2001-08-21 City Council minutesPage No. 1
August 21, 2001
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, August 21, 2001
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Minnesota. The following members were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Dwyer,
Krebsbach, Schneeman and Vitelli.
AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Mertensotto stated that he would like to revise the agenda to
place discussion with Realtor Steve Eriksson on the regular agenda
and eliminate the closed session. He informed Council that he met
with John Hermann and Mr. Hermann agreed with his opinion that it
is not permissible to conduct a closed session.
Councilmember Vitelli felt that Council should go to closed session
with its negotiator. He felt that it would be a disservice to the
residents of the city to negotiate in public.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that unless there is threatened
litigation involved Council cannot conduct a closed session. He
stated that if Council decides to go to closed session, he will not
Attorney Schleck stated that when there is a threat of litigation
Council is not limited to an open meeting. In a non-litigation matter,
it could go both ways.
Councilmember Dwyer asked for clarification that what is required
is threat of litigation. He asked if Council can go to closed session if
they anticipate that acquisition will go to eminent domain.
Attorney Schleck responded stated that it could. If Council were
going to suit against someone in other circumstances they would
have the right to go into closed session.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that it was his understanding that Mr.
Eriksson would come back to report his progress with the land
owners at this meeting. He stated that the landowners have not told
Council that they would litigate.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 1 Mertensotto
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Councilmember Dwyer responded that Mr. Birch told Council he
would fight the acquisition. If Council needs to talk about eminent
domain in closed session, he felt it would be appropriate.
Administrator Lindberg informed Council that Mr. Eriksson is
prepared to make a presentation in the open meeting. It would be
appropriate to hear his report and then decide on closed session.
Councilmember Vitelli felt that there should be a closed session for
two reasons. The city's legal counsel says it is appropriate to have
closed session, and it is in the city's best interest to do this
confidentially if there is a threat of litigation.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that he will not subject himself to a
fine for going into closed session.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that the open meeting law is the law in
Minnesota recognizing that decisions affecting the public should not
be closed and members of the public have the right to input. There
are exceptions if there is anticipation of litigation or if litigation has
already commenced. He asked if there is a qualification that it is
only Council and its legal counsel who can go into closed session or
if Council can meet with anyone it wants to meet with on anticipated
Attorney Schleck responded that that has not been addressed by the
courts. In any type of litigation, experts other than attorneys are
used that may not be legal counsel. If Council feels the services of
an expert might be necessary for it to make a decision for the city, in
his opinion Council has the right to bring in anyone it wishes to.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to leave the agenda as it was
prepared, including adjoirmnent to closed session to discuss strategy
because some of the parcels will likely go to eminent domain.
Councilmember Dwyer seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach felt that it would be appropriate for Mr.
Eriksson to be introduced to the as part of the agenda, but that any
discussion that relates to the properties involved or transactions
should occur in closed session.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of the original revised
agenda for the meeting.
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Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Dwyer moved approval of the amended minutes of
the regular meeting held on August 7, 2001.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Dwyer moved approval of the consent calendar for
the meeting, revised to move item 5i, firefighter resignations, to the
regular agenda, along with authorization for execution of any
necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the July 10, 2001 and August
14, 2001 Parks and Recreation Commission meetings.
b. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the July 18, 2001 and August
15, 2001 Airport Relations Commission meetings.
c. Acknowledgment of the minutes of the April 4, 2001 NDC-4
Commission meeting and the May 2 and June 6 executive
committee meetings.
d. Acknowledgment of the Treasurer's monthly report for July.
e. Acknowledgment of the Parks and Recreation Commission's
recommended projects to be funded by the Special Parks Fund in
f Authorization to reschedule the September 18 Council meeting
to Thursday, September 20, 2001.
g. Approval of a temporary on-sale beer license and waiver of the
fee for the Royal Redeemer Family Fall Festival to be held on
September 29, 2001, subject to receipt of a certificate of liquor
liability insurance and retention of all off-duty police officer for
the event.
h. Authorization for execution of a corporate agreement with the
Dakota County CDA for construction of a 60 unit senior facility
in the Town Center project area.
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i. Approval of the appointment of Acting Police Chief Jeff
Piotraschke as Chief of Police effective August 21, 2001.
j. Acknowledgment of Sergeant Neil Garlock's successful
completion of his one year probationary period and approval of
his appointment to regular status as Sergeant.
k. Approval of the 2002 NDC-4 budget.
1. Adoption of Resolution No. 01 -45, "RESOLUTION
I)," awarding the contract to Ace Blacktop, Inc., for its low bid
of $283,475.00.
in. Adoption of Resolution No. 01 -46, "RESOLUTION
PROJECT NO. 4)," as amended.
n. Approval of the list of contractor licenses dated August 21, 2001.
o. Approval of the List of Claims dated August 21, 2001 and
totaling $191,584.42.
p. Authorization for the issuance of a purchase order to Keller
Fence, in the amount of $11,275.00, for installation of hockey
rink boards at Marie Park, to be financed by the Special Park
Fund, along with authorization for the City Administrator to
issue purchase orders for an asphalt pathway and installation of
new light poles at Marie Park when qualified bids within the
limitations of the project budget are received.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
FIREFIGHTER RESIGNATIONS Council acknowledged a memo from Fire Chief Maczko regarding
the retirement of Firefighter Jerry Nelson, Jr. and the resignation of
Firefighter William Redding, Jr.
Chief Maczko informed Council that Mr. Nelson has been on the
department for ten years and that Mr. Redding came back to the
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department after a 25 year hiatus. Both are leaving the department
for health reasons.
Councilmember Schneeman moved to regretftilly accept the
retirement of Firefighter Jerry Nelson, Jr., effective August 1, 2001,
and the resignation of Firefighter William Redding, Jr., effective
September 1, 2001.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
AUDIT PRESENTATION Mr. Chris Omdahl, from KPMG, reviewed the city's audit for the
year 2000 and responded to questions from Council. He read a
portion of the KPMG opinion on the city's financial position, stating
that it is a clean and unqualified opinion that is consistent with and
indicative of sound financial practices.
FIREFIGHTER Council acknowledged a memo from Fire Chief Maczko
APPOINTMENTS recommending the appointment of five individuals to fill vacant
positions on the fire department. Fire Chief Maczko was present for
the discussion.
Chief Maczko reviewed the credentials of the candidates and
informed Council on the testing and interviewing process. He stated
that he would like to start a reserve firefighter group because there
are so many individuals interested in joining the department. The
reserve would be a feeder program for the organization, and its
members would be true volunteers.
Councilmember Schneeman moved that Scott Henning, Steven
Boley, Patrick Noack, Mary Kreuser and Richard Gipanski be
appointed to one year probationary periods as firefighters, effective
September 2, 2001.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
LILYDALE TRAIL REQUEST Council acknowledged a letter from Barr Engineering, on behalf of
the City of Lilydale, requesting approval for Lilydale to construct a
trail segment along Lexington Avenue, from Douglas Drive to the
entrance road into the Overlook Condominiums, and requesting city
participation in funding for the trail segment. Council also
acknowledged an associated report from Parks Project Manager Guy
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Mayor Mertensotto agreed with the Parks and Recreation
Commission recommendation that the city to deny the funding
request since the trail link, would not provide any benefit to Mendota
Councilmember Schneeman commented that Mendota Heights
would be allowing Lilydale to use the right-of-way but Mendota
Heights would not be bound to any monetary commitment.
Councilmember Kxebsbach asked if Lilydale is prepared to pay for
the trail link.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that he does not know if special easement
would be needed within the right-of-way.
Public Works Director Danielson informed Council that the trail
segment would be for the residents of the Overlook Condominiums
who want to access the Mendota Heights trails. Lilydale is going to
construct a trail along T.H. 13 using TIF money and that money is
limited. That is why Lilydale is asking for the city's help. The
Parks and Recreation Commission felt that the trail would be for the
benefit of the condominiums and not Mendota Heights residents.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that if Council authorizes the use of the
right-of-way, there would need to be a written agreement with
Lilydale. He stated that Mendota Heights is not going to be
responsible for the project.
Councilmember Dwyer agreed, stating that there are also
maintenance issues that need to be addressed in an agreement.
Mr. Danielson stated that the trail would be within the right-of-way,
and that he will address maintenance in the agreement.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that Council has no objection if Lilydale
wishes to build the trail within the county right-of-way but it would
have to be pursuant to a joint powers agreement so that the city has
no liability on construction, safety, maintenance or other issues.
Also, he stated that Lilydale would have to draft the agreement, and
must also get the permission of the Mendota Heights property owner
who would be affected by the trail segment.
Councilmember Dwyer moved to direct the City of Lilydale to
present a joint powers agreement for Council consideration, along
with proof that Lilydale has obtained the consent of the affected
Mendota Heights landowner.
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Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
FENCE ORDINANCE Council acknowledged a draft amendment to the fence provisions in
the Zoning Ordinance, along with a report from Administrative
Assistant Hollister.
Mayor Mertensotto informed the audience that Council had directed
staff to prepare a draft ordinance amendment to reduce the allowed
fence height to five feet.
Councilmember Schneeman stated that she spent considerable time
reviewing the draft and looking at what other cities have done. She
stated that she would like Council to hold a joint meeting with the
Planning Commission to discuss fences, detached garages,
recreational vehicles and spot zoning.
Mayor Mertensotto agreed, stating that he would like to look at a
number of items, including recodification issues.
Councilmember Dwyer stated that he would also like to address
fencing on comer lots.
Attorney Schleck stated that he did some telephone research with a
fence contractor when he prepared the draft. One of the concerns
with sectional vinyl fences is restricted visibility and ventilation.
The minimum height those fences come in is six feet. If this
ordinance is adopted as written, sectional vinyl fences would require
conditional use permits.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she would agree with a
workshop but would like to act on the fence amendment now.
People are not accustomed to the vinyl fences and they are surprised
by them being installed. If there is a lot of objection to the
amendment, the objections will be raised at the Planning
Commission hearing.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that Council send the draft ordinance
to the Planning Commission for hearing and see what kind of
feedback the commission and residents give.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that he would not want to send it to the
commission and encourage them to recommend its adoption. He did
not know what problem the amendment would solve. He sated that
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he does not want the Planning Commission to get the message that
he supports the amendment.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that the inconsistencies between the
pool fencing ordinance and the fence provisions in the zoning
ordinance should be resolved.
Councilmember Dwyer pointed out that a conditional use permit
would be required for fences taller than five feet and the conditional
use permit fee is an issue.
Councilmember Schneeman suggested that Council ask the
commission to consider the fee as well.
Councilmember Schneeman moved to send the draft ordinance to the
Planning Commission for review and recommendation.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
TOWN CENTER Council acknowledged a letter from Mr. Steve Eriksson, the city's
consultant for Town Center property acquisitions. Mr. Eriksson was
present and introduced himself to the audience and briefly reviewed
his credentials and history. He informed Council that he has spoken
to the three property owner this week and feels that things are
generally going well, but there is one area he is concerned about.
The Tom Thumb and Oasis discussions are going well, but he does
not have any recommendations at this time.
Mayor Mertensotto informed Mr. Eriksson that the only problem he
has with Mr. Eriksson's letter to the city is that Mr. Eriksson said
that it was implied that he would work in partnership with Mr. Mark
Savin, from Faegre and Benson. That raises the question of under
whose direction Mr. Eriksson will work. He stated that Mr. Eriksson
should be working under Council's direction.
Mr. Eriksson responded that he understands that the city is his client,
and what he meant was that Mr. Savin is a member of the team also
serving Mendota Heights.
Mayor Mertensotto pointed out that Faegre and Benson is not the
city attorney. The city is getting a team approach because several
people are billing the city on a monthly basis, but nothing is
coordinated. Council hired Faegre and Benson to assist with the
special TIF legislation, and that is no longer a problem. Mr. John
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Hermann, from Faegre and Benson, has taken the attitude that he is
the program director. The city paid for title searches, and now has
Faegre and Benson also doing title work. The survey work was
completed by a registered surveyor, although the city could have
gotten the information from the Dakota County surveyor. Several
ancillary studies are also being made. He informed Mr. Eriksson
that Mr. Hermann has informed him that there should not be any
problem with Mr. Eriksson coming before Council tonight and
telling Council that he has contacted the property owners and that he
is making progress.
Mr. Eriksson stated that he understands that he works for the city and
perhaps should have changed the agreement wording. He stated that
he is not aware of what Faegre and Benson has done.
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Dwyer informed Council that he and
Councilmember Krebsbach met with MAC representatives this
morning as Council's representatives on the reconvened MSP
Airport Zoning Board.
He stated that the committee's mission will be to address height
issues around the airport. The first committee meeting is scheduled
for early September, and the committee will probably meet for nine
months. The committee consists of representatives from the Cities
of Mendota Heights, Bloomington, Richfield, Hennepin County and
two MAC members.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she appreciates being
appointed to the committee and briefly informed Council on key
issues for the committee.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that it had been reported this evening that
MAC voted to cap Part 150 at $150 million and only homes in LDN
60 to 64 will be eligible. After the $150 million is spent, the
program will end. Basically that means there will not be any more
noise attenuation n Mendota Heights because the contours are being
pulled in.
Councilmember Vitelli announced that city staff members now have
email capability and that staff is proceeding with finding someone to
set up the city's web site.
ADJOURN There being no fiirther business to come before Council,
Councilmember Dwyer moved, on the recommendation of legal
counsel Dan Schleck, that the meeting be adjourned to closed session
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to meet with Steve Eriksson to discuss Town Center property
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: I Mertensotto
Kafhleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto