2000-06-20 City Council minutesPage No. 1
June 20, 2000
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, June 20, 2000
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held
at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto,
Councilmernbers Dwyer, Huber, Krebsbach and Schneeman.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of the revised agenda
for the meeting.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Dwyer moved approval of the minutes of the regular
meeting held on June 6, 2000 as amended.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Schneeman moved approval of the consent calendar
for the meeting, revised to move items c,d,fzj and n to the regular
agenda, along with authorization for execution of any necessary
documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgment of the Fire Department monthly report for
b. Acknowledgment of the Treasurer's monthly report for May.
c. Acknowledgment of a letter from Dakota County in response to
the city's request for assistance with environmental cleanup for
the Town Center site.
d. Authorization to enter into an agreement for the provision of City
Council recording secretarial services from July 18, 2000
through November 30, 2000.
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e. Authorization for the police department to assign an officer to
participate in the Dakota County Mutual Aid Assistance Group
f. Authorization for a variance in recreational fire hours stipulated
in Ordinance No. 20 to allow a ceremonial fire for the Mendota
Mdewakanton Dakota Community Pow -Wow from 10:00 p.m.
Friday, August 4, 2000 to 10:00 p.m. Sunday, August 6, 2000.
g. Acceptance of the resignation of Curt Wimpee and authorization
for staff to advertise and interview candidates to fill the Civil
Engineer I position.
h. Adoption of Ordinance No. 352, "AN ORDINANCE
i. Approval of the List of Claims dated June 6, 2000 and totaling
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
PARK CELEBRATION Parks Programmer Mary Hapka gave Council a report on the Ninth
Annual Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks. She informed Council
that the event was very successful, with well over 1,000 individuals
in attendance. She expressed appreciation to all of the individuals
who assisted at the event, those who sponsored the event and those
who participated. ,
DONATION Council acknowledged a memo from Fire Chief Maczko regarding
donation of a thermal image camera to the fire department by Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Vince.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Mr. Vince contacted the fire
department and indicated that he would donate a thermal image,
which has a value of approximately $25,000, for use by the fire
department. Mayor Mertensotto stated that the city has not received
the donation yet, so Council cannot acknowledge the donation. He
recommended that Council pass a motion that after the camera is
received the City Clerk is authorized to issue a certificate to the
Vinces to acknowledge the donation and the value of the camera.
Councilmember Huber moved to acknowledge the gift and to direct
the City Clerk to issue a certificate of acknowledgment and a letter
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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of appreciation on behalf of the residents of the city when the camera
is received.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Council acknowledged a memo from Treasurer Shaughnessy
regarding creation of an Equipment Reserve Fund.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the intent is to set aside a special
equipment reserve fund because Council wants to get away from
using equipment certificates. He stated that he wants it to be clearly
understood that just because funding will be set aside, Council will
control the expenditures from the fund and when they will be made.
Treasurer Shaughnessy responded that the fund will be separate from
the General Fund and it will be included within the annual city
budget as part of the special funds section.
Councilmember Sehneeman moved to establish an Equipment
Reserve Fund and to transfer the 12/31/99 equipment reserve balance
to the fund along with $125,000 for 1999 and 2000 operations, with
the understanding that Council controls the fund expenditures and
when they will be made.
Councilme aber Dwyer seconded the motion.
R.J. RYAN CONSTRUCTION Council acknowledged a memo from Code Enforcement Officer
BUILDING PERMIT Paul Berg recommending approval of building and sign permits to
allow R.J. Ryan Construction to construct its corporate headquarters
building at 1100 Mendota Heights Road. Council also
acknowledged an agreement regarding restrictive covenant for the RJ
Ryan rezoning, prepared by the City Attorney, and a letter from Mr.
Ryan regarding, the roof -top mechanical units and screening. Mr.
Ron Ryan was present for the discussion.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Mr. Ryan has signed the restrictive
covenant agreement, which bans outside storage. He stated that his
only remaining question is whether the building will be solely
occupied by R.J. Ryan Construction.
