2007-03-06 City Council minutesPursuant to due call
Heights, Minnesota
Heights, Minnesota.
March 6, 2007
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, March 6, 2007
and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The
following members were present: Councilmembers Duggan,
Krebsbach, and Vitelli. Councilmember Schneeman was
Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda as
presented. Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to approve the minutes of the
February 20, 2007 City Council meeting minutes as
corrected. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent
calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any
necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the Minutes from the February
27, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting.
b. Acknowledgement of the February 2007 Building
Activity Report.
c. Authorization for Issuance of Temporary Liquor
License for St. Thomas Academy.
d. Authorization for Investigator Car Replacement/Sale.
e. Authorization for Purchase of 800 MHz Radio
f. Acknowledgment of the resignation of Pat
Hinderscheid from the Planning Commission, and
approval of the appointment of Ansis Viksnins to the
Planning Commission and Sally Lorberbaum to the
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
March 6, 2007
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Airport Relations Commission
Approval of Rescheduling April Planning
Commission Meeting and Setting City Council
Canvassing Board Meeting.
f. Adoption of Resolution No. 07 -17: "JOINT
g. Approval of the List of Contractors.
Approval of the List of Claims dated March 6, 2007
and totaling $62,780.36.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Rhonda Simonson, representing Vote No Par 3, asked for
clarification on the "frequently asked questions" on the city's
website regarding the Par 3. The group would like some of
the website information changed as the "Vote No" group has
found some inaccuracies in this information. Ms. Simonson
asked that Mr. Bonine's name be removed and replaced with
the Vote No Par 3 website address instead. Ms. Simonson
said there is currently a phone number listed for one
individual that needs to be removed as soon as possible.
There is a way for residents to get a hold of the "Vote No"
group by sending their correspondence to P. O. Box 50663,
Mendota, MN 55105.
Assistant City Administrator Jake Sedlacek asked that Ms.
Simonson contact him with the necessary changes.
Ms. Simonson said past City Council minutes show that
there have been some discussions from both sides of this
project — the Vote No and the Vote Yes committees and said
she would be happy to answer any questions.
Mayor Huber said Mr. Bonine and Mr. John Hartman had
time at the podium a few weeks ago. Mayor Huber said he
hopes that both parties try to stick to what is factually correct
information. Mayor Huber said there was some information
in the "Highlander Villager" that suggests that the City is
going to get a 5 -acre dedication with a proposed housing
development and that information is wrong.
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Mayor Huber explained the process of the land dedications
and cash dedications that the City receives with new
development. Mayor Huber said the City cannot take any
official stance on this referendum and Staff will work very
cooperatively to answer questions coming from the residents
to clear any misinformation or misconceptions.
City Administrator Jim Danielson said the new Heights
Highlites will be coming out shortly with updated
Ms. Simonson asked if the City would consider opening City
Hall up for public debate. Mayor Huber said the two
committees would have to set up this kind of activity via
other avenues, such as NDC4, to sponsor any debates as the
City cannot be involved in this.
Mayor Huber said he has respect for people on both sides of
this issue and has confidence that these people will self -
police themselves.
Councilmember Duggan said in addressing a question that
was presented to him about the proposal and what would
happen to the land if the land were to have houses on it, and
he had indicated that the land could have up to 19 houses
depending on what a developer would bring forth. In
answering this question, Councilmember Duggan referred to
a plan that showed a 30% open space but assured the
residents that there are currently no proposals on the table at
this time.
Ms. Simonson continued asking questions regarding how a
development would look on this property. Mayor Huber said
the comprehensive plan amendment that was approved is an
R -1 -A Planned Unit Development, and under Planned Unit
Developments, the City does not necessarily require exactly
40,000 square feet around each individual house, however all
of that land is owned by the total of the homes built. Mr.
Danielson said that was correct. Mayor Huber said the
conception of any space that is left open within a particular
be viewed as public property.
Councilmember Duggan said the City requires a minimum of
40,000 square feet per lot with a 150 -ft. frontage on each lot,
but with the PUD, there could be some minor variations.
