2007-05-15 City Council minutesMay 15, 2007
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The
following members were present: Councihnembers Duggan,
Krebsbach, Schneeman and Vitelli.
Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
Councilmember Schneeman moved adoption of the agenda
as presented. Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the minutes of
the May 1, 2007 City Council Meeting as corrected.
Commissioner Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of the consent
calendar as presented, pulling items j, ln, and n for further
discussion, and authorization for execution of any necessary
documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the Minutes from the May 8, 2007
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting.
b. Acknowledgement of the Fire Department April 2007
Monthly Report.
c. Acknowledgement of April 2007 Treasurers Report.
d. Authorization for Purchase Order for 2007 Trail
Rehabilitation Projects.
e. Authorization for Purchase Order for 2007 Tennis Court
Crack & Surface Repairs.
f. Authorization for Purchase Order for Skate Park
Components for Roger's Lake Park.
g. Authorization for Purchase Order for Replacement of
Rooftop Heating Unit at Fire Station.
h. Authorization for Purchase Order for Self Contained
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Breathing Apparatus.
i. Approval of Firefighters Successful Completion of
Probationary Period.
j. Approval of Sanitary Sewer Policy.
k. Approval of Awarding Contract to Gartzke Construction, Inc.
for Storm Water Repair at TH 13 and Wachtler, City Project
No. 200511.
I. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-35: "RESOLUTION
m. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-36: "RESOLUTION
n. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-37: "RESOLUTION
o. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-38: "RESOLUTION
Adoption of Resolution No. 07-39: "RESOLUTION
(PROJECT NO. 200602)".
Approval of the List of Contractors.
Approval of the List of Claims.
Councilmember Duggan referred to Item d and said there
was an increase in relation to the budget ($2,000 more) but it
is not large enough to have a discussion. Mayor Huber
asked Finance Director Kristin Schabacker if there is enough
financing available for this. Ms. Schabacker said there was.
Coucilmember Krebsbach referred to Item 1 and said she
wants to make sure that the Mendota Heights Garden Club is
recognized for this donation. Mayor Huber said they have
been doing this every year since 1991, and the City really
appreciates this.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Item m.: Councilmember Krebsbach asked for clarification
of the proposed lot line because one of the requirements for
approval was that there would be a large back yard on Parcel
A. Public Works Director Sue McDelinott reviewed the site
map showing where the lot line will be moved.
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Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of Resolution
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Item j.: Councilmember Duggan said the sanitary sewer
maintenance policy is very thorough and complete, but it
seems this is emanating from the problem with the golf
course not having a grease trap. If not this year, perhaps next
year money could be used to provide for a grease trap. Ms.
McDermott said Staff has been working with the golf course
and they have plans to do some improvements to the club
house and this would be the appropriate time to require the
addition of the grease trap. In the meantime, the situation
will be monitored on a monthly basis to ensure there will be
no problems.
Councilmember Duggan said he is delighted that because of
previous issues, the LMCIT is working with the City.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the Sanitary
Sewer Policy as presented. Councilmember Schneeman
seconded the motion.
Item n.: Councilmember Duggan asked the City Attorney to
look at Item #1 as she has a suggested language change. City
Attorney Tami Diehm said the suggestion is to change the
first fmding of fact to read "Commercial use is inconsistent
with the City's current vision for the area." Councilmember
Krebsbach said she does not agree with this. Ms. Diehm said
currently under the comprehensive plan, this area is guided
industrial use and by denying the resolution, which would
change this from industrial use to commercial use, the
Council would have to adopt a finding that commercial use is
not what is currently called for in the City's visionary
document, which is the comprehensive plan.
Councilmember Krebsbach said this should be referred to as
being inconsistent with the City's vision as articulated in the
comprehensive plan. Councilmember Schneeman said that
sounds good. Ms. Diehm said that would be fine.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval Resolution No. 07-
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
May 15, 2007
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DISTRICT." Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the
Nancy Skadron spoke about the signs placed in the city such
as garage sale and realtor signs. These signs are placed by
private citizens on public property and makes the community
look shabby and uncared for. Ms. Skadron said these signs
are breaking the rules of the ordinance.
Mayor Huber said the ordinance has an exception for garage
sales, rummage sales, signs in conjunction with the sale of
household goods, real estate signs, election signs. Mayor
Huber asked Mr. Danielson if there are signs that are causing
problems. Mr. Danielson said these signs are allowed, but
one of the main problems is that people forget to remove
their after their event. Ms. Skadron said at this point, these
signs have overstayed their welcome.
Councilmember Krebsbach said there are a lot of signs that
advertise services (home improvement, painting, etc.) and
feel that it may be good to have Public Works go around to
monitor these signs. Mr. Danielson said the maintenance
workers are asked to pick up these signs when see them,
keeping them at the city garage so owners can claim them.
The pickups are done during the normal course of work,
when the workers see them on their normal routes.
Councilmember Schneeman said she has previously called
real estate companies to ask therm to remove signs on homes
that have been sold, and has not seen any action taken by the
real estate companies.
Councilmember Duggan suggested a letter be sent to the real
estate companies, and other companies advertising their
businesses, stating that they are not abiding by the ordinances
(available at City Hall) and are in violation of breaking the
Mayor Huber reported that the May Spring Cleanup was a
success and had 209 participants. The City received about
$1,200 to disposal of the items, and Mayor Huber thanked all
the volunteers who worked on this project.
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Mr. Tony Kinzley, St. Thomas Academy Environmental
Studies Instructor, introduced students who gave
presentations on the water quality tests at various sites
around Rogers Lake.
Ben Schneeman introduced the Rogers Lake Water Quality
Report for 2007. Mr. Schneeman said this project began in
September, 2006, and explained the water quality testing
procedures. Mr. Schneeman said nine water tests are done:
1. Dissolved Oxygen Test
2. Turbidity
3. Total Phosphate
4. Nitrate
5. PH
6. Change in Water Temperature
7. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
8. Fecal Colifolm
9. Total Solids
10. Overall Water Quality
11. Benthic Test
Andrew Spear, reviewed site averages, and said the group
has identified that the oxygen in the lake is excellent.
Spencer said there had been poor accuracy in testing last
year, but now the students have better testing kits. Fecal
Colifonn is very low in the lake, which shows Rogers Lake
is very clean. BOD5, PH, Change in Temperature, Turbidity
and Nitrate all were in the normal healthy range. Overall,
the water in Rogers Lake is very good and constantly
improving. Mr. Smith spoke about the concerns of the
phosphate levels in the lake that come from runoff from
yards, and a lack of buffer zones, and littering (esp. around
Wagon Wheel Trail).
Mike Williams reviewed a map showing the buffer zones
and encouraged residents to not use phosphate chemicals on
their properties. Improvements can always be made, but
overall the lake is getting to be the best it has ever been.
Councilmerber Vitelli said he believed state law now
prohibits phosphates in fertilizer. Ms. McDermott said that
is true, unless a resident conducts a soil test of property
which determines phosphates are needed, and there is still
May 15, 2007
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some residue on yards from a few years ago, and it appears
that this will, in time, go away.
Mr. Williams said some property owners dump grass
clippings /yard waste into the lake, which puts some of this
phosphate into the lake.
Councilmember Schneeman asked if there are any geese
around the lake. Mr. Williams said there are a couple, but
not too many to be concerned about.
Councilmember Krebsbach referred to testing sites 8 and 9,
and asked if there have been any changes because of the
large culvert that was placed there. Mr. McKinley said
there have been no changes noticed.
Mayor Huber said there were a couple of references to runoff
from Wagon Wheel Trail, and asked if there is something
needed to be worked on. Ms. McDermott said eventually,
Staff will propose to upgrade Wagon Wheel Trail and place
curb, gutter, and storm sewer which will better control this
Councilmember Duggan asked if there have been requests to
St. Thomas Academy to work on the north area of the lake.
Mr. Kinzley said not to his knowledge, and they have never
performed tests in that area. This could be done if needed.
Mayor Huber thanked the presenters for their work.
Council acknowledged a memo from the City Clerk
regarding applications from Speedway SuperAmerica 4516
and 4521 for renewal of their 3.2 malt beverage off -sale
licenses and from Par 3 Golf for renewal of its on -sale 3.2
malt beverage license.
Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a public
hearing on an applications from Speedway SuperAmerica
LLC for renewal of its 3.2 malt beverage off -sale licenses for
Speedway SuperAmerica #4516 and #4521. Mayor Huber
asked for questions and comments from the audience.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember
Duggan moved that the hearing be closed.
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Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Duggan moved to grant renewal of a 3.2
malt beverage off-sale licenses to Speedway Super America
#4516 and #4521.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a public
hearing on an application from Village Market & Deli for
renewal of its on-sale 3.2 malt liquor license the Sage Market
& Wine Bar.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember
Duggan moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the 3.2 Malt
Liquor (On-Sale License) for Sage Market and Wine Bar as
presented. Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Huber opened the meeting for the purpose of a public
hearing on an application from Mendota Golf LLC for
renewal of their 3.2 malt beverage on-sale license for the
Mendota Heights Par 3.
Mayor Huber asked for questions and comments from the
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember
Duggan moved that the hearing be closed.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Duggan moved to grant renewal of an on-
sale 3.2 malt beverage license to Mendota Golf LLC for the
Mendota Heights Par 3.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 07-10, RJ RYAN Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek
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said the applicant, RJ Ryan, is seeking to construct a new
building on Northland Drive and Highway 55. The
application needs a variance to the setback from Highway
The Planning Commission voted 7 -0 to recommend approval
of the variance based on the condition that RJ Ryan
procuring the appropriate building permits. A hardship was
identified as the building is a reasonable use of the property
and the condition was not caused by the property owner.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked what the height of the
building is. Mr. Sedlacek said the applicant can provide that
info' 'nation.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she has asked that
comments and approval from the adjoining property owners
be obtained. Mr. Sedlacek said the proper notification went
out and there were no attendees at the public hearing before
the Planning Commission Meeting.
Nate Sherman, Project Manager for RJ Ryan, said he has
received two signatures from adjacent property owners
showing support of this project. He said after several calls,
he was not able to contact the owners of Kressel Printing.
Mr. Sherman reviewed elevation plans and materials that
will be used. Mr. Sheiman said the height of the building
would range from 21 -ft at the highest point, to 18 -ft at the
lowest point. The building will be single story.
Mr. Sherman said there will be rooftop HVAC and explained
how this equipment will be screened/blocked from view.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the other property owners
had to adhere to special conditions for their buildings, and
expressed her concerns with the view along Northland Drive,
as the back of this proposed building will be facing the fronts
of the businesses along Northland Drive. Mr. Sheirzian said
there will be significant landscaping along Northland Drive.
Councilmember Schneeman asked who the landscape
designer is on this project. Mr. Sherman said Lambert
Architects. Councilmember Schneeman said it does not
appear that the applicant is doing a cheap job on this project,
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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and Lambert is a very reputable business and does excellent
Councilmember Krebsbach asked the applicant to double
check with General Pump and Tauge to make sure these
businesses are comfortable with the plans, and to make sure
there is adequate buffering along the Northland Drive side of
the building.
Councilmember Duggan suggested an additional tree, such
as an evergreen, to further provide screening as it matures,
and soften the landscaping design.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked the applicant to go back to
the architect to confirm that there will be proper / adequate
buffer and landscape finish that will compliment the other
businesses in the area.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution 07-10,
THE SETBACK FROM HIGHWAY 55" as presented and
recommended by the Planning Commission.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Vitelli asked why, since this is only a
review of the variance proposal, does the Council get
involved in talking about the landscaping. If the variance
was not required, this discussion would not come to the
Council. Councilmember Duggan said ultimately it would,
as the Council would need to review the overall plan.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the history of the City has
been that the Council always has input on these projects to
ensure the uniformity and level of quality in these buildings.
Guy Kullander discussed the maintenance issues regarding
the tennis courts, and said the Council asked the Parks and
Recreation Commission to consider taking the tennis courts
in Valley Park out of service due to the deterioration of the
court surfacing and high cost of routine maintenance.
Partitions were received by the surrounding neighbors to
keep this court in working order and maintained. The Parks
and Recreation Commission voted 7-0 to recommend the
City Council leave money in the budget for maintenance of
this tennis court. Staff was directed to obtain bids for
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resurfacing. The money in the budget was for about $10,000
- $12,000 for the maintenance of this court, and has been
historically what was paid a few years ago when Wentworth
Park was done.
Mr. Kullander reviewed some new materials that are
available and presented the concept of using Sports Tile,
which is a poly- carbonate plastic. Mr. Kullander explained
that the cost of this court material would greatly save the
need to maintenance over time.
The Parks and Recreation Commission voted 5 -0 in support
of installation of the "Sport Court: brand tile system, Option
#2 -SDIV at the cost of $44,672.00, to be installed at the
Valley Park tennis courts in 2007, with 50% of the funds
coming out of the Special Park Funds.
Councilmember Schneeman said she has heard that people
like this material because it's easier on peoples' joints.
Mr. Kullander said he spoke to Eagan's staff and found they
were very happy with this material on their courts.
Councilmember Duggan asked if these panels are easily
replaced. Mr. Kullander said that was correct, as they order
cases of tiles and can easily be replaced.
Ms. Schabacker said funds can come from the cell tower
fund, which receives about $78,000 per year. About $15,000
from that fund was used for the batting cases.
Councilmember Vitelli asked for a comparison of the funds
for maintenance and the funds for the proposed plan. Mr.
Kullander said the resurface system would give about 12
years worth of maintenance costs (3 full applications, plus
crack filling and touchup costs of $2,500 per year). Mr.
Kullander said the City receives a lot of complaints relating
to safety when the surface begins to crack and water gets
underneath the surface. Mr. Kullander said if the City goes
with this sport tile, there will be no maintenance issues and
hopefully this option will last well for about 15 years. The
sport tile also has a 10 -year warranty. Councilmember
Vitelli said it seems to be a toss -up either way.
Mayor Huber said the City has other courts that are moving
towards the same issues and perhaps over long term, the City
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will be weighing out the maintenance fees with traditional
resurfacing, or going more money on the maintenance free
option. Mayor Huber said he thinks it's worth trying and see
how it works, and see how the residents react without do all
courts this way. Councihneinber Vitelli suggested to then
take the savings of the maintenance costs and remove that
amount from the budget when the next budget review come
Councilmember Krebsbach asked what the condition of the
court be after 10 years. Mr. Kullander explained the only
minor maintenance would be blowing leaves and picking up
trash. The color and lines of the tiles will stay intact and
there will be no need to repaint this area.
Councilmember Vitelli moved approval of the Sport Tile as
recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission as
presented, with the reasoning this would be a toss up either
way and it would be good to try the material on one court.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Mr. Kullander said he would also like to post notices on the
other courts to invite residents to try this new material at
Valley Park to see what they think of the product.
Councilmember Duggan asked how the tiles could be lifted.
Mr. Kullander explained that no tools are needed and the
matting can be easily lifted by hand. However, small tools
would be needed to replace tiles and it would be very
difficult for any person to remove these tiles without these
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
WORKSHOPS Mayor Huber said in light of the fact that the Council
will be meeting on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, he would
like to hold off having a workshop regarding Paster
Enterprises until after the comprehensive plan workshop.
Councilmember Duggan moved to hold the 2030
Comprehensive Plan Workshop at City Hall on May 30,
2007 at 7:00 am, and to hold off discussions on Paster
Enterprises until after this workshop. Councilmember
Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Mr. Sedlacek said the first task force meeting was held on
Friday, May 1 lth. The task force members include: Jerry
Murphy (former General Manager of Somerset Golf Course),
Dave Bergen (current Manager at Par 3) and Paul Portz
(Park and Recreation Commissioner). These task force
members are working from the mind set that this is a
successful business and seeking to find what this business
will become to the residents of the city.
The team has been reviewing issues and taking stock of what
is needed, and what is wished for. The manager of the
Burnsville golf course will be walking the Par 3 course with
the team and provide the team with some insights. Also, the
team will be meeting with the league insurance trust staff to
give some input.
Plans are to bring back to the Council at the next meeting a
recap of what the burning needs are and some other
operational issues.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she heard that Somerset and
Mendakota courses are being very cooperative and
supportive of this course and offering assistance where
Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the "Celebrate Mendota Heights
Parks" with a concert in the park on Friday, June 1st at the
Village, and the park celebration on Saturday, June 211d.
Mayor Huber said the 5K Walk/Run begins at 9:00 am on
Saturday, and there is a registration process and cost of
$15.00 presale / $20.00 day of run.
Councilmember Vitelli announced he has a new grandson.
Councilmember Schneeman announced that Mayor Huber
has been elected "President, Alumni Association" at the
University of St. Thomas for the next two years.
Councilmember Schneeman said Kimberly Mazcko,
daughter of Fire Chief John Mazcko, and a St. Paul Central
High School student, was a honoree of the 2007 Salute to
You recognition event.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
May 15, 2007
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Councilmember Krebsbach said Brown College has been
growing and the Council has not received any updates on
this growth, and asked Staff to provide some updated
infoluiation on the security systems, campus operations,
emergency contact information.
There being no further business to come before
Councilmember Duggan, moved to adjourn the City Council
meeting. Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Time of Adjournment: 8:48 p.m.
Rebec affer
ATTEST: / Recording Secretary