Mr. Ryan responded that he does not plan to have other tenants but
that he could rent about 2,000 square feet of space. The building
will have about 8,500 square feet of office space and he plans to only
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occupy 6,500 square feet at the outset. He plans to leave the
remainder unfinished at this time. There will be about 1,000 square
feet of garage space in an attached four stall garage at the west end
of the building. He, stated that his company does not store materials
on site. He also stated that he directed a letter to the city's attention
about screening the rooftop mechanical units. He informed Council
that he has been designing and building for thirty years and the city's
current ordinance provisions on rooftop screening were appropriate
in the past when rooftop units were large and unsightly, but today
manufacturers make much smaller, low- profile units. The units on
top of the buildings he constructed in the Centre Pointe development
are not noticeable. When units are screened, the screening becomes
very large and over time the screening detracts from the building.
He asked Council to accept his request not to screen the units on his
building and also that Council consider amending the zoning
ordinance requirements on screening of rooftop mechanical units.
He stated that the mechanical units for a one story building are only
about 30" tall and virtually cannot be seen. If they are painted the
same color as the building, they disappear.
Councilmember Dwyer suggested that Council approve the request
and require screem*nk after the building is constructed if the rooftop
units are unsightly.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that if low - profile units are used
she does not see the need for screening.
Mr. Ryan stated that the screening units really detract from a
building and that he has instructed his mechanical contractor to
align the rooftop units around the center of the building.
Mayor Mertensotto raised questions about the use of DRYVIT on
the structure.
Mr. Dale Glowa, from United Properties, stated that his firm has
used the material with great success and that it is a very acceptable
material. Big Wheel is eleven years old and has had no problems.
He stated that his experience is that if the material is applied
correctly it will stand the test of time.
Mr. Ryan informed Council that he will do research to find out if
there are any problems with DRYVIT, but that his experience is that
it is color fast, very hard and never needs painting. He stated that the
building is about 50% brick, 40% glass and 10% DRYVIT, which is
concentrated above the windows.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she would like Mendota
Heights to approach Eagan and Inver Grove Heights to clean up T.H.
55. United Properties has done an outstanding job in developing
along T.H. 55 and she would like to see the buildings across T.H. 55
to be improved..
Councilmember Dwyer moved to authorize the issuance of a
building permit for the R.J. Ryan headquarters building, waiving the
requirement for rooftop screening, and to authorize the Mayor to
execute the Agreement Regarding Restrictive Covenant.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Council acknowledged a letter of resignation from City
Administrator Batchelder, effective on July 20.
Administrator Batchelder Council that it has been a
pleasure working for Mendota Heights for the past eleven years and
it will be very difficult to leave the city. He stated that he and his
family have discussed moving back to his home state of Colorado for
some time and he has been offered and accepted the position of
Town Manager for Silverthorne, Colorado.
Mayor Mertensotto and each of the Council members expressed their
appreciation to Administrator Batchelder for the excellent job he has
done for the city.
Councilmember Huber moved to accept the resignation of City
Administrator. Batchelder with regret.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. John Nides, 2904 Patricia, stated that he was notified by a letter
from Dakota Communities that it has purchased the home at 1055
Mary Adele and that there will be six developmentally disabled
young people living in the home. The letter indicated that the
Dakota's Children facility on Marie Avenue will be closing and the
young people living there will be moved to homes built by Dakota
Communities. He stated that he has some concerns because of the
rumor mill and would like to know if the person in charge of the
project could answer some of his questions.
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Administrator Batchelder stated that he spoke to Ms. Kathleen
LeMay, the director of Dakota Communities, this afternoon and she
informed him that she would not be available to attend this evening's
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that Dakota Communities is
breaking up the large group home on Marie Avenue and is placing
the young adults in homes in nine communities. The Dakota's
Children facility is out of date and is not appropriate any more.
There are at least two other homes that have been built by Dakota
Communities in Mendota Heights and they have been very well
received, as has the Dakota's Adults facility.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the city has never experienced any
problems with the Dakota Communities homes. He informed Mr.
Nides that it is his understanding that if there are six residents living
in a structure it could be considered a single family use. He stated
that the city would be remiss if it did not grant a building permit for
the home and that it would also be inappropriate for Council to
notify neighborhood residents and raise any concerns.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that the legislature has adopted a
statute that local communities must treat group homes as single
family homes.
Mr. Nides stated that he understands and has no concerns or
problems with the home. He stated that the letter he received talks
about six young adults and care takers living in the home as well.
He asked how many care givers there will be. He stated that there
are many cars parking on the street in his neighborhood and if all of
the family members visit the home on a regular basis, many cars will
be added to the neighborhood. He stated that Mary Adele has one of
the worst curves in the neighborhood and he was concerned about
the safety of his young children. There are no sidewalks or bike
paths and he was promised there would be striping done but it was
not done. He stated that he was concerned about cars and the
residents of the home who may be in wheelchairs.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that it would be very appropriate for Mr.
Nides to contact Ms. LeMay to discuss those concerns.
Administrator Batchelder stated that Ms. LeMay feels there is ample
off street parking available to the home, as it has a single car garage
and a driveway. There will be two staff members on duty from
10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., two people on the morning shift and one in
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the mid -day and a maximum of three staff in the evening. The
policy is that staff park off street or in a garage. Family members
will visit and they will park on- street, but that is no different from
any home that has visitors. Ms. LeMay feels the number of cars the
staff people would have there does not exceed what would be found
in a normal single family home.
Mayor Mertensotto directed Public Works Director Danielson to
contact Ms. LeMay to see if there is a desire or need to stripe the
street for a pedestrian path or bike path.
Mr. Nides stated that he wants striping throughout the neighborhood
and that he raised the issue three years ago.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that Council look at what the Dakota
Communities need are first.
Mr. Nides stated that Assistant Hollister mentioned to him that all of
the vacant lots on Mary Adele could be used for day care or other
non - profits like Dakota Communities.
Councilmember Krebsbach responded that Dakota Communities'
philosophy is to build nine homes and that she seriously doubts that
they would build another home in this neighborhood.
Mr. Nides asked what will happen in 25 years when the young adults
are 40 or 50 years old and the use is no longer good.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that it is a single family home and the
use must remain single family.
BID AWARD — TANKER Council acknowledged a memo from Fire Chief Maczko regarding
bids received for the sale of the city's 1977 fire tanker.
Councilmember Huber moved to accept the bids and to award the
sale of the tanker to Talberg Lawn and Landscape, Inc. for its bid of
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
PLAY EQUIPMENT Council acknowledged a memo from Parks Project Manager
Kullander regarding replacement of Marie Park play equipment.
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Mr. Kullander reviewed the recommendation of the Park and
Recreation Commission relative to proposals for equipment received
from the St. Croix Recreation Company, Earl F. Anderson, and
Flanagan Sales. The Commission recommended that Council accept
the proposal from Flanagan Sales.
Councilmember Schneeman moved to award the equipment contract
to Flanagan Sales for its quote of $14,996.99 for replacement of play
equipment at Marie Park, to be funded by the Special Park Fund, and
to authorize additional funding to expand the timber border and pea
rock area to accommodate the new swing structure, a total amount
for the equipment and expansion not to exceed $18,000.
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councihnember Schneeman stated that the equipment that is in
Marie Park now should be taken down immediately because it is in
very bad condition:
Mayor Mertensotto stated that if staff and the Parks Commission
agree, the equipment should be taken out.
MENDOTA TECHNOLOGY Council acknowledged a memo from Assistant Hollister relative
CENTER to a request from United Properties for a minor amendment to the
conditional use permit for PUD for the Mendota Technology Center
Phase IV. Mr. Dale Glowa was present on behalf of United
Mr. Glowa stated that in 1997 he came before Council for a PUD
with a "u- shaped" office showroom buildings and United Properties
has moved away from that concept to develop standard, conventional
office buildings. Phase one of the development is 100% leased,
Phase 2 will be at 100% in three weeks, and Phase 3 is at 55%
leased. The PUD has been modified by using cross easements for
shared access, cross utilities, etc., and more of a campus setting.
Phase 4 is a "y- shaped" office building, with brick and glass all
around. The amendment would be for use: the original PUD was for
office /warehouse, and the proposal is all office. The second
modification is that with the PUD the building comes very close to
the property line and some of the parking spills over to the adjoining
lot. That is covered by cross easements. He also stated that low
profile roof top units will be used and they will be painted out to
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Administrator informed Council that the Zoning Ordinance's general
requirements for B and I districts stipulates landscaping, parking and
screening requirements, and the requirement for screening of rooftop
equipment is stipulated in that section of the ordinance.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the city should require lower profile
units and not require screening.
