zero tolerance. He felt the area
should be monitored and if the problem persists, restricted
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turns or additional stop signs could be considered.
Mayor Mertensotto felt speed bumps would create a hazard
for snow removal and emergency vehicles as well as other
Councilmember Krebsbach informed the audience that
Council supported the I -35 E bridge reconstruction option
which will leave one lane open each way during
Lynne Harich, 645 Ivy Falls Avenue, pointed out the stop
sign at Sylvandale and Ivy Falls Avenue is blocked by Mr.
Mullaney's trees and it may not be visible to drivers.
Mayor Mertensotto referred this matter to the Public Works
Department for resolution.
In addition, Ms. Harich suggested a sign indicating
"Children at Play" be placed in the area given the high
number of children in the neighborhood. Mayor
Mertensotto did not feel this would be effective.
Councilmember Smith felt the sign would be a good
reminder to motorists, however, she cautioned that such a
sign could give residents a false sense of security.
Robert Jackels, 640 Ivy Falls Avenue, felt unusual solutions
should be utilized to address the issue of speed in this area.
He explained this is an unusually long street and asked the
Council keep this in mind.
Angela Thorenberg, Sylvandale Boulevard, stated the hours
of 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. appear to be a peak traffic time and felt
this would be a good period of time in which the police
department could patrol the area. Ms. Thorenberg stated
she would like the Ivy Falls / Sylvandale Lane intersection to
have a three way stop.
SNYDER'S SIGN PERMIT Council acknowledged a memo from Administrative
Assistant Patrick Hollister regarding a minor amendment to
the CUP for Mendota Plaza. Mr. John Streeter, Paster
Enterprises, was present for the discussion.
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Mr. Streeter explained the sign will be internally lit and
completely covered. Mayor Mertensotto reviewed the
conditions which would be imposed and Mr. Streeter noted
his agreement.
Mayor Mertensotto questioned the length of the sign. Mr.
Streeter explained the spacing of the sign letters, which will
be a maximum of 24 inches in height, will be set out in the
natural form for the Snyder's logo. Mr. Streeter expects the
length of the sign to be approximately 18 feet.
Councilmember Smith felt the effect would be greater than
the 24 -inch set of letters given the signage band underneath.
Mr. Streeter explained the sign is actually quite small given
the size of the center.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated there is currently a sign
indicating the Snyder's Restaurant and asked whether that
sign would be removed. Mr. Streeter stated the current sign
indicating "restaurant" will remain.
Councilmember Smith felt one condition should be that the
Snyder's name not appear more than once on the back of the
building. She also felt the City should have the ability to
require the illumination to be reduced if it proves to be a
problem. She did not feel it sufficient to simply state the
lights shall be no brighter than any similar sign on the front
of the mall.
Councilmember Krebsbach suggested the lighting on the
`y City Hall sign could be utilized as an acceptable standard for
a residential area.
Mayor Mertensotto felt in that event, standards would have
to be set for all signage within the City. Councilmember
Smith pointed out signage on the back of the building need
only be visible from a much shorter distance than the letters
on the front of the building which need to be visible from
the highway.
Mayor Mertensotto requested the candle power of the lights
in the front of the building and suggested staff view the
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signage in the evening hours to determine whether it is too
bright. In addition, he suggested the sign shall be no
brighter than 75 percent of the brightest illumination on the
face of the shopping center.