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He further stated that the city, at this time, has no idea what a
developer might bring forward.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the City has two good
options and feels very comfortable that the City would have
good options if 1) the Par 3 continues to operate, or 2) a
development could be built with the R -1 -A zoning.
Councilmember Vitelli said he hopes that letters to the
editor, flyers, and other communications be factual and not
be emotional and have facts distorted. There was a flyer put
out a few weeks ago that was full of errors and distortions,
which is very upsetting. The press has been quite accurate
except where they have said that the Mayor favors one side
and other council people favor the other side.
Councilmember Vitelli said the press should work to get
their facts correct and follow up with the council members to
get the right information. Councilmember Vitelli said he is
confident that the residents will make a good decision based
on their voting and he is comfortable with whatever decision
is made. Councilmember Vitelli said the press has otherwise
been extremely accurate and has not picked up some of these
distortions that were in the flyer that was distributed by Mr.
Ms. Simonson said this flyer was put together by some
people as they were getting "caught up in the moment ". Ms.
Simonson commended Staff for their work.
Councilmember Vitelli said he received his Heights
Highlites and said the information in there has been
presented very well and is factual.
Ms. Simonson said the City has wonderful parks but does not
feel that it would not be a shining moment should the City
continue to operate the Par 3 as it is a very weather -
dependent business.
Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the application in which the resident,
who resides at 675 Marie Avenue, is asking for a wetlands
permit to allow the construction of a porch addition. Mr.
Sedlacek said the proposal is to replace the existing deck on
the back of the home with a three- season porch. Mr.
Sedlacek said this application meets all city requirements
and it was recommended by the Planning Commission by
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 07 -04
March 6, 2007
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unanimous vote to approve this wetland permit. There were
no residents at the Planning Commission to speak to this
application, but Staff has received four phone calls from
residents inquiring about the nature of the project. No other
feedback was received at this point.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked about one of the neighbors
who received a variance for a deck. A resident in the
audience stated that an addition was put on the house to the
right of the Goff property a few years ago.
Mr. Larry Goff, 675 Marie Avenue, showed a picture of
what the proposed addition would look like.
Mayor Huber opened the public hearing. There being no
questions or comments, Mayor Huber asked for a motion to
close the public hearing.
Councilmember Duggan moved to close the public hearing.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No.
PERMIT AT 675 MARIE AVENUE." Councilmember
Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Public Works Director Sue McDermott reviewed
the PUD, Preliminary Plat, and Wetland Permit application
for Lemay Shores.
Ms. McDermott said a public hearing was held at the last
Planning Commission. This project consists of a 60 -unit
twin home subdivision located on the west side of
Resurrection Cemetery. Ms. McDermott presented a layout
for review.
Ms. McDermott said the Planning Commission recommends
approval by unanimous vote.
Ms. McDermott said there are several conditions on this
application which the Planner recommended:
• that all information regarding drainage and utilities shall
be subject to a review by the Public Works Director
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• street construction and cul -de -sac configuration to be
modified according to the recommendations of the Public
Works Director
• conservation easements be placed over the open space
around the lakes and wetlands
• MAC recommendations relating to Met Council's
comprehensive plan approval that was approved in
February. Those conditions relate to airport noise
mitigation and the developer has agreed to comply with
all of those conditions
Councilmember Krebsbach asked about the site lines, and an
issue of residents seeing car lights from cars coming in and
out of driveways. Ms. McDermott reviewed Exhibit D
which shows three locations of the area with cross - sectional
views which indicate how the homes will be positioned by
the lake.
Ms. McDermott indicated where the trail connections and
drainage easements would be located.
Councilmember Duggan said he has concern for the size of
the turnaround for a fire truck. Ms. McDermott said the
standard calls for a 49 -ft radius and will follow up on the
details with the Engineering Department.
Councilmember Duggan said there were some concerns for
congestion and minor traffic generated and feels that this
type of development will not be a major challenge to anyone.
Councilmember Duggan asked about the traffic speed. Ms.
McDermott said there were some concerns expressed at the
public hearing about the speed of Lemay Lake Road, which
is currently 45 -mph. Ms. McDermott said she contacted
MnDOT regarding the speed limit on Lemay Lake Road to
see if it can be reduced.
Councilmember Duggan pointed out where the wetland areas
are for the permits to be applied to.
Councilmember Duggan spoke about the distances between
several of the homes and the possibility of applying the
string rule to some of these homes to position them slightly
differently. Mayor Huber said he believes that the string rule
does not apply to a PUD. Councilmember Duggan said he is
using this tool to better position the homes for aesthetic
purposes only.
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Councilmember Duggan said he would recommend that a
"no trespassing" sign be placed on the emergency access
road. Ms. McDermott said this road will be blocked from
public access and will have notification that this is an
emergency road only.
Councilmember Duggan asked if the units could be placed
slightly different to give more room in the turnaround for fire
access. He stated that 2,900 ft is a very long cul -de -sac. Ms.
McDermott said the fire chief has reviewed this plan and had
several comments, but felt that the cul -de -sac and bump -outs
would be adequate.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked Ms. McDermott to
indicate on the map all the open spaces.
Councilmember Vitelli said he thinks this plan is excellent.
Councilmember Duggan complimented the applicant for the
materials that have been submitted being superior then
anything he's seen in the four years he has spent on the
Councilmember Vitelli said with the track record of this
developer, he is not too worried about all the smaller details.
Peter Coyle, attorney representing Hoffman- Mendota
Shores, LLC, was also joined by Pat Hoffman, applicant, and
his project engineer.
Mr. Coyle said when this discussion process was started, in a
very early conceptual stage, up to the formal concept stage
that was reviewed about a year ago, the project started with
approximately 72 units, and since has been reduced to 60.
Mr. Coyle reviewed the plans and answered questions from
the Council.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the applicant has done an
excellent job and expressed her concerns with the cul -de -sac.
Mr. Coyle does not know what will be done with the
property to the south and will consult with Staff on this issue
to open this area up more.
March 6, 2007
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Mr. Hoffman assured the Council that these homes around
the cul -de -sac will be equal to the homes on the main road.
Councilmember Duggan said he was concerned about the
size of the roofs, but with the lowering of the setting, the size
of the roofs will be diminished and not be as noticeable.
Colleen Kahn, 2370 Lemay Lake Road, said the developer
has touted that they are environmentally sensitive and Ms.
Kahn is very appreciative of that. Mrs. Kahn said it is her
wish that the Council initiate an environmental study. Mrs.
Kahn said this request went before the Planning Commission
and nothing was done, and she feels that the residents are not
being listened to in regards of this request. She said that 33
local residents have expressed a concern for having this
study done.
Mrs. Kahn spoke about the poor lake quality of the Augusta
Lake, and the significant decline in wildlife that will occur if
this development goes in.
Councilmember Duggan asked Mrs. Kahn if she had done
any research by asking Augusta Shores residents if they have
seen a decline of wildlife since that development was built.
Mrs. Kahn said anecdotally she has heard there is less
wildlife, but no one actually made formal observations.
Councilmember Duggan said the City Council has to abide
by state statutes as well as city ordinances and, to his
knowledge, there isn't any water runoff from the original
Augusta Shores project into the lake. Councilmember
Duggan said he believes that the shortest distance from any
of those homes to the water is at least 100 -ft., which is why
the City imposes the 100 -ft. wetland delineation mark for
protection of the wetlands. Councilmember Duggan said
that to say the Augusta Shores project exclusively was
responsible for the deterioration of the lake there, he would
ask for scientific facts to back that up. Councilmember
Duggan said however that homes that were around this area
for many years may have contributed to the deterioration of
the lake. Mrs. Kahn said that is probably quite likely.
Councilmember Duggan said it was unfair to associate the
concept of possible deterioration with this proposal and Staff
has plans and stringent regulations to protect this wetland
with protective barriers and other procedures to stop any
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runoff into the lake. Mrs. Kahn said she is not convinced
that curbs protect from lawn chemicals.
Councilmember Krebsbach said when she asked the
applicant to move the homes further away from the lake,
which has enabled the conservation easement to be in place
and the town homes will largely be located across the road so
there will be no runoff from those properties.
Ms. McDermott said the storm sewer will drain to a storm
water pond that filters out sedimentation and other
impurities. In the last couple of years, the State of
Minnesota has outlawed the use of fertilizers with
phosphorus in them. Ms. McDermott said the Council also
approved Staff to join the Citizens Lake Monitoring Program
that the Met Council has initiated. Water testing at Augusta
and Lemay will begin and will be monitored over time.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked if the few yards abutting
the lake will be manicured or natural state. Mr. Coyle said
the conservation easement will run along there and there will
be restrictions that will allow yards around the house, but
everything off the back will be protected and not altered.
Mr. Coyle pointed out to the audience and Council where the
conservation easement will run.
Mrs. Kahn said she appreciates the comments on the water
quality and the efforts that were made to help preserve this,
but this is not only about the water quality. Mrs. Kahn asked
why an environmental study cannot be done.
City Attorney Tami Diehm said the City Council, as a body,
can request an environmental review if they determine that
they would like to have one done. This does not fall into one
of the mandatory categories, so it would be at the choice of
Council. A citizen could, however, request an environmental
review by going to the EQB, at which point the Council
would be named as the responsible governmental unit and
would have to go through the process of determining
whether or not an environmental review is appropriate. At
this stage, if the Council were to initiate an environmental
review, it would be because the Council has determined that
there is the potential for significant environmental affects
from this project.
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Mayor Huber asked if it were the consensus of the Council at
this time to move forward with this, would they have to have
any specific finding or determination regarding such study.
Ms. Diehm said in the resolution that is before the Council,
Staff has worded the resolution in such a way that by
adopting this resolution, the Council would be approving this
with all the findings of fact as listed, which would be
sufficient; and if the Council feels that this project is
appropriate, the permits that will be granted are appropriate
at this time. Councilmember Duggan gave a copy of this
resolution to Mrs. Kahn.
Councilmember Krebsbach said her home has no
development behind her and has a similar layout on a cul -de-
sac as these proposed units do. Councilmember Krebsbach
said she has the same wildlife as Mrs. Kahn mentioned, and
thinks they migrate. Councilmember Krebsbach said, as a
homeowner in the same type of environment, she is
comfortable with this development.
Councilmember Vitelli said he has the same thoughts on the
wildlife, and although he lives in a much denser area, he still
sees much wildlife. Councilmember Vitelli said he does not
see any need for an environmental review of this project.
Mrs. Kahn asked for clarification on the roadway speeds.
Ms. McDermott said Lemay Lake Road currently exists in
MnDOT's right of way. Ms. McDermott said she is going to
request that Mn.DOT return that right of way back to the City
so the City will have control of it. Right now, if the City
wants them to look at the speed, but it could take quite some
time. Ms. McDermott said she agrees that 45 -mph is high
for this roadway.
Mrs. Kahn asked about the tree density and the trees
damaged due to oak wilt. Mr. Coyle explained to her the
process of the tree removal.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
March 6, 2007
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Councilmember Duggan complimented Mrs. Kahn for her
excellent questions and concerns, and demonstrating
outstanding citizenship and stewardship.
Councilmember Duggan congratulated St. Thomas Academy
on their recent athletic successes. He informed Council that
the Wine Market and Sage Bar have two excellent
advertisements in magazines. He informed the audience that
the Wine Market and Sage Bar will be holding an Italian
wine and dinner on March 19.
Councilmember Duggan stated that Dave Herridge sent a
letter regarding transportation to the City and suggested this
letter be sent to the Planning Commissioners as they start
preparations for the comprehensive plan.
Councilmember Duggan expressed congratulations to all the
newly appointed commissioners, as well as the newly elected
Chair Chris Dolan and Vice Chair Joe Lally on the Planning
There being no further business to come before
Councilmember Vitelli moved to adjourn the City Council
meeting to closed session for discussion on the police
department labor contract. Councilmember Duggan
seconded the motion.
Time of Adjournment: 8:45 p.m.
AT'1'.E✓S Recording Secretary