05 24 13 JTF1 5/29/2013 The latest from the Mendota Heights Police Department SUPPORT STAFF Kim Henning Susan Donovan Trista Miller Becky Pentel POLICE OFFICERS Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Wilson Jeff Vonfeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming SCHOOL RESOURCE OFC. Jennifer Fordham INVESTIGATIONS Mario Reyes Chad Willson SERGEANTS Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen RESERVES Randy Pentel Jarrod Spicer Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo CHAPLAINS Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick CHIEF Mike Aschenbrener May 13 ‐ May 18, 2013 was National Police Week. MHPD hosted a sunlight and a moon‐light BBQ/Fundraiser. We had a great turnout at both BBQ’s—and yummy food! To the left: Chef (Chief) Mike Aschenbrener. Again, thank an Ofϐicer for all they do! Ofϐicer/Investigator Mario Reyes was proudly recognized by Visitation School for his 20+ years of dedication impacting hundreds of students over the years in the D.A.R.E. and CHOOSE Programs. Many thanks to Mario! To the left: Ofϔicer/Investigator Mario Reyes & Sergeant Neil Garlock How thoughtful! We had a surprise visit from friends at Visitation School who brought in a huge platter of freshly baked cookies to show their appreciation for the MHPD in recognition of National Police Week. And they were delicious! Above: from left to right, Sergeant Brian Convery, Ofϔicer Jerry Murphy, Sister Mary Denise Villaume, Visitation’s Head Cook , Investigator Mario Reyes & Sergeant Neil Garlock. 2 5/29/2013 Officer Todd Rosse received a nice Thank You note about his response to an open door at a residence and A Special Shout Out… To WSPPD for the help covering our city on Wednesday. You Rock! Suspicious Activity Friday 0002 hours Ofϐicer Steve Meyer checked a car in the Park after hours and found a single male sitting in the car amidst the smell of alcohol. Normally this is not a problem unless drinking is a probation violation. The man was released and his probation ofϐicer was notiϐied about his consumption of alcohol. Noise Friday 0122 hours Ofϐicer Denise Urmann received a call about a noisy apartment. The caller advised they pounded on the door for four minutes but were not able to get the homeowner to answer. Ofϐicer Urmann arrived, heard the loud sounds and made contact with the owner who was watching TV. They agreed to turn it down and keep it down. Possible DUI Friday 1530 hours A cell phone caller reported they were following a dark tan‐colored Dodge pickup truck on Hwy 110 eastbound swerving all over the road. Ofϐicer Scott Patrick responded to the call but unfortunately didn't arrive until the vehicle pulled into its driveway. The caller advised the DCC dispatcher they felt the driver was drunk initially but the longer they watched, realized it was simply a terrible driver. Ofϐicer Patrick arrived and spoke with the driver who was already pulled over. She told him the truck belonged to her husband and that it was just too big for her drive. Oops Friday 1838 hours A 911 dispatcher sent Ofϐicer Peyton Fleming to check on a party who called 911 asking about a nurse. When the 911 operator advised they could not provide a nurse, the party quickly hung up realizing they had called 911. When called back she stated she was in her 90s and had attempted to call a helpline. (She really did call helpline) He spoke with the nursing staff who advised everything was taken care. Domestic Disturbance Friday 2025 hours 911 caller reported parties were arguing and was concerned for their safety. The caller advised the 42 YOA man likes to smoke pot and drink Jack Daniels. Sergeant Eric Petersen arrived on the scene, learned that the parties were separating and nothing physical happened. The male was already packing, he grabbed a bag with some personal items and was transported to a friend's residence in Minneapolis. AOA Gunshot Friday 2155 hours Sergeant Eric Petersen responded to West St. Paul to assist in a gunshot through the ceiling. Caller was sitting in a chair when a bullet went through the arm of his chair right between the arm and the hip. Wow, was the close!! The gunshot seemed to come from the apartment above them. Sergeant Peterson assisted on scene with a body bunker until the party in the apartment upstairs was taken into custody. Please send us your positive feedback on our staff to: pdrecords@ mendota-heights.com Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps boosts the moral of our staff. Officers Lambert, Larrive and Sergeant Convery responded immediately to the landslide on the bluff of Lilydale to assist St Paul with rescue efforts. We are proud of their valiant efforts, as we are of all our officers who serve and protect our cities. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims and the entire school; you are in our thoughts and prayers. 3 5/29/2013 Vandalism Sunday 0243 hours Caller reported his house had just been egged and he wished to see an ofϐicer, as the culprits had used three dozen eggs on the house. Ofϐicer Steve Meyer called the man by phone and advised he would be tied up for a while on a power line down in the roadway. The caller stated he wanted Ofϐicer Meyer to go to all the local Walgreens and get video, as a Walgreens bag had been left on the scene with the empty egg cartons inside. Later in the night, Ofϐicer Meyer checked the residence and did observe many eggs smashed on and around the house but due to the fact that it was raining, could not determine whether or not there was any actual damage. In the phone conversation with the man he was advised he would work with his kids to ϐigure out who the potential suspects were. Neighbor Feud Sunday 1818 hours A homeowner reported his neighbor was blasting talk radio at his house because, the neighbor believes, his pool ϐilters are too loud. Ofϐicer Mike Shepard arrived and spoke with the caller who stated his neighbors are upset with him because he believes his swimming pool ϐilter is too noisy. When Ofϐicer Shepard spoke with the owner of the radio, he did indeed state he was just “drowning” out the noisy pool ϐilter. Stop Light Problems Monday 1831 hours Caller reported to Ofϐicer Shepard that the stop lights at Delaware and Highway 110 were not functioning properly. The caller stated they waited 15 minutes for the lights to turn. Ofϐicer Shepard checked it out and the lights were functioning nor‐ mally. However, this was the 2nd or 3rd complaint of the lights over the course of a few days. MNDOT notiϐied. AOA/Mudslide Wednesday 1328 hours Ofϐicers Bobby Lambert, John Larrive along with Sergeants Brian Convery and Neil Garlock responded to a call from SPPD to assist in the Lilydale Regional Park. The original call came in as a mudslide with kids hurt, somewhere on the north end of the park. As Ofϐicers arrived in the area they met with a SPPD squad and headed in on the Vento trail. Upon climbing down the bluff to the area, they found SPFD ϐireϐighters attempting to free a trapped child and immediately began assisting with digging out the trapped boy. A short time later, Sgt Convery ran up the hill to get shovels for the entire group of rescuers. At the top he was met by a neighbor who ran home and got him 5 shovels and Sgt Garlock also ran home and grabbed a ½ dozen shovels. MHPD Ofϐicers assisted in digging until they were relieved by Task Force 1/DC SOT who was soon on the scene and Dakota County SOT who are trained in conϐined space rescue. They then began assisting with securing the scene, locating the rest of the students and working with trafϐic control. MH police, ϐire and public works assisted with trafϐic control and various other duties during the entire duration of the incident (noon until the next day). WSPPD covered MH, Mendota and Lilydale police calls while we were tied up in the park. It was a very sad day in our cities. RP called to speak with the officers in charge of the sting to catch the burglars living in the attic. Officers responded and this time, with the assistance of CIT Officer Spicer, were able to assist RP with the individuals in the attic. We do hope all will be quiet in the attic for awhile. 4 5/29/2013 Theft Wednesday 1358 hours Caller reported that someone had stolen her credit card points. She was advised all of the Ofϐicers were busy on a serious emergency call. Short time later she called back was very upset because no one had arrived at the business to talk with her and was again advised all of the Ofϐicers were busy at an emergency. Later she called back and said to forget it, it is probably more hassle than it's worth. Car vs. Mailbox Thursday 1036 hours Driver called 911 immediately after hitting several mailboxes. The driver had a horrible respiratory attack while coming around a bend, lost control and struck not only some mailboxes but ended up hitting a tree. The driver had some minor injuries from the airbag, but other than that, she luckily was not hurt worse. Property owners were notiϐied. Domestic Thursday 1134 hours Ofϐicers responded to a frequented address for a domestic disturbance between the parents and their son. The son, a young adult, threatened to break windows at the parent’s home and took off on his motorcycle. He was not found, no damage was found and no crime had occurred. Crisis Thursday 2311 hours Ofϐicer Tanner Spicer responded to our weekly check the welfare call from a par‐ ty who was suffering from some mental problems. Ofϐicer Spicer is a trained CIT (Crisis Intervention Ofϐicer) and he met with the party to discuss what's going on and set a plan. She agreed to follow the plan. Since she agreed Ofϐicer Spicer stayed late and made some phone calls to arrange for her to get assistance. After a long one sided conversation with her doctors, arrangements were made to help alleviate the situation before it becomes worse. Later in the day, Sgt Convery checked in with the resident and she thanked him for all of the help from Ofϐicer Spicer. Dakota County— thru the weekend…. Heads up! There will be extra patrols dedicated to trafϐic safety enforcement all weekend. To kick off the Seatbelt Enforcement in Dakota County, all of the Police Chief’s in the county were out working patrol and focusing on seat belt enforcement. (Along with a sergeant side‐ kick). Rosemount PD hosted the event with a 1:00 brieϐing at the DCC. Mendota Heights experienced 3 fatalities in 2013, none were buckled in. Two simple reasons to wear a seatbelt: 1. If you crash it can save your life, and 2. Tickets are expensive. 5 5/29/2013 May to date 2013 YTD CAD Calls for Service 534 3226 Citations Issued i.e., DUI, Domestic, Etc. 67 559 Warnings 73 546 Police Reports 72 431 Response Time Average 4.71 4.98 Have a Safe Weekend! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO PUT THEIR LIVES AT RISK TO PROTECT OURS! Memorial Day May 27, 2013 marks Memorial Day, a day to re- member and thank the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. REMINDER! City Offices will be closed on 5/27/13 in observance of Memorial Day. Barbecue & Grill Safety Never use a grill indoors, including in garages, or near overhangs and canopies. Grills must be at least 30 feet from any multifamily apartment dwelling. When using a grill at your single‐family home, homeowners should use a 10‐foot perimeter from anything combustible, including your house. Do not allow children and pets to play near a grill. Only use approved ignition ϐluids‐never use gasoline to ignite a grill. Keep a ϐire extinguisher, garden hose or bucket of sand nearby to douse a grill ϐire. Inspect your grill before you ignite to ensure everything is in working order. ‐ 1 cup Kikkoman Teriyaki Marinade & Sauce ‐ 2 tablespoons garlic, crushed ‐ 2 teaspoons ground black pepper ‐ 2 teaspoons curry powder ‐ 2 red bell peppers, cut into 2 inch pieces ‐ 2 onions, cut into 2 inch pieces ‐ 3 lbs your preference of chicken ‐ Kikkoman Thai Style Chili Sauce (to serve) Combine Teriyaki Marinade and Sauce, garlic, pepper, and curry powder in a large bowl. Marinade chicken in a zipper‐lock bag with onions and bell peppers, for about 4 hours to overnight. Skewer the items in the order of chicken, onion, then bell pepper. Heat grill to medium high, lightly oil the grill. Cook skewers turning occasionally for about 12‐15 minutes until cooked through. Glaze generously with Teriyaki Marinade & Sauce right before cooked through. Serve with Kikkoman Thai Chili Sauce.