2007-02-20 City Council minutesPursuant to due call
Heights, Minnesota
Heights, Minnesota.
February 20, 2007
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, February 20, 2007
and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Acting Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 7:30
p.m. The following members were present: Council
members Duggan, Schneeman and Vitelli. Mayor Huber had
informed Council that he would be late and arrived at 8:00
Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
Acting Mayor Krebsbach said that because Mayor Huber
will be late, she is requesting to have Item 8 moved behind
Item 9 (Public Hearing). Councilmember Duggan moved
adoption of the revised agenda with further revision to move
Item 8 to Item 9.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the minutes of
the February 6, 2007 City Council meeting minutes as
corrected. Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent
calendar for the meeting as corrected, pulling items h, j, and
m, and authorization for execution of any necessary
documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the minutes from the February
13, 2007 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting.
b. Acknowledgement of NDC4 Meeting Minutes and
c. Acknowledgement of the January, 2007 Monthly Fire
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
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d. Acknowledgement of the January, 2007 Treasurer's
e. Authorization for Issuance of a Purchase Order for a
Riding Lawnmower.
f. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-14, "A
Approval of 2007 Floating Holidays.
Acknowledgement of Par 3 Costs.
i. Authorization to use MSA Funds to Construct Two
j. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-15, "A
k. Authorization to Issue Temporary Liquor License to
St. Peter's Church.
1 Authorization to Issue Temporary Liquor License to
Beth Jacob Synagogue.
m. Authorization for Mayor to sign Letter to FAA
Regarding 12R Construction.
n. Acknowledgement of One Riverfront Place EAW —
Response to City Comments.
o. Approval of the List of Contractors
p. Approval of List of Claims dated February 20, 2007
and totaling $191,679.57.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Item #6.h.: Councilmember Duggan asked to have Item h
(Par 3 Costs) pulled as he is concerned that there be full
disclosure on all steps that the City takes in relation to the
Par 3 property. Councilmember Duggan asked for
clarification on actual costs of the election. City Clerk
Kathleen Swanson said there are sufficient monies in the
2007 Election Department budget to cover the cost of
processing the election. Councilmember Duggan said he
would like to see all these costs available for public review
so nothing is hidden from the residents.
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Councilmember Schneeman moved to accept the Par 3 Costs
memo dated February 7, 2007 as presented. Councilmember
Duggan seconded the motion.
Item #6.j.: Councilmember Schneeman asked to have Item j
(Dodge Nature Center) pulled and said the Dodge Nature
Center has been a wonderful part of this community. The
Dodge family has decided to phase out their support and
prepare the nature center for the future. Dakota County,
through FNAP, is committing funds to acquire a permanent
natural area conservation easement and is asking the City of
Mendota Heights to contribute $50,000 to this acquisition.
Councilmember Duggan said he is in full support of the
$50,000 donation to the Dodge Nature Center Program.
Referring to the bulleted item in the resolution which states
"The DNC agrees to raise an additional $500,000 of
dedicated matching funds by December 31, 2008,"
Councilmember Duggan asked what will happen should
these funds not be raised.
Councilmember Duggan referred to the next bullet item
which states "The 155 -acre DNC property in the city of
Mendota Heights will be permanently protected by natural
area conservation easement held by Dakota County, and the
property will be open to the public." Councilmember
Duggan said the referral to the "open to the public" is his
concern as there is a fair number of homes around this area,
and in talking to two of the neighbors, there is concern that
there is no signage stating this is a nature preserve and a
game refuge. Councilmember Duggan said the City should
have some say in how to protect this area from being
vandalized, as the City is giving money to this project.
Councilmember Duggan suggested having the park hours
extended to this area as well.
City Attorney Tami Diehm said it is her understanding that
this item is to assist in the acquisition of a conservation
easement, and some of those terms may be able to be
incorporated into an easement, but generally a conservation
easement just protects the land as open space. If the City
wishes to have additional restrictions or items consider, they
could work with the other entities to address these concerns.
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Councilmember Duggan said his concern is what constitutes
open space and the DNC, which is located in West St. Paul,
may have a slightly different definition of open space. It
may be helpful to have a meeting with DNC to say the City
is supportive, but wishes to have some clarification for the
benefit of the surrounding property owners how they benefit
from having the nature center and also having challenges
with people there at night.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach said as this easement process goes
forward, there will be some opportunities to meet and
determine how that property will be managed. Acting
Mayor Krebsbach asked what will happen to the $50,000 if
there is no $500,000 match from the DNC. Mr. Danielson
said he and Councilmember Duggan contacted Al Singer at
Dakota County, and they are awaiting a call back from him.
Councilmember Duggan referred to the memo dated
February 13, 2007 to Mr. Danielson from Mr. Singer,
regarding The Science Museum of Minnesota becoming a
possible beneficiary of this property and suggested asking
Mr. Singer if the property could instead be donated to the
City of Mendota Heights.
Councilmember Duggan said it would not be unreasonable
for the City to suggest the deadline of December 31, 2008
should be extended to 2009. Acting Mayor Krebsbach said
she would not want to move the date.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No.
APPROPRIATE SIGNAGE." Councilmember Schneeman
seconded the motion.
Item #6.m.: Councilmember Duggan asked to have Item m
(Letter to FAA) pulled to discuss the closing of this runway.
The FAA has indicated that this runway will be closed for
repairs from mid - August to the end of October. The FAA
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
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has also indicated that the City of Mendota Heights will
experience 730 departures a day. Councilmember Duggan
said he observed three planes flying over Dodd Road and
Highway 110 at the same time, noticing there were no planes
sighted further south, and said sometimes a visual
observation is better than looking at numbers that the FAA
gives. Councilmember Duggan said he estimated from 6:00
am to 11:00 pm there will be continuous flights every 1.5
The Airport Relations Commission and Staff recommend
that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to
the FAA requesting that flights departing from this runway
be fanned out over the airspace.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach commended Councilmember
Duggan for his common sense suggestion to the FAA and
Mayor Huber has drafted this letter for approval.
Councilmember Schneeman moved to authorize the Mayor
to sign the letter as presented. Councilmember Duggan
seconded the motion.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach opened the meeting for the purpose
of a public hearing on proposed street improvements in the
Copperfield area.
Public Works Director Sue McDermott reviewed the
proposed street improvements for Council and the audience.
Ms. McDermott said the City Council, at their November 21,
2006 meeting, adopted Resolution 06 -109 authorizing a
feasibility report for this project. Those findings were
submitted to the City Council.
Ms. McDermott explained the materials to be used. Ms.
McDermott said a neighborhood meeting was held which
was attended by 12 residents. Staff received a few concerns
that this repair will not be adequate, and that the condition of
some roads was worse than others, particularly Copperfield
and Huber Drive.
Ms. McDermott said that when streets were first put in
settlement occurred due to trenches and things of that nature.
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Also, the streets were put in before most of the building took
place so the streets were beat up by construction equipment.
Ms. McDermott said this overlay will increase the life of the
streets from 10 to 20 years, with further maintenance such as
seal coating in about 7 years.
Ms. McDermott said she received comments that some of the
residents would like to see some crosswalks designated
along Huber Drive. A letter was submitted from Mr. Paul
Berg with this request. Ms McDermott said Staff is very
willing to accommodate these requests.
Ms. McDermott said the proposed assessment rate is $602.00
per unit with a total cost of the improvements of $638,271.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach asked if there were funds in the
Street Reconstruction Fund for the city share of the cost or if
the city share will come out of the general levy. Ms.
McDermott said these funds will come out of the general
Acting Mayor Krebsbach asked what the cost would be for a
total reconstruction. Ms. McDermott said the cost would be
closer to $6,000 to $8,000 per house.
Ms. McDermott said this overlay will be of better quality
than what was used in the past.
Councihnember Duggan said he lives in the Copperfield area
and the streets there are in terrible condition. Council -
member Duggan said he was pushing for a compete
reconstruction of Copperfield Drive, and visited with Guy
Kullander and staff, who assured Councilmember Duggan
that this overlay will be adequate. Ms. McDermott said in
areas that are very bad, the roadway will be and drain tile
will be installed if needed. These areas have been budgeted
for and there have been no specific areas identified as of yet.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach asked for questions and comments
from the audience.
Paul Berg, 613 Huber Drive, referred to his letter and
outlined which areas he would like to see the crosswalks on.
Mr. Berg said he has a concern of the re- paving as it may
turn Huber Drive into a speedway. Mr. Berg said he feels
February 20, 2007
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that the 35 mph speed limit in that area to be high
considering the number of children in the area. Mr. Berg is
also working on a petition to have crosswalks installed, and
handed this petition over to Ms. McDermott.
Mayor Huber joined the meeting at this time.
Police Chief Aschenbrener said he works closely with the
Public Works Director as it falls into her responsibility, but
informs her of any areas of concern about crosswalks being
Councilmember Duggan asked if reducing the speed limit
and street width would be beneficial. Ms. McDermott said
Huber Drive is a state aid road and both the width and speed
limits are dictated by the state. Money is received every year
to maintain the state aid roads so the state approves how they
are constructed. Ms. McDermott said the City could request
a traffic study on this street, but will run the risk that state
could actually increase the speed limit.
Councilmember Duggan said the Glen Toro developer
promised to construct a right hand turn from Delaware going
south onto Huber and this may be a good time to push them
to get this done in conjunction with these improvements.
Councilmember Vitelli asked for a clarification of what the
crosswalk would look like. Ms. McDermott said on a street
such as this, there would be two bars painted across the
street, in addition to adding yellow signs that warn cars that
there is a crosswalk ahead.
David Jankowski, 2266 Copperfield Drive, said he would be
in favor of a right hand turn lane constructed from Delaware
to Huber.
Mark Juetten, 628 Watersedge Terrace, said this overlay is
much needed and would like to make sure the quality control
is better than before. Mr. Juetten asked about the assessment
costs of the last project.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach said there were no costs assessed
for those improvements.
Acting Mayor Krebsbach asked Ms. McDermott to review
the materials to be used. Acting Mayor Krebsbach said Ms.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
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McDermott does an excellent job in staying on top of these
Councilmember Duggan said he has the most confidence in
Ms. McDermott's decisions and performance.
There being no further questions or comments,
Councilmember Vitelli moved to close the public hearing.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No.
200613)." Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion
Mayor Huber presented awards to the following outgoing
• Dave Libra — Parks and Recreation Commissioner
• Eric Hesse — Planning Commissioner
• Sally Lorberbaum — Planning Commissioner Chair
• Maureen Harms — Planning Commissioner (not in
attendance at this meeting)
Ms. McDermott said in 2001, Ira Kipp platted a 3.3 acre
parcel of land on Wagon Wheel Trail (Kipp Addition) and
entered into a developer's agreement with the City which
required him to file a petition for public improvements. This
petition has been filed and accepted by the City Council.
Staff has prepared a feasibility report and Ms. McDermott
reviewed the plat outlining where the lot was split. Ms.
McDermott said the utilities can be extended from Wagon
Wheel Trail and the street configuration is a one -way, 20 -ft
wide street.
Ms. McDermott said the cost of the project has been
estimated to be about $136,000. The development
agreement stipulated that the City will not be funding any
portion of this, and this cost will be split amongst the five
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
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properties, with each property being assessed $27,274.00 per
Ms. McDermott said Staff is asking for an approval of the
feasibility report and for the set date for a public hearing.
Councilmember Duggan expressed his concerns for
emergency vehicle access to this area. Ms. McDermott said
there is adequate room for fire trucks to turn around.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked if everyone in the
neighborhood is in agreement with this development. Ms.
McDermott said she received a voicemail message from one
property owner, who is currently out of town, in opposition
to this development, and Ms. McDermott will try to meet
with this resident before the public hearing to try to resolve
any concerns.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked who has requested this
development. Ms. McDermott said the request has come
from Mr. Kipp and another person that recently purchased
one of these lots. Councilmember Krebsbach asked how it
will work if the surrounding residents are split on whether
they want this or not. Ms. McDermott proposed that the City
hold the assessment hearing prior to awarding a contract for
the improvements so that the City will know whether or not
there will be appeals. Ms. McDermott said one of the lots
will be assessed as one, but there is the possibility that this
lot could be split.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of Resolution
NO. 2)." Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion
City Attorney Diehm said the City has the final draft of the
purchase agreement between the City and the owners of the
Par 3 golf course. Ms. Diehm said the purchase agreement is
set up in a way that the owners of the Par 3 golf course
would be selling in part and donating in part the Par 3
property to the City with the price established at $2.6
February 20, 2007
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million. The sale is contingent upon a successful referendum
that is currently scheduled to be held on April 24th. In the
event that the voters of Mendota Heights do not approve of
the purchase, this purchase agreement will be null and void.
The City will be able to receive a refund of the earnest
money that is paid.
Ms. Diehm said this purchase agreement includes a provision
whereby the City will make a minimum of two payments to
the owners of the Par 3 golf course in the amount of $7,500
to offset the operation of the golf course property between
March 1St and the time which the referendum takes place. In
the event that the referendum is not successful, the City's
obligations to make those payments immediately cease and
there is not further monetary obligation on the part of the
Councilmember Duggan asked to have a correction to page
7; 9.b. should read "If any of the conditions set forth in
Paragraph 7 or 8 are not satisfied or waived by the date
specified, or if no such date is specified, then by the closing
Councilmember Duggan asked for clarification on Page 9,
12.a.i. Ms. Diehm said this clause means that the Buyer
shall make monthly payments to the Seller; each of those
monthly payments throughout the rest of this document is
referred to as a defined term "Buyer's Payment ".
Councilmember Duggan referred to Item 17.a.ii. and Item
17.b.v: Why does the second item add the escrow fees. Ms.
Diehm said the original form of the purchase agreement
suggested that that closing fees and the escrow fees, if any,
be split 50 -50 between the Seller and the Buyer. Since the
purchase agreement provides that the Buyer has the
opportunity to choose the Title Company that they want used
for this transaction, the Seller felt that the City should choose
a title company that does not charge an escrow fee. In the
event the City chooses a title company that does have an
escrow fee, those costs should be covered by the City. This
was specifically left in so that the Seller would not think the
City would sneak this charge back in as part of the closing.
Councilmember Duggan referred to Item 1 8.b.8 and asked
about the wells on the property. Mr. Danielson said the City
has been informed by the manager that the well that serves
February 20, 2007
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the clubhouse is in poor repair, and if the referendum is
successful, the City will hook the clubhouse up to city water
from Bachelor Avenue. Ms. Diehm said the purchase
agreement contains an inspection period whereby once the
agreement is signed through the date of the referendum, the
City has the opportunity to inspect all the records, property
documents, and learn more during that time.
Councilmember Duggan suggested added language that
would say "a seamless change in relation to the operations
moving from the Seller to the Buyer, and the Seller would
act as a consultant (gratis pro bono) through the end of this
golf season ".
Mayor Huber said the current manager is very willing to help
the City with this, and Mr. Danielson added that this
manager has been planning on assisting. Mr. Danielson said
he has a good working relationship with this person.
Bob Bonine stated that he opposes the referendum and has
prepared a presentation to express his points.
Mayor Huber said the City Council must remain neutral on
the issue and cannot favor one side or the other. Those that
wish to lobby must do so via the two committees that have
been formed to represent each side of this referendum.
Mayor Huber allowed Mr. Bonine to speak regarding his
perceived cons on this referendum, which include lost
revenue, adverse cost ratio, open space opportunities,
substandard course.
Mr. John Hartmann added items such as increased taxes and
having the open space used for golfers only. Mr. Hartman
said the City's website does not have accurate referendum
information available. Mayor Huber asked Staff to look into
this and make sure that the website gives the correct and
most accurate information.
Mr. Ron Reyhos, a resident of the city, said the referendum
to purchase the golf course was a great idea.
Sally Lorberbaum, co -chair of the Save the Par 3 Committee,
said that there have been some pamphlets handed out to
residents, but there was an error on them. Ms. Lorberbaum
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
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suggested that residents should go the City's website for
more accurate infoiniation.
Councilmember Duggan moved to authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the purchase agreement as presented
on behalf of the City of Mendota Heights. Councilmember
Schneeman seconded the motion
Ms. Diehm asked for a friendly amendment to authorize the
review of the personal property list that the Seller is putting
together, (Exhibit B — Personal Property) by the City
Administrator and the City Attorney.
Councilmember Duggan and Councilmember Schneeman
agreed to this friendly amendment.
Councilmember Duggan said it was imperative that the City
provides the most updated and viable information regarding
this process to the residents. He said there also needs to be
some further discussion regarding the language of the
referendum and the use of the space and the proper
identification of the "recreational space ".
Councilmember Duggan said there is a need to have an
operational golf course management team in place to be
ready to put processes in place the day after the referendum —
either to disband or go forward.
Mayor Huber said he wants to make sure that the City,
should the referendum pass, is able to come up with ideas for
the use of this land to allow all the residents to enjoy the
property — whether they golf or not.
City Clerk Swanson reviewed a number of revisions that
have been made to the state liquor statute that affect the
City's liquor ordinance. Ms. Swanson said there some
mandatory amendments as well as some discretionary ones.
Ms. Swanson said Staff is requesting direction on the
discretionary items to allow for a fouiial ordinance for
consideration on March 6t.
Mayor Huber asked the City Council members to forward
their feedback to Ms. Swanson over the next few days.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
February 20, 2007
Page 13
Councilmember Krebsbach said one thing the City should
look at is the number of on -sale licenses available in the city.
Ms. Swanson reviewed the number of licenses that have
been issued and how many are available.
Councilmember Schneeman said this is a good opportunity
to review these ordinances and try to make them so that more
restaurants are attracted to the City.
Councilmember Duggan asked about any concerns on the
hours of operations. Chief Aschenbrener said these changes
will bring the ordinance more into compliance with statute.
Councilmember Schneeman expressed condolences to the
families of Maurene McCarthy and Vernon Colon.
Responding to a comment from Councilmember Duggan,
Councilmember Schneeman recognized that the City Council
cannot mention all the deaths in the community due to time
constraints, but invited the other Council members to offer
these types of announcements if they wish to acknowledge
any particular family.
Mayor Huber thanked Councilmember Krebsbach for
opening the meeting this evening and chairing the meeting
until he arrived.
Councilmember Krebsbach informed Council that she
attended Mendota School's 50th celebration.
Councilmember Duggan informed Council that he attended
the celebration's fun night and talent show.
There being no further business to come before
Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn the City Council
meeting. Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Time of Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.
Rebecca Sha
ATTEST: Recording Secretary