Councilmember Huber commented a standard should be set
because it would be difficult to dim the lights once they are
Councilmember Huber moved to approve a minor
amendment to the Conditional Use Permit for Mendota Plaza
to allow a single sign at the rear of the mall indicating the
drive through for Snyders subject to the following
conditions: (1) The letters for the sign shall be no more than
24 inches tall. (2) The lights illuminating the sign shall be
fully shielded. (3) The lights illuminating the sign shall not
be on from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (4) The sign shall be
completely enclosed. (5) The sign shall be no brighter than
any similar sign on the front of the mall. By agreement with
the applicant, the Council reserves the right to reconsider
the intensity of the lighting, but in no case shall the sign to
the rear of the shopping center be brighter than any similar
sign on the front of the center. In addition, the sign from
the letter "S" to the letter "Y" shall not be longer than 20
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
1998 SLURRY SEAL Council acknowledged the memo from Civil Engineer Marc
PROJECT BID AWARD S. Morgan. Mayor Mertensotto noted Struck & Irwin
Paving, Inc., has done the slurry sealing for the past nine
years for the City and there have not been any problems
Councilmember Huber moved to award the 1998 Slurry Seal
Project to Struck & Irwin Paving, Inc., of 812 Williamson
Street, Madison, WI 53703 for their bid amount of
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
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Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
PUBLIC HEARING - Council acknowledged a memo from Treasurer Lawrence E.
LEXINGTON HEIGHTS Shaughnessy, Jr., relative to refinancing of the Housing
APARTMENT Bonds which financed the Lexington Heights Apartment
REFINANCING Refinancing. Jim Riley was present on behalf of Lexington
Heights Apartments.
Mayor Mertensotto requested the resolution include a
provision that by agreement of Lexington Heights
Apartments Limited Partnership, the City shall be
reimbursed for all out -of- pocket expenses in conjunction
with the refinancing. In the event the City does not receive
reimbursement after the Partnership has been billed, a public
hearing will be held and the City will then have the right to
assess those out -of- pocket costs.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Huber moved to close the public hearing.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Councilmember Huber moved to adopt Resolution No. 98-
AND SERIES 199113" with the addition of the following
provision: By agreement of Lexington Heights Apartments
Limited Partnership, the City shall be reimbursed for all out -
of- pocket expenses in conjunction with the refinancing. In
the event the City does not receive reimbursement after the
Partnership has been billed, a public hearing will be held
and the City will then have the right to assess those out -of-
pocket costs.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
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Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
GARAGE SIZE Council acknowledged the memo from Administrative
LIMITATION Assistant Patrick C. Hollister regarding a proposed attached
ORDINANCE NO. garage size limitation ordinance.
98 -39
Mayor Mertensotto felt opening up this issue would result in
a significant number of variance requests to expand existing
garages to include additional storage space.
Mayor Mertensotto felt 440 to 1000 for residential structures
should be the norm. If there would be an application for a
garage consisting of 1000 to 1200 square feet, this should be
done through the use of a Conditional Use Permit with the
caveat that all of the garages have no more than two garage
doors or at the most three single wide garage doors. No
garage shall be used for other than private residential non-
commercial use.
Councilmember Smith stated she would agree that a garage
consisting of up to 1000 square feet would be an entitlement,
however, there would be many conditions under which
anything over 1000 square feet would need to be reviewed.
Councilmember Smith felt 1500 should be a maximum
square footage. She noted one consideration is proportion
and this will be a constraint. Mayor Mertensotto remarked
it would be easier to calculate, enforce and maintain square
footage than a percentage of the square footage of the house.
Councilmember Smith felt proportion to be an important
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out the moratorium is about to
expire. He stated he disagrees with what the Planning
Commission approved given the requests he believes this
will prompt for variances to expand existing garages.
Councilmember Krebsbach did not believe 1000 feet would
be adequate. Councilmember Huber related his
understanding 1200 square feet had been initially given to
the Planning Commission as a guide since an inventory of
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the city revealed there to be numerous garages in excess of
1000 square feet and few, if any, were objectionable. He
pointed out anything up to 1200 square feet would not
require a variance.
Councilmember Smith stated the maximum she would
consider would be 1500 square feet.
Councilmember Krebsbach felt there should be a condition
that a garage cannot exceed 1500 square feet. She also
believes utilizing 1000 would result in numerous variance
requests. Councilmember Krebsbach expressed concern
relative to the homes in Friendly Hills and did not want this
to create a burden for residents of Friendly Hills in terms of
large garages. Councilmember Smith and Mayor
Mertensotto pointed out in that case, the resident could
request a Conditional Use Permit.
Councilmember Huber expressed concern relative to the
possible commercial use of a garage if it is extremely large.
He did not feel there would be concern with a garage that is
1200 square feet. Councilmember Huber stated there are a
number of projects up to 1200 square feet which are not
objectionable and he felt the recommendation of the
Planning Commission to be reasonable.
Councilmember Huber stated he would prefer to limit total
square footage rather than using the proportion element.
Councilmember Koch felt the recommendation by the
°—` Planning Commission to be reasonable. She expressed
concern with attempting to regulate for every possibility
which could arise.
Councilmember Krebsbach felt the 10' garage door would
allow for some flexibility and the home owner would be able
to store campers and things of that nature in their garage
rather than leaving them in the driveway.
John Matthesrude, 1816 Hunter Lane, explained a 7 -foot
garage door to be standard and 8 feet to be oversized. He
did not feel, given the increasing size of recreational
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vehicles, that 10 feet would be unreasonable. Mr.
Matthesrude pointed out a 9 -foot door would be adequate,
however, this odd size door would have to be special
ordered. He felt the existing ordinance should remain in
Councilmember Huber stated he would be in agreement with
the ordinance approved by the Planning Commission.
Utilizing Appendix A, Ordinance No. 401 was revised as
Councilmember Krebsbach felt section 7.2(11) should reflect
"shall not exceed a maximum floor area of 1500 square
feet. "
Councilmember Smith requested the reference to "two car"
be removed. Councilmember Huber noted his agreement.
It was agreed door height shall not be in excess of 9 feet.
Councilmember Smith inquired whether there should be a
statement included relative to the contiguous nature of the
space. It was agreed the entire garage area shall be at a
single level and shall be a contiguous area.
Greg Quail, 762 Evergreen Knoll, inquired whether the
1200 feet would be inclusive for both levels. Mayor
Mertensotto explained two levels would not be permitted.
Councilmember Smith suggested the language, "One private
�-" single level garage with a minimum ... "
Richard Rabanus, 681 Callahan Place, commented there is
significant resident interest relative to this issue and many
are opposed to the proposed amendment. He noted a
petition containing 179 signatures opposing the ordinance
amendment has been submitted to the City.
Mayor Mertensotto reviewed the changes to be made to
Appendix A: Section 4.18(4) "One private single level
garage with a minimum ... " Section 7.1(11)a, add, "No
garage door shall be in excess of 9 feet." Section 7.2(11)c,
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"No use of the garage shall be permitted other than private
residential noncommercial use. "
Councilmember Huber felt the residents would be opposed
to a 3000 square foot garage being built next door to them,
which would be possible if the ordinance is not amended.
Given this, he would be able to support an amendment to the
Councilmember Smith stated she does not agree with Mr.
Rabanus' remarks. She stated that Council has listened to
those who oppose an ordinance amendment but have
also heard from many residents who want restrictions on
garage sizes. She stated she would prefer a smaller
proposal, however, this amendment allows for more
flexibility. Councilmember Smith felt this to be a
reasonable and nonrestrictive standard.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adopting Ordinance No.
NUMBER 401 " subject to the modifications to Appendix A
(as outlined above).
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 98 -16, Council acknowledged the memo of Administrative Assistant
MIKE - CUP Patrick Hollister. Ms. Loraine Mike was in attendance and
explained she wishes to convert the current living space back
�-� into an attached garage and to use the attached garage for
parking her vehicle. She explained the detached garage has
no driveway leading to it and, therefore, the detached
structure will be used for storage of other items.
Mayor Mertensotto inquired whether this garage encroaches
on the side yard setbacks. Mr. Hollister will review this
matter. Mayor Mertensotto expressed concern there is no
specified time requirement within which to complete this
i work.
Councilmember Smith stated she would prefer to leave this
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as a grandfathered structure. She explained if something
happened to the existing structure, she would not want a
similarly large accessory structure to be built on the lot.
Councilmember Huber did not feel there would be sufficient
area to access the accessory building with a vehicle.
Attorney Hart felt there should be a restriction on the use.
He felt it should be specified this is a legal nonconforming
use and the building cannot be used as a garage.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested granting the application for a
building permit to restore the existing garage in a single
family structure conditioned upon the applicant delivering to
the City a signed covenant that the detached facility is a
nonconforming use and will not be used as a garage. The
covenant would then be registered against the land. Mayor
Mertensotto asked that Attorney Hart prepare the covenant.
Mayor Mertensotto explained the Building Code
requirements specify the work must be completed within one
Mayor Mertensotto stated he would have no problem
refunding the excess application fee which exceeds
publication and notice fees. Councilmember Smith pointed
out it was not the applicant's choice to pursue a Conditional
Use Permit.
Councilmember Krebsbach was in favor of refunding the
K� $350 CUP application fee. Councilmembers Huber and
Smith noted their agreement.
Councilmember Smith moved authorizing the Code
Enforcement Officer to grant a building permit to restore the
garage area conditioned upon the City's receipt of a
Restrictive Covenant acknowledging the detached facility is
a nonconforming structure and will not be used for motor
vehicle garage purposes and refunding the CUP application
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 98 -17,
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Council acknowledged the memo from Administrative
Assistant Patrick Hollister. Dr. Thomas Vogelpohl was in
attendance requesting a variance for a rear yard setback to
allow for the addition of a screen porch to his home at 670
Wentworth Avenue. Dr. Vogelpohl has obtained the
consent of his two neighbors.
Mayor Mertensotto inquired whether Dr. Vogelpohl is
contemplating subdivision of his property. Dr. Vogelpohl
explained he has lived at this location for eight years and has
no plans to subdivide the property.
Councilmember Huber pointed out the property to the south
could potentially be subdivided at some point, however, he.
noted Dr. Vogelpohl has obtained the consent of this
property owner for his proposed addition.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved amending the application
to request a 16 -foot rear yard setback variance and adopting
Resolution No. 98-40, "A RESOLUTION GRANTING A
finding this would not have an adverse impact on health,
safety and general welfare of the citizens of the community
and the surrounding land.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach inquired whether the neighbors
understand a deck is a possibility. Dr. Vogelpohl stated this
was not discussed since the deck will be a flat structure one
foot up from the lawn.
CASE NO. 98 -18 Council acknowledged the memo of Administrative Assistant
STAPLES - CUP Patrick Hollister. Richard and Theresa Staples were in
attendance requesting a Conditional Use Permit and variance
for a detached garage on this property. Although the home
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currently has an attached double garage, the garage is only
5'11 " in height and does not allow Mr. Staples to park some
of his vehicles inside.
Mayor Mertensotto inquired how the applicant proposes to
increase the ceiling height. Mr. Staples explained he plans
to convert the existing garage into a family room. The
ceiling height inside of the structure is approximately seven
feet high.
Councilmember Huber noted he received a phone call from
a resident wanting to ensure there will not be any
commercial activity conducted from the garage. Mr. Staples
stated the purpose of the garage would be to have space for
all of his vehicles so they would not be parked in the
driveway area.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested converting the garage into
living space and eliminating the overhead garage doors prior
to building the proposed garage. Mr. Staples would prefer
to have the use of the existing garage until the proposed
garage is built, however, he would be willing to comply
with this request.
Attorney Hart explained the Conditional Use Permit could
include a provision the existing garage must be converted,
however, in granting a variance, a hardship finding will
need to be determined.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested the applicant post a $1,000
�-= bond with the City to ensure the garage is converted to a
usable living structure within one year. If the work has not
been completed within that time, the bond would be
Councilmember Smith suggested a building measuring 25 by
36 feet. Mr. Staples stated he intends to store a 23 -foot boat
lengthwise across the back of the garage so he will need to
have a minimum of 30 feet.
Councilmember Huber suggested the applicant post a bond
and the Council approve a 30 by 30 foot building. Mayor
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Mertensotto suggested a 30 by 36 foot building if the
existing storage shed on the property were removed.
Mr. Staples was opposed to removing the storage shed since
it is currently used for storage of bicycles and lawn
furniture. He stated he would prefer 1,080 square feet.
Councilmember Huber moved granting approval up to 1000
square feet with the posting of a $1,000 bond to ensure the
existing structure is closed and converted to living space
within one year with no further vehicle storage. The finding
for allowing 1000 square feet would be in recognition the
applicant has an acre of land and the structure will be deep
in the property. There shall be no commercial use of the
Mayor Mertensotto inquired relative to the siding which will .
be used. Mr. Staples explained he will use vinyl siding
which will match the home which will be resided as well.
Mayor Mertensotto emphasized the exterior of the structure
will have to be finished.
Attorney Hart stated the Conditional Use Permit will also
include a provision relative to closing the existing garage
and no further vehicle storage in that particular garage.
Councilmember Huber was in agreement with the
amendment to the motion.
Councilmember Smith raised the issue of subdivision of the
property and pointed out if there should be a lot split at
some point in the future, the garage would then need to be
brought into conformance.
Mayor Mertensotto stated the variance would be subject to
Uniform Building Code requirements relative to a living
area with a ceiling height of seven feet.
Councilmember Huber withdrew his motion and it was the
consensus of the Council this matter be continued to July 21,
1998 for consideration of .a proposed resolution at that time.
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CASE NO. 98 -19, Council acknowledged the memo from Administrative
DORN - FRONT YARD Assistant Patrick Hollister. Lisa and Paul Dorn were in
SETBACK VARIANCE attendance presenting their application for a 7 -foot front
yard setback variance for a new home on a vacant lot on
Orchard Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Dorn have obtained the
consent from all neighbors within 100 feet of the property.
Joan Joseph, President, Kingsley Estate Townhome
Association, was in attendance as well as Valdis Nickelson,
a neighbor and one of the developers in the area. Ms. Dorn
submitted a letter from the townhome association in support
of the variance and noted the neighborhood is in unanimous
support of this variance request.
Ms. Dorn believes there is a hardship based on the lack of
depth and privacy given the townhome placement.
Mr. Dorn distributed photographs to the Council depicting
trees as currently situated on the lot. He noted the existing
apple trees will need to be removed to accommodate the
proposed garage.
Councilmember Krebsbach noted the townhomes are very
close and felt this to be a hardship. Councilmember Smith
noted her agreement and felt this to be particularly important
given the proximity of the townhomes to the lot line.
Councilmember Smith pointed out a significant stand of
trees is being preserved with the proposed plan and was
pleased the east side had been designed to extend the
backyard area. She stated her belief the maximum has been
done not to constrain construction on the lot.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out the Planning Commission
recommends denial. Councilmember Krebsbach felt this
property to be unique to the development and in order to
maintain a common backyard standard, the home must be
moved forward. Given the unanimous support of the
neighborhood, Councilmember Krebsbach was in favor of
approval. She pointed out accommodations have been made
to minimize the impact.
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Joan Joseph, Kingsley Estates, stated the Townhome
Association supports the request whole heartedly. Ms.
Joseph met with the six home owners who are most affected
and there was overwhelming support. In addition, a petition
was signed requesting the variance be granted.
Valdis Nickelson, the current owner of the lot, spoke in
support of granting the variance.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adopting Resolution No.
HOME ON ORCHARD CIRCLE," with the finding this
variance would not have an adverse impact on the health,
safety or general welfare of the citizens of the community
and surrounding land.
Councilmember Koch seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 98 -20, Council acknowledged the memo from Administrative
WENSMANN HOMES - Assistant Patrick Hollister. Terry Wensmann, Wensmann
CUP FOR PUD Homes was in attendance requesting a rezoning of Outlot B,
Block 1, Mendota Woods from HR -PUD to R1A. Mr.
Wensmann appeared on behalf of Tom and Betty Rafin who
wish to build a single family home on the lot.
Mayor Mertensotto noted the proposed home is an extremely
large structure and he felt there should be a restriction
relative to single family use only.
Councilmember Smith questioned whether the owner is
constrained in any fashion with respect to financing or
appropriate use if this property is permitted in the R3 zone.
Attorney Hart explained if a Conditional Use Permit is
approved, it would not be detrimental that the underlying
zoning is R3 rather than RlA. It is also not detrimental if
it is zoned PUD as long as there is a Conditional Use
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Mayor Mertensotto stated there must be some carry over
relative to maintenance since this has been a problem in the
past. Mr. Wensmann stated this would be an agreement
between the homeowner's association and the owners of the
single family home.
Attorney Hart suggested placing a condition on the
Conditional Use Permit requiring the applicant establish to
the satisfaction of City staff that adequate easements exist to
provide access to the property and that such easements will
be maintained throughout the term of the Conditional Use
It was noted this home is a reverse walkout consisting of a
basement and two stories. Mayor Mertensotto stated he
would like a better understanding of the utilities and
drainage as well as public and emergency access prior to
Mayor Mertensotto suggested granting the request providing
the City has an appropriate developer's agreement with the
applicants and the homeowners association which covers the
rates relative to access to drainage and utilities as well as
emergency access.
Mayor Mertensotto referred this matter to Attorney Hart and
Mr. Hollister and asked this matter be returned to the
Council with a proposed resolution at the July 21, 1998
meeting of the Council.
Mayor Mertensotto stated the Council would be looking for
the terms and conditions of an agreement which would
protect the City for public and emergency access to the
Attorney Hart stated he would like to see a survey showing
the location of the lot relative to the legal description of the
CASE NO. 98 -21, Mayor Mertensotto stated this particular lot is located on the
HAVERKAMP - FRONT Arndt property. Ms. Arndt was a client of Mayor
YARD SETBACK Mertensotto for many years. The subject lot involves part
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VARIANCE of her estate and, although Mayor Mertensotto does not have
any monetary interest and is not the developer, he will not
participate in this discussion in an effort to avoid any
perception of a conflict of interest.
Councilmember Smith took over the meeting. Council
acknowledged the memo from Administrative Assistant
Patrick Hollister. Michael Haverkamp and Jolene Novak
Haverkamp were in attendance along with Richard
Bjorklund, Sr. Mr. Haverkamp requested a 10 -foot front
yard setback variance for a new home at 1039 London Road.
Mr. Haverkamp noted his belief his lot has the most
significant and challenging building conditions of all of the
lots in the cul -de -sac due to its shape, contour and slope.
Richard Bjorklund briefly discussed the Haverkamp's
Mrs. Haverkamp stated she met with Mr. Temple who
changed his opinion relative to the variance request and Mr.
Temple has now rescinded his letter and is in support of the
Elizabeth and Steven Peterson were initially in favor of the
variance, however, the Petersons live directly across the cul-
de -sac from the subject property and they would like to
ensure there are no two story homes built in this area.
Charlene Dunst, Personal Representative for Eleanor Arndt,
557 Winston Court, was in attendance. Ms. Dunst pointed
out these problems would not be encountered today had it
been approved years ago when it was requested. At that
time, the property owners felt it would have been easier for
emergency vehicles to access the area had a street been
utilized rather than a cul -de -sac. She urged the Council to
grant the variance.
Patrice Bataglia, 1035 London Road, stated she is the
neighbor to the north of the Haverkamp's lot. Ms. Bataglia
stated she has concerns relative to the requested variance and
pointed out four of the homes already built on the cul -de -sac
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July 7, 1998
have 30 -foot setbacks which are required by the City as well
as being contained in the covenants which each of the
neighbors acknowledged when purchasing their property.
Ms. Bataglia stated this particular lot is large in size and
meets the minimum standards established by the City. She
commented the hardship is created by the design of the
house on the lot. There is no hardship relative to the subject
property, however, a hardship is created for the Bataglia
Ms. Bataglia related concern about snow plowing and visitor
parking given the short driveway.
Ms. Bataglia did not believe there is a hardship which would
support the granting of a variance. She did not agree that
the granting of a variance would benefit her lot.
Councilmember Huber asked whether a 30 -foot setback
would be acceptable to Ms. Bataglia, noting the view from
the Haverkamp property would be almost directly into the
Bataglias' windows. Ms. Bataglia stated she spends the
majority of her time on her deck and in her kitchen and they
are located on the side of the lot where the Haverkamp
bedroom and bathroom are proposed.
Ms. Bataglia stated she would be willing to offer a
compromise of a five foot variance.
Councilmember Smith felt some variance would be justified
given the depth of the lot.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated she would support the
Planning Commission's recommendation since there are two
neighbors in opposition. She stated if everyone were in
agreement, she would support a five foot variance.
Councilmember Huber commented he would be willing to
consider a three to five foot variance, however, he expressed
concern there may be a clustering effect when the other lot
is developed.
Councihnember Smith was in favor of the five foot setback
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July 7, 1998
which would preserve the contour of the cul -de -sac. Mr.
Haverkamp stated he would also be in favor of a five foot
variance and felt this would be a compromise he could work
Councilmembers Krebsbach and Huber expressed concern
relative to the Petersons. Councilmember Krebsbach stated
she would not want to discount their position in their
Councilmember Koch expressed concern with the 10 -foot
setback. Once she viewed the site, she stated she was not
opposed to the request, however, given the neighborhood
opposition, she would be in favor of granting the five foot
Councilmember Koch moved adopting Resolution No. 98-
HOME AT 1039 LONDON ROAD," with the finding this
would not have an adverse impact on the health, safety or
general welfare of the citizens of the community and the
surrounding land.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1 (Mayor
AMERICAN PORTABLE Council acknowledged the memo from Administrative
TELECOM Assistant Patrick Hollister. Steven Katkov, American
Portable Telecom was in attendance along with, Chuck
Beisner, Midwest Real Estate Services, Inc.
Mayor Mertensotto stated he does not feel interference to be
an issue. He requested Mr. Katkov supply the Council with
a sketch depicting the maximum number of antennae to be
placed on the water tower along with spacing and location of
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July 7, 1998
Mayor Mertensotto requested a complete set of site plans be
submitted to the City Administrator along with a proposal of
American Portable Telecom's needs. He stated once this
information is received, the Council will take it under
1998 COMPREHENSIVE Mayor Mertensotto stated the revisions to the Airport Plan
PLAN REVISIONS - Chapter of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan are unacceptable.
AIRPORT PLAN Councilmember Krebsbach suggested tabling this matter
CHAPTER given the lateness of the hour.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Smith moved approval of the minutes of the
regular meeting held on June 2, 1998 as submitted.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1 (Huber)
APPROVAL - LIST OF Councilmember Smith moved approving the list of claims.
CLAIMS Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Mertensotto suggested meeting on Tuesday, July 14,
1998, to begin the discussion relative to the Annual Target
Goal Setting.
Councilmember Krebsbach reported she received a call
�4 regarding dog leash laws and "curbing the dog. "
Councilmember Krebsbach noted there is no existing
ordinance which addresses the repair of retaining walls. She
suggested the Council discuss this at a workshop.
Councilmember Krebsbach also reported there are two dead
elms in Marie Park. In addition, the bushes on Evergreen
and Freeway Roads, in the area of Dodd Road, need to be
trimmed back. Trimming also needs to be done in the ditch
along Highway 110 in the area of Crown Point.
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July 7, 1998
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to adjourn the meeting to
the Annual Target Goal Setting Workshop on Tuesday, July
14, 1998, at 6:00 p.m., in the Large Conference Room.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Smith expressed her appreciation for the
work which was done by the Planning Commission and
noted their ground work made the Council's work much
a ~ 7 1,-c x l �^---
athleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto
Prepared by Cheryl Wallat, Recording Secretary
Timesaver Off -Site Secretary, Inc.