05 31 13 JTF1   6/21/2013  The latest from the Mendota Heights Police Department SUPPORT STAFF Kim Henning Susan Donovan Trista Miller Becky Pentel POLICE OFFICERS Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Wilson Jeff Vonfeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming SCHOOL RESOURCE OFC. Jennifer Fordham INVESTIGATIONS Mario Reyes Chad Willson SERGEANTS Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen RESERVES Randy Pentel Jarrod Spicer Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo CHAPLAINS Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick CHIEF Mike Aschenbrener Are you buckled up? Minnesota’s seat belt law requires drivers, passengers and back seat passengers to be belted. Unbelted drivers in all seats of the car can be ticketed. Extra Patrols now on the roads enforcing seatbelts! If you’re in a crash at 60 mph, and not buckled up, it’s like falling from 12 stories high...OUCH! SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES! City of Mendota Heights Village at Mendota Heights Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 9:00am Sponsored By  It’s not too late to register for the Mendota Heights 5K! Fees: $20 Pre‐Registration ‐ Fri, May 31st by 6:00pm $25 Day of Registration ‐ 7:00am ‐ 8:30am Includes: 5K t‐shirt & race day refreshments All proceeds go directly to Special Olympics 2   6/21/2013  Odd Behavior Friday 2026 hours Ofϐicer Todd Rosse was called to a medical facility in which a man was getting an MRI completed. The staff grew concerned for their safety after the man started to ask for blades and scalpels. The man left with no hesitation and the staff remained safe. Neighborly Revenge Friday 2100 hours Ofϐicers have been dispatched several times over an ongoing neighbor dispute regarding a loud pool ϐiltration system. Several un‐neighborly revenge attempts have been made against the pool owners home; bonϐires causing smoke to wallow towards the home as well as loud music directed at it. No settling at of yet. Suspicious Person Friday 2400 hours Ofϐicer Bobby Lambert responded to a call on a suspicious person. A man had awoken from bed from a knock on the door. He then fell asleep and awoke a second time from noises and the sound of a key trying to unlock the front door. He looked out and a female was present. Ofϐicer Lambert approached her and she stated she was looking for a friends house. Oddly enough, RP had previously had his work truck stolen and his house keys and address were in it. No crime. Vet Threat Monday 1147 hours Ofϐicer Scott Patrick received a call from a man who’s partner is at work threatening to pour gas on himself and light himself on ϐire. He is a war vet and sounds very upset. The man was transported to the VA. No harm done. Counterfeit Tuesday 1545 hours Ofϐicer Scott Patrick and Sergeants Convery and Garlock responded to two local businesses where two counterfeit $20 bills were passed. One of the businesses was able to describe the subject as well as give a license plate number. Sgt. Convery who was working a “Click it or Ticket” detail spotted the vehicle and pulled it over. The counterfeit bill passer was the front seat passenger, they were ID’ed by MN DL and a computer check showed an active Hennepin County arrest warrant. Fortunately the crook had a cash card that worked in a nearby ATM, it served up real money, they posted bail and were released pending further charges. Suspicious Activity Tuesday 1657 hours A 911 cell phone caller driving across the Mendota Bridge called in regard to a man they saw climbing over the railing on the outside of the bridge deck. Ofϐicer Peyton Fleming was on scene in moments and could not locate anyone. The bridge was checked from end to end with no luck. The caller was of no further help as they had just been passing by and nothing in the area was located to provide any clues as to what may have occurred. Noise Tuesday 2323 hours Caller reported people being loud in the park after hours. Ofϐicer Jeff VonFeldt responded to ϐind a group of kids. They advised that they had been looking for their car keys. Fortunately while Ofϐicer VonFeldt was on scene they found the missing keys and left the park. Please send us your positive feedback! pdrecords@ mendota-heights.com Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps boosts the moral of our staff. Reserve Jim Knox received a nice compliment on his willingness to help out a fellow WSP Officer in transporting a man to jail. Officer Lambert was chosen to speak at a recent Active Shooter Training at the DCC and was praised for his personable and professional manner and knowledge in MAAG Operations, 3Echo and communications. 3   6/21/2013  Harassing Text Wednesday 1554 hours Ofϐicer Scott Patrick was dispatched to the PD lobby on a report of harassing text messages. The threats were being received from a former friend who stated he was upset by the way he was being treated and trying to make him look bad to others. He considered her family but stated he has now cut all ties with her. AOA Wednesday 1030 hours Ofϐicer Patrick was dispatched to assist with a recovered body found by a ϐisherman in a log jam under Mendota Bridge. Investigator Chad Willson worked with the HCSO, RCSO & DCSO water patrol units in an attempt to narrow down who’s case it was after verify‐ ing that the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Ofϐice would handle the investigation. Raccoon Wednesday 1706 hours Caller reported a raccoon stuck in a drain near the trash bins. Ofϐicer Shepard left the raccoon alone as they will exit the same way they got into the drain pipe. Domestic Thursday 0630 hours A 911 dispatcher sent Ofϐicer Bobby Lambert to a domestic disturbance where a female attempted to call 911 but the male party interfered and took the phone. His family has left several threatening messages to her via Facebook in his defense. Sorry, didn’t your mom teach you to not hit. The male was transported to Dakota County Jail. Sirens Thursday 0115 hours A resident of the Crown Point neighborhood called about sirens going off with no advisories from the National Weather Service for the area. Ofϐicer Steve Meyer worked with the DCC to back track the sirens to a local golf course. The course has installed a state of the art lightening detection system that was going off. Appropriately it should be noted, just out side of the hours programmed into the system. Golf course management immediately shut the system off and will put in a call to the manufacturer in the morning. Pot Roast Dispute Thursday 1755 hours Ofϐicer Michael Shepard was dispatched to home on a report of a domestic. This isn’t the ϐirst instance at this home and like usual, the caller was intoxicated. Ofϐicer Shepard was advised that the argument arose over a pot roast dinner she had made the previous night. She was upset because she had sent her son several text messages asking if he’s be home for dinner and he never responded and never came home for dinner. The next morning she was upset because he had the audacity to eat the leftover pot roast that she had made the night before. That same evening she made salmon topped with pesto for dinner; well, the son did not like pesto so the argument over dinner was on. Ofϐicer Shepard advised they should discontinue eating meals together. No further action.   RP would like to report harassment as a female is threatening to pull her hair, but claims her hair is too tall to do so. RP can hear shooting in the woods. Turns out, it was a war vet shooting blanks in preparation for Memorial Day. RP simply does not like that her neighbor has so many fires. 4   6/21/2013  May to date 2013 YTD CAD Calls for Service 740 3,433 Citations Issued i.e., DUI, Domestic, Etc. 136 629 Warnings 103 576 Police Reports 96 455 Response Time Average 4.96 5.01 Have a Safe Weekend! ‐ 1 lb. boneless/skinless chicken breasts ‐ 1 tube of Pillsbury Biscuits ‐ 1 package fresh frozen mixed vegetables ‐ 1 cup of milk ‐ 1 can Cream of Mushroom ‐ 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese ‐ 1 can Cream of Chicken ‐ Salt and pepper to taste Put 1 lb of boneless/skinless chicken breasts in crock pot with your choice of 1/2 cup of water or chicken broth for 2‐3 hours, shred. Preheat oven to 350. Cook mixed vegetables according to package. Evenly distribute biscuits in a baking pan covering the bottom, bake for half of the recommended package instructions. Remove from oven. In a large bowl, combine shredded chicken, mixed vegetables, can of Cream of Mushroom, can of Cream of Chicken, cup of milk and salt and pepper. Mix. Pour mixture over the biscuits and top with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake for an additional 10 minutes or until heated through and bubbly. brought to you by… Trista Miller Police Support Specialist “I concocted this recipe in hopes my kids would eat the vegetables in it, plus it’s a fast and easy meal when you’re a busy mom and the family loves it!”