2006-09-19 City Council minutesSeptember 19, 2006
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
CALL TO ORDER Acting Mayor Vitelli called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The following members were present: Acting Mayor Vitelli,
Councilmeinbers Duggan, Krebsbach, and Schneeman.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda as
revised with the addition of 6.h. and the deletion of 10.a. as
St. Thomas Academy will not be present at the meeting and
will not be requesting the cannon as proposed.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the minutes of
the September 5, 2006 council meeting minutes as corrected.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmeraber Krebsbach moved approval of the consent
calendar for the meeting as revised with the removal of 6.k.
and authorization for execution of any necessary documents
contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the NDC4 Meeting Agenda.
b. Acknowledgement of the August 2006 Treasurer's
c. Acknowledgement of the August 2006 Fire Department
Monthly Report.
d. Acknowledgement of the Information for Claim for
Stonn Sewer and Expenses for Richard Lanpher, 2351
Field Stone Drive.
e. Authorization for Annual Halloween Bonfire.
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f. Authorization for Execution of the Joint Powers
Agreement (JPA) By and Between the City of Mendota
Heights and the City of West St. Paul Relating to
Delaware Avenue Sanitary Sewer Billing.
g. Authorization for City Administrator to sign Letter of
Understanding with Minnesota Coalition of Storrawater
h. Authorization for staff to issue Purchase Orders for
Rehabilitation of Playgrounds in Valley View Heights
Park and Valley Park.
i. Acceptance of Emmy Foster Resignation.
j. Approval of Lilydale Storm Sewer Request.
k. Approval of Wetlands Pefmit Renewal for- 1210 Gentr-
1. Approval of Promotion of City Engineer to Public Works
m. Adoption of Resolution No. 06-84: "A resolution
adjusting fire department salaries effective January 1,
n. Adoption of Resolution No. 06-85: "A resolution
accepting work and approving final payment for Job
Number 9410, Thompson Avenue Diversion Project".
o. Adoption of Resolution No. 06-88: "A resolution
declaring costs to be assessed, ordering the preparation of
proposed assessment roll, and establishing the date of the
assessment hearing for the Delaware Avenue
reconstruction project (Project No. 200523)".
p. Adoption of Resolution No. 06-87: "A resolution
declaring costs to be assessed, ordering the preparation of
proposed assessment roll, and establishing the date of
assessment hearing for the industrial park street
rehabilitation project (Project No. 200602)".
q. Approval of the List of Contractors.
r. Approval of the List of Claims totaling $654,967.39.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
ITEMS PULLED FOR Item #6k: Approval of Wetlands Permit Renewal
DISCUSSIONS for 1210 Centre Pointe Curve. Councilmember Krebsbach
asked for an update on this project. Mr. Jay Farracci,
applicant, said the project is ready to go, but there have been
delays due to the work load of the structural engineer.
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Councihneinber Krebsbach moved approval of the Wetlands
Permit Renewal for 1210 Centre Pointe Curve as proposed.
Councihnember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
JAY HAUGEN Jay Haugen, Superintendent of School District
PRESENTATION #197 gave a construction update on the school district. Mr.
Haugen presented a powerpoint presentation showing the
construction activities for Garlough Elementary School
Environmental Magnet, Henry Sibley High School, Mendota
Elementary School, and Pilot Knob Elementary School. Mr.
Haugen introduced Alese Jamison, School Board Member,
who was also in the audience.
Mr. Haugen talked about the increasing enrollment of
Mr. Haugen talked about the levy, which is up in November,
and this is a major part of the school district's funding. Mr.
Haugen said the State has also increased the authority for
school districts to levy. It's been four years since the last
levy, which has been used for operating costs only.
Councilmember Duggan said he appreciated the good work
that the high school students have done with their hybrid car.
Councilmember Duggan asked Mr. Haugen to have his staff
look into some drainage concerns of the neighbors at
Mendota Elementary School.
Councilmember Krebsbach welcomed Mr. Haugen to the
community, and asked about the orchestra and choir's trip to
Europe. Mr. Haugen said the trip was successful and
everyone was back.
Mr. Haugen said the next levy is needed for educational
purposes. Mr. Haugen said the new levy can assist with
some special programs including early learning and gifted
student programs. Mr. Haugen said the school district is also
hoping to obtain some federal assistance as well as
partnering with some private entities.
PUBLIC COMMENTS None were received at this time.
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BID AWARD The fire department is seeking approval to purchase six
pagers and a five -year warranty. The City budgeted $3,000
for this purchase and the lowest bid has come in for
$3,608.40. Fire Chief Maczko noted in his memo of
September 6, 2006 that the overage will be paid out of other
line items in the fire department budget.
Councilmelnber Duggan moved approval of the
recommendation as submitted by Fire Chief Maczko as
presented. Councihnember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
PLANNING CASE 06 -27 Mr. Scibora appeared at the City Council meeting of
MARCO SCIBORA September 5, 2006, in which the Council tabled a
647 Sibley Mein. Hwy. decision on Mr. Scibora's request until he could provide a
scaled drawing showing the visibility of the fence from
Sibley Memorial Highway.
Mr. Scibora presented computer generated pictures showing
the fencing as proposed in comparison to fencing as the city
would require. Mr. Scibora also provided the scaled drawing
as requested, as well as other computer generated photos of
the proposed fence in the back yard, and a view of the back
of his property from Lilydale Street. Mr. Scibora said there
is no way anyone would be able to see the fence from that
angle, even in the wintertime.
Councilperson Duggan asked Ms. McDermott if she was in
agreement with the applicant on the measurements of the
proposed front yard fence scale drawing. Ms. McDermott
said that was correct.
Councilperson Krebsbach said if one was to do the string test
from the pavement to the fence; it would be a three -foot
fence. Ms. McDermott said it would be approximately three
feet and two inches. Councilperson Krebsbach said she
recognizes the different terrain in this area.
Acting Mayor Vitelli opened the public hearing, Seeing no
one coining forth to speak, Acting Mayor Vitelli closed the
public hearing.
Councihnember Duggan said he would like the Findings of
Fact to read as follows: 1) The applicant would be able to
install a wrought iron fence, 4'10" tall on top of a 6" stone
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
September 19, 2006
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foundation with 2" base on the bottom. 2) The fence is 70%
open which greatly exceeds the ordinance criteria of 30%
open. 3) The open fence is preferable to thick landscaping
that may close off the property. 4) The fence is to be 3' in
from the property line.
City Attorney Taini Diehin said the Findings of Fact are not
saying what the applicant can do, but that under the existing
ordinance, the applicant would be able to install a 3' cedar
(which shows that this more difficult to see through) fence,
and the fence as proposed is only 3' about the roadway
elevation. The Findings of Fact are only to outline what is
allowed. Ms. Diehin said staff will leave the Findings of
Fact as drafted, and add a separate provision that says
"subject to the following conditions ".
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of RESOLUTION
Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Schneeman said she will not support the
fencing for the back yard as the fencing is not needed and
does not recall any person falling down the slope.
Councilmember Schneeman said the proposed fencing would
have a negative disturbance to the slope.
Councilmember Duggan asked Staff if Mr. Scibora could
build a stone wall using natural stone. Ms. McDermott said
there would still be the primary concern with the stability of
the slope, as well as the visibility from the road way below.
Councilmember Duggan said he agrees with the applicant
that putting up the fenceposts could be less invasive than a
stone wall, which Mr. Scibora could do using natural stone.
Councilmember Duggan asked the rest of the Council
members to consider a workshop to work with other
communities to determine short term and long tenn
preservation of the bluffs.
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Councilmember Krebsbach said the enforcement of the
protection of the bluff is more the responsibility of the cities
now than it was in the past, and said preservation issues are a
high priority.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked for clarification of where
the bluff line is and where the fence would be placed in
relation to that. Mr. Scibora said if he placed the fence in
accordance with the ordinance, the fence would run through
his dining room. Ms. McDermott confirmed that the home is
within the 40 -ft. setback.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked if Mr. Grittman made any
comments in his reports regarding how far the spacing
between the fenceposts would have to be. Ms. McDermott
said Mr. Grittman did not address that issue, but only the
fence materials.
Councilmember Schneeman said she received a phone call
from the former owner of the home saying she had slope
damage and had spent a lot of money fixing it. Mr. Scibora
said he did not see indication that this was evident.
Ms. McDermott said Mr. Scibora could plant a tree on the
top of the bluff without a Critical Area Permit that would
probably disturb a larger area than the proposed
posts /foundation would.
Councilmember Duggan said it appears that the fence posts
would be placed every nine feet.
Acting Mayor Vitelli opened the public hearing, Seeing no
one coming forth to speak, Acting Mayor Vitelli closed the
public hearing.
Acting Mayor Vitelli said he supports the request completely
and thinks this is a very reasonable request. Acting Mayor
Vitelli said he is very pleased that the fencing proposal for
the front of the home was passed, and does not believe there
will be any disruption in the back yard.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she is not prepared to vote
on this before she is sure that this project will not cause
further damage to the bluff, and that the City is not in any
way liable should there be future bluff failure.
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City Attorney Diehmm said the City would not want to snake a
statement as to whether or not there would be a negative
impact on the bluff because that may be interpreted that the
City is snaking a judgment that it would be OK. The City
would not want to take a position one way or the other, and
the applicant can state on the record that he understands this
as well.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she would like to see a
statement from Mr. Grittman that there is no problem with
the fence five feet from the bluff. Ms. McDermott said she
does not believe Mr. Grittman will make that statement as he
is not an engineer.
Councilmember Duggan read from Mr. Grittiman's report,
"in previous applications, the City has permitted natural
stone retaining walls or similar features within the 40 -ft
buffer area". Councilmember Duggan said that the City has
approved things similar to this in the past, and what the
applicant is proposing is much less than a natural stone
retaining wall.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of RESOLUTION
HIGHWAY." Acting Mayor Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ms. Diehm said an additional Finding of Fact to support this
variance request is that a hardship does exist as the current
placement of the house is in non - conformance and the
hardship is not of the applicant's making.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 1 (Councilperson Schneeman)
Councilmember Krebsbach asked to add a Friendly
Amendment that the applicant must use a hand -auger to dig
all post holes. Councilperson Duggan and Acting Mayor
Vitelli accepted the friendly amendment.
DISCUSSION OF PAR 3 Acting Mayor Vitelli said the Supreme Court has determined
COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT that the City has to take action to make sure the
Comprehensive Plan corresponds to the zoning ordinance.
The City Council has come to the conclusion that there is a
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proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and a
rezoning of the property to meet these requests.
Acting Mayor Vitelli said the Planning Commission will be
asked to begin work on a public hearing and discussion/
recommendation to the City Council on an amendment and
Acting Mayor Vitelli said at the closed session meeting of
the City Council, it was determined that along the parallel
path, the Council will pursue consideration of a referendum
for the citizens of the city to purchase the Golf Course.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the City Council has given
this a lot of thought, and this seems to be the best way to
The Council will be moving to a closed session before the
next council meeting and extra time will be scheduled to
include discussions of language changes.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she believes the Council
should wordsmith the documents before they go to the
Planning Commission in order to help the Planning
Commission understand what the Council wants.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she would like to see some
notes from previous meetings be submitted to the Council so
that can review the previous discussions.
Acting Mayor Vitelli asked Staff to revise the document with
the suggestions submitted at the meeting, and have the
revised document sent back to the Council members before
the workshop session on October 3rd
ACACIA CEMETERY Acting Mayor Vitelli said there has been a request from Gail
LAND ACQUISITION Lewellan, Pilot Knob Preservation Association, to have
discussions with the city privately to discuss a proposal she
has regarding acquisition of property from Acacia to expand
the natural area for Pilot Knob.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the closed
session to be scheduled for October 3rd at 6:30 pm.
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Councilmember Krebsbach suggested the workshop and
closed session for October 3d begin at 6:00 pin to allow time
for both discussions.
Councilmember Duggan accepted the friendly amendment to
hold an open meeting for discussion of the Comprehensive
Plan language changes at 6:00 pm, and the closed session at
to meet with Ms. Lewellan at 6:30 pm. Councilmember
Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Schneeman said she visited Pilot Knob and
spoke to the Trust For Public Lands and the Board of
Directors, and said there is a lot of activity going on there.
Acting Mayor Vitelli congratulated Councib-nerabers
Schneeman and Duggan, and also Mayor Huber, for their re-
elections to the City Council.
Councilmember Duggan said he will be getting a message
out to the community outlining his plans for the next four
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before Council,
Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn to the workshop
at 6:00 p.m. on October 3 for discussion on a proposed
comprehensive plan amendment and subsequent
adjournment to closed session on October 3 at 6:30 pm for
discussion on the Acacia Park property.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Recording Secretary
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