04 26 13 JTF4/26/2013 The Mendota Heights Police Department Support Staff Kim Henning Susan Donovan Trista Miller Becky Pentel Police Officers Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Willson Jeff VonFeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming School Resource Officer Jennifer Fordham Investigations Mario Reyes Chad Willson Sergeants Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen Reserves Randy Pentel Jarrod Spicer Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo Chaplains Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick Chief Mike Aschenbrener Stolen Luggage Thursday 1752 Officer Peyton Fleming was asked to call a party who had her luggage stolen five days ago after flying home from Vegas. The airport requested she make a “courtesy” report with her local police department. Officer Fleming regretfully informed her that since the incident occurred there, she would have to make the report with them. Recovered Vehicle Wednesday 1844 hours Officer Peyton Fleming responded to neighborhood to check on a strange vehicle that had been parked in front of the caller’s residence all day. The caller did peek in the vehicle and saw the stereo was missing and believed the car was stolen. The vehicle turned out to be a stolen from Inver Grove Heights. Assault/Medical Thursday 0204 hours Officers Peyton Fleming, Mike Shepard, Steve Meyer and Sergeant Petersen responded to a medical at a local hotel where the party was in pain, was vomiting and was bruised. Upon making contact with the female, officers soon learned she had been assaulted by her boyfriend while in St Paul and went to the hotel to be away from him. Officers advised her that she should make a report with St Paul; she was transported the hospital for her injuries. Officers cleared. Blocked Road Thursday 0336 hours MSP was notified on a tree down near a tricky intersection, blocking the roadway. Officer Meyer responded to lend some muscle; soon after, the street was passable. Poor Judgment Thursday 1133 hours Officer Scott Patrick was notified by a school regarding a worrisome message sent via social media. After discussion with the student regarding the poor judgment and word choices, Officer Patrick and the school determined that school consequences and parental discipline was sufficient. No criminal charges; officer cleared. Car vs Bench Thursday 1407 hours On yet another unfortunate snow day, Officer Scott Patrick encountered a vehicle that drifted into a ditch and subsequently demolished a park bench used for advertising. However, they did manage to avoid a culvert, “Just the Facts” The latest news from the Mendota Heights Police Department 4/26/2013 a sign and a mailbox. Parties were uninjured; car was not so lucky, as it received significant front end damage and passenger side airbag deployed. Report made in the event the advertising party requests information; vehicle privately towed, Officer cleared. Car vs Tree Thursday 1442 hours Sergeant Neil Garlock responded to an accident where the driver lost control of the vehicle and struck a utility pole, bounced off that into the ditch and hit a tree head on. No good! Luckily the driver only had some abrasions on his knees. Vehicle towed; Officer cleared. Accidents Hopefully we can now stop reporting accidents related to snow-related driving conditions! On Thursday, officers responded to approximately 12 snow vs vehicle incidents. Theft of Gas Sunday 1153 hours And yet another gas drive off by a blue Impala missing a hubcap and a rear plate. Officer Patrick found the solo plate on the offending vehicle registered to a Dodge Avenger belonging to a local business. Their loss prevention was notified and awaiting further information and video surveillance. Forwarded to investigations. Vibrations Tuesday 0033 hours Homeowner – who courteously informs us of several things occurring nearby her home, reported strange vibrations coming from outside. She called back with a correction - they were coming from both inside and outside her house, and were low vibrations, just loud enough to be annoying. Officer Von Feldt was unable to hear any noises of concern and wished her a restful night. Naughty, but not Criminal Tuesday 1017 hours A local business owner made contact with Officer Larrive regarding a fired employee who they believed was tampering with their software program. Unfortunately, her termination did not coincide with a password/access change to systems and the unhappy ex-staff decided to tamper with the system. Access was removed; advised any further action would be civil unless criminal activity was found. Hissing! Tuesday 1058 hours Local daycare called to report a loud hissing noise in the area, similar to a gas leak. The noise usually occurs annually when the nearby Xcel utility company nearby does some maintenance. It was found to be Xcel performing annual maintenance but neglected to notify them; all clear. Suspicious Vehicle Tuesday 1308 hours We appreciate and rely on citizen vigilance; we always prefer to check on suspicious activity or persons and find all is well, than not learn of activity and something criminal happens. Sergeant Garlock checked on a report of a pickup in a park where the driver was drinking beer. He happily learned the driver was simply enjoying a quiet lunch, drinking a Pepsi; all clear. Decree Dispute Thursday 1618 hours A resident came in to file a complaint on his ex-wife who had violated a divorce decree via her method and topic of communication. This issue is on the heels of a string of complaints, initiated by both parties against the other regarding child custody and decree violations. The complainant has charges pending for his own recent violation. Case pending formal charges. Theft from Vehicle Thursday 1724 hours Officer Todd Rosse responded to a parking area where someone had smashed in a vehicle window, rooted around, and stole her GPS unit and a bottle of wine were missing. A serial number for the GPS 4/26/2013 unit was provided and entered into NCIC, but no further suspect information was available. Medical Tuesday 0637 hours Officer Von Feldt responded to a medical where patient was having chest pains, but was alert. The patient dutifully chewed a few aspirin, as she had a history of heart issues, and was taken to the hospital. Theft Tuesday 2143 hours Bar staff requested assistance with patron refusing to pay his tab. He had been there with a few other people eating and drinking and as the restaurant transitions to a club at 9, he was asked to move to a different area. He refused to pay his tab and became unruly. While the manager requested police assistance, the patron decided to exit the establishment. He was seen making gestures towards the bar staff and yelling out the window of a vehicle. Officers Peyton Fleming and Todd Rosse arrived and worked with the bar manager to get the documentation and view the security footage. The suspect was soon identified via his credit card (that he had left w/the bartender) and the getaway car; Officer Fleming sent a citation to the offender with a court date. Theft of Gas Wednesday 0800 hours A local gas station advised of a (gasp!) theft of gas that had just occurred. The attendant gave a suspect vehicle description, stating the vehicle pulled out very quickly at a high rate of speed into on-coming traffic. They were able to view the security footage; Officer Larrive soon realized the suspect was the same suspect in a previous incident. In the previous incident, the owner of the vehicle had previously told him she had done it but thought she had paid at the pump; then her boyfriend called and said he was the one who had done it. However, no one has followed up with proof of payment. The boyfriend did admit to driving when suspended though. This time, the girlfriend had even given the boyfriend money to pay for the gas in her car. Officer Larrive charged the boyfriend or both thefts and for driving while suspended both times. Closed by arrest. AOA Wednesday 0930 hours Officers heard dispatch air a pursuit in progress entering Mendota Heights toward a golf course. They soon learned it was a foot pursuit. Officer Larrive responded to assist, but MSP had female in custody and had a few of her friends waiting down the road also. Evidently, the female was waving a gas can in hopes of some help, but when a trooper arrived to help, she took off. Evidently the warrants she had were also a concern. MSP wrapped it up. Parking Issue Wednesday 0949 hours Officers received reports of parking by fire hydrants at a school. Officer Larrive responded and soon three citations were issued to violating vehicles. Cigar Thief Wednesday 1438 hours A local business reported that two men came in, entered the humidor, and one of them shoplifted four high-end cigars, but paid cash for one expensive cigar. The employee went into the humidor to check and found the cigars missing from the boxes. This is similar to an incident from about this time, last year, and the male thief had the same look – in his 40’s, balding with many tattoos and wearing a black jacket. Security footage provided; forwarded to investigations. Have a great weekend! 3