2003-05-20 City Council minutesPage No. 1
May 20, 2003
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The following
members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmembers Duggan,
Krebsbach, Schneeman and Vitelli.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
The City Council, audience and staff recited the Pledge of
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of the revised agenda for the
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the amended minutes of
the regular meeting held on May 6, 2003.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent calendar for
the meeting, revised to move items 6a, Fire Department report, 6b;
Xcel Energy poles, 6e, critical area permit, 6f, Fire Code ordinance,
6g, critical area permit, and 6h, conditional use permit denial, to the
regular agenda, along with authorization for execution of any
necessary documents contained therein.
a. Authorization for $1,500 in contingency funding for the twelfth
annual "Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks.
b. Authorization for a letter of approval for Ziggy's Deli and Ice
Cream to conduct an outdoor barbecue event on June 1 and
approval for a temporary sign for ten days prior to the event, in
accordance with the conditions set forth in the letter of approval.
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c. Adoption of Resolution No. 03 -30, A RESOLUTION
10 i t I LOW FAW f 11j- a
a. Adoption of Resolution No. 03 -31, "A RESOLUTION
b. Approval of the list of contractor licenses dated May 20, 2003.
c. Approval of the List of Claims dated May 20, 2003 and totaling
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
FIRE DEPARTMENT Councilmember Duggan commented that the fire alarms
REPORT in the monthly fire department report are dramatically higher than
last year and asked for infonnation from staff on why they are
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to acknowledge the Fire
Department Monthly
Report for April.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
XCEL ENERGY POLES Council acknowledged a memo from Acting Administrator
Danielson regarding a letter from Xcel Energy in response to a
request from the city that Xcel paint the new power poles the same
color as the city's water tower.
Mayor Huber stated that Acting Administrator Danielson tried to
contact Ms. Liz Petschel to inform her about the response but she
was not available.
Councilmember Duggan stated that Ms. Petschel is very concerned
and feels that in areas nearby some of the poles in the cities and the
neighborhoods are painted and some are not. She is asking that the
ones in the neighborhoods be painted. The people in the Mendakota
area agree as well as the people on Huber Drive. They are asking
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that the poles in residential areas be painted beige or whatever color
Xcel has painted other neighborhood poles in the past.
Councilmember Schneeman stated that she has looked at a lot of
poles and agrees with Xcel that the ones that have been painted peel
start to deteriorate and look terrible after time. The ones in the
Rogers Lake area are not painted and have held up well. She felt that
people should look at more poles before Council makes a decision.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that he accepts the advice of Xcel. It
is like buying a window that is clad and then painted. They do flake
and cost money to repaint and when they do that, residents in the
area find flakes in their yards and the city will get complaints about
that. He did not think Council should base a decision on hearsay.
People should be informed and know what they area asking for
before Council goes against a recommendation by the experts. Xcel
pointed to the poles in the northeast area of the substation, and they
are not painted.
Councilmember Duggan stated that he would like to invite to a
meeting the people who are nearest to the poles to ask them what
they want.
Councilmember Schneeman responded that the problem with that is
that some people want blue poles or the color of the water tower and
some want a different color.
Councilmember Duggan stated that the color the residents want is
the color that is used in other areas of the city.
Mayor Huber stated that he was out of town over the weekend so he
could not be reached, and he does not want to vote on the matter
Councilmember Duggan stated that he would be agreeable to
painting the poles if a lot of residents want it, but before Council can
make a decision, they should decide on a single color for the poles
that are to be painted. Residents are going to pick the poles they
want painted and not painted, and Council should think ahead and
offer the people some options. He would prefer that they be painted
the same color, and Ms. Petschel suggested that they be painted a tan
Councilmember Krebsbach agreed, stating that the color of the water
tower is what was suggested.
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Discussion on the matter was continued to the next meeting to allow
Council time to consider the issue and receive public input.
CASE NO. 03 -27, KNUTSON Council acknowledged an application from Mr. Bruce Knutson on
behalf of Dennis and Lori Galligan for a critical area permit to allow
construction of a home addition at 1845 Hunter Lane. Council also
acknowledged associated staff reports.
Mr. Knutson stated that he is the arclutect for the property owners.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked for information on the changes and
if anything will be closer to the bluff line or if anyone's views are
being affected.
Mr. Knutson reviewed the site plan and stated that no exterior walls
will be moved and nothing is being done on the bluff side of the
house. The owners would like to add a garage on the other side of
the house and remove the existing garage and replace it with an
Responding to a question from Councilmember Duggan, Mr.
Galligan stated that his neighbors are well aware of his plan.
Acting City Administrator Danielson stated that he knew for sure
that the Katz's knew about it because they called him and asked
about it.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of a critical area permit
to allow construction of an addition at 1845 Hunter Lane, along with
authorization for the issuance of any necessary building permits,
subject to compliance with all applicable codes, and authorization
for refund of the $100 critical area application fee.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
FIRE CODE Council acknowledged a memo from Fire Marshal Kaiser along with
a proposed ordinance to rescind the existing fire code and adopt the
current state fire code.
Councilmember Duggan suggested that staff include information on
the new fire code in the next issue of the city newsletter.
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Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Ordinance NO. 380, .
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 03 -19, CONROY Council acknowledged a memo and proposed resolution from staff
regarding an application from Mr. Pat Conroy for a conditional use
permit for a shed at 952 Stratford Road.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that he asked that this item be moved
from the consent calendar because at the last meeting he voted
against the motion to deny a conditional use permit for the shed. At
that meeting, there was a tie vote and an abstention.
City Attorney Schleck stated that the law in this area has been in flux
recently. He reviewed recent changes the legislature has made to the
60 day rule and a new statute that has been adopted by the
legislature. He stated that from this point forward, if a motion to
approve fails, it is a denial.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No. 03 -32,
Mayor Huber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Clifford Timm asked for a Council resolution asking the DNR to
put fish in Lemay Lake. He stated that he contributed $10,000
towards the fishing pier at Thompson Park in West St. Paul, and
stocking of Lemay Lake by the DNR was a condition of his
contribution. Lemay Lake would be a great lake for a pier some day,
and if it works out that the DNR stocks the lake, perhaps Council
could pursue the county creating a park there. He also asked that
Council pursue dedication of land from Resurrection Cemetery for a
Mayor Huber responded that Council does not take action on items
that are not on the agenda. When new items come before Council,
action is deferred to a future meeting. Staff can meet with Mr. Timm
and prepare a report for Council.
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Mr. Timm stated that after the Lemay Lake issue is considered, he
would like to concentrate on north Rogers Lake. He stated that north
Rogers Lake was stocked with fish in the past but die out when it
freezes, because they cannot migrate to Rogers Lake. He stated that
there should be a NURP to catch water before it gets into north
Rogers Lake. He stated that he would be willing to spend some
money on that matter and that he will see how the county stands on
north Rogers Lake. He also briefly discussed the goose problem and
expressed appreciation to Councilmember Schneeman for her help
with the legislators.
Councilmember Duggan suggested that Council send a letter to the
DNR supporting stocking Lemay Lake and a letter to Resurrection
Cemetery asking them to dedicate a small area of land for a park.
Councilmember Schneeman stated that Council needs a lot more
information about Lemay Lake before taking any action.
Public Works Director Danielson stated that there is no public
landing on the lake at this time. The private lots go out into the
center of the lake, but the cemetery owns a lot of the lake. There is
no public access.
TURNERS GYMNASTICS Council acknowledged a request from Turners Gymnastics
FINANCING to authorize refunding of its previously issued Industrial
Revenue Bonds. Mr. Steve Fenlon, from Midwest Health Care
Capital, was present on behalf of Turners Gymnastics.
Mr. Fenlon stated that Turners is a non - profit corporation that has
existed for many years. The city issued a bond issue for them and
interest rates are down now. The outstanding balance of the original
issue is $443,000 plus $9,000 in issue costs. Turners would like to
amortize that over 20 years. It is a meaningful savings in interest for
savings, and there is no moral, ethical or legal obligation on the
city's part with respect to the debt.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No. 03 -33,
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
j Nays: 0
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LEXINGTON HEIGHTS Council acknowledged a memo from Finance Director
APARTMENTS Schabacker regarding a request from the Lexington Heights
FINANCING Associates for a public hearing on restructuring of their previously
issued Refunding Bonds Series 1991 A & B for the Lexington
Heights Apartments.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No. 03 -34, "A
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
ROGERS LAKE WATER St. Thomas Academy Environmental Studies Instructor Tony
QUALITY REPORT Kinzley and members of the environmental studies class were
present to inform Council on the result of the 2002 water quality
study on Rogers Lake.
Mr. Kinzley stated that this is the eighth year environmental studies
students have studied the water quality. He introduced students Tom
Kellogg, Grant Make, Ed Gadient, Chris Gerbi and Dillon Donnelly.
He stated that although water quality was analyzed on several water
bodies, the presentation this evening will focus on Rogers Lake only.
Mr. Kellogg gave a brief introduction and informed Council that the
environmental studies classes tested nineteen sites, eight of which
are on Rogers Lake.
Mr. Maki reviewed the Benthics testing. He stated that the water
quality in 2002 was 21 versus 14 in 2001. Considerable data was
taken off the dock and many improvements have been made in that
area that improve the water quality. He noted that the significant
difference between 2002 and 2001 could be due to the limited
amount of data available this year, and that a greater emphasis
should be placed on the water quality and chemical tests.
Mr. Gadient reviewed the chemical testing, stating that water quality
index scores of 90 to 100 are excellent. A score of 70 to 80 is good.
Rogers Lake is in the high 60s in the winter and fall.
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Mr. Gerbi reported on historical data, fecal coliform data for Rogers
Lake and the overall test scores.
Mr. Donnelly reviewed the spring versus fall trends and a
comparison of annual data. He stated that there are only one or two
areas of concern. One concern is the spring fecal colifonn level of
1409, which is extremely harmful to health. That could be due to
there being more geese in the spring. Phosphates and turbidity are
fine. Overall, the lake has improved since last fall. Right now it is
at a 68 rating, which is almost a good level of quality even though
there is high fecal coliform.
Mr. Gerbi stated that geese are the main reason for the fecal coliform
Mr. Kellogg summarized the findings, stating that the biggest
problem is the fecal coliform level, and that is related to geese. The
home owners around the lake could try to keep the gees out of their
yards and should also pick up pet wastes. They should also use low
phosphate or no phosphate fertilizers. All of the other water quality
tests came out well.
Council expressed their appreciation to Mr. Kinzley and the students
for their study and presentation.
MALT LIQUOR HEARINGS Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a public hearing
on applications from SuperAmerica for renewal of off -sale 3.2
percent malt liquor licenses for its facilities on Highway 110 and
Mendota Heights Road. Council acknowledged a report and
recommendation from the City Clerk.
Mayor Huber asked for questions and comments from the audience.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember Schneeman
moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Vitelli moved to authorize the issuance of off -sale
3.2 percent malt liquor licenses to SuperAmerica for its facilities on
Highway 110 and Mendota Heights Road.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a public hearing
on an application Par 3 Golf Course for renewal of its on -sale 3.2
percent malt liquor license. Council acknowledged a report and
recommendation from the City Clerk.
Mayor Huber asked for questions and comments from the audience.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember Duggan
moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Duggan moved to authorize the issuance of an on-
sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license to Par 3 Golf Course.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 03-18, RONGITSCH Council acknowledged an application from Rongitsch Properties
PROPERTIES for the subdivision of 2180 South Lexington Avenue into three lots.
Council also acknowledged associated staff reports.
Administrative Assistant Hollister reviewed the application and the
Planning Commission discussion for Council. He stated that the
applicant proposes to subdivide the parcel located at the southeast
corner of Lexington Avenue and Cullen into three lots. The
applicant appeared before the Planning Commission twice. At the
first meeting, there was much discussion about the frontage
requirement in R -1 districts. The proposal was for two lots with 100
feet of frontage each and the third with 80 feet of frontage on Cullen.
There was much discussion about whether the frontage on Lexington
could be used to meet the frontage requirement, and the Commission
determined that it could. They found that the subdivision conforms
with the ordinance and recommended approval. He informed
Council that staff found out this afternoon that although Mr.
Rongitsch is applying for a subdivision and not building permits, it
should be noted that the homes to the east of the parcel are set back
50 feet from Cullen. There is an ordinance provision about a home
being closer to the street than the immediate neighbors. The owner
had given the city a preliminary plat showing tentative building pads
30 feet back from Cullen. Since he is only applying to subdivide the
property and not place the houses, he needs to be mindful of that rule
when he proposes buildings. Also, there is an existing house on the
property, and one of the proposed lot lines would bisect the house.
Since this is only preliminary plat approval, Council does not need to
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be concerned at this time, but prior to final plat approval, Mr.
Rongitsch will have to remove the house. In the proposed resolution
for this evening, there is a condition that the applicant execute a
developer's agreement with the city, and that agreement should
include demolition or removal of the existing structures. Council
should also find that the preliminary plat approval does not presume
approval of the locations of the future houses.
Mr. Rongitsch responded to questions from Councilmember Duggan
regarding existing trees.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that the plan looks good in terms
of removal of the house and the size of the lots.
Responding to a question from Councilmember Schneeman, Mr.
Rongitsch stated that the house will actually be moved.
Mr. Rongitsch stated that he showed building pads on the
preliminary plat just to show the setbacks, and that he is proposing to
put a house inside the squares that are shown.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that his only concern is that if this is
the document Council is approving, it may be wise to take off the
setbacks so that Council is not implying setbacks. Perhaps the
implication of where the houses would be located should be removed
from the preliminary plat so that Council is not giving an impression
on variances that it may be looking at later.
Attorney Schleck responded that the pads should be removed. In
Minnesota, preliminary plats do convey rights to people. The
building setbacks should be removed. He further stated that in going
through the ordinance he feels there is an adjustment that needs to be
made in terms of what the actual setback should be. The ordinance
specifically addresses corner lots. hl this case, the setback is reduced
to one -half the depth in excess of 30 feet, so the would have to be 40
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No. 03 -35, "A
the condition that the building pad designations be removed and that
no variances are implied by approval, that the applicant submit a
park contribution for two lots, with the understanding that the
applicant has stated his intent to remove the existing structure and
that Council deal with that issue at the time the final plat is
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considered, and further, that the $50 variance application fee be
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 03 -13, BADER Council acknowledged a memo from Assistant Hollister regarding
continued discussion on an application from Bader Properties for
preliminary plat and variance for three lots at 1673 Delaware
Avenue. Council also acknowledged a proposed resolution denying
the application, a request from Mr. Bader for a continuation to June
3, and a letter from Mr. Gary Fuchs on behalf of Tom and Linda
Mayor Huber stated that no one is present for the discussion and Mr.
Bader has requested that it be carried over again. He stated that if
Mr. Bader was here this evening, he was going to ask him to clarify
or confirm his request for the continuance. There has been a
suggestion by staff that he is going to propose a different plan from
what was before Council. If Mr. Bader was present this evening, he
was going to recommend that Council act to deny the plan before
Council and that Mr. Bader go back to the Planning Commission for
the new plan, with no additional fee.
Councilmember Krebsbach and Vitelli agreed.
Attorney Schleck stated that he would be hesitant to insert anything
into the record about what someone may have heard from Mr. Bader.
He also stated that he did not know that there had been a letter
requesting this extension. At the last meeting, Mr. Bader asked for
an extension to tonight.
Mayor Huber stated that Council has a letter asking for the matter to
be carried over to June 3. Council could indicate to Mr. Bader that if
he is planning to come forward with another plan, Council would
likely take action to deny the current plan. Council could tell him
that it is likely what will happen and at the June 3 meeting he should
set his sights on a new application to the Planning Commission. He
asked for the sense of the Council if Mr. Bader comes forward with a
new plan at the next meeting.
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Councilmember Duggan asked, since there are variables that Council
is not aware of, does council need to supply findings of fact to deny
the application tonight.
Councilmember Duggan moved that Council grant the continuance
to June 3 on the conditions that if a new plan comes forward, it must
go to the Planning Commission first, and that if he comes to discuss
the plan currently before Council, the discussion on June 3 will be on
that plan.
Mayor Huber recommended that staff be directed to tell Mr. Bader
that if he comes back with a new plan, it would be Council's intent
to deny the current plan.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she does not think Council
should state intent to deny.
Mayor Huber stated that in his opinion, the motion says that if Mr.
Bader comes forward with a new plan, he will be referred to the
Planning Commission. Council absolutely must take action on the
current plan. Council would have to deny what has been submitted
and Mr. Bader would have to go to the Planning Commission with a
new application.
Councilmember Duggan stated that Mr. Bader could withdraw his
current application.
Mayor Huber responded that Council must take positive action to say
that the plan is done. If Mr. Bader is just coming back with his
existing plan, Council will make a decision on that plan.
Councilmember Duggan restated the motion to stated to approve the
request for continuance on the condition that if Mr. Bader proposes a
new plan, it must go to the Planning Commission and that on June 3
Council will review and discuss and make a decision on the existing
plan that has been submitted.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Mayor Huber stated that the motion goes way beyond what is needed
and that he was only looking for informal input to tell Mr. Bader that
if he comes back with a new plan it has to go to the Planning
Councilmember Vitelli agreed, stating that he would support the
motion without any conditions. It should simply be a motion to
Vote on Motion:
Ayes: 2 Duggan, Krebsbach
Nays: 3 Huber, Schneeman, Vitelli
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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grant the continuance. Mr. Bader can call each of the
Councilmembers for their individual feelings on the matter if he
Councilmember Vitelli moved to grant the request for continuance to
June 3.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan stated that he would like to make it clear to
the applicant that the continuance is on the material on hand at this
time and not on new material.
LANDSCAPE PONDS Council acknowledged a memo from Assistant Hollister regarding
interpretation of the swimming pool ordinance in relation to pond
landscape features. Staff has received an inquiry from Mr. Getz,
2453 Haverton Road, about what permits he needs in order to create
an artificial pond as a landscape feature on his property. The
question is whether the fence requirement of the pool ordinance
should be applied to landscape features.
Mayor Huber stated that a strict reading of the ordinance would be
that the a fence would be required for the Getz landscaping. He
stated that he would like to think that all of Council agrees it does .
not need a fence. One option would be that Council look at adopting
an amendment to the pool ordinance that more closely matches what
the state says in its definition of a pool. He stated that what is being
proposed is not a pool, but rather is a landscape feature. He asked
whether Council should direct staff to not require a fence around the
proposed structure.
Councilmember Duggan stated that he does not believe that what
Mr. Getz proposes qualifies as a swimming pool. He felt Council
should direct staff to interpret it as a landscape feature.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that under the ordinance, the water
feature is considered a pool if it is deeper at any point than 18 inches,
and that if Mr. Getz makes it seventeen and three - quarter inches
deep, it would not need a fence. He stated that Mr. Getz must make
sure it is no deeper than 18 inches.
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Councilmember Vitelli moved that a fence is not required but that
Mr. Getz must comply with the plan and the water feature can be no
more than 18 inches deep.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
LIVABLE COMMUNITIES Council acknowledged a memo from Acting Administrator
GRANT APPLICATION Danielson asking for direction to staff on whether to apply for a 2003
Livable Communities grant for the next phase of underground
parking at Town Center.
Councilmember Schneeman stated that she attended the Livable
Communities workshop and heard that they are really looking for
applications. She absolutely felt the city should apply and should
also apply again next year.
Responding to a Council question, Acting Administrator Danielson
stated that staff would prepare the application using the application
that was prepared last year.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to direct staff to apply for a 2003
Livable Communities grant for the next phase of underground
parking at Town Center.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
LIVABLE COMMUNITIES Council acknowledged a memo from Acting Administrator
COMMITTEE Danielson regarding a letter from the Metropolitan Council
encouraging Mayors and Councilmembers to apply to serve on the
Livable Communities Advisory Committee.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved that Councilmember Schneeman
apply for appointment to the Livable Communities Advisory
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Schneeman stated that although there would be a
significant time commitment, she would love to apply.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Duggan stated that he would like to bring the
Haggerty variance up for reconsideration. He stated that it bothers
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him that it was said that Mr. Haggerty was being forced into a non -
conforming use not of his own doing. The corner of the building is
already closer to the road than the addition and there is a question on
whether he really needed to come before Council for a variance.
Mayor Huber responded that he does not believe Council can
reconsider. There he had been informed that a member had indicated
he would like to reconsider the matter, and he asked staff to research
the matter. The City Clerk contacted a registered parliamentarian
who responded that according to Robert's Rules of Order with
respect to a motion to reconsider, that motion can only be made on
the same day as action was taken on the matter to be reconsidered.
He stated that the city adopted Robert's Rules of Order by ordinance
many years ago.
Councilmember Duggan stated that he would like to discuss whether
Council must follow Robert's Rules.
Mayor Huber responded that in his mind, if Council reconsiders
something it needs to have new information on the issue. He stated
that residents are relying on Council to make decisions, and once that
happens they should be able to rely on the decision. There is a
procedure Council must follow, and strict interpretation of Robert's
Rules says that Council cannot make a motion to reconsider. From a
procedural standpoint, he is uncomfortable with the request. He
stated that if Mr. Haggerty wishes to reapply he can do that.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that there was a recent fatality
accident at Highway 13/110 involving someone apparently making a
left turn onto T.H. 13 from Victoria Curve. She stated that the
intersection is very dangerous and asked whether there is something
that can be done at that intersection. Someone who is not familiar
with the intersection could feel that the signal light is not working
because it takes so long to change. She suggested that the city ask
MnDOT to look at the light and change the timing or another serious
accident will occur.
Councilmember Vitelli agreed that it should be looked at. He stated
that he went through the light once after concluding that it was not
Sergeant Anderson stated that he will notify MnDOT.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that he took his grandchildren to
Rogers Lake and he and the children enjoyed the fishing. He stated
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that several people were fishing and caught a variety of fish, and that
Rogers Lake is wonderful for family fishing.
Mayor Huber informed Council that he will attend the D.A.R.E.
graduation on May 23 at Visitation but will not be able to attend the
May 30 graduation at Friendly Hills. Councihnember Schneeman
stated that she will go to Friendly Hills, and Councihmember
Krebsbach stated that she would attend the Visitation graduation.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before Council,
Councihmember Vitelli moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Councihmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
athleen M. Swanson
City Cleric