Mr. Glowa responded that there are some office buildings that will
have a combination package unit on the roof, which is much larger
than the low profile units and would need screening. A one story
building, which is more standard, would use the low profile units.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that his impression is that there will be
a sea of asphalt going from one building to another.
Mr. Glowa responded that the asphalt is broken up with landscaped
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of Resolution No. 00-
j TECHNOLOGY CENTER PHASE IV," amended to require that
- the building be located on the parcel in accordance with the site plan
presented to Council that the cross easements be recorded with the
Councilmember Dwyer seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
RELEASE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY Council acknowledged a memo from Public Works Director
Danielson regarding a request from Prime Commercial Properties
that the city acquire excess MnDOT right -of -way at T.H. 13 and
Waters Drive and sell the property to Prime Commercial Properties
for combination with the firm's adjoining parcel.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he would have no problem with the
city acquiring the property from MnDOT but that he would want to
reserve the rights to the land. He was concerned that Council does
not know what use is proposed.
Mr. Joe Jenson, from Prime Commercial Properties, stated that he
owns the adjoining parcel, which is not large enough to develop on
its own. He would like to acquire title to the excess right -of -way and
include it in his development.
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Mayor Mertensotto stated that the property is at the focal junction of
1 T.H 13 and 55 and that while he has no problem requesting the land
from MnDOT, but that Council does not just go to MnDOT and ask
them to deed right -of -way to the city. Council wants to know what
the developer proposes to do with the site. The city could purchase
the right -of -way and sell it later. He recommended that Council
direct Mr. Danielson to contact MnDOT and make application for
conveyance of the parcel to the city at its earliest convenience.
Mr. Jenson responded that he appreciates Council's concerns and
that his project is in the design phase now. If it will work out that
the city acquires the land and sells it to Prime, he needs to know now
if he will have the land to use for parking or whatever.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that he would like to see landscaping
on the right -of -way, since this is a focal point in the city.
Mr. Jenson responded that it is important for him to know now in the
design phase whether the property will be available.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Council cannot give Mr. Jenson an
answer since there is no commitment from MnDOT. Council can
direct staff to make inquiry to start the process of acquiring the right-
- of -way, but before the city purchases the land, Council would ask
Mr. Jenson if he wants to pay the acquisition price. Council cannot
commit to something it does not own. He stated that Council is
telling Mr. Jenson that it would like Prime to incorporate the land
into its design but cannot guarantee the city will acquire the land.
Mr. Jenson stated that the development will be office /showroom,
primarily office.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that Council would not be interested
in selling the land to Mr. Jenson if it is to be for parking, but if it is
for passive landscaping, he could agree.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that Mr. Jenson work out his program
and Council will review it.
Councilmember Dwyer moved to direct Public Works Director
Danielson to contact MnDOT to request MnDOT to undertake the
appraisal and transfer process for the excess right -of -way.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
' Nays:0
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MEETING CHANGE Council acknowledged a memo from the City Clerk as a reminder
that on January 18 Council rescheduled the regular meeting to be
held on July 4 to July 6.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Dwyer moved that the July 4 meeting be
rescheduled to Thursday, July 6 at 7:30 p.m.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Dwyer stated that he had raised the safety issue of
foul balls at Mendakota Park at a previous meeting and asked that
the Park and Recreation Commission bring the issue back to Council
as a priority.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the problem is putting the netting up
and taking it down each spring and fall.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she would like information on
where similar netting is used in other communities.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that this is a real safety issue and the
city must do more than what is currently done.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Schneeman stated that there are many intersections
in the city that are difficult to see around and asked if the city can
encourage property owners to trim shrubs back.
Public Works Director Danielson responded that many people have
planted trees and bushes on their property and over time they grow
over the right -of -way. Staff tries to cut them back but property
owners do not always agree with what staff wants to do.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before Council,
Councilmember Huber moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ayes: 5 